So Far Gone | sequel to NWTS

By MsFanfictional

96.2K 3.1K 468

Drake and Jasmine Graham are back and they're now married with two kids. Jasmine and Drake were madly in love... More

So Far Gone ( Sequel to: NWTS )
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
New story

Part 17

2.8K 108 12
By MsFanfictional

- recap -

"I heard daddy yelling and you crying." she said giving Drake the evil eyes.

"Everything's all fine." I said.

Everything was gonna be fine for now.

So far gone that nothing will ever be the same.

- reality -

Drake's POV

"I have a idea." my mom said pacing around the bed room.

"Jasmine and I are doing fine we don't need any help." I said laying down on the bed.

"Everything is not fine with you two! I have been through this with your dad I don't want the same thing happening to you two." she said.

Since my mom heard us arguing yesterday while Jasmine is gone with the kids she's trying to think of some ideas to try to fix us.

I sighed. "Okay what's your idea." I said.

"How about you two go on a vacation!" she said stopping to stare at me for my reaction.

Going on a vacation was a good idea. It would give us time to talk and time to enjoy each others company.

"I like that idea." I said with a smile.

"Finally , you agreed on something." she said.

"I have the perfect place that we could go." I said getting up and grabbing my phone.

I had to make a call or two.


Jasmine's POV

When I walked into the house it was completely quiet.

"Mommy is daddy home?" Yasmine asked.

"I guess not." I said putting Elijah down on the floor.

Elijah was walking now but he still doesn't talk much. He has only said "Da da" and that's all. I think there's something going on with him but I don't want to think like that.

"Come on Elijah lets play with some toys!" Yasmine said holding out her hand for him.

He walked over to her and grabbed her hand.

It was so cute I had to snap a picture.

Hand in hand they walked into the living room where their toys were scattered every where.

I walked upstairs and down the hall to the room.

I walked in to see Sandi sitting down in a chair.

"Jasmine I have something to tell you." she said getting up.

"What is it?" I asked her.

Before Sandi could say something Drake said "I'll tell her."

Sandi nodded and walked out the room.

"What do you wanna tell me." I said with a confused look.

"We are going to Hawaii." he said.

"Are you serious?" I asked him.

"Dead serious." he said.

"Yesss! I freaking love Hawaii!" I said jumping into his arms.

"I know." he said kissing my forehead.

"How did you know?" I asked looking up at him.

"How could I forget that you loved Hawaii and always wanted to go there." he said.

I smiled. He's starting to remember some things.


How do you think the trip is gonna go?

Do you think Drake is gonna get all his memory back or naw?

Comment your answers below.

Vote.Comment.Follow me for more.

Xoxo - Msfanfictional 💞

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