Say you won't let go....

By srinihitha

1.1K 182 25

Join in the journey of love, where two soul's meet in an unpredictable situation and fall's in love with each... More

A Meet With The Chathurvedi's
Was It A Coincidence??
I Will Protect You
A Span of Relief
The Captivators And The Foodie
Who is it??
Growing Feelings
An Escape
Teaming up


142 17 8
By srinihitha

The sun rays fill the room with bright morning light. Kalya shifts in her sleep pulling the comforter over her face to avoid the sun rays that  fall on her face.She was just about drown into slumber again as soft paws stroked her face over the comforter. Kalya's lips broke into a small smile as she recognizes the touch of her love, her cupcake (a Saint Bernard). She removed the comforter from her face and that was enough for her cupcake to pounce on her and lick her face. She chuckled at him and took him into her arms, resting her head on the bed rest while she sat folding her legs. She kissed him on the top of his head to which he barked in happiness and leaped onto the bed and started moving in circles while his tail danced in the air. This was one of cupcake's habits of showing that he was happy. The silence of the room was now filled with Kalya's laughter at cupcake's antics. After dancing for some time cupcake brought a ball towards Kalya which he had brought with him to her room before waking her up. He threw the ball towards Kalya asking her to play with him. Kalya caught the ball understanding her cupcake's intention. They both spent some alone time, playing, giggling and lots of licking which Kalya enjoyed to the fullest.

Their fun was disturbed with a knock on the door. Kalya stood from the bed, lifting cupcake into her arms and walked towards the door all the while stroking cupcakes head. Kalya opened the door to find her maid Mary. Mary wished her with a good morning and for the New Year, to which Kalya smiled and wished her back. Mary informed her that her parents are waiting for her at the dining table, so that they could have their breakfast together.

It was the Sharma's daily routine, to have breakfast together every day. It is the only time they get to spend with their family as they would all be busy maintaining the Sharma Group of industries. They would never miss their family moment for anything.

Kalya got dressed in a long frock and put up her hair in a messy bun. Her dress matched her turquoise eyes intensifying her beauty.

She reached the dining table and back hugged her dad Sanjay taking him in a surprise. Regaining his composure he kissed his princess on her head. They enjoyed their father- daughter time until Kalya's mother Smita interrupted them. She ran to her mother and hugged her, whispering "I love you mom" in her ear.

Kalya is their only child and an over pampered brat. She always had what she wanted and has never heard a 'No' for an answer. Though she was over pampered she never used her parents love in any wrong ways. She is a sweet and an innocent girl who cares for every one she knew. That has earned her a very loving family and friends.

This character of Kalya has made Sanjay worry about her and made him protective over her. As her innocence may become bait for his rivals to reach him. So he made sure that Kalya is always safe by appointing security agents who followed her everywhere. But he made sure that Kalya did not know anything about this, as he did not want his daughter to mistake his love for her as skepticism.

The Sharma's finished their breakfast with the continuous blabbering of Kalya about the last night's party. Kalya always shared her happiness with her parents and always kept her problems to herself though no major problems reached to her as her protective father and her over protective friends were always on guard.

As Mr. Sharma was about to leave for his work, he reminded Smita about the party that they have to attend in the evening. He also told Kalya that he wanted her to come with them if she did not have any other plans, to which Kalya immediately agreed. Her family was always her first priority. They never restricted her from her happiness and have given her immense freedom, which she has never misused. And it was her duty to spend time with them and share her love to them and take care of them.

Sanjay quickly hugged both Smita and Kalya, while Kalya kissed him and wished for him to have a nice day ahead, she hugged him back. Later Sanjay left for his work leaving Kalya and Smita to have a mother-daughter time, where Kalya was the naughtiest kid one can imagine.

The mother and daughter were having a chit-chat when Kalya asked her mother about the party that they have to attend in the evening. Smita told her that the party is being thrown by the Chathurvedi's, who were their equal competitors in the business, but never showed any sort of rivalry and has maintained very good relationship with them. Kalya interrupted her mother saying "I have met some of father's business friends but I have not met the Chathurvedi's even once how was that possible. I have not even heard their name until now." Smita told Kalya that, though the Chathurvedi's were friendly it was only unto business they have never maintained friendship outside. It is the first time they are socializing with their business opponents.

Though Smita does not work or involve in any of the business matter's that her husband and daughter maintain she always had knowledge on what was happening in their business empire. She knew about all the clients that approach them and all the projects that they deal with. She is not just a normal home maker but was also a business analyst. She even worked in the upbringing of the Sharma group of industries. But has given up after the birth of Kalya, as she wanted to cherish every moment of her daughter's childhood.

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