Right to the Night

By Snakehipping-Tom

203K 5.9K 3.2K

After the events of the Dark World, Loki has ascended the throne claiming that Thor has abandoned his people... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Seven

5.7K 166 137
By Snakehipping-Tom

 Elisabete stood in line for roll call. The throne room was already cramped with all the chairs and tables that would be organized for tonight's feast. She watched as Sanit barked orders at the servants as they prepped the room. Loki gave his speech on how everything was to go perfectly tonight and that if there was one little mishap, he would deduct money from their pay. Elisabete had never seen Loki act like this. The only other times she had was when he met with his war advisors to talk about the matters of the realm to try and keep any rebellious forces down and keep the other realms safe. She knew those matters would warrant his stress, but she didn't understand why he was so tightly wound up over Sanit. She knew Sanit was just his mistress, and nothing more. She was above her in rank but below her in morals. Elisabete felt indifferent towards Sanit. She understood her pain yet disliked how she went about things. She was well aware, through, of the fact that Sanit had ulterior motives to everything she did or said.

Loki dismissed the maids and Elisabete took a step forward as he turned to face her. He told her that she and a few other maids are to stay after their shift to help serve the guests at the feast. They will stay after to clean up the throne room from the mess that the guests will surely leave. He put her in charge of the maids and Elisabete told him he won't have to worry about a thing.

"I trust that you will do a good job tonight. This feast is very important to me." Loki told her.

"I am aware of that, my king. I have not seen you this worked up since the land dispute between Vanaheim and Alfheim." Elisabete reminisced, chuckling at the memory.

"Ah, yes, I remember that. Those were stressful times. However, tonight is even more important than that. I need you on your best behavior and making sure that everything gets done the way that Sanit wants it. Do you understand, girl?" Loki told her.

"I do, my king. I can promise that everything will run smoothly tonight." Elisabete replied.

"Good. You are dismissed." Loki spoke.

Elisabete bowed her head and quickly exited the room to get to her tasks. Loki watched her as she left and clenched his jaw in frustration. Sanit looked over at him and narrowed her eyes at him, following his gaze towards the door. She then snapped her head back to look at him and pace in his direction. As he turned to face her, she slowed her pace, put on a smile, and laid her hands on his shoulders once she reached him. Sanit kissed his cheek sweetly and giggled as she pulled away.

"Thank you for this evening." Sanit grinned.

"It is no trouble at all, Sanit. Anything for you." Loki told her.

Sanit flinched upon hearing his last sentence and chuckled to cover it up.

"I also appreciate your gift." Sanit spoke softly.

"You saw the dress?" Loki asked.

"You left it in the closet in plain view. How was I not supposed to see it?" Sanit retorted.

"Excuse me for a moment." Loki spoke quickly as he stalked out of the room.

Sanit clenched her fists and glared at him as she watched him walk away. But, nothing could put her in a bitter mood for she had finally gotten the card she needed and would be playing it later tonight. Everything was perfectly set up for her and Loki.

Loki angrily made his way down the halls. He burst through the kitchen doors and all the maids jumped in surprise. They immediately bowed their heads when they registered who it was. Elisabete was off to the side and kept her head towards the ground as she stood back up. She held the bowl of ingredients in her hands tightly as she waited to see what it was he wanted from them. He demanded where Elisabete was and she widened her eyes in shock, picking her head up as well. Elisabete spoke up softly and she gasped as Loki ripped the bowl from her hands and practically threw it onto the table. He then grasped her forearm and pulled her out of the room. She gasped in pain and struggled against his grip. Loki furrowed his brow feeling her struggle for she had never done so before. Not knowing what to do, he let her go and she sighed with relief as she rubbed her arm.

"Is something wrong, my king?" Elisabete asked.

"When you put on the dress last night, where did you put it?" Loki inquired.

"Back in the closet where I got it from." Elisabete replied.

"And did you put it back where I had placed it or in a new spot?" Loki questioned her.

"I-In a new spot, my king." Elisabete told him.

Loki rolled his eyes as he shook his head and rubbed his eyes.

"You told me to put it back and so I did." Elisabete continued.

"Where I had placed it, Sanit would never have seen it. But since you moved it, she has seen the dress and the surprise I had for her is ruined. How could you have done such a thing like that?" Loki fumed.

"I'm sorry, my king. You had just instructed me to put it away and so I did." Elisabete apologized.

"Oh, do not make it seem as though this is my fault." Loki scoffed.

"I am not, my king. I'm simply restating what you told me to do. That's it. I'm not blaming you. I'm in the wrong, my king. I'm so very sorry. I had no idea." Elisabete explained to him.

Loki glanced over her face and could see the fright in her eyes. Knowing of what he had did to her in these past few days, he wanted her to relax. Although he loved how fearful she was of him, he wanted her to find solace in him. He wanted her to see him as a friend. As much as I he loved teasing and frightening her, he desperately wanted her to be his friend. He felt he could be his true self around her. She understood him, knew his likes and dislikes, and was devoted to him as his maid. Truthfully, Loki didn't know what he'd ever do without Elisabete. Some days, he woke up only because he knew he'd be seeing her face. As king of Asgard, he had developed more enemies than friends, or more like acquaintances.

Elisabete cowered from him, fearing he'd yell at her, or punish her once more. Yet, the soft look in his eyes made Elisabete see the regret that he felt. Elisabete furrowed her brow as she waited for him to speak. She wanted him to apologize for his actions and that she is not at fault. She strived to please Loki and make sure he was content with everything she'd done throughout the day before she left to go back home. But, there was a part of Elisabete that never wanted to return home. Back home, she had no prospects. All she had were ailing parents and a future destined for nothing. In the palace, she had become acquainted with all the vanities it had to offer. She may never have gotten a chance to engage in them, but she knew of their existence and watched others as they drank from golden cups, danced new styles, and wore exquisite gowns to lavish balls. Elisabete kept pushing away those thoughts but trying on Sanit's dress brought them all back. She had finally engaged in one vanity and she wanted more. She hated having to admit it to herself, but a part of her loathed her current state. She despised being a maid for she knew that's all she'd ever be. And Elisabete knew that Loki had the power to change her fate. He held her life in his hands and he held her delicately, as if he were cradling a small bird. He'd never hurt her while he held her. In return for his appreciation, Elisabete did her best to please him. Her work served as thank you to him to show her love and loyalty to him.

As their eyes met, they found themselves in the same situation as they were in last night. Neither one knew what to say, but they spoke with their eyes. His eyes mesmerized Elisabete and she found it hard to read his expression as he stared at her. Loki gazed deeply into her wide eyes and found himself at a loss for words. She almost always made him at a loss for words when she gazed into his eyes. They had never done so before in the past, but now, more than often, they caught one another's gazes. It frightened and intrigued Loki knowing that she had this power over him. Each respected and appreciated one another, but in their own special ways, however, they acted this way for the same shared reason: love.

"It's alright," Loki spoke, breaking the silence, and the eye contact. "You can continue with your duties. I'm sorry to have disturbed you."

"Thank you, my king." Elisabete bowed her head.

Elisabete walked back into the kitchens and closed the doors behind her. As she closed them, she slowly looked up through the crack in the door and spotted him, standing tall with his hands at his sides and his eyes firmly fixed on hers. She gasped softly as she shut the doors and took a deep breath before going back to her work.

Loki hated the way she made him feel. She made him remember feelings from when he was younger, when he was innocent and unaware of who he truly was. That old life of his was a lie and he despised the fact that Elisabete made him feel like a younger version of himself. When she was around him, he felt happier. Although it did not show on his face, he felt it in his chest and in his stomach. He loathed what she made him feel, but he could never hate her. She was the only pure thing in his life and he would do everything in his power to protect her. He took a deep breath before walking back to the throne room.

When he re-entered the room, Sanit eyed him up and down as she put her hands on her hips. Loki knew she was going to question his whereabouts, and he already had a lie prepared to tell her. Not only did he find her stubbornness annoying, her constant need to know every detail of his life was the worst part about her. He despised the fact that she did not trust him at all.

"Where did you run off to?" Sanit asked him.

"I was checking over the guest list to make sure it was in order." Loki replied.

"How thoughtful of you. Well, I better go prepare myself for tonight. Which maids are to attend me tonight?" Sanit inquired.

"Iona and Elisabete." Loki spoke.

Sanit's eyes widened as she chuckled and shook her head.

"I think you're mistaken, I asked-"

"I am not mistaken, Sanit," Loki interjected, gritting his teeth together. "I have assigned Iona and Elisabete to you for the night. They will care to your needs make sure that you look your best for the evening."

"Is it too late to switch them out?" Sanit asked.

"Yes. Now, I will hear no more complaints from you. Be grateful I'm even throwing this feast for you in the first place. Good day. I will see you tonight." Loki explained as he stormed out of the room.

Sanit cursed under her breath as the throne room doors slammed shut. She knew Loki was straying from her and she knew she would be able to wrap him around her finger. She knew he could offer her a life of stability. In their game of cards, all that remained in Sanit's hands was one little card that held all the power to win the game. Then, all of the power would be transferred to her and nobody would be standing in her way.

Towards the middle of the day, a servant stopped by the maids's quarters to give Iona and Elisabete their ceremonial attire for the feast. The dresses were plain and still showed their low status. Their color was white, to contrast with Sanit's black gown, a corset was built into the dress to give their bodies shape, and a black, braided belt was tied around the waist. Their sleeves and legs were completely covered while the neckline was a little low for Elisabeth's liking. The two quickly put on their dresses and fixed one another's hair. Elisabete watched as Iona applied some make-up to her face. Iona laughed when she realized Elisabete was staring at her.

"Don't just stand there. Come and sit next to me." Iona told her.

Elisabete took the empty seat at her side and watched her through the mirror. Iona rolled her eyes as she put her hand down and narrowed her eyes at Elisabete.

"When I asked you to sit, I assumed you would put on some make-up and not continue to stare." Iona pointed out.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think that would be to my king's liking." Elisabete told her.

"And how would you know?" Iona scoffed.

"I once wore color on my lips and he demanded I remove it." Elisabete replied.

"Hmm, that seems like an odd thing for him to do," Iona sighed. "Nonetheless, when I am finished, I am going to do your face."

"Iona, please, that's not necessary-"

"I'm doing it, Elisabete," Iona interjected cheerfully. "I'll make it look as though you're wearing none at all. He won't know the difference. He's a man."

"Oh, I don't know." Elisabete muttered.

"Elisabete, live a little. Trust me. It'll be alright. Sometimes, you have to be a little bit bad. That's just how life is. It isn't always good, you know. You need both the bad and the good to balance the world. If we only had good, or we only had bad, our lives would be unfulfilled. No one would be happy because either everything works on in their favor and they have to earn what they want, or because everything is terrible and they cannot go on. Listen to what I'm telling you. Live a little." Iona explained to Elisabete.

Sanit was sitting at her vanity in Loki's chambers, staring at herself in the mirror. She softly dragged her fingers across her skin, hating the age lines that ruined her once youthful face. She spent most of her life travelling the realms, exploring new locations, and sleeping with every man who gave her a nice compliment. But, it was her life and that was how she had chosen to spend it, even though it made her feel unsatisfied with herself. Not much gave her joy anymore, not even a good drink. Although it was an unsatisfying life to live, she knew she'd enjoy it better than living here for the rest of her life. She could never be tied down, but it was her only choice if she wanted to live a stable life. She had spent all her earnings on travelling and knew that Loki's feelings for her were still there. Sanit knew that Loki would do anything he could for her. The only thing that Sanit had going for her was the hope that she could live like a queen, surrounded by riches until her days on this realm were done.

Sanit clasped her bracelet around her wrist before hearing three knocks on the door.

"Come in!" Sanit called out.

Elisabete and Iona entered the room and Sanit narrowed her eyes as she looked them up and down.

"I guess you're here to attend to me now." Sanit sighed.

"We are, my lady." Elisabete replied.

"I instruct you both to not speak once during my feast. You are to simply obey whatever it is I ask of you and will do it. I do not wish to hear one word from your lips. Is that understood?" Sanit explained.

Iona and Elisabete looked at one another and then turned their heads towards Sanit as they nodded their heads.

"Good. Let's get going, shall we. They're waiting." Sanit told them.

Elisabete and Iona walked a few feet behind Sanit as they made their way to the throne room. As they got closer, the sounds of the guests conversing and laughing could be heard throughout the halls. Before entering, Sanit turned to face the two and Elisabete and Iona stopped in their tracks.

"When I enter, you are to leave me be and not follow me around like some dogs. Only if I approach you, will you come to me." Sanit advised them.

Elisabete Iona bowed their heads and Sanit continued on her way to the throne room. As the guards opened the doors, Elisabete's eyes widened upon seeing the transformation that the throne room had gone under. Her eyes wandered around the room, taking every little thing in. She and Iona moved towards the wall as Sanit walked down the steps into the feast. Elisabete smiled brightly when her eyes landed on guests dancing together as the musicians played their instruments, creating a lively atmosphere. The guests all appeared happy with wide smiles on their faces as they laughed, drank, and danced the night away. Elisabete desperately wanted to engage in the activities around her. All she wanted to do was dance, but, she could be severely punished if she did. During one of his parties, Elisabete had seen two maids drink from the guests unfinished glasses. They had gotten caught and Loki had replaced them the very next day. She knew that this night was important to him and she wouldn't want to do anything to ruin it.

Her eyes looked straight ahead and they fell upon the throne, where Loki was seated. He was surveying the crowds from his throne, with his arms resting on the armrests and his legs spread wide. His smirk clearly evident on his face as he looked at all the guests dancing around him. The sight was a marvel to behold. The women's lavish gowns twirling about as they moved, the candles illuminating the room spectacularly, and the light and airy music was enough to put everyone into a good mood, even if they did not want to attend based on who the feast was for. Elisabete watched him as he moved in his seat. As the dance ended, Loki clapped his hands together as he laughed merrily.

His eyes then glanced over at Elisabete and he did a double take as he looked at her. He smiled to himself and bowed his head at her. Elisabete's eyes widened in shock at his action. She then bowed her head towards him and kept her eyes on the floor. She knew what would happen if she kept her head up. Loki's jaw clenched as he kept his gaze firmly fixed on Elisabete. Her petite body was framed beautifully in the simple, but elegant dress. He had specifically picked out the attire for the maids knowing she'd look magnificent in it. He did admit that Elisabete looked well in the dress for Sanit too, but it was not meant for her. It did not fit her personality. The gown was as black as sin and Elisabete was far from that. She was virginal and pure to his eyes. Loki wanted her to envision it at all times with everything she did. He wished for Elisabete to stay the innocent girl she was for as long as she could. He had never meant anyone as faithful and loyal as her, even after she became fully aware of all his wrongdoings. She stayed by his side and would remain there until she died. After some time, Loki's eyes wandered away from her and landed on Sanit as she walked up the small steps to his throne. She sauntered towards him and giggled as she sat down in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"How do you like the feast?" Loki inquired, as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

Elisabete took a deep breath before looking up from the floor. Her brow furrowed when she saw Loki wrap his arm around Sanit as she seated herself in his lap. His eyes gleamed with delight as he looked up at her. She leaned in towards him and laid a kiss to his cheek, her breasts within inches of his face. She then laid a deep kiss to his lips and Elisabete watched as he pulled her to his body. She then gasped as Loki quickly snapped his head towards her and she put her head down, biting her lip.

He furrowed his brow as he looked over at her and his eyes were taken from her as Sanit grasped his chin and turned his head to face her.

"I absolutely love it. It's perfect, Loki. It's everything I could have ever asked for." Sanit replied as she put on a pout.

"Well, this is everything you've asked for." Loki chuckled.

"Oh, you know what I mean," Sanit beamed. "Someone is going to get very lucky tonight."

"Go and dance, Sanit." Loki told her.

"Only if you dance with me." Sanit smiled.

"I am not in the mood for dancing at the moment. Save a dance for me later in the evening. Go and enjoy yourself. After all, this feast is for you." Loki told her.

Sanit's smiled faded as she bowed her head and quickly evacuated herself from his lap. She angrily stormed off to the dance floor. Loki watched Sanit as she joined the guests and danced with one of the noblemen from court. Loki couldn't help but notice how bubbly and light she appeared when in the man's arms. She hadn't appeared that way with him since she had returned to Asgard. She glowed in the light of the candles and Loki knew something was off. He leaned back on the throne and rubbed his index finger along his lips as he looked over at Elisabete with hooded eyes. His smile was covered by his fingers and he longed for her to pick her head back up so he could stare into her bewitching eyes.

Sanit looked up at Loki as she danced to make sure he was watching. When she noticed his eyes were not on hers, she excused herself from her partner and followed the gaze of his eyes. She clenched her fists at her sides and snapped her head to face Loki, gritting her teeth together when his eyes did not remove themselves from their view. Sanit stomped up the steps and Loki raised his brow as he scoffed, taking note of Sanit's contorted face.

"You did not give me everything I put on that list." Sanit told him.

Loki immediately took note of what she meant and his expression faded. His facial features were stone cold as he stared up at Sanit, not saying a word. He then turned his head from her to watch the guests as they danced. When the dance had ended, Loki clapped for them as a new one began. Sanit gripped Loki's wrist before he could put it down from clapping and she put her face close to his as she glared at him. Loki narrowed his eyes at her as he pushed her back from him, making her release his grip. Sanit pressed down her dress as Loki glared daggers at her.

Elisabete watched as he pushed her away and she furrowed her brow, wondering what had taken place only a few moments ago. She watched as Sanit's lips moved quickly. The expression on Sanit's face made Elisabete realize she was upset with Loki about something. The expression on Loki's face made Elisabete realize that he seemed about ready to kill someone.

"You deny me our dance and yet you would rather stare at her than me the whole night? When this feast is for me? You put this on for me!" Sanit exclaimed.

"Yes, I did. I put on a feast for you that I did not want to put on in the first place. Our guests may appear to be having a good time but that is only because they have good music and good wine. They are not happy because you are the subject of this feast. They'd rather hang themselves than celebrate you." Loki barked at Sanit.

Sanit's eyes widened as she clenched her jaw together. She scoffed as she nodded her head and looked down at the floor.

"Well...tell me something I don't already know," Sanit told him. "Of course I know they'd rather hang themselves than celebrate the king's whore."

"You are not a whore, Sanit-"

"Oh, but I am...and you are well aware of that. Call me what I am, Loki. I'm nothing but a dirty whore to these people...and to you...and to her. I sleep with you just to get my fix." Sanit interjected harshly.

"Listen to me, Sanit. You are not a whore to me or to her. If any one of these court members refers to you as a whore in my presence, I would gladly cut their heads off to maintain your reputation. I know you have stayed true to me during these times." Loki told her.

"Have you not heard the rumors then?" Sanit scoffed.

"I have, and to me, they are just rumors. None of them can be true when you love me. I do not believe you have slept with hundreds of men during these years, or that you slept with my brother. They are not true." Loki explained.

Sanit nodded her head and sighed as she leaned close to his face. She giggled quietly before laying a kiss to his lips.

"I do love you, you impudent knave." Sanit muttered against his lips.

It pained Sanit to even say those words.

"Now, go and have fun. This night, after all, is for you, my love." Loki told her.

Sanit flinched upon hearing "my love" and nodded her head as she walked back onto the dance floor. As the rest of the night progressed, Iona and Elisabete grew bored just standing by the walls.

"Come on, no one will notice if we leave." Iona whispered.

"One person will." Elisabete replied.

"And who would that be?" Iona chuckled.

"The king." Elisabete told her.

"The king? Please, he's never once taken his eye from his mistress." Iona laughed.

Elisabete furrowed her brow as she looked up at Iona. How had she not seen Loki's gaze on Elisabete. Then she remembered. Iona had been watching the trays of drinks go by, making sure no maid or servant slipped a quick sip. After a while, the lively music was no more and the tune was more depressing than ever. Sanit stood by Loki's side and looked down at him.

"Please, urge those musicians to play something better or threaten to hang them if they do not." Sanit complained.

Loki stood from his throne, causing all the guests to stop what they were doing, as well as the musicians. Iona and Elisabete looked over towards him to listen to what he was going to say.

"Musicians, play us a more lively tune, like the ones before. Haven't you noticed that no one is dancing? No one could even win a dancing tournament with that sad music." Loki laughed.

Then, it hit her. Sanit smirked as she remembered what Elisabete had told her. This was how she would embarrass Elisabete in front of Loki. Sanit tapped Loki's shoulder and smiled brightly.

"I want to watch someone dance for me." Sanit announced.

"Oh? And who would that be, my love?" Loki asked.

Sanit looked around the room, seeing the fear written on the guests's face as she glanced over them, not wanting to be picked. Sanit remembered how Elisabete told her she had not danced for years. She would make a fool of herself and all the other guests would laugh and ridicule her for years to come. Sanit looked over at Elisabete and smiled brightly.

"Elisabete." Sanit spoke loudly.

Her name echoed throughout the room and Elisabete snapped her head up as her eyes widened.

"My maid?" Loki inquired.

"Mhmm. She's told me about how wonderful of a dancer she is. I'd love to see her do a dance for me. She'll do it...won't she?" Sanit told him.

Loki and Sanit, as well as the other guests, all turned to look at Elisabete. She swore she was going to faint with everyone's eyes on her.

"Come forward, girl. Don't be shy now." Loki told her.

Elisabete was pushed forward by Iona and she glared daggers at her as Iona giggled to herself. She took a deep breath before walking towards the dance floor. All the other guests made room for her and she looked up at Sanit and Loki. She smirked mischievously at Elisabete while Loki's stare appeared sympathetic.

"She's told me she's won competitions in her village. How sweet. Musicians, play her a wonderful, little tune. How about...Drottning Contillion?" Sanit told them.

"But, my lady, that's a two person dance." Elisabete spoke up.

"Didn't I tell you not to speak to me unless I approached you first?" Sanit snapped.

Loki glared over his shoulder at Sanit as she clapped her hands towards the musicians.

"Play the piece. Now, let's watch her dance, shall we. I cannot wait to see how you'll amaze me, darling." Sanit smiled.

Elisabete looked around the room and she gasped softly as she heard the violins begin to play their solo. As she listened to them, she stood in place, trying to remember the steps without a partner. She closed her eyes and muttered the steps to herself trying to find the right place to start, but she was taken from her thoughts when she heard some of the guests around her begin to chuckle. She opened her eyes and looked up at Loki, pleading with him to tell the musicians to stop and end her torture. However, much to her delight, Loki mouthed the words "go on", and Elisabete bit her lip as she began to dance. As the lutes were beginning their piece with the violins and the music picked up to a fast pace, Elisabete quickly moved her feet with precision as one of the musicians yelled "hey". Her feet moved on the dance floor as light as air, never once appearing to touch the floor. Her arms moved at her sides as she spun. As her dance continued, she smiled brightly and laughed merrily as she once herself again. She got comfortable in the steps and allowed her entire body to go free.

Loki furrowed his brow as he watched her intently, memorizing how her body moved on the floor. He had never seen Elisabete as happy as she was in that one moment. Just seeing her bright smile made him grin with delight knowing she was having a wonderful time.

Elisabete looked up at Sanit and Loki and stopped in her steps as she saw the ghastly look on Sanit's face. The crowd awed in discontent as Elisabete stopped her dancing, although the musicians continued.

"I'm sorry, my lady, but this is a two person dance and I cannot continue without a partner!" Elisabete spoke over the musicians, making an excuse to try and please Sanit.

"Fine. Who will dance with the lowly maid!" Sanit called out.

The musicians had paused the music and Elisabete looked around the crowd. She then knew Sanit had set her up. She knew Elisabete was going to object and then call for someone to dance with her, and who would dance with a lowly maid. Elisabete put her head down and turned to walk off the dance floor when someone spoke up.

"I will dance with her." Loki announced.

Sanit's eyes widened as she turned to face him. Her jaw dropped as she shook her head at him.

"You will not." Sanit whispered harshly.

"I said I will. Now, shut up and watch. After all, you asked for this." Loki retorted.

Loki walked down onto the dance floor and Elisabete slowly turned to face him. When he was inches away from her, Elisabete shook her head and looked down at the floor.

"Please, my king, you do not have to do this just because no one else will. I understand why they won't." Elisabete told him softly.

"Nonsense, girl. I want to do this." Loki smiled. "Musicians! Continue!"

Elisabete gasped as Loki wrapped an arm around her body and pulled him to her chest. She shuddered as he took her right hand in his left and she laid her left hand on his shoulder. Loki leaned in towards her ear and grinned to himself.

"Follow my lead, girl." Loki whispered.

When he pulled back, he scoffed seeing her eyes glued to the floor. He then placed his fingers under her chin and pushed her head up.

"You know this dance requires the partners to look into each other's eyes, otherwise they would get very dizzy." Loki told her.

"I know, my king." Elisabete sighed.

The musicians began to vocalize and the music picked up to its fast pace one more time. Loki began the steps and Elisabete was a taken off guard before getting into the steps. After a few seconds, Loki and Elisabete danced in sync together around the dance floor. Their bodies moved as one and Elisabete could not deny how wonderful it felt to be in his arms. Not once did she dare take her eyes from his. She felt obligated to keep them there. Soon enough, they spun around on the dance floor, almost like a waltz, and all the guests, except for Sanit, clapped their hands together to the beat of the music. As the music picked up, Loki leaned forward to Elisabete and smirked.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"With my life." Elisabete replied quickly.

"Hold on then." Loki smiled.

Elisabete furrowed her brow and gasped as Loki picked her up into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her eyes widened in fear as Loki laid her down forward, holding her waist. As he spun around on the floor, Elisabete let her arms fall to her sides and laughed merrily as all the guests cheered and clapped together. When the music was beginning to come to an end, Loki placed Elisabete back on the floor, and spun her a few times before the last strum of the lute was heard and the two stood on the dance floor, panting, as they caught their breaths. As all the guests cheered them on and exclaimed their praise, the two looked over at one another and smiled brightly. Loki was the first to let her hand go and Elisabete sighed as he walked back over to his throne.

"Let us all give a hand to the talented girl." Loki announced.

Elisabete blushed as all the guests clapped for her and she curtsied as she went to step off the dance floor, but Sanit's voice being heard caused her to stop in her steps.

"I have my own announcement to make!" Sanit chuckled.

"And what is it?" Loki asked.

Sanit stared Elisabete down as she smirked triumphantly. The time had come for her to use her final card to win the game.

"I have just discovered yesterday that Loki and I will be having an heir to the throne!" Sanit exclaimed joyfully.

As the crowd clapped, Elisabete felt her world shattering around her. She couldn't believe Sanit was pregnant. In her eyes, this meant that Loki would marry her to ensure the legitimacy of the child. Elisabete bit her lip to keep from breaking down and stormed out of the throne room.

Upon hearing the news, Loki's eyes widened as he faced Sanit and furrowed his brow. He had told her several times in the past that it was impossible for him to conceive, given his heritage. He was more in shock than in delight over the news.

Sanit turned to face him and scoffed as she smirked at him.

"And that's how the game is to be played." Sanit giggled.  

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