One Dream. One Reality. Com...

By BlueEyesBeast290

546 43 24

Don't you ever wish that your dreams would come true. Well this came true for a girl named Kristine. Read to... More

First day at school.
They meet.
His type
Love at Frist Sight.
They find out.
The assembly.
Life takes a turn

Friends become enemys.

60 4 0
By BlueEyesBeast290

Gavin: Don't look so surprised.
Jenna and Macie: ............
Gavin: Bye ladies. Come on Kristine, let's go. (Grabs her hand and pulls her with him.)
Jenna: ..............
Macie: ..............
Jenna: Did he just say he likes Kristine?
Macie: He did. Why? Why her?
Jenna: I don't know, but I WILL find out.
Macie: How?
Jenna: I have my ways.
Macie: Well. Who ever finds out first, gets him.
Jenna: Deal. I'm going to win.
Macie: Dream on.
Jenna: I won't have to. You will!
Macie: One other thing you'll have to dream on about.
Jenna: Whatever.

Kristine: Well they are the worst friends in the history of friends.
Gavin: True that. Oh well. At lest we have each other.
Kristine: Yeah. And that's all I need.
Gavin: Me too.
Kristine: What now?
Gavin: I don't know.

*Bell rings*

Gavin: How about go to class.
Kristine: sound good to me. Let's go.

*English class*

Gavin: Will you sit by me?
Kristine: Of course.

English goes by fast.

Kristine: Now onto Math.
Gavin: Okay. Let's go.

Mrs. Call: Hi everyone. Today we will be doing a team project. To start, you all need to find a partner be as quick as possible because the activity will take a while.
Kristine: Me and you.
Gavin: Of course.
Macie: Hey Gavin, will you be my partner?
Gavin: Sorry Macie, but, Kristine and I are partners.
Macie: What!  That's not far. You guys are always together!
Kristine: And your point is?
Macie: Kristine! Stay out of this! This is between me and my future boyfriend!
Gavin: No! I am not going to be your future boyfriend!
Macie: You never know what the future my hold. And my future is with you.
Gavin: You and I will never happen. My future is what I choose and I don't choose you as my future girlfriend.
Macie: Oh you will. I'll make sure of it. Kristine you had better watch your back cuz I'm coming for you.
Kristine: Oh, I'm so scared. What are you going to do to me.
Macie: You will regret this. Mark my words.
Kristine: I can't there not on paper so I can't mark them.
Gavin: Hahaha. Good one my dear.
Macie: Uhhhhh! (Storms off to find another partner.)
Mrs. Call: Who does not have a partner yet?
Macie: Me.
Mrs. Call: Okay. Any one else.
So Macie, we'll have to put you with a group.
Macie: Can I join Kristine and Gavin?
Mrs. Call: Sure.
Macie: Thanks.
Mrs. Call: Now we won't finish today so keep a hold of this paper I'm heading out now. And once you get it get in you partners.
Gavin: Shall we go in the corner behind us?
Kristine: Yeah.
Macie: Hey guys.
Kristine: Can we help you?
Macie: Nope. You can't. I'm going to be in your group.
Gavin: Uh. Couldn't you going in with Karly and Cherish? Why do you want to join us.
Macie: Cuz I wanted-
Kristine: To be with Gavin so you could push me away and you move in. We get it you like him, but you need to equal out the time you spend with your friends and your crush.
Gavin: I agree.
Macie: Fine you got me there and there's nothing you can do about it. Gavin you will be mine. Not Kristine's, not Jenna's, all mine.
Gavin: So not true. Kristine has my heart and no one is taking it away from her.
Macie: You say that now but it will be mine.
Gavin: Over my dead body.
Kristine: That's enough! Let's just get to work. I hope it doesn't come to that.
Gavin: Your right. And don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.
Kristine: Good.
Macie: Whatever. Do I have to work too?
Kristine and Gavin: Yes.
Macie: Fine.
(Time passes and they are on the last problem.)
Kristine: Okay. What is the probability of drawing a red marble from a bag of 6 green, 4 blue, and 1 red?
*Bell rings*
Gavin: Well, I guess we'll have to finish tomorrow. Shall we Kristine?
Macie: Hey, what about me?
Gavin: You have English next and me and Kristine's next classes are at the other end of the school.
Macie: Fine. Bye. See you tomorrow hun.
Gavin: Whatever. Hey Kristine, will you come with me to the office on our l way to P.E. and drama?
Kristine: Sure. What for?
Gavin: I'll tell you on the way to our lockers.
Kristine: Okay.

(They go down to their lockers and get there stuff and go down to the office.)

Kristine: You still have never told me why we're going to the office.
Gavin: Just a sec.
Mr. Williams: Hey, guys. What can I help you with?
Gavin: I was just wondering if there was a way I could change my last hour to P.E?
Mr. Williams: Oh. Here let me take you to Mrs. Elezondo.
Gavin: Okay. Thanks.
Kristine: Why didn't you tell me? I could have taken you.
Gavin: Sorry. I wasn't thinking. It won't happen again.
Kristine: Okay.
Mrs. Elezondo: Hello. What can I help you with?
Mr. Williams: Gavin, one of our new kids, wants to change his last hour.
Mrs. E: Okay. What is your last name dear?
Gavin: Harris. Gavin Harris.
Mrs. E: Okay Mr. Harris. What did you say you wanted to change?
Gavin: I would like to change my last hour, drama, to P.E.
Mrs. E: Okay. Just one sec. Okay done. Just take this note to the drama teacher and this one to the P.E. teacher. And your all set. Have a good day. Bye.
Gavin: Thanks. See you round.
Kristine: Bye.

Kristine: Did you do the, " Bond, James Bond" thing?
Gavin: Yes, Yes I did.
Kristine: Haha. Good one.
Gavin: Thanks. We should go to the drama room and drop it off first then go to P.E.
Kristine: Okay.

(Mean wile.)

Cherish: WHAT! No! No! No! No! That's not far. Now both Kristine and Jenna can make a move on him.
Macie: Should we change our last hour too so we could be there too?
Cherish: Yeah. Let's go do it now.
Macie: Hi Mrs. E. Could we change our last hour?
Mrs. E: Depends on what you want to change it to.
Cherish: P.E.
Mrs. Sorry girls. But that class is full. That Gavin kid took that last spot.
Macie: Just out of curiosity, how many kids can be in that class?
Mrs. E: Uh. Well last hour can only have 18 kids and Gavin took the last spot. Sorry. There are still room for you two in first hour.
Macie: No thanks. Bye.
Cherish: Bye.
Mrs. E: See you later girls.

Macie: We have to make Kristine pay for this. Because of her, we can't be in the same last hour as him.
Cherish: Yeah. I'm in.
Macie: Kristine. Your. Going. Down.

(English class.)
Jenna: Kristine is. Going. Down.

Dun dun dunnnnn!
A/N: Hey guys. I hope ya'll like this chapter. I want to say I'm sorry that this chapter took longer than I wanted. The next chapter will be out sooner than this one was. 
Only two chapters left until the end of the first book. I'm working on the sequel to this one so once this one is done. I'll be able to post the first chapter for it. The next book is call When Time Stopped. Love you all. Have a good day.

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