Story of Wrath

By DreamersWriters

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The entire world is thrown into war! Heroes and enemies rise and clash and a powerful enemy doesn't give in... More

Chapter 1: World War 2 Begins
Chapter 3 All 16
Chapter 4 When it Falls
Chapter 5 Turning Tides
Chapter 6 Invasion
Chapter 7 FACE Family Reunites
Chapter 8 War Ends in Europe
Chapter 9 The Truth about the Dreamers
Chapter 10 Freedom for Vietnam, Taiwan, and Korea
Chapter 11 Prepare for the Worst
Chapter 12 The Start of the End
Chapter 13 Time to Say Good Bye
Chapter 14 When I See You Again
Epilogue: Rest of the Dreamers and a Few Decades of Peace

Chapter 2 American Help

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By DreamersWriters

Ben was passing through the hallways in a school. He was in New York and he was hearing about the war. He wondered what the world was coming to. He passed the docks and heard kids screaming or crying. He walked to the docks.

"Please! I need to find him! Someone named Alfred! Arthur needs him!" shouted a girl.

The sailors pushed her away from them and went back to their work. She was crying. Ben walked over to her.

"Do you need help?" asked Ben as he kneeled down to her.

"I need to find a man named Alfred! He needs to help Arthur!" she cried to him

"Do you know Alfred's last name?" Ben asked her.

"Uh yes. F. Jones" she replied as she wiped her tears away.

"Ok, then I will help you find him" he decided and they walked to his house.

He let the young girl rest and he began to cook her food. He figured she was from England considering her accent and her wounds. He wondered what was going on in the world and who Arthur was. He decided to write a letter to Washington concerning the worries of the girl. He mailed the letter and waited for the letter to be answered, so he took care of Sophia.

-In England-

Arthur held Al in his arms and waited for him to fall asleep. He was pleased that a majority of the children had escaped.

"I hope Alfred can give us his help. I don't know how long we can fight like this" Arthur said.

Just then, a huge air fleet flew in the air and landed near the castle. Arthur took Al with him. The Queen and her men were kept inside for safety measures. One of the planes stopped in front of the castle and Arthur was surprised to see the pilot.

"Matthew! What are you doing here?!" Arthur asked surprised.

"I came to help fight! Hitler and the Axis need to be stopped! This madness has gone on for too long!" Matthew explained seriously.

"Thank you, Matthew. Your forces will be greatly appreciated" Arthur thanked as he held out his hand.

"I also brought some others who wanted to help" Matthew explained.

Four other people stepped out of the plane. They greeted Arthur with joy.

"Hello Arthur!" said a young girl.

"Yeah, we don't want the Nazis to take us" replied a boy with a weird hat.

"Yeah, mate! We don't like this tyrant!" replied a tall man.

"Sey! Gupta! And Jett! Thank you!!" Arthur replied as tears fell from his face.

"Aw don't cry Arthur! We are glad to help you!" Sey replied with a hug.

"Thank you all" Arthur replied, "Now we just need Alfred's help and we can win this war!"

"Oh, should I call him up?" Matthew asked.

"No. I sent someone to deliver my message" Arthur reassured, "Now we should try and contact Ivan and Wang. Then why don't we attack Italy and get back some allies?"

-In Philippines-

Jonell was walking through the streets of the war-torn Philippines with an older man. He had a plan apparently and need some help. He received word from Jett about a plan.

"What are we doing?" Jonell asked as they arrived near the docks.

"Well, amigo, I was thinking about a safe casa para other gente" the older man replied.

"Uh that would be nice, but the Japanese are still controlling much of the land. I don't see how" Jonell pointed out.

"True, but I think we got a plan. We just need Manilla back" the older man replied.

The older man ran to the docks filled with Japanese soldiers while Jonell stayed behind and watched. However, a boat exploded in the harbor! The Japanese soldiers ran to the older man while Jonell stood there in shock! She wanted to help him, but she had no powers.

"Lo siento! I have no idea what happened!" the older man told the soldiers.

The soldiers pulled out their weapons, ready to strike him! Jonell screamed. However, soldiers jumped out of the water and began to attack the Japanese soldiers! Jonell hide behind some rubbles and watched the fight. The soldiers clashed with each other and some fell while others stood. The older man was kicked down by one of the soldiers. He cringed and prepared himself for the finale blow!

"No! Don't!!" Jonell shouted as she charged into the fight.

"No! Jonell don't come closer!" the older man shouted.

As she ran to him, she felt something in her hands. Something round. She threw the object at the soldier and a creature appeared from the ball. Everyone gaped and gasped at the creature.

"Oh, who are you?" Jonell asked curiously.

The creature turned to her. It was silver and blue with red eyes. It could stand like a person. He glowed blue.

"I am Lucario. Your partner in this great fight" he told her.

"Uh what? How are you doing this Lucario?" she asked him in her mind.

"I have the ability called telepathy. We can talk using our minds. Now, why don't we teach these people a lesson?" he asked of her with a smile.

"Alright!" she shouted and they ran towards the group of soldiers.

She punched one and Lucario punched one besides her. The older man smiled and drew his sword and stab one. He helped her fight off the soldiers.

"Hey! Antonio! I'm here to help!" shouted Jett as he jumped of the boat and shot one soldier down.

"Retreat!" cried a soldier and they left.

Antonio looked at Jett and smiled.

"Gracias amigo! This plan will surely work!" Antonio replied as they shock hands.

"Hey mate! I am trying to do my part! Arthur's trying to find a way to talk to Wang and Ivan, so I'm just clearing a path for him! Though, what's with your friend?" Jett asked as he pointed to Jonell.

Jonell was talking to Lucario. Antonio looked at her and Lucario and realized something.

"Jett, have you heard of the Protectors of the World?" Antonio asked.

"Well yes but no common people have meet them" Jett replied confused.

"Right, no common people. We are not common. I have a feeling we are going to meet all 16!" Antonio answered excitedly.

Jett was surprised.

"So why are you here?" Jonell asked Lucario.

"I am here, because the Master of Masters summoned all of his powers to give back your powers in this time of crisis" he replied.

"Our powers? Master of Masters? What is going on?" she asked.

"It's complicated, but well you are one of 16 children with special powers. Your power is special, you can help me achieve a more powerful form!" he answered her.

"Hey! Jonell! We better get to someplace safe before more soldiers return!" Antonio said.

"Ok!" she replied and turned to Lucario, "Let's go!"

They ran to an abandon house and set up camp there. Antonio started a fire while Jett, Jonell, and Lucario sat near the fire.

"Jonell, have you heard about the Legend of the 16?" Antonio asked.

"No, what's that?" she asked.

"Well, long ago, there were 16 Castles that held 16 special people with powers. These people were powerful, until one day, they turned against the world. Since then, there have been reports of these people using their powers to protect humans, but only in times of destructions. Like the French Revolution, the Preluded to the First World War, and the Revolutionary War! It looks like they are here now!" explained Antonio.

"Wait, you mean me?" asked Jonell surprised and shocked.

"It is you. However, the Master of Masters used his powers to give back your powers even though your ancestors hide them" Lucario added.

"Are you sure? How do you know it's me?" Jonell asked.

"Well, there have been records of a girl with some sort of creature. What are you worried about?" Antonio asked.

"Well I don't want to disappoint anyone and I don't know if I can do this by myself" she answered worriedly.

"Well! You don't have to do it alone! We are can help you! We will do our part to end the war! Are you with us?" Antonio asked as he held his hand in the middle.

Jett put his hand with Antonio's. They smiled at her.

"Should I do it?" she asked Lucario.

"I believe so. The Dreamers were a group of leaders with great friends. They helped bring hope. We can do it" he reassured her.

Jonell and Lucario placed their hands on top of Antonio's and Jett's.

"Let's do this!" she stated with confidence.

-In Germany-

Perahta continued on with school with Malene besides her. They did their share of the work and worked diligently. The other students left Perahta alone. However, during their free period, Malene went to the music room to see a friend of hers.

"Hey! Look! It's the traitor!" shouted one student when they found her alone reading a book.

Perahta stood up looking afraid of the other students. She slowly backed away from them.

"Hey! Traitor! Suffer!" shouted another student who threw his books at her!

She ducked and began to run away! The students chased her and threw more books and other items at her!

"Please stop!" she begged of them.

"Ha! No way you traitor!" one of them replied.

"Please..." she begged as tears fell from her face.

They threw more items at her as she fell down. She held herself and waited for their beatings to be done.

"Hey! What do you think you kids our doing?" shouted a man.

"Oh no! It's Mr. Roderich!" shouted a student as they gathered their items and ran off.

Malene ran over to Perahta and hugged her.

"How long have they been doing this to her?" Roderich asked seriously.

"Ever since they found out about her parents" Malene replied.

"Sigh, ok. Let's get her cleaned up" he said.

Malene helped Perahta up and they walked to the music room. Malene helped her sit in a chair, but Perahta covered her face. Roderich walked over to Perahta.

"Let me see your face please" he asked of her softly.

She shook her head.

"I won't hurt you. I want to help you" he replied as he pulled out a handkerchief.

She slowly removed her hands to revel to him her bloodied face. He quickly wiped her face and removed the blood. He got some water and washed the rest of it off.

"Now then, Malene please bring us some snacks" he requested of her as he walked to his piano.

"Yes sir!" she said.

She left the room while Roderich began to play the piano. Perahta found the music calming and sweet. The notes seemed to be healing her and helping her smile. She didn't realize she was crying with a smile on her face.

"Pretty girls like you should not cry" Roderich stated simply and cleaned her face.

Perahta blushed a bit just as Malene arrived with some cookies.

"Thank you Malene. Now, Perahta eat one" he ordered her.

The two girls at the cookies and began to eat.

"I will have a talk with those school boys. They will not harm you anymore" Roderich stated as he began to play another song.

Perahta nodded and they enjoyed their afternoon together.

-In Russia-

Tolys, Eduard, and Raivis were taking care of Feliks. The young boy was still hanging around them.

"Do you think Feliks will be ok?" asked Raivis nervously.

"I don't know honestly. The invasion of Poland surely took a total on him and add to the fact that thousands of people are dying, he may be very weak for a very long time" Tolys answered sadly.

"Why do you think Mr. Ivan ordered us to take him?" Eduard asked.

"I have no clue, but we should try and keep an eye over him" Tolys stated.

He looked to see a young boy with them.

He whispered to Eduard "By the way, do you know who that young boy is?"

"I don't much about him. He was only the battlefield and he just followed us. Poor thing must've lost his family" Eduard stated quietly.

Raivis walked over to him as he asked "Hello, I'm Raivis. What is your name?"

"Scef" he replied.

"Ok Scef, why are you here?" Raivis asked politely.

"I want to help end this fighting" he answered.

Tolys looked at Eduard with a bit of worry.

"I know I can't do much, but I can do something. I want to end this fighting" he stated determinedly.

"Ok! We will think of something! Everything little counts in the end!" Raivis explained with a smile.

Scef smiled at him. Tolys and Eduard were impressed and felt happy. Scef had a powerful light in him, a light that could warm their hearts. Scef pulled out a telegram and began to type something. The three man were pleased and decided to return back to their care to Feliks.

-In China-

The older man was taking care of his younger siblings while the three boys were doing some labor work.

"Wang, I'm so tired' one of the boys said.

"I'm sorry, Im Yong Soo. Try to rest" Wang urged of him.

He laid down on the ground while a Japanese girl came by and threw a girl into their camp! Im Yong reacted a bit and Wang took the girl to their side.

"Wang, is she ok?" asked a young women with worry.  

"She'll be ok, but it looks like she has been through a lot, Mei" Wang replied as he checked the girl's condition.

"I want to fight them!" the young girl whispered as she clutched an oar.

"Don't Viet! We need to wait" Wang stated.

He glanced at another boy who was sick.

"Leon is not back to full health yet" Wang stated sadly with angry.

However, they heard a grunting and a punch. Viet and Wang turned to see the older boy being pushed to the ground while the younger boy hide behind a middle age boy. The Japanese girl kicked the older boy around. The younger boy began to cry.

"STOP IT!" He shouted loudly.

However, he gave off a powerful green light! This light took the form of a dragon! Wang was shocked to see a dragon! The Japanese girl smirked and created a shield that blocked the dragon's incoming! Wang couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Back down! Or else!" she threatened.

The young boy calmed down and she left.

"Tch! We should beat her!" the older brother stated.

"I would not like to risk the lives of the innocent" the middle brother stated.

"I'm sorry" the youngest replied.

The older and middle brother hugged him.

"It's ok. We will figure out a way for you to control it" the older brother reassured.

Wang approached the boys.

"Excuse me, but you three can sit with us" Wang offered.

The three boys sat with him.

"Do you know the Legend of 16?" he asked them.

"No. What is that?" asked the oldest. 

"I will tell you" Wang answered with a smile.

"The Story of the 16 was told through the ages of time. In the earliest record, there were 16 people chosen to wield a huge amount of power. However, as time moved forward, the 16 of them fought each other, bringing pain and suffering to the world. Interestingly, there would always be one of them who would protect the other 15 from harm and protect the people. However, if only one of 16 members die, they would split up and only come together when the world needed their help the most" Wang said solemnly. 

"So, you think our little brother is one of them?" asked the nervous middle brother.

"Possible" Wang answered.

The brothers thought about it.

The oldest asked "Then what about that girl? She has powers too"

"Well, there were two others that would help them. One with an impenetrable shield and one with a sword that could pierce through anything. I guess the shield was not on your side" Wang explained.

The three brothers looked at themselves and then the oldest and the middle brother were determined.

"Alright, but if we are going to find the other 15 members, we need to retake Hong Kong and drive as many Japanese soldiers as we can" the oldest brother said.

"Ok! We have to play along until we get word from my friend" Wang said.

-In France-

Jacqui was giving a mission to Saoirse a task to set off destructive bombs in certain areas in France under Germany control. She headed to the dark parts of the streets and placed mini bombs in German bases. She successfully hides the bombs and was ready to detonate the bombs. However, one of the German soldiers caught her!

"What are you doing?!" he asked stridently.

She didn't speak. The German man smacked her hard, but she still would not talk. A boy passed by and sighed. He pulled out a whip and cracked it.

"I suggest you put her down or else" he suggested as he winked at Saoirse.

Saoirse was weirded out by him while the German man held her tighter.

"Guards! Arrest this man!" he shouted and the guards circled him.

"Sigh, I knew this would happen. First Ireland and now this. Oh well, I'll whip you into shape" he stated with a cocky smile.

He used his whip to grab on soldier's foot and then he quickly spun around. The soldier knocked the others to the floor with one swift motion! Saoirse was impressed, but then more guards surrounded him. He scoffed and jumped high. He then summersaulted forward with his whip. He slammed the tip of his whip to the ground and then a strong force of power blew the enemies away! He landed on the ground and whipped the German men away. He fled and the boy smiled at his victory and walked to Saoirse.

"Would milady want some help with her revolution?" he asked her with a smile.

"No! I don't need help! I got this!" she replied and hit the detonator.

She blew up the bases and then ran to the alley ways. The boy followed her with an interested look on his face. He grabs her hand and kneeled before her.

"Milady, why do you wish to cause another revolution?" he asked sweetly.

"Have you seen the destruction in Europe?! I am not going to stand by and watch this destruction anymore! Why am I even telling you this? Leave me alone!" she stated and pulled her hand away.

She walked away and headed for the base. However, the boy whipped her waist around and pulled her close.

"Now I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Jarlath. May I help you?" he offered.

"Fine, but stay away from me!" she replied, "I'm Saoirse"

They walked back to the base. Jacqui was surprised to gain a new member to their cause. However, Jacqui wondered why Saoirse was angry at them. He looked at Jarlath and understood. He was a flirt.

"Why did you come here?" Jacqui asked curiously as he looked at him and his whip.

"I have a mission" he replied.

"What is that?" Jacqui asked again annoyed.

"I need to find 15 other people who have powers like me" he replied as he looked at his whip.

Jacqui glanced at Saoirse who shrugged.

-In Italy-

Lucio and Concetto were walking through the streets of the city. Everyone as either tired, happy, or insane about the war. However, the two of them saw strange looking people coming to the main building where Feliciano and Lovinio. The strangers looked tired and beaten up, similar to the condition of the twins.

"How long is this fighting going to go on?" Concetto asked.

"I'm not sure. Until either side gives up" Lucio replied sadly.

School was cancelled due to the World War. However, they mostly walked around Venice and Rome to find out anything about the war. They waited near the office the twins were at, but two strange looking people arrived. They looked up at them in awe and they were very tense.

"Thank you, good sir" the man with black hair stated as his assistant opened the door for him.

Concetto and Lucio noticed that the man held a compass in his hands. Lucio was scared of it while Concetto turned white. They felt something evil coming from the compass.

"Of course, sensei" he stated calmly.

"Feliciano, Lovino, it is nice to see you again" the man with black hair.

"It is nice to see you again too, Kiku. Is Gilbert and Ludwing coming?" asked Feliciano excitedly a bit.

"I heard that the brothers were going to come at a later date, but they will be here soon. I came here early to discuss some unsettling news" Kiku replied seriously.

"What is it?" Lovino asked coldly.

"One of my commanders has this power to create a shield that cannot be broken However, as she was checking my conquest in China, she encountered a boy who has powers like her. Except it was a dragon" explained Kiku.

"Wow! Really?!" asked Feliciano amazed.

"I am worried that Wang will use this boy to fight back, but my reports say that he is not doing anything" Kiku added.

Concetto and Lucio looked through the windows and heard them talk. However, the man with the compass glared at them! They hide underneath the window and hugged each other in fear. That man was scary and gave off a dark feeling.

"I wonder why that guy seems scary" asked Concetto as he held on to Lucio.

"I don't know, but I wonder about that boy with a dragon" Lucio replied with nervousness in his voice.

Concetto noticed how concerned Lucio is about the dragon.

-In America-

Ben and Sophia were heading for Washington DC. Sophia was told by Arthur to find Alfred in Washington DC. They took a train to the capital of the United States of America. She hoped that this Alfred would help them. Ben wasn't even sure why he decided to help her, but he does feel a sort of protective older brother feel with her. He shrugged at the feeling and they had arrived in Washington DC after their long train ride.

"Ok, so, where is he?" Sophia asked eagerly.

"We just have to go to the White House and then try and ask the staff if he is there" Ben answered.

"Alright" she accepted nervously.

They walked through the busy streets and roads of Washington. It took a while to get to the White House, but there was a long line at the White House. They decided to wait for their turn, but they didn't have to wait so long.

"Hello their citizens!" shouted a young man loudly.

Ben and Sophia turned around to find him. He wore glasses, a brown coat, and tan pants and shirts.

"Hello sir, I am Sophia" she introduced with a bow.

"Wow! A British accent! Haven't heard of one in years! You almost sound like my friend Arthur!" he commented.

"Wait! Arthur! Are you Alfred?!" Sophia asked with surprise in her voice.

"Uh, yes I am. Why?" he asked her shocked a bit.

"Arthur needs your help! He needs your aid!" pleaded Sophia as she began to cry. 

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