Flower In The Golden Field


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Giorno finds out he has a daughter. He decides to let her go just to regret that decision. Now he has to save... Еще

Author Opening Note
Mistake in The Past
Time for Atonement
Character and Stand Part 1
Character and Stand Part 2
Character and Stand Part 3
Final Dispute
Happy Ending

Letting Go

803 18 5

"I didn't know you like to stay here at night."

He had Naples on his grasp. After being the leader of Passione, Giorno had a habit to stay in the library until late at night. The librarian knew he was an influential man. He could come at a closed time or holiday.

Giorno closed the book and put it back to the shelf. He smiled at her. "It's rare to see you walk around at night. You always prefer to stay at home.

"We need to talk."

She was standing in front of him with a forced smile. That woman avoided his gaze. Her face filled with sadness. She spoke in a hoarse voice. He could guess where this conversation would lead.

"I'm sorry Giorno, but we should stop this."

Giorno was sixteen and she was twenty-three. He was a student and she was a teacher. Their relationship was bound to be destroyed. Giorno and Fiore met each other a lot. Many people already asked about their relationship. The school even called her for it. It was only a matter of time before everything was over.

"I know about your feeling, but I can't accept it. You should know this by now. I'm not even sure what should we call this relationship. We are not a teacher and a student, we are not a friend and we are not... lover. Let's stop meeting each other for our own good."

. He was silent, but something inside him was raging. An unknown feeling was burning. They have the same mutual feeling but both were restricted by moral and ethical. What she said was right. The fact that he was lying about his background would ruin this relationship even further.

He knew he would be damned, but Giorno decided to break the rule.

He slammed his hand. She was cornered between the bookshelf and him. That woman was shocked by his actions. She could not believe how bold Giorno was.

"I don't care about others... I want you."

He had a wicked smile on his face. He was staring into her eyes like a starving beast. Carino tried to resist, but Giorno held her with brute force. She knew she could not escape. Like a butterfly in spider thread, she was trapped in the web. The captured butterfly tried to fly with its trembling wing. The spider came closer and tore its wing. It left hopeless in the brim situation.

"I love you."

He touched her lip then kissed it. It was not their usual gentle kiss. He was rough and lustful. He then took his lips from hers, a track of saliva left her mouth. Giorno was satisfied. He wanted that woman to be his. He would not let anyone get in his way.

She pushed him and covered her lip. When he saw her expression, he realized his mistake. Tears were striking down on her face. She looked ashamed. Carino ran away and left the place. Giorno could not believe it. He forced himself to her. It was the first time he did an action based on raw emotion. He sat down on the chair, thinking about how foolish he was.

At that time, Giorno learned about jealousy and possessiveness.


He arrived in front of a nice small house. It is a two-floor building made of white painted wood. The house is surrounded by a low fence with a red mailbox near the small gate. They have a small garden with various plants like bushes, daisies, daffodils, roses. One big tree with a swing grows tall in front of the yard. Hanging pots decorate the terrace. The old house is in contrast to modern houses between the places. However, it made the house more striking than the others.

Giorno rings the bell. The door opens in a minute. That little girl stands in front of him. Her green-blue eyes are blinking. She smiles when sees Giorno. "You're my mother friend!"

Somehow Giorno's heart aches at the word "friend".

An old woman appears behind her, "Dior, who is it?"

"It's a mother friend!"


Giorno's heart skips a beat. He sees that old woman at the funeral. She is Carino's mother. Despite being her mother, she barely resembles her daughter. That woman has short light blonde hair, ivory skin, a big lip with red bright lipstick and dark hazel brown eyes. Her only similarity with her daughter is their big round eyes.

She is surprised to see Giorno in her house. "Dior, go to your room."

She is confused but listens to her grandmother. "Okay."

That child glance at him before goes inside the house. The older woman's expression changes the moment the little girl has gone from their sight. Her face is full of furious and anger. The young man feels nauseous. The next thing he knows, that woman slaps him hard.

"YOU'RE BASTARD! How dare do you show up in here?!"

Mista, Trish, and Fugo are gasping.

"Sho-should we help him?" Mista shakes in terror.

"And let Giorno know we follow him secretly?" Fugo shakes his head. "Hell, no."

Trish focuses her eyes and tries to read their lip. "Be quiet, I need to guess what they're talking about!"

Three of them are hiding behind some scrubs. They have been watching Giorno for ten minutes. The rest of them worried because Giorno does not want any company. Mista and Trish decide to tail him. Fugo refuses to join, but both drag him out.

Giorno's cheek stings from the slap but he does not flinch. He only gives her a bitter smile. He understands her anger. Giorno is a man who left her daughter. He deserves more than a slap for his sin.

"I am sorry to appear in the middle of noon."

"Honey, what is going on? I heard-"

His words are cut off when he sees Giorno at their door. Giorno saw an old man stands next to her. He is Carino's father. He has the same brunette hair and light green eyes just like his daughter. His skin is more tanned because he works under the sun. That man is frowning, but he remains calm, "What do you want?"

"I want to say my condolences about your daughter."

"You're only here for that?"

"I know your daughter has a child. Would you mind let me see her?"

That man scratches his head, "So you're already found out, huh?"

Mrs. Fiore is upset, "What are you doing, we should throw this man away!"

He is staring at his wife. The wrinkle around his eyes is deepened, "We can't keep hiding the truth. Sooner or later, this will happen. You should realize it by now. Dior keeps asking about his father."

"He left our daughter! I can't..."

She stops talking. The next scene leaves Mista, Fugo, and Trish speechless. The leader of Passione, one of the notorious mafia in Italy, casts away his pride. Giorno Giovanna is kneeling on the floor. Even Carino's parents are shocked.

"Please.... Let me see my daughter. One hour is enough."

Mrs. Fiore cannot argue. He throws out his dignity just to see his daughter. She touches her throbbing head and gives up, "Do whatever you want!"

She returns back to the house after harshly closing the kitchen door. Mr. Fiore smiles weakly at him. "I'm sorry about her. She is still sad and angry about her daughter died." That old man helps him stand up, "You want to meet Dior, right? I will call her."

"I owe you my gratitude."

Before Giorno enters the house, he glances toward their hiding. The curious subordinates are startled. All of them pray, hoping Giorno will ignore the moving bush. Lucky for them, Giorno turns back his head and enters the house. They let out relief breathing.

That place is even better inside. The living room is full of photographs and pictures. Some of the photos are still in black and white. A big sofas cream stands beside a table coffee. A big pot plant lies next to a glass cupboard filled with framed pictures, trophies or old gifts you buy when you visit some places. Giorno tries his best not to break in front of his lover picture. It is a hard task considering the room has plenty of collection to show.

Dior is sitting across the television, humming some unknown song from a cartoon. Watching her makes him happy. He relieved to see her having a warm home and loving family. His childhood is not exactly a pleasant time. His mother abandoned him most of the time, he never knew his biological father and his stepfather abused him. He developed a habit to read people and lived by himself. He was nothing but an empty person at that time.

Giorno wonders how he can grow up well without a good adult.

The true support came from an unknown mafioso he met when he was a child. He helped Giorno in many ways. That boy gained confidence and a dream. That vision led him to Passione. He met different people and went through a hard journey, losing friends on his way. Passione becomes his family. It is not exactly the blood-related definition, but their bond is stronger than anything.

Giorno eventually graduated from the school. He left no trail and marked as missing person. Several months later, Giorno's stepfather died from drug dealing or similar incident. Meanwhile, her mother became a waitress to support herself. Mrs. Giovanna was not a good parent, but she cared about Giorno to a certain degree.

She realized her mistake but did not regret it. Party was the peak of her life. Imagine how shocked she was hearing the story. Giorno supposed to stay in school, but he became Don Mafia instead. Knowing the truth did not change their relationship. Giorno and his mother were stranger in one house. No matter what she did, that woman was a bad prime example as a parent. She let him do whatever he wanted, knowing he grew better without her influence. She only loved his son for his face, one of a keepsake from his biological father.

Age finally caught up with her. She only went to the club for a drink and returned before midnight. Giorno bought her a house and left without a word. She had never seen her son again. However, he always keeps his eyes on her from distance.

"Mister, are you there?"

Giorno is not sure how to start the conversation. He decides to be less direct. "Dior, what do you know about your father?"

She shakes her head, "I don't know. My grandmother said a lot of bad things about him and my grandfather kept changing the topic. I ask my mother, but sometimes she burst into tears. I stop asking because it makes her sad."

He knows he has to tell her. Giorno puts his hands on Dior's shoulder. His voice is hoarse.

"I am your father..."

Her expression is a mix of confusion and shock. She takes a step away from Giorno. Her voice fills with melancholic sadness. She knows this day will come.

"Do you come to take me away from Grandpa and Grandma?"

The reality knocked him hard. Giorno realizes how selfish it is to take her away from this house. She has a family in here. The true blood relationship family he never has. Giorno changes his mind. She deserves to be loved by her grandparents.

"I won't do that, but in exchange...." He is smiling, "Do you mind if we speak for a while?"

He catches up about her life for several hours. Unlike himself in the past, Dior is a cheerful and sweet girl. She is spoiled as the only child in the house but raised under discipline and rule. She likes reading the book, drawing and watching television in free times.

When the time struck at five o'clock, their conversation ends. His non-legal parents in law see him out. While Mr. Fiore has an expression "You are welcome to come anytime", Mrs. Fiore's face screams "I never want to see your disgusting face".

Dior tugs his clothes, "Can you visit me again?"

Giorno cannot lie to her. That man kneels down and strokes her head, "You know how I tell you I have a dangerous job? I can't promise you, but I'll come I have spare time."

She understands and watches him walk away. Giorno is reluctant to leave but he cannot dwell any longer. The longer he stays, the harder it is to leave. He finally has gone from their sight. The blonde man stops near big bushes and glares at it. "I know you're all in there."

Mista, Fugo, and Trish come out from hiding. "So you know..."

"Did you forget Golden Experience can feel any life form?"

Fugo apologizes, "Sorry, we're worried about you."

Mista salutes him, "You're pretty amazing back there."

Trish asks his condition, "Are you okay?"

He is smiling, "I'm fine."

He leaves the place with his friends. Giorno decides to let her live a happy and normal life. A mafia organization is not a good place for a kid. She deserves a path without danger. He will watch her from afar because it is his only way for atonement.

Unknown to him, hidden darkness lurks surrounding the family.


It is late in the night. Someone knocks the door of their house. Mrs. Fiore opens it while stomping her feet. She is not exactly happy with the idea of a stranger in the night. It is always a sign of bad news.

"Excuse me, is this the house of Dior Fiore?"

A rather tall man with long silver hair stands in front of her. He wears a flashy outfit, zebra trousers with a huge belt and long feather coat. He has a golden necklace with a golden chain on his neck. His clothes look more expensive than a Tifanny diamond ring. He has much piercing on his ear and on his mouth. The black mascara, black lipstick, and pale makeup make him look less threatening than it should be. He is smiling like a businessman trying to sell a failure product.

That man is acting politely. However, his eyes glint with danger.

A lean man with black short hair stands behind him. One of his eyes is covered by his bang. He wears a rather simple outfit, a white shirt, a black jacket, and ripped jeans. His face is annoyed, as he is dragged out of his wish to be here. He smokes a cigarette while paying attention to the conversation.

"Is this the house of Dior Fiore?"

The flashy man repeats his question. He gives Mrs. Fiore a bad vibe. She decides to ignore him and closes the door, "No, you get wrong-"

"Oh, come on! I'm pretty sure we get the right address!" That man holds the door with his hand. His strength is powerful enough to keep her from closing the door. He forces his way to get in and steps into the house. The quiet man follows him from behind.

"Oh, what a nice home!"

"Honey, do you know them?" Mr. Fiore hears the commotion on the door. He is surprised to see the uninvited guest.

"Oh, you must be the owner! Nice house do you have!" The unknown man is busy rummaging the house, "It's a lovely place to raise a granddaughter."

They do not need a second thought to guess. This man has his eyes on their granddaughter. Mrs. Fiore slowly steps back to go to the second floor. She is going to hide Dior. Unfortunately, Dior appears because the ruckus wakes her up. She looks at them while still feeling drowsy. "Grandpa, Grandma? What happens?"

The old man reaches for the phone. "I'm calling the police."

"Sorry, we can't let you do that. Olive~, please do your job~"

The man sips the cigarette in his mouth. He takes a deep breath then blows out big smoke. The shadows inside the house turn distorted. Dior can see her shadow moves towards the man. It turns into a black pitch entity. The entity transforms into a sharp spike and stabs Mrs. Fiore in the shoulder. She lost consciousness and lay bleeding on the floor.

"Sorry, I suppose to hit her hand. I missed and almost slipped to the heart."

"Oi, don't kill people. Hurt them, but do not kill. Giovanna kid will wreck us with full force if we kill innocent people. I don't want to get seven pages of MUDA."

Mr. Fiore throws a knife at him but the black clots blocked it. The old man is frightened. Hurting this man is impossible. The next thing he knows, his right arms are chopped from his body. The old man screams in pain. Dior is terrified, she rushes toward his grandpa. She is trying to stop the bleeding.

The clown man stands in front of her. "Kid, you will come together with a good uncle, right?" He is smiling like a twisted psychopath. "Your grandparent might survive. My subordinate has already called an ambulance."

He is not lying. The other men talking through the phone.

"However, if you don't come, I'm afraid they only find a corpse in here."

Her measure is futile. Her hand is covered on blood but the bleeding does not stop. The little girl is trembling. Her grandparents are lying defenseless on the floor. These men can kill them anytime he wants. She must prevent it at any cost.

Mr. Fiore begs her. "Dior... don't..."

She is only seven years old but she knows what to do. The flashy man extends his hand. Dior bites her lip and accepts his offer. She reluctantly goes with both of them.

The clown man is satisfied. "Good girl."

Suddenly, the ceiling is crashing. Sheila jumps and holds them from leaving, "I'm sorry, but you can't take the Princess."

Olive throws the cigarette and stepped on it. "Pistachio, can I have her?"

The clown man called Pistachio gives his permission, "Sure. Let me grab some food from the kitchen and watch you fight. I hope they have ice cream in the fridge."

That expressionless man smiles. "Finally, a challenge. Come out Boulevard of Broken Dream."

Sheila takes out her stand, "Let's go Voodoo child!"

--------> to be continue.

Author note:

I never thought the fanfic will be THIS LONG. It is ten pages on Ms. Word! Well, at least I have fun time writing the kissing part. You're not a Brando if you're not stealing people first kiss! /shot.

Part five is actually one of my favorite because the stand is unique and the fight is interesting (cry because a lot of people do not like it). However, I do notice Giorno barely has character development (like Josuke). I want to make Giorno as a cool character he is without making him out of character in this story. That is why I flesh him out as a young person that still have a lot to learn from mistake. You cannot learn anything from a book after all, and Giorno is lack of adult figure to help him. 

The villain name is food. You should not be surprised considering Part 5 characters are based on food.

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