freudian ☁︎ nico hiraga

By thatsochalamet

20.4K 224 127

She didn't even feel deserved at the time. Being with someone she truly adore and being present enough in the... More



1.3K 14 6
By thatsochalamet

Nico Hiraga

I woke up with cyan lying on my chest,I smiled to myself.

I needed to get up because I was meeting Mikey and the gang for a meeting about the illegal civ pop up store in Australia that we will be going to in 2 weeks.

I didn't want to move but I really had too, I softly glided her to the other side of the bed and made my way to the shower.



Once I was done I left a note on the counter for Cyan.Grabbed my backpack and bored and quickly skated down the hallways of our apartment building.

We didn't live really far from where I was
Going so I wanted to skate, as always.


Once the meeting was over I was going to meet cyan for lunch at copicana it was kinda of by Ocean Beach and a great place for smoothies and I wanted to surprise cyan.

Cyan Tiaki

I woke up, not  to Nico but a note on the  counter saying: Morning baby! I've gone too a meeting meet me at Copicana at 12:00 love u. It was 11.30 so I started getting ready.


I saw Nico already with food on the table, he knows what I like so he probably has my food.I kissed him and sat down "yoooo " Nico says "sup" I replied

"our little joke we have"

We started eating and then Nico blurts something out.


"Hahaha what "

"So..Mikey asked if you wanted to come  to the Australia pop up store do u wanna?

"Omg yes hell yeah!!"

"Hahaha yesssss!!"

I was so excited I didn't want Nico to leave me in San Fran for a  week by  myself so this was real cool.

We soon had a little walk on the beach and made our way back to our apartment.


Nico had asked me if I wanted to go to Olan Pernatts beach party I agreed I haven't been to one in weeks maybe years. We were leaving at 8:30 to help set up but people will probably be making out and dancing on each other but 8:00 or earlier.

Me and Nico were ready we headed out the door and drove to another beach called Fort funston it's kinda in the sourthern west of San Fran real nice beach.

We got there by 9:00 and already the house was trashed I could hear the music and see dozens of teens running around in their swimsuits , Everyone was already drunk from what I  could tell and as soon i got there Chelsea one of my friends from school  swooped in saying a quick 'Hi' before taking my worst and going to the pool where mostly all the girls were I quickly pecked Nicos lips and went down.

Nico Hiraga

Cyan left with her friend so I decided  to go chill with the boys and I'm not going to drink not after what happened with cyan.

I saw teens grinding on each other, eating each other's faces.Gross just gross. I took a sip of my water and decided to go skate in olans skating area outback it's mostly where all the weed dealers are but I don't mind.

As I was making my way out I saw cyan on the roof she looked drunk as hell the only good thing as that her clothes were still on.

"Cyan get down please baby your going to hurt yourself" I shouted

"I'll get her" Chelsea said

She climbed up a ladder that everyone was getting up and was pulling cyan to get off the roof they made it down Safely and cyan puked on my shoes.

"I sworey baby niccccooooo"!!!!!! She sang

"come let's get you out of here"

Thankyou I mouthed to Chelsea

She did the thumbs up and wave to Cyan.


As we walked into our apartment we instantly fell asleep I was so tired and by the looks of it cyan was too.

Hope u enjoyed this chapter was very boring so if u don't know what I'm going on about in my stories like going to Australia and olan, mikey and illegal civ than look it up I cbf tell y'all hahha and the pic Uptop is what they are wearing at the party 💖

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