Saved By The Jock

By Ohhlala_77

4.5M 114K 38.8K

A victim of child abuse ever since the death of her mother, Cassidy Taylor has become a shy, quiet girl who's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Opinion From You (Please Read)
Chapter 27
Special Chapter
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Valentine Special
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Story Idea (Not an update but please read)
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Last Goodbye

Chapter 36

66.2K 1.4K 319
By Ohhlala_77

Chapter 36

"Don't stress about it, Cass. It won't happen whatever it is." Carson rocked me back and forth.

But that nightmare hunted me.. Not to mention that Carson was a part of it.

"B-but, he-"

He cut me off before I finish the sentence.

"I won't let that happen to you," he repeated softly and craddled my face in his hands, placing a heart fluttering kiss on my forehead.

"W-what if-"

"I will always protect you. You have to trust me, you have to believe me." He stroked my hair soothingly with his other hand at the small of my back, rubbing small circles.

He's right, I have to trust him.

"Promise?" I sniffed and wiped my tears using the back of my hand.

He flashed me my favorite smile, revealing his deep dimples and his pearly white teeth. He then raised his right hand and mocked salute.

"I promise, now go change into something warm." He ruffled my hair, messing it up more than it already was.

I looked at him quizzically with my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Where are we going in the middle of the night?

"Meet me downstairs, no questions asked." He stood up and exited the door leaving me stunned.

I quickly put my shit back together and wiped my blotchy tear streaked face, then I cleared my throat since my voice is hoarse. I cleared my mind up and started to rummage in my closet.

Something warm..

Guess I've made my choice. I pulled out my black sweater with 'whatever' written on it and pulled it over my head. Then I pulled out my light blue jeans and slipped it on. Walking towards my shoe rack, I grabbed my black uggs to pair it with my outfit.

I walked over to the full length mirror and pulled my hair into a loose ponytail leaving some baby hair hanging,not bad.

I then stared at my reflection which is horrible by the way.

My eyes are puffy and a tad bit red from crying, my throat felt sore-- more like burning from screaming.

I look..

Broken, afraid and weak.

I felt like I was back in time where my father's constantly beating me, making me feel worthless. Making me regret my existence, I felt broken back then just like now.

I was startled by a sudden shadow appearing at the door, it snapped me out of my trance. I don't know why my heart rate unexpectedly picked up, I think it reminded me of the nightmare but now this isn't a dream, it's reality.

A person appeared in front of me, almost making me scream if it's not for the hand that cover my mouth. It became muffled and weaker against the palm every second, tears clouded my vision.

"Calm down Cass. It's me," I recognized Carson's voice, the hand around my mouth loosening.

I let out a sob, tears spilled out from my eyes not able to hold it back. I really thought that it was my dad, and even worse I thought that Carson really is with my dad in this. Without knowing it, I was engulfed in a warm and welcoming hug.

"I hate seeing you like this, please stop crying princess." He said blandly almost sounding weak and hopeless.

"I don't know what to do when you cry. I can't even make you feel better." He sighed against my hair with his hands rubbing my back in a comforting manner.

I'm sorry.

I wanted to say it out loud but it doesn't come out, nothing comes out, instead of saying it a sob came out making his hold on me tighten.

"Please stop," he pleaded.

Like really pleaded so I did the best that I can do to hold back my pathetic tears and sobs.

I pulled away slighty as I tip toed and gave him a chaste kiss on his lips but when I was about to pull back he didn't let me, he pulled me closer to him instead. He deepened the kiss by running his sweet tongue along my lower lip, making sparks errupt in my stomach. I gave him the access to my mouth and within seconds of familiarizing each other's tongue, it danced in a perfect rhythm.

It came to a point where an innocent kiss became a hot and heavy make out session where we're in right now.

His hand played at the hem of my sweater, then his hands crept under my clothing material and ran his hands along my bare back making me suppress a shiver. Not being able to control my hormones, I helped him remove my sweater off carefully, not breaking the kiss. His eyes roamed my body making me feel self concious, exposed.

"You're so beautiful," he groaned with his eyes lusting over me.

I suddenly turned red, not able to conceal it I pulled his neck closer to me and closed the gap between us. Kissing him hungrily, like I longed for a kiss like this, the more I kiss him the more I crave for his lips. He then wrapped his arms around my bare back causing my skin to burn in a tingling way. He nipped my bottom lip gently, while nibbling it a low groan escaped at the back of his throat.

Without knowing it he already pulled away from the kiss, both of us panting and breathless. His forehead resting against my own with his hot breath fanning my swollen lips.

To be honest, I was a little bit disappointed the moment he pulled away, I admit I got a little excited back there, but why did he stop?

"Why did you stop?" I asked him breathlessly, feeling my heart beating in a fast pace.

His hands crept up from my waist to my bare back and finally to the back of my neck. His face nuzzling on the crook of my neck planting hot, wet kisses that sent butterflies to my stomach.

"Because if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to stop and hold it back." He whispered in a raspy voice.

"But I don't want you to hold back," I purred seductively.

"You silly little hormonal girl," he laughed as I felt him pull my head towards him again and he gave me a long kiss on the lips.

God, I'll never get tired of this lips.

He pulled away after a few long minutes (I don't know if it's correct but whatever) my mouth forming an 'O' shape.

"There's a lot of time for that later, but for now I have to take you to this particular place." He planted another quick kiss on my lips before picking my sweater up and slip it over my head.

I blushed at that time, especially when he asked me to raise my so that can wear my shirt properly.

"Oh god, this is so embarrassing." I muttered under my breath, ducking my head suddenly interested in my shoes.

"What's so embarrassing about it? I don't wear shirts everytime." He said in a 'duh' voice.

"But that's different," I whined, pouting with my arms crossed over my chest.

"How so?" He mocked my voice and my actions, his arms crossed over his chest and his voice in a terribly high-pitched voice.

It's so high that it could break a glass.

"My voice's not like that! And you don't have uhm.." I trailed off and felt my cheeks flush.

God, this is so awkward.

"What? Boobs?" He snorted like it's not a big deal.

"Uh.. Yeah." I mumbled clearly ashamed of it.

"Hey! Don't insult my man boobs," He whined "They're one of my jewels too." he winked at me.

"Actually, you don't have one." I cocked my eyebrow at him.

He pouted at first but when I retorted his lips curved up into a smirk, his eyes shinning in amusement.

"So you're looking at my boobs huh?" He smirked even wider.

I blushed furiously not able to deny it and with a swift motion he pinched my cheeks, to tell you that it stung.

"Ow!" I whined the moment he released me.

"You're so adorable when you blush," he cooed, making me blush harder than I already was.

"Whatever," I slapped his hands away from my cheeks.

The room boomed with his laughter not until I slapped my hand over his mouth, silencing him.

"Keep your tone down, everyone's sleeping." I whisper yelled, my voice in a hushed tone.

I'm aware that everyone is asleep and by his boisterous laugh I can assure you that it will wake them, fast.

Yes, it's that loud.

"Owkay." His voice muffled under my hold.

I removed my hands off his mouth and glared at him even though I know that he won't notice it that much. It's just some kind of a self reflex thing.

"Well then, let's go." He grabbed my hand, not giving me the oppurtunity to protest and pulled me towards the door.

I followed him effortlessly as we swivel down the stairs, as quiet as possible so that we won't wake them. I think his kisses woke me up and as cheesy as it sounds, my stomach felt jittery starting when he grabbed my hand.

He opened the front door and the first thing that greeted me was the cold air, he held it open for me. I went out and walked directly to his car, waiting for him, I leaned on the car door and watched him in every move he makes.

I was too busy staring at him and I didn't even bother to look away not until he caught a glimpse of me staring at him, making him smirk.

The Smirk.

"Am I that handsome that you can't even take your eyes off me? Not to mention that you've got a little drool there." He chuckled all through the lines.

I subconciously wiped the side of my lips, checking if there's really a drool on it but it turns out that it doesn't, I look like I'm making a fool out of myself. This made Carson laugh harder that his face became literally red. I glared slits at him before flicking him the finger, his smile vanished and it was replaced by a mixture of shock and smirk.

"You're really becoming the girl version of me Cass, I think you should hang out with Ally."


"What? Why?"

"Because you're becoming the girl version of me," he repeated it slowly for me to understand.

"I'm not a kinder, I know that." I shrugged apathetically, not that I care. I then opened his car door and buckled my seat belt once I got in.

After a few minutes the driver's side was opened and the cool air entered the car, followed by Carson who is still smirking by the way.

I want to do nothing but to slap that smirk off his slick face. He glanced sideways giving me the opportunity to stick my tongue out at him in a playful manner.

"You know whenever you stick your tongue out all I wanted to do is kiss the hell out of you and never let you go."

His face darkened for a minute and so does his eyes, he looks like he's lusting over me.

"Not even for breathing?"

"Nope." He popped the 'p'.

"S-so you wanted to kill me?" I asked, feigning shocked.

His smug expression was completely wiped off his face and was replaced by humor and amusement.

"No, of course not, I'm being loving," he faked innocence with his right hand over his sculpted chest.

I'm not perverted, it's really sculpted, promise. It's very hard not to notice it.

'Did I ask?' My brain told me.

I internally rolled my eyes.

"Loving your ass," I muttered under my breath, eye roll practically audible in my voice.

He snickered in return as he started the engine, reviving it to life. He pulled away from the driveway in a swift movement.

Silence is floating in the atmosphere but it's barely awkward at all. It's comfortable, but then I decided to turn the radio on and flicked at the different radio stations until a familiar song popped out.

Within a minute I was all packed up

I've got a ticket to another world

I don't wanna go

I don't wanna go

Sudden words are hard to speak

When your thoughts are all I see

"Don't ever leave," she said to me

When we both fall asleep

underneath the same sky.

To the beat of our hearts at the same time.

So close but so far away.
(Can you hear me?)

She sleeps alone.

My heart wants to come home.

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

She lies awake.

I'm trying to find the words to say.

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

I ws stunned from the beginning of the song the moment Carson jammed in, the song was already good but he made it better.

Who knew that this pretty boy could sing? The school jock can sing.

Oh dear lord, please help me.

"You know that song?" I asked with my voice barely above whisper because of shock.

"Do I look like I've been living under a rock? Of course I knew that, who wouldn't?" He cocked his eyebrow once again.

"Oh, and you have a lovely voice." I complemented him even though I knew this would boost his ego.

I thought that this would make him cockier but guess what? It didn't, instead of making him cockier it was the other way around, he blushed.

Carson freaking Matthews blushed, again.

He blushed like his embarrassed about his singing talent or something so I decided to push his buttons like he often do.

"Aww, look at the jock, he's embarrassed about his singing talent." I said in a cynical voice.

"Shut up." His face becoming redder.

"Nah, I think it's the highlight of the day."

His head instantly snapped at my direction with a slightly dangerous expression plastered on his face. The blush that was clearly visibile awhile ago was now gone, leaving a blush free cheeks.

"You will not mention this to anyone, and what I mean by anyone, it includes Ally, Ian and especially Brandon." He told me sternly, his facial expression unchanging.

"W-why?" I stammered under his piercing gaze.

"It will ruin my bad boy reputation,"

"I know that, but why Brandon?"

He looked a little uncomfortable back there especially when he scratched the nape of his neck. He only does that whenever he's nervous or embarrassed and in this situation he's clearly nervous.

"Oh, look we're here." He suddenly exclaimed out of no where, breaking the thick tension and leaving my question unanswered.

I let it slip though and looked through the windowpane and let my mind seep the view in.

It's a huge white and blue striped color block (or lot). It's two times bigger than our school's field, it's not just huge, it's massive!

I'm pretty sure that I'm gawking right now with this massive block in front of me. Carson's body blocked my view, so I craned my neck to look at it but then again, he blocked it. I was a little bit irritated, so I looked up and found him staring down at me.

"You want to find out what's in there?" He cocked his head sideways with his left brow raised.

"Yes!" I perked up like a puppy that's being fed by his owner.

I grabbed his hands and almost ran, keywords almost. Since he was heavier than me I wasn't able to move especially when his feet are glued to the ground.

"Let's go, what are you waiting for?" I asked him eagerly suppressing a giggle to escape me.

I pulled him again but I really can't, I was the light one here so he pulled me effortlessly to his chest, making me collide with it in a flash. His smell wafted into my nose, goddamn.

"We won't go in there until you give me a kiss." He pointed his pouty lip.

I smiled cheekily and tip toed to touch my lips against his soft ones. After a few seconds of kissing I pulled away, still feeling the touch of his lips on mine.

I was breathless and panting, my hands tangled on his hair and his on mine.

"Now that's what I call a kiss," he grinned at me, a grin that reached his eyes.

I couldn't help but smile back, it's contagious.

"Okay now I'm ready to take you in there." He kissed my forehead as he grab my hand and pull me towards the white steel door.

But I'm wrong when I thought that we're heading over there, we walked past through it and went behind it, the part where it was surrounded by fences and grasses.

"What are we doing here?"

"Going in,"

"The door is at the front, why are we here?"

He looked at me with a mischievous grin on his face.

Oh no.

"We're breaking in."



I think it's been a week since I updated, and I'm so so sorry for that, we had a lot of tests coming up so yeah, busy and stuff but tada! Updated!

Hope you'll enjoy this chapter! I hope that I'll satisfy you..:)

Please continue to Vote, Comment and Fan!:)

For those who are waiting for me to update this or the so called loyal readers:



-ohhlala_77 xx

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