He Deserves Better (Katekyo H...

By AliceVermillion27

211K 7.7K 2K

Summary: First they ignored me, then they hurt me, then bullied me, abused me, and finally snapping at being... More

Prologue: The 14 Years of my Life
Chapter 1: Another Accident?
Chapter 2: My New Family?
Chapter 3: My Last and First Time
Chapter 4: The Humble House That is Now Dubbed as the Craziest
Chapter 5: That Faithful Day
Chapter 6: Calming The Raging Storm
Chapter 7: The Rain That Must Be Saved
Chapter 8: Searching For The Rain
Chapter 9: Spring, Moon, and the Extreme sun
Chapter 10: Helping the EXTREME Sun with a bit of Thunder
Chapter 11: The Mists After the Sun
Chapter 12: The Time at the Hospital and the Sun Arcobaleno's plan
Chapter 13: The Trip to the Mist Duo
Chapter 14: Varia's Comeback
Chapter 15: Twins Reunited
Chapter 16: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 17: Half Vongola Rings
Chapter 18: Their Little Reunion
Omake: Birthday Special
Chapter 18.5 Cosplay Week Varia Style
Chapter 19: Two Sides Conflicted
Chapter 20: Before the Match
Chapter 21: Encounter
Chapter 22 Until the Last: Goodbye
Extra Chapter: Art

Omake: Family Bonding Time: Varia Style!

8.7K 325 148
By AliceVermillion27

Omake: Family Bonding Time: Varia Style!

After a week in the new house, the only people Tsuna had charmed was the same people who like him on first look. Namely Squalo, Lussuria, Bel, and Xanxus. There are still 3 more left. So to be fair, they agreed to make them and Bel, since he didn't have a moment with Tsuna, look after Tsuna. Each for a day.






It was Monday morning, and it was Fran's day to look after Tsuna. Though he didn't like it, but rules are rules. So he got up from his bed, get his big froggy hat, and prepares from what has to come.

On the other side of the house, there's a certain brunet who woke up early because he is really excited today. Remember at the shrine, he was planning something for Fran. And now is the time to make a move. So leaving his bedroom, he ran to Fran's door and knocked.

"Fran!! Come on!! Don't be a sleepy head!" Shouted Tsuna. After a few minutes, no answer can be heard in the other side of the door. And this worries Tsuna. 'Wait maybe there's something inside that hat that makes poor Fran sleep' He widen his eyes in realization and knocked again at the door.


"Tsunayoshi-kun. You're waking the others up" Said Fran as he opened the door. Though it was not written on his face, he was clearly annoyed.

"Mou~ Fran! I told you to call me Tsuna. Are you not tired of saying my full name?" Tsuna pouted with puppy eyes.

"No. And it is not your full name. Your full name would be together with your surname" Fran said

Tsuna puffed his cheeks out. "I knew that! But the thing is I do NOT have a surname"

"Yes you do. Do you want me to spell it out for you" Fran bluntly said.

But Tsuna hated his surname so dodged the question, instead he tried the infamous puppy eyes to make Fran say his name. "Please Fran! Can you at least call me Tsuna?"


"Please" Now with larger eyes.

Fran, even though he was emotionless, he couldn't resist Tsuna's cuteness. So he grumbled in annoyance. "Fine you win. Now can you please stop being annoying? Tsuna" Tsuna smiled. 'Make Fran say his name. Check. Annoy him. Check' He will now then move on to the next.

"So what do you want to do?" Asked Fran.

Tsuna thought for a moment before replying "Let's go to the park!"

"What if you saw your ex-family?"

"It's fine. I have you"

Fran shrugged his shoulders. "If you say so"

So a minute later, they are now strolling at the park.

"So Fran why do always say things in a monotone voice?" Asked Tsuna curiously.


"From where?"

"From somewhere. Now don't ask"

And that ends their conversation. It's always like this. What Tsuna expect is a straight answer so he never gave up.

"Then why do you always have that large froggy hat... or the apple?"

"Because I like it."

"You know, all your answers make no sense"

"Yes it does."

"Then can you please tell where you lived before joining Varia"

Fran stops for a moment before facing Tsuna. "I'll tell you this once. I lived with my grandma, then my master, then the varia"

Tsuna inwardly cheer. Finally, he was answered with sense. Though it's not full explanation, but at least he got an answer. Now, to find out who that master is.

"Who is your master? Isn't it Mammon?"

Fran ignored the brunet and continued to walk. He doesn’t want to answer the question. His master would be mad.

Tsuna was a little disappointed but let it go. 'It must be a little personal' He thought.

They are now walking on the streets. Not noticing that they left the park. They passed by some stores and restaurants and Tsuna is now practically window shopping. As they went by, there is one particular item that caught Tsuna's attention so he went to get it, leaving Fran behind.

On the other hand, Fran is still walking with no care in the world. Not noticing that someone is missing. When he was now tired and wants to go back, that's when he only realized that the brunet is gone.

"Tsunayoshi-kun. Come out now. Tsunayoshi-kun" He desperately called for him (Still in monotone) because he doesn’t want to dig his own grave. But seeing as there is no response, he ran to where they first came from, the park.

He searched everywhere, from the fountain to the forest but he failed. Taking a few more steps, he saw him, sitting on a nearby bench holding something like a box. He walked to him and flicked his forehead.

"Ow! Why did you do that?" Complains Tsuna while holding his forehead.

"That's what you get for leaving me behind and making me worried"

Tsuna smiled at him. Fran is worried for him and that is the first step. "Thank you for worrying and..." He looked at the box and held it out to Fran "This is for you"

Fran unconsciously took it and examined it. "This is a jack-in-the-box"

"Yeah I know but please open it"

So Fran opened it and when he saw the contents, he smiled. "Thank you... Now come on. Let's go home, Tsuna"

Tsuna nodded. 'Make Fran smile. Check. Mission makefranacceptme is a success.'


It was already Tuesday and it is now Bel's turn for Tsuna. Of course he was excited. He can play with his little rabbit. So when he was done polishing all his knives, he went downstairs to see the brunet.

Tsuna was already in the living room, waiting for Bel to come down. But while he was waiting, he was also shivering. Why? He feels that something bad will happen. So after a few minutes, he saw Bel holding a few piece of papers. "What's that Bel?"

Bel grinned handing out the papers. "Ushishishi~ these are tests for you, little rabbit. Let's see if you're also a genius like the prince"

After 30 minutes of answering advance level questions, Tsuna handed the papers back to Bel for checking purposes.

"Ushshishi~ You are unexpectedly fast, little rabbit but let's see how you did" After checking all the answers, Bel grinned like a Cheshire cat "Ushishishi~ We have another genius. Now the prince has a rival"

"Bel, don't be like that! I'm not here to take your position"


"Can I ask you some questions?" asked Tsuna. He was a little curious if he was really a prince or not.

"Ushishishi~ of course" Bel sat beside Tsuna.

And this is now the official answer and question portion of Tsuna and Bel.

"So, first question, are you really a prince?"

"Of course. This crown is the proof" Tsuna sweatdropped. 'Just like that?'

"Okay if you say so... So second question. What is your family like?"

"Just like yours, stupid and worthless. That's why I killed every single one of them"

"Oh. So basically you don't have a family now because you killed them. I understand..wait... WHAT!? YOU KILLED THEM?!" Tsuna is shocked. Killing your family really is bad. It didn't even cross his mind.

"Ushishishi~ You don't believe me? I really killed them. They are really annoying"

"Okay I get it. Let's move on. Why do you hide your eyes?"

"Because they are too beautiful to be looked at"

Tsuna was dumbfounded. What kind of answer is that? Shrugging it off, he asked Bel. "Since I'm already done asking, are there any questions you want to ask?"

"Ushishishi~ Why do you look feminine?" Asked Bel.

Tsuna sighed. It's that topic again. Why is it hunting him? "I get that a LOT. Now are we done for the day?"

"Ushishishi~ Of course not. I still have plans for you. Now wait here" Bel left Tsuna to get some things. And when he returned, Tsuna caught sight of something shiny and a frilly on Bel's hand. Yes, you guessed it!

Tsuna stepped back. He knows fully well what the other will do. "Bel, please don't"

"Ushishishi~ Now don't be shy Tsu-Na-Yo-Shi-Kun~!" Bel walked forward to catch Tsuna and began dressing him. "Ushishishi!~ You look beautiful... Ojou-sama"

Tsuna is embarrassed. It is his first time cross dressing and it is not comfortable. And also unluckily for him, Fran saw him and approaches him.

"Ojou-sama, please let this little froggy escort you instead of the fake prince" Since yesterday, Fran and Tsuna are already on good terms.

"Get away from her, froggy. She's mine." Bel said while stabbing Fran on his hat.

"Ouch! But I'm better than you fake prince." Fran said as wipe away his invisible tear.

"Ushishishi~ Oh really, then let's see"

While they are quarrelling with each other, Tsuna took this as an opportunity to escape. He is now in the dining room under the table. He was peaceful under there but not until someone patted his head.

"You are really cute on that, Tsunahime"

"Not you too! Xanxus-nii!!!"


Wednesday, 4:00 am. Tsuna was sleeping peacefully on his comfy bed. But a few minutes later, he felt uncomfortable. He felt another presence in the room. He fluttered his eyes open just to see Levi standing beside him.

"HIIEE!! What are you doing in my room?!"

"I'm here to look after you, kid"

"It's only 4 am in the morning!! What are you thinking?!"

"A loyal subordinate must always be punctual"

Tsuna sighed, there's no way he can win this argument. "Fine, if you say so... So what are we gonna do today?"

"Protect the boss."

"But Xanxus-nii is already strong. You don't have to protect him"

"You would never know."

Tsuna sweatdropped. It was really awkward to converse with Levi. "Can we do something else?"


"Hmm.... Ah! I know!! There's a festival today! We can go there"

Levi was taken aback to what Tsuna said. Never in his life had he gone to a festival. He was always in dark, killing people, adult or child, woman or man. "Ask permission first"

Tsuna smiled. It was also his first time to go to a festival with someone close. He is really grateful to Levi. "Of course! Now, can you please let me sleep again? It's still dawn."

"Hn." And Levi left.

Later that day, when Tsuna woke up, he immediately went to Xanxus to ask permission. "Xanxus-nii, can Levi and I go to the festival today?"


And then Tsuna hugged Xanxus for a brief moment. "Thank you!"

"Hn. Next time, invite us."

"You can come you know. Just don't disturb us."

"Then I'll prepare"

After this, Tsuna quickly went to Levi to tell him the news. "Levi!! We can go!!"

"Then come on. Let us go"

"But it won't start until 5. Let's just change our clothes into Yukatas" Tsuna dragged Levi to a clothes shop to change. Levi doesn't want to be dragged by a mere child but complied for the sake of his boss.

After changing, they went straight to the venue of the festival. Tsuna has orange yukata while Levi has green. Almost everybody is staring at them.

"Where do want to go?" Levi asked; bored.

"I want to get that plushie" Tsuna pointed at the Lion plushie that is given as a prize from the shooting booth. 

Levi nodded and Tsuna quickly run to the booth. "Excuse me. I would like to try" Tsuna said handing the money.

"Sure, here's the gun. You have 3 tries"

Tsuna picked up the gun and start shooting.

'Bang' First shot and it missed.

'Bang' Second shot and it missed again.

Levi rolled his eyes. Is this supposed to be a Varia member?. His hands are twitching to get the gun and shoot the toy. He don't want to see this pathetic kid struggle. He walked towards Tsuna and snatched the gun. "Give me that."

'Bang!' He aimed accurately, making the stuffed toy fall.

"Congratulations! Here's your prize" The owner gave them the lion.

Tsuna smiled and thanked him wholeheartedly. Levi is not that bad as he is supposed to be. They continued to have fun until the end of the festival. And everytime Tsuna struggle to get the prize, Levi always help.

When they got home, they went straight to bed and when Levi saw the sleeping brunet he said. "I'll protect you like how I protected Boss"

In the end, Levi acknowledged him.


When Tsuna woke up, Thursday morning, he found himself in an unfamiliar place. "Where am I?"

"Welcome to my illusionary space. You're free to do whatever you wish... blah... blah.. blah.. Use it to your heart's content. I'm paid" A voice said before disappearing.

Tsuna doesn't know what to do. First you woke up in a place you don't know then you hear some mysterious voice. But he knows who it was. So when he sensed something, he looked at an open field and said "Mammon."

After he said that, something came out from the corner of his eyes. "Yare yare, for me to be found out so easy, you have good eyes"

When he saw her, Tsuna was already assured that nothing will harm him wherever he is. "Just call it intuition. So where are we?"

"You're really lucky that boss paid me or else you already have a lot of debts. We're in an illusionary space made by me." Mammon replied.

"So what are we gonna do?"

"What do you mean by 'we'? Count me out kid; I'm just here to make sure you won't be lost"

"But it's no fun to be alone" Whined Tsuna as he puffed his cheeks and pouted.

Mammon sighed. It is stated in the deal that she is forbidden to make Tsuna cry. "Fine. I'll accompany you."

They are now walking, well for Mammon's case floating, around the space. There are silence but not until Tsuna spoke up. "Mammon, why do you hide your face under that hood?"

"Because I want to"

"You answer like Fran"

Mammon just shrugged. "Maybe"

And that's the end of their day...




Just joking. They continued to walk in silence until Tsuna found a mysterious door with chains locking it on the top of the hill.

Curious, he went to remove the chains and take a peek on it without Mammon knowing. What he saw there was not expected. He saw seven unfamiliar people in a dark and small room. A woman with a big mushroom-like hat and a flower tattoo under her eye, a Mammon look-alike just an adult version, a man who has a curly sideburns and is wearing a fedora and suit, a man with green hair, glasses, and lab coat, a man with heavy make-up and has lots of piercings, a man with a chinese attire and long braid, and a woman who is wearing military clothes. Tsuna frowned.. Who are they and what are they doing here.

"Excuse me, do you want some cookies. They're freshly baked" the woman with a mushroom-like hat offered to them, smiling.

"As long as it's free then I'll take it" The Mammon look-alike said while taking a piece. The one with the mushroom hat smiled and everybody in the room now had one cookie in their hands except for one.

"How about you? It's not good to not eat." The woman said.

"No, thank you. I don't accept from strangers" The man with the curly sideburns courteously replied. 'He is really stubborn.' Tsuna thought as he watched the scene. 'But why do I feel I have a connection with him'

"It's not poisoned as you think it is. If you don't want some cookies then how about some espresso. I'll sip on it first if you want"

"You don't have to. My gut feeling tells me that it's not poisoned."

Tsuna continued to watch this until the scene changed. The seven of them are now standing in some sort of a rock as if waiting for something. Tsuna is really curious to what will happen next but someone interrupted.

"Had fun watching?"

Tsuna turned around to see who it was and saw that it was Mammon "Mammon! Who were they?" He quickly asked and pointed at the scene which is now disappearing in the mist.

"It's none of your business" Was the only reply.

Tsuna can hear bitterness in those words and even if Mammon is hidden under his cloak, he can a lot of emotions. Sadness, anger, and guilt. Tsuna felt the urge to hug her and tell her that's it's okay so he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her.

Mammon was shocked. Did Tsuna hugged her? It's embarrassing but it's warm. She felt warmth just like her other sky.

"I don't know what happened to you in the past, but you know, negative emotions will solve nothing"

Hearing this, Mammon smiled and snuggled up closer. She is really thankful for the comfort but it's not like she'll show it.

"Will I pay you for comforting me?" She asked.

"Of course not. Hugs are free."

That changed Mammon's opinion about him. She liked this child now. Giving things for free. She muttered a low thank you before escaping Tsuna's grip and sitting on his head.

"You can call me onee-san if you want"


2nd Omake:

One fine morning, in Namimori Japan, there live a family of 8 in a small house near the Namimori Shrine.... They are living peacefully. No noise, no ruckus, no violence... Well, not really.

"Xanxus-nii!!!! I told you!! No guns here!!"

"Squalo-nii!!! Don't shout! And please lower your sword!"

"Bel!!! Don't throw your knives everywhere"

"Mammon-nee!! Fran!!! No illusions!!!"

"Levi!! Don't just stand there! Help me!!"

"Luss-nee-chan!! Our house will be destroyed at this rate"

Tsuna continued shouting at them but to no avail. Being impatient, he snapped.


That made them stop and looked at the fuming brunette. Tsuna sighed, he's the youngest here yet he's the most mature.

Ever since they already have good relationships with Tsuna, they gave him the opportunity to make some house rules. And knowing their profession he had a great idea for what he will implement.

Rule no. 1: No weapons and illusions. If ever weapons are seen, it will be confiscated. In case of illusions, you will be locked up in a dark room.

Rule no. 2: No fighting. Or else your beloved Tsuna will ignore you.

Rule no. 3: Behave with your best manners. Every family must know this.

Rule no. 4: Don't destroy anything. Mammon will make you insane.

So out of these 4 rules, only number 4 is followed. Every day, they always break the other 3 rules that Tsuna is already fed up ignoring them.

So now they're doing it again. And it all started with a single and nonsense argument between Squalo and Bel. The others just want to jump in.

Now that they are silent, Tsuna shakes his head and walks towards his room. But before he entered, he turned one last time and said. "You know, I don't really know what to do with you lot anymore"

The rest of the Varia lowered their heads. Never did they encounter a Tsuna like that. They were sorry but don't know how to approach the disappointed brunet. They went silent for a few more minutes before ignoring each other and left for their own.

This continued for days. Just making glances at each before continuing what they are doing. They are not eating together now. All except for one or two always leave for work at dinner, leaving behind the remaining at the table. Not even a single word had been said ever since. The house which is supposed to be the liveliest and noisiest among the neighbourhood had become the quietest. It was already broken.

One night when they are all together, eating in silence, someone snapped and smacked his hand on the table. The eating utensils clattered and the glasses almost fell. All turned towards him.

"VOOIIIII!! Can we stop the act now? I'm already sick of the silence!! It's just a silly mishap and it turned out like this?"

"Sharky misses us." Fran said sardonically... in monotone.

"VOII! Shut up froggy" Squalo shot him a glare before to turning to Tsuna. "We're really sorry Tsuna. We were just meeting about bringing you at an amusement park when that shitty prince said something stupid"

"Ushishishi~ I did not." Though Bel is grinning, he and everyone else except for Tsuna mentally slapped themselves and thought of the same thing. 'How could I have forgotten about the amusement park?'

While Tsuna just sat there, stunned by what Squalo said. 'I'm really going at an amusement park?!' he thought as he gave them a smile and said "What are you waiting for? Come on! Apology accepted! Just don't do it again"

Everyone smiled and continued eating happily. Tsuna really is the sky that attracts all even another sky itself.


Tsuna is happily skipping around the amusement park. Trying every rides he can try. Even the rollercoaster, though he got sick and promised himself not to ride it ever again. He's on the way now to the merry-go-round but suddenly, he stop on his tracks and looked at the group behind him.

"You really didn't explain it so what is Varia?" He blurted out.

All of them raised their eyebrow. Why the sudden curiosity?

"Can we go to a less crowded place first?"

After they found a perfect place for their conversation, Xanxus was the first one to speak.

"The Varia is an assassination squad under Vongola Famiglia" Everyone gave a 'What the Hell?' look at their boss for the bluntness while Tsuna rested his chin on his hands. Where did he hear that word? Vongola... it sounded familiar. Then the sudden realization spiked him. 'Oh yeah! That blonde man from my dreams!' And so he asked them.

"Vongola... It's the clam vigilante group, right?"

The others stared at him while the others just laugh. Calling Vongola a clam vigilante group is really hilarious. They are curious to where had Tsuna knew all about the Vongola but shrugged it off thinking that the brunet had read it somewhere. Vongola IS really famous.

“If you think Vongola is still a vigilante group, then you’re wrong. It’s already the most powerful Mafia family in the whole world” Xanxus explained getting over from the good laugh.

“Oh.. a mafia family… WHAT!? I thought you’re just guys with those dangerous professions. I never really thought about mafia… Then I’m already involved?”

“Yes” They answered.

“I really can’t believe… So now can you please explain me those flames thingy that is always visible when you guys are training me. “ Tsuna demanded. He wants to learn something new.

“Those are deathperation flames or some call it dying will flames. It is sort of like an energy that forms from your resolve. The more resolve you have, the bigger the flames. There are different types of flames, but the most common in the mafia world is the flames of sky. There are seven: Rain like Squalo’s, Mist like Fran’s and Mammon’s, Lightning like Levi’s, Storm like Belphegor’s, Sun like Lussuria’s, Sky like mine’s, and Cloud like yours.”  Xanxus knew Tsuna had sky flames like his but kept it a secret until it would awaken.

“I have cloud flames? Really?” Tsuna asked. It’s true that when training, little purple flames are forming. But he really doesn’t know back then.

“Yes. And right now, Varia is aiming for the Decimo spot in Vongola, and we are in need of a cloud guardian. Will you accept it?”

Tsuna is in awe. Of course he would love to. They are his family. And family always help each other. “Yes. I will accept”

‘If only you knew what would happen. But I’m glad’



Tsuna lazily opened his eyes. His trying to absorb the information from Lussuria… Once he realizes what he just said he jump from his bed and tripped on the covers, causing him to fall down the stairs. But luckily Lussuria caught him.

“Be careful Tsu-chan!”

"Is it true that we're going to Italy?"


"When?" Tsuna is really excited. At least the years of learning different languages will finally pay off.

"Hmmm... I'm not really sure, maybe tonight?"

Hearing this, Tsuna hurriedly went upstairs again, packed his things, and prepares himself.


They are already at the airport in Italy. After 8 months in japan, they really missed the air here... well, except for Tsuna, it's his first time.

They are already surrounded by different men in black speaking in Italian. 'Probably the other subordinates in Varia.' Tsuna thought as someone approaches him.

"And who is this young one here, master Xanxus. I don't believe I’ve met him" One of the butlers said.

"He's my new recruit so fuck off scum"

Tsuna cringed. Ever since they stepped out of the plane, Xanxus became cold. His intuition is also going haywire like something will happen soon.

"Tsuna, we're going to continue training, now" Xanxus coldly said but on the inside he's actually worried 'Please awaken your sky flames. I know that it's stronger and purer than mine. Or if we failed in the 4 months we have left, at least get better at protecting yourself. I can't afford losing you. My beloved little brother.'


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