Dearest, Theodosia

By wintersoldierweb

117K 5.2K 10.4K

Theodosia Burr. Philip Hamilton. Together, they blew them all away. *saddness warning* Alternate: They'll be... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X:
Chapter XI:
Chapter XII:
Chapter XIII:
Chapter XIV:
Chapter XV:
Chapter XVI:
Chapter XVII:
Chapter XVIII:
Chapter XIX:
Chapter XX:
Chapter XXI:
Chapter XXII:
Chapter XXIII:
Chapter XXIV:
Chapter XXV:
Chapter XXVI:
Chapter XXVII:
Chapter XXVIII:
Chapter XXIX:
Chapter XXX:
Chapter XXXI:
Chapter XXXII:
Chapter XXXIII:
Chapter XXXV:
Chapter XXXVI:
Chapter XXXVII:
Chapter XXXVIII:
Chapter XXXIX:
Chapter XXXX:
Chapter XXXXI:
Chapter XXXXII:
Chapter XXXXIII:
Chapter XXXXIV:
Chapter XXXXV:
Chapter XXXXVI:
Wattys 2017

Chapter XXXIV:

1.7K 95 116
By wintersoldierweb

Chapter XXXIV:

Maid of Honor

   September 27, 1799. Philip had gone back to school, which left an extremely bored Theo with nothing to do. Theo had read all of the books in their whole library since the first of the month. She had cleaned all of the house that morning, leaving her with no plans that afternoon. Like she did most days, she decided to go visit the Hamilton's house, no matter who was there. Anyone there would be better than her very empty house. She headed out, walking over to the house and knocking on the door when she arrived.

   The door quickly flung open, revealing Angelica Hamilton and a lot of loud sounds. "Thank god!" Angie screeched, dragging her best friend inside. "I was expecting my mother but you might be even better." Theo shut the door behind her as Angie dragged the girl into the living room where there were many loud Hamilton children yelling about. "I might kill them." She said in a low voice. "I am in desperate need of help."

   "Okay, okay." Theo said, stepping into the room. As frustrated as this scene made Angie, Theo loved it. She loved the sight of siblings, considering she didn't have any of her own, even if they were screaming across the room at each other. She knew what she had to do. "Hello everyone." She said softly. Her presence immediately silenced the room before they all ran over to her.

"Theo!" They all yelled, bombarding her with hugs and laughter. She really did love the Hamilton children like they were her own family members. They all adored her too. Some of the boys seemed more excited for the wedding than Philip and Theo. The only one that may had been an exception to that was Alexander Jr, who still had a crush on Theo.

   "Theo! Theo! Theo!" James Alexander Hamilton exclaimed, the eleven year old exclaimed, pulling on the girl's dress, trying to get her attention. Angie was just sitting back, watching the whole scene in front of her in awe. Angie had been working for hours to try to get them under control but all Theo had to do was walk into the room. That was it.

   Theo looked around, smiling at all of the Hamiltons. "Settle down, everyone. We can all talk, just relax. Let's all go and sit in the kitchen." All of the kids rushed into the kitchen, waiting for Theo to join them inside.

   Angie walked over, placing her hand gently on her friend's shoulder. "Teach me your ways." She begged. "How did you manage? You just walked inside the room and..." Angie trailed off, causing Theo to giggle. She had always been good with children. She imagined that she'd been a good mother someday.

   "You and I should go to the kitchen." Theo said, looping her arm with Angie's. "We're expected in there." The two made their way into the kitchen, seeing many eager children waiting at the table. Theo and Angie sat at the table, looking at all of the faces. "Now, what was it that you all wanted to talk about?"

   "The wedding!" Seven year old, John Church, who was named after Angelica Schuyler Church's Husband, exclaimed. "When are you going to join our family?" Theo smiled widely. She loved talking about the wedding. It was one of her favorite things to discuss. She had many lists on her desk in her bedroom that listed things that she wanted for their wedding. It was going to be a dream.

   "When your brother graduates from college, we're going to have the wedding." Philip and Theo had decided to get married two weeks after his graduation from King's College, just so he'd have time to relax before getting married. It was Theo's idea, Philip was so eager that he wanted to marry her within the same day. "That's still pretty far away though."

"It's okay," Alexander Jr. reassured her "the day will come. Philip even promised that we'd all be his groomsmen and that Georges Washington Lafayette would be his best man." Angie slumped in her seat at the name and Theo took a deep breath. Georges was going to be the best man of her groom, which would have been great if he wasn't totally in love with the bride. A little over a year could be long enough for someone to fall out of love.

"Who are your bridesmaids going to be? And your maid of honor?" John Church asked anxiously. He was very excited. He had never been to a wedding before. The youngest brother, William Stephan, two years old, reached for Theo, who pulled him onto her lap. She really was good with children.

"I haven't thought much about that." Theo said, playing with that small curls on the little boy's head. They reminded her of Philip's curls. "I had a few people in mind for my bridesmaids, but I only know one person who could fit the job of maid of honor." When she was growing up, she had always wanted her mother to be her maid of honor, but that wasn't an option anymore. Theo turned her head and looked over at Angie.

"What? Why are you looking at me?" She said obliviously." All of the boys started muttering to each other. "What is it?" Theo let out a small laugh. "Wait... Theo." Angie pointed at herself, a smile playing at her lips. Theo nodded, smiling. "Oh my goodness, Theo!" She jumped up from her seat, running over to the girl and hugging her the best she possibly could without crushing her brother. "Thank you! I'll be the best maid of honor you'll ever have."

"Hopefully you'll be the only maid of honor I'll ever have." Theo said with a laugh. She still had bridesmaids positions to fill. "Hey, Ang?" Angie looked over, showing that she was listening. "Do you think your mother would be one of my bridesmaids?" She asked timidly.

"Would I? Of course!" A pregnant Eliza said as she entered the kitchen. "I'd be honored." She said sweetly. Angie took her brother from Theo, allowing her to get up and hug the woman.

"Thank you." She said, hugging her tightly. Eliza and Theo smiled at each other. It wasn't even strange to find Theo in her house anymore, she practically lived there. "Also, do you think Angelica would be opposed?"

"I bet she'd love to as well, dear." Theo smiled. She also asked if Peggy would be a bridesmaid too. Although she didn't know Peggy well, she knew she'd have plenty of time to get to know her. She couldn't wait to join the Hamilton family.

I got lazy in that last paragraph but oh well. I hope you enjoyed more fluff! I think the next chapter may be a flashback! Thank you for reading! Have a good day!

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