DARK PARADISE. [ Currently Un...

By jolante424

12.2K 492 65

He is the masterplayer of this game. She is the prize in which he strives for.. In sinister ways, he moves an... More

Authors note.🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Chapter one [ Edited.]
Chapter 2 [ Edited]
Chapter 3[ Edited]
Chapter 4 [ Edited]
Chapter 5[ Edited]
Chapter 6 [ Edited]
Chapter 7[ Edited]
Chapter 8 [ Edited]
Chapter 9 [ Edited]
Chapter 10[ Edited]
Author's note {Part Two.}🌸
Chapter 11[Edited]
Chapter 12[Edited]
Chapter 13[Edited]
Chapter 14[Edited]
Chapter 15[Edited]
Chapter 16[Editing]
Chapter 18[Edited]
Chapter 19[Edited]
Chapter 20[Edited]
Chapter 21[Edited]πŸ”₯
Chapter 22[Editing]
Author's note
Chapter 22[Editing]
Chapter 23[Editing]
Chapter 24[Editing]
Chapter 25[Editing]
Chapter 26[Editing]
Chapter 27[Editing]
Sorry not an update!!!
Chapter 28[Editing]
Chapter 29[Editing]
Chapter 30[Editing]

Chapter 17[Edited]

109 9 1
By jolante424

A free period was what Kate needed and thankfully, her prayers had been answered, when Mrs Clark had an emergency.

While most of her classmates decided to roam around the school, risking the chance to be caught, she decided to chill in class.

With a good book in hand, nothing seemed better, she thought, but her mind changed when her favourite scent filled her nose. One of her favourite people had joined her, and she now had company. Her heart picked up when she felt kisses planted down on her neck, totally distracting her from what she was reading. 

" I need to know who she'll end up with," she said, her voice coming out in a whisper.

Her intention was to scold him but she failed, the tone of her voice showed something different.

" Soldier, definetly him," he mumbled against her skin, before continuing.

" And how do you know that?" 

He leaned back with a grin. " I just know, besides, she only ever thinks about him. " 

" Cheater," she accused in a teasing manner.

" Hey, I couldn't wait that long to find out who she would end up with. Anyway, my only interest right now is on my beautiful lady." 

" Trying to soften me up?" She raised a brow. 

" I missed you," he suddenly said. 

" You're not being fair right now." She whined, knowing that her heart was swooning with the way he was looking at her. 

' Those eyes are filled with so much love. Do I even deserve this much?' She thought, staring at him.

" I couldn't stop thinking about you the whole day." He continued to say, further affecting her heart with his words.

She sighed. " You're too much." She mumbled, leaning close until she rested her forehead against his.

" I like this."

" What?" She asked curiously.

" The amount of times we are receiving to be together." 

" One of us must have done something right in their past life." She said, half joking.

" You, definitely you." He quickly responded.

" And why not you?" She challenged.

" Easy, your heart is too precious." He answered, sounding so confident about this, that her cheeks warmed up.

" And yours is full of love, so ----"

" For you maybe." He shrugged.

She shook her head, feeling amusement in this subject for some reason.

"And what if I was a devious person?" She asked.

" Doubt it and you can't change my mind." He stubbornly said.

When she only stared at him, he took the opportunity to steal yet another kiss.

" We are in class." She reminded him.

" So?" Now he was the one to challenge her.

" You're quite cheeky today." She commented.

He playfully rolled his eyes, leaning back in his seat in a more relaxed posture.

She continued to read the page she had left, while Nick massaged one of her hands. 

His touch felt nice and right after she finished the page, she closed the book and turned to him.

" What are you thinking?" He asked when she looked at him without a word.

" I had some time to think about our talk earlier and though I'm not crazy about the idea, I've decided to join you guys."

" You know what, we can stay behind, no pressure," he now frowned at her.

" No, no, my mind is set on this, okay?" She said, trying to convince him that she wouldn't change her mind.

" Are you really sure?" He asked again, needing more than anything for the confirmation.

He would hate for her to feel obligated to do this. She was most important and though the trip seemed like fun, without her, it wouldn't be the same.

These days he couldn't deny how attached he felt towards her, it was like a moment away from each other was time wasted. He certainly didn't like that thought.

" Positive." She insisted.

" Okay." He nodded, leaning forward for another kiss but didn't get a chance when they heard someone clear their throat.

" PDA , please no...." Danny said or more like whined.

" Jealousy won't get you no where," Nick said, sounding the least bothered.

Kate hid her face in his neck, trying to hide her blushing face. 

Nick found it cute, he couldn't help but kiss the crown of her head.

" Whatever, hey Kate,  ready to pick her up?" Danny asked Kate, who had now recovered and looked at him.

" Hmm," she nodded.

Today was the day that she would fetch her car. It was All fixed up now.

The school bell rang then, grabbing their attention.

" She'll finally be home, I'm relieved." She said as she rose to her feet, preparing to pack her stuff but Nick was way ahead of her.

She smiled in gratitude and before she knew it, the trio left the class.

With the guys being tall, this worked in her favour because they made sure to create room for her to walk and protect her from people bumping into people.


" I told you I'd do it!" Stacey whisper- yelled over the phone.

Her annoyance was clear. She had been on edge for a while now throughout the day, but it heightened the moment she engaged in that phone call. Unfortunately for her, she had witnesses and it surely were the last people she wanted as witnesses at a time like this.

" Stace, are you okay? " Danny asked the very minute she ended her call.

 ' Shoot, what I need to do is to get out of here.' She thought in panick.

" Y-yeah I'm fine," her voice came out nervous and she quickly cleared her throat. " I'm good, just received an annoying call, no biggie." She explained with a shrug, trying to sound non chalent but it wasn't working out so well.

" Who was that?" Nick asked.

" No one important, anyway, are you all good for next week?" She asked, changing the subject.

" Yep, especially now, I have more reason to look forward to the trip." Nick responded, pulling Kate to his side and kissing her temple.

Her lips lifted into a smile.

"You are going?" Stacey asked in surprise, though there was no mistaking the annoyance at the end of her tone.

Kate nodded in answer.

" You're full of surprises Kate, last time I remember, you are one of the people who always hesitates before doing anything. You're usually uncertain about everything."

The intention was clear from Stacey's words, she meant to offend Kate.

Anna stepped in before Kate could respond.

" Well I see nothing wrong with thinking first before jumping into something. My friend thinks and makes sure to assess a situation before making a decision. The proof is in the amazing life decisions she's made so far, and don't get me started on her reputation, which by the way ----"

" Anna.." Kate warned under her breath, trying to make her stop.

She felt slightly embarrassed for being the center of attention. She understood that Anna was defending her, but at the very same time she felt overly praised. It didn't feel right to be claimed as all these things when she didn't feel like it half of the time.

" All I'm saying is that it would be best if we remember how different we are, that way it'll be easier to continue tolerating some people, like we've done so far." Anna continued to say, feeling stubborn and wanting to have the last word.

She was definetely not in a mood to tolerate Stacey's taunts towards her best friend.

" I think this weekend will be cool, it'll be like a new bonding experience for all of us." Danny spoke up with a single clap of hands, wanting to diffuse the tension between all of them.

Anna and Stacey scoffed at his words, already dismissing his words.

Thankfully no more words were thrown at each other.

" Okay, so it's been settled, everyone invited is definetly going." Nick said.

" I guess the only thing left is to decide who is volunteering with their cars." Stacey said, now turning her gaze to Nick.

" And I'm guessing you'll be the first to be so kind and volunteer, right Stacey?" Anna said with a smirk.

" Wait, w-what?" Stacey blinked at her, taken by surprise.

" Thank you, you have a heart of gold." Anna patted Stacey's shoulder before walking off, not giving her a chance to respond.

The rest took that opportunity to escape, leaving Stacey stunned for a moment before an huffed in annoyance.

Her cellphone suddenly rang, further  irritating her.

" What?!!" She hissed, storming off.

Nick and Danny waited patiently for Kate, who was sorting out her stuff in her locker.

" I'm starting to think this trip will be really interesting." Danny commented, referring to what happened minutes ago.

" I'm guessing you're preparing to take up the role of referee while we are away." Nick teased Danny.

" No way, I'm not getting involved." Danny protested.

He shuddered at the thought of coming out scarred because of the cat fights. He wanted a peaceful trip and nothing else.

" You pretty much are the middle man, Stacey listens to you and Anna ------"

" I think you're talking about yourself there my friend. She basically melts in your presence and...." Danny's words faltered when he realised how his words would be misinterpreted. 

He felt like kicking himself for not controlling his tongue better.

Kate might have been facing away from them but it was clear by how she tensed up, that she heard him and it didn't sit well with her. Nick on the other hand looked like he wanted to hit him upside the head, and knock some sense into him.

Making Kate uncomfortable was the last thing Danny wanted to do.

" I mean my guy here is too charming, anyone would melt in his presence. " Danny said a little louder, wrapping his arm around Nick's shoulders.

" You mean you?" Nick said, jabbing him in the stomach.

" Except me." Danny responded with a groan, letting go of Nick.

" Maybe I could volunteer for the trip." Kate spoke up, gaining their attention. " I mean my baby will be coming home soon and though she might not be fancy, she still is -------"

" She's just recovered, maybe we should take it easy, hmm?" Nick said, stepping closer to her. " You don't have to worry yourself babe, I've already decided to volunteer."

" You have?" Both Kate and Danny asked in surprise.

Nick nodded, though he knew he was half lying. He literally made the decision now.

" Are you sure?" Kate asked, frowning a bit.

" Hmm, I'm sure and you know what the best part is?" He asked, pulling her even closer.

" What?" She quirked her brow.

" You'll be right there next to me the whole time." He kissed her pretty nose before smiling at her.

" You mean I'll be responsible for keeping you awake and not fall asleep." She teased.

" You'll be his personal alarm, that's a bit unfair." Danny joined in the teasing. " I think it'll be better if you joined us at the back and leave him to sit infront alone, maybe he'll keep his eyes on the road and nowhere else."

" Who says you'll be joining us?" Nick shot back, raising his own brow.

Danny gasped dramatically. " Are you trying to ditch your only best friend? That's cold man." He shook his head, faking offense.

" If I want peace and quiet, then that's what I'll do."

" I can't believe you call yourself my friend. I've been too loyal man. " Danny wiped at his non existent tears, putting his acting skills to play.

The couple shook their heads in amusement.

" Hey Danny, do you want to audition for the school play?" Kate teased.

" I could, but I'll pass. You know, my schedule is packed these days." He said, flipping invincible hair over his shoulder.

" Sure, sure. Whatever you say." Kate waved him off.

She closed and locked her locker before placing her bag on her shoulder. " Okay, done." She said, signalling for them leave.

" So, I've got a date tonight." Danny said as they were heading for the exit. " And because dancing is on the agenda, I've got a few new moves to impress."

" You sound confident about this and that sounds scary enough." Nick said, deciding to tease him about this.

Danny shifted to stand infront of them, stopping the couple from moving. " Watch this."

Danny began dancing. Whatever moves he was doing made Nick snicker while Kate burst out laughing, which earned them a few curious glances.

Unfortunately for Danny, who was concentrating on busting some serious moves, took long to notice someone behind him. This happened to be the genetor.

" Oh my gosh." Kate gasped, when she noticed the mess that was made due to the collision.

Cleaning supplies were scattered around, with a bit of water.

Kate felt her face warm in embarassment, it seemed that every encounter she's had with this new genetor proved to be messy.

" Hey man, sorry about that." Danny said, helping the man with the stuff.

The man didn't respond but simply fixed his cart, nodded and started to move but Nick stopped him in his tracks.

" Hey, sorry, Do I know you from somewhere?"

The man glanced over his shoulder and shook his head no, before he could walk away again, Kate called after him. She had noticed a screw driver on the floor in which he'd forgotten.

It might have been the second encounter with the man but there was so much mystery, surrounding him. From the way his cap was lowered to hide his eyes to his non verbal responses, this man showed clear signs of not being fond of interactions. He was totally different from the old genetor.

" You forgot this," she said, her voice coming out much softer.

The man tilted his head up slightly and she lowered her head a bit, which was enough for their eyes to meet. She gasped a bit, his green eyes intense, piercing almost. It felt she was being hypnotized and being taken to a dark place, one she clawed her way out of.

She was only able to blink when he took the screw driver, his hand brushing her own skin. The mere touch caused her to tense up.

" I never forget," she blinked again, feeling unsure if she heard right. 

" D-did you say something?" Her voices sounded foreign  even to her own ears, it was too small and vulnerable.

" Babe let's go," Nick's voice broke through whatever spell she had been under.

She felt relieved to be pulled away by Nick. As the distance grew between her and the genetor, she felt like she was getting back to her senses.

As they walked away, the burning gaze on her back lingered for far too long.

While Nick had not said anything, he'd noticed something that didn't sit quite right with him. The interaction between the genetor and Kate should have not bothered him as much, but something felt off about the way the genetor looked at his girlfriend.

His reaction of pulling her close under his arm, in a protective manner felt valid.

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