Submitting the Alpha (boyxboy...

By RainbowAlpha

1M 41.4K 5.2K

Vladimir Alexis had lived for more than a thousand years. He is what the vampires called Master of the family... More

Submitting the Alpha (manxman)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 8

60.7K 2.1K 536
By RainbowAlpha

Here's the link to chapter 7. a reader gave me the idea. Thanks :

Sorry for the late update. I had a cut on my thumb so I can't type.(I only type on my iPod). So yeah. And thanks for all the votes! That kept me motivated! :D

Dedicated to my twin, ProphecyBlood for the plot and GrimmPrincess for the idea :) thanks!

Vlad's POV

I'm not a morning person. At all. Usually at this time, Erik or Charles or some Newborns woke me up. But now? Nah. Not a sound of their voice. Instead, i got woken up by the blinding light shining through the open windows and the perfect smell of a mate. Haaaa, I don't mind waking up early if it's for this. The teen, wrapped around my arms, cuddled deeper and head rested in the crook of my neck. Now that's cute. I can feel my morning hard-on, getting harder than ever.

As I put my chin over my mate's bald tattooed head, I felt him shifting against me. He lifted his head and there's this look of confusion in his face. But he looked sleepy. Making him look cuter more. And more. He moved back a bit but still in my arms. "What're you doing here?" Skylar asked.

"D'you remember last night?" I asked, smirking. He nipped at my chin lazily and almost fell back to sleep. "Yeah, but that's the full moon talking. Now shut up and let me sleep already. It's Saturday," Skylar cuddled closer, wrapping his arms around my torso. Ah, his warmth. I want this to be everyday. I knew Skylar was blushing hard against my chest.

I knew he remembered what I did to him. More like what HE said yesterday. He shook his head trying to not think about something. I chuckled. "Don't ever mention about yesterday to any soul. That is if you want to see me. I know how to avoid people," he mumbled. I just hummed. "Now shut up! I'm sleepy!" Skylar snuggled closer.

I was about to drift off when I felt something tingly around my legs. At first I let it be but then it gets too unbearable. I grabbed the comforter and pulled it open, making Skylar sat up in surprised. "What? What?!" He asked in confusion. And sleepy. Then I saw it. A black furry fuzzy tail wagging between Skylar's legs. I grabbed it. He yelped in shock.

He grabbed his tail back as if it was the most precious thing. "How is that still out? I thought full moon's over?" I asked, grabbing it again and brushed the fuzzy tip across my face. It's soooo soft. "I don't know. Hey what the heck?! My tail is still a part of me. So I can feel. Now I don't feel like sleeping anymore," Skylar said.

What he didn't realized was that he was naked. Stark naked. Damn. He got off the bed and went out. I jumped off the bed and followed him. Everybody stared at us. Or him. Or me. Either one who cares. Then we went into a room probably the dining room as there was a lot of his pack members. Males and females. They stared at Skylar's naked body. Some even blushed. How dare they stared at what's mine when I am here. I growled. They all looked at me and quickly looked the other way.

"For the love of Mother Nature, will you wear some clothes to cover your huge junk?" The gorgeous woman from yesterday threw him a pants. Now that I think of it, that women do smell like Skylar. Hmm, probably his mom. Smoking hot. Shoot. Vlad, your mate's infront of you. You wanted him so you have to stick to the plan. No more flirting around and no more high school girls.

Damn, I'm going to miss those cheerleaders. I did a good job at covering their scents since Skylar didn't notice. I stared at his ass. It looked more appealing now that there's an add on. A cute add on. Everybody saw the tail. Even they had that confusion look on their faces. Except the elders. They smiled. They fucking smiled.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean. I nodded my head at one of the smiling dogs asking them for answers. Skylar's mom seemed to caught my meaning and began explaining, "when you bond during the fullmoon, the wolf gets excited and let himself out for awhile. Some people has their pointy ears, some their hairy selfs and most tails. You're one step closer to bring bonded forever," she smiled.

Skylar was agaped. I smiled. "But we didn't fuck or anything!" Skylar protested. "Yeah but you exchange bodily fluids. Either he swallowed your salivas which I know he did or your cum. And I'm 100 percent confirm on the latter one," his mom laughed.

His mom showed a sign of smell.

Yeah I did smelled like him more. He blushed. "Mom!" Skylar yelled.

Then I remembered. Ah, I have to meet someone today. Pulled Skylar away further a bit and said," Hey I gotta go out of town for a while. I'll be back soon though," I said in a soothing voice, for his wolf. But Skylar looked disappointed. But it went as fast as it came.

"So what? You can go for as long as you want." Yup, he's sulking. I chuckled. I gave a peck on the cheeks and his forehead, which totally made him blushed. The I went back to his room to get my wallet and watch and shoes. I waved him a goodbye and left.

I get on my Porsche and drive straight home. "So, you're close to mating ritual huh?" I was greeted by non other that my precious son, Erik the motherfucker. Literally. He used to be his step-mom's fuck-toy. And that's one of the reasons I took him away. See? I save people from their hellholes. I'm not always a douche.

I threw the car keys at his his face. He quickly caught it before it hit his face. "You're actually going to meet him?" Erik asked, putting the keys on the table. I sat down in a couch. "Yeah, why not? I mean a guy claimed to be a son of mine. Born from a human mother. I must admit, that's rare. But humans can't carry my child. Their bodies are not meant to carry something as powerful as our kin. Now that's the more reason I'm going to meet him," I told Erik. I went upstairs and stuffs needed were already put in a backpack. Good.

I grabbed if and went downstairs. There, Marlon was already waiting for me. He was the strongest vampire in the house aside from Erik. We climbed into my car and drive off.


Skylar's POV

So I went back to sleep. Somehow something didn't felt right. My gut's telling me something bad going to happen. I rolled around on the bed. The bed smelled like him. Suddenly pigments of yesterday's memories came back. I remembered how i begged. I remembered how i was the submissive one. And i remembered how my mate touched me lovingly and admiringly. Fuck. I sound like a love novel.

I touched where the crest should have been. It felt so soothing. Yeah, he'll be back soon. What are all this flowery thinking?!!!

I went out to the woods, to calm myself. I loved to go deeper as it was more calming. Then I heard something moving and rustling. I smelled nothing though. I kept my guards up, claws out, and canines elongated, ready to attack anyone. Then I saw the familiar raven haired girl. "Mikayla, what're you doing here?" I asked. Since this is not her territory and I didn't needed her here, why is she here?

She looked a bit different. Her eyes were dark. And sinister. I smelled her emotions. She meant bad. Then suddenly 3 werecats jumped out of the bushes. Damn, they were good at hiding their scent. They were strong. They managed to pin me down. Since last night was full moon, I couldn't shift because it got tired controlling my body. You're a fucking wolf! You don't get to rest just because you went out.

I was on my knees, struggling. Who are they? They must be new since I've never seen them before. And they're strong. Like, really strong. And then mikayla stepped closer. There was something glowing in her hand. I can feel that it's not something that'll tickle me. Mikayla meant hurt. "Why're you doing this Mikayla?" I asked, trying to get out of their grips.

"One, because you chose him over me. The other? Because you hurt my feelings. We're supposed to be mates! I loved you and you just tossed me away when he came. Now I'm going to remove that fucking mark off your body. You're mine!" Mikayla growled. My wolf growled back at her threat. Oh now you're out eh wolf?

She put the glowing orbs against my chest, where the mark should have been. I screamed. But it was muffled out. One of the werecats put a hand on my mouth. It hurts. It hurts real bad. I can feel the crest burning, fading away from my body. I saw mikayla smiled.

Then it stopped. I went limped. They let go off me and I fell to the ground. It stings. I panted hard. "Now that should make you realized just who your real mate is," she said. My head was cloudy. I don't know why but I have this sudden hatred towards a vampire named Vlad. Vlad? Hmm, why would I think of him?

I looked up. Where am I? Why am I here? "Mikayla? What're you doing here, baby?" I said. The words slipped off my tongues as if it was natural. Why does something tells me something happened. "Oh yesterday was fullmoon and I was there to help you. You didn't want to do in the room so here we are," and smiled and help me up. I smiled at her. Ah, that happened. I held her close. "Sex in the wilderness huh? My wolf is getting wilder and wilder," I gave her a peck on the lips. She beamed.

We went inside. Mom stopped me as we were getting to my room. "Where's Vlad?" She asked. "Vlad? Why would he be here?" I asked in confusion and getting annoyed. "Err, because he was here yesterday with you and he's your mate?" Mom crossed her arms, looking at Mikayla suspiciously. "How about no. He's not my mate. Mikayla is. And I was totally not with him. I was with her," I gestured at Mikayla.

Suddenly my mom growled and bared her fangs at Mikayla. Mikayla hid behind me. I growled back at my mom and my eyes flashed red, commanding her submission. But she stand still. I growled louder. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulders. I stared at the owner. "Sorry about your mom. She must be dreaming," my uncle said. He quickly pulled my mom away from me.

I saw mikayla smirked but I didn't know why and I don't care. We went to my room and pretty much did some homeworks and talked. And then some make out session. And probably sex after that.


No one's POV.

"Something happened ok? You gotta calm down first, Joanna," Jared said. "That bitch did something to my baby and she's going to get it!" Joanna growled. "The crest was gone. He seemed to not remember anything. We gotta do something. We can't do anything without Vlad. Only he can make the Alpha submit."


Vlad's POV.

My guts was telling me something was wrong. I couldn't feel the bond between Skylar and I. Before it vanished, I can feel pain. Skylar's pain. Shit. Something happened. Then suddenly my phone rang. I picked it up.

"Master Vladimir? It's Jared, the principal. Something happened to Skylar and you are not going to like it. Not a bit," Jared said. I hung up and sped on, way passing the legal limits.

I arrived 20 minutes later. The fastest I could get. I barged into the pack house. I left Marlon in the car since he can't enter the house without an invitation. "SKYLAR!" I roared. The house shakes from the vibration of my roar.

Everybody came out to the front hall. Then I saw him. And her. "WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING HERE?!" I yelled, prying her hands off Skylar. Skylar looked at me in anger. Hs lunged at me. "Get your filthy hands off my mate," Skylar hissed. He said mate. There was this pang of hurts came. After what we did all this times. "She's not your mate, I am," I said thorough gritted teeth.

"Since when? I never had a male mate and even if I did it wouldn't be you," Skylar said harshly. I ripped off his shirts. It was not there. The crest. It's gone. Something happened. I pushed Skylar off me and charged myself towards that alpha bitch and choked her. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" I roared using my oh-so-famous demonic voice. She whimpered, catching Skylar's attention and he tried to pushed me away. Before he could put his hands on me, I grabbed his neck. Hard.

He clawed my hand but it was useless. Everybody stared. They know. They know something wrong and I'm going to fix it. I dragged them out of the house into the yard. I threw the bitch into a tree, away from us. I saw Skylar looked at Mikayla in anger when he saw how I thrown her.

"S-stop! Why.. Are y-you.. Doing this?" Skylar asked between breaths. "You've forgotten me and now I'm going to fix it. You're coming home with me," I growled. I hynotized him to make him sleep. So he won't be struggling along the way.

"Do your thing. I'll make sure I'll tell mikayla's father about what happened. Take care of him," Jared said and patted my shoulder. I asked Marlon to walk back home. He obediently did it when he heard the commotions. I gently put Skylar on the passenger sit and drove home. You're so dead, bitch.

So there it is! Don't like it? Blame my twin! She gave me those ideas haha! :D but a story always need some angsty moment,no? I hope you like it though!



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