נכתב על ידי prettyboyawg

516 35 28

He knelt down, twisting his head that was partially cloaked by the hood of his robe to face me. His pale jaw... עוד

1. Acceptance
2. Diagon Alley
4. The Sorting Ceremony
5. Fifth Year
6. Another Day
7. Living A Little
8. The Forbidden Forest
9. Acid Pops
10. Prefecting

3. Hogwarts Express

58 3 4
נכתב על ידי prettyboyawg

Chapter 3.
Hogwarts Express


September 1st

I sat in silence as I ate my bowl of Frosties. I pressed the spoon into the bowl before lifting itself and it's contents into my mouth.

Today was the day.

Hogwarts express was leaving at 11 o'clock and it was 8am now. Thus meaning I had two hours to get ready as it would take me approximately forty-five minutes in the taxi to get to the train station, and I wanted to be there slightly early to secure a seat on the train. Dad had left a couple days ago as Dumbeldore had requested all the Professors at Hogwarts to be present a couple days before the term began.

It seemed strange and probably made my dad come off as uncaring, however dad was away at Hogwarts for the majority of the past two years so I was used to being on my own. Obviously I missed him, but I took it as an opportunity to grow and mature, although I was just 9 years old the first time he left.

My ticket that dad had bought me lay neatly on the table untouched, along with money for the taxi and a couple of galleons for sweets on the train. To say I was excited would be a huge understatement. I was also incredibly nervous though.

What if people treated me differently once they found out I was Severus' daughter? What if I was put into Gryffindor and was expected to be a perfect student and do something great with my life?

I shook those worrying thoughts out of my cluttered head. Quickly losing my appetite, as my nerves replaced my hunger, I emptied the rest of my bowls contents into the sink and bin before washing up my used dishes.

I rushed in and out the shower and began finally getting ready for Hogwarts.

Of course I had many friends here, in London. However, I knew eventually that I would be applying for Hogwarts so I never allowed myself to get too attached to any individual, so I honestly wouldn't miss anyone specifically that much.

Once I heard the familiar taxi honk the horn outside, I pushed my trolley down our corridor.
I wore a pair of tight black jeans and a black hoodie with white tassels. My quartz necklace was securely hidden underneath my hoodie.

I rushed my trolley outside onto my door step, after grabbing my money and ticket and shoving it into my back pocket. Saskia was sat neatly on the top of my trolley, claiming all the boxes with a triumphant glow in her eyes. Her cage was also there, but as she was going to be locked up for the whole train journey, I wanted her to get as much fresh air as possible beforehand.

As soon as the driver stepped out and made eye contact with me, his face face revealed shock and surprise. I struggled to decide whether it was the fact that an 11 year old girl had ordered a taxi, or the fact that I had just left my house with a trolley of boxes and a cat.

I locked the door behind me, pushing it again just to be sure as no one would be here for a couple of months.

"Hello love, uh, did you order a taxi..?" The man asked doubt filling his green eyes.

I nodded, further pushing my trolley down to the back of the taxi.

"Oh right, eh, okay." The man stammered as he lifted the boot of his car open for my luggage.

He lifted up my trolley with struggle and just managed to squeeze it in.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to keep your cat in the cage for the duration of the journey," he spoke nervously, the cold air blew past him making his hair rustle.

I nodded, a small frown gracing my lips but I quickly ushered Saskia into her cage. Her howls of complaints filled the car as I stepped into the backseat.

"Kings Cross Station, please," I ordered before taking one last glance at my house in front of me.
The man nodded in response as he began starting the engine and proceeded to drive towards my destination.


"Thank you," I smiled gratefully, pushing a couple of notes through to the driver.

"No problem, would you like me to help you with your luggage Miss?" He asked politely.

I shook my head as I tugged at my trolley, pulling it out of the taxi. The man nodded and drove off, I exhaled a nervous breath as I eagerly set off. I clutched my silver ticket in my hand reading it over once more.


The black and golden letters dripped flawlessly around the paper as small gold patterns outlined the edges of the ticket.

Dad had informed me on how I got to the platform, however as I saw muggles watching me with curious eyes, I felt nervous and unwanted.

"Hello, are you lost love?" I twisted around suddenly, my eyes focusing on the girl who was speaking to me.

She had a similar trolley to me, although instead of a cat, a toad sat neatly in a cage. She was clearly older than me due to her mature looks.

"Eh, yeah I'm trying to get to platform nine and three quarters," I questioned sheepishly.

Her green eyes lit up with delight.

"Ohhh a first year huh? Let me guess, Primrose Snape?" she smiled kindly.
I nodded as a look of confusion smothered my face, she quickly noticed this and answered my unspoken questions.

"Professor Snape told me to look out for a first year with dark hair, he asked me to help you onto the train as you're his daughter. I never knew he had a kid. I'll show you the way. I'm Gemma, Gemma Farley by the way," she spoke, slowly walking ahead with me next to her.

I nodded as a smile graced my lips at the thought of my dad worrying. He always worried wherever I went.

"So, what you wanna do, is run straight ahead into the wall, it sounds stupid but I promise it works." Gemma encouraged.

I bit my lip, an uneasy feeling spreading across me.

"You want me to go first?" She must've noticed my nerves and quickly offered.
I nodded, suddenly feeling reassured.

Gemma tightened her grip on her trolley and began running straight ahead. I cringed in worry, but as soon as she evaporated through the wall, I grinned. With confidence running through my veins, I forced myself forewords and towards the brick wall, squeezing my eyes shut.

"You did it!" Gemma beamed as I was suddenly transported to an unfamiliar place, which I guessed was Platform 9 and 3/4.

A large red and golden train stood directly in front of us. The platform was scattered with adults and students all waving and hugging one another.

I grinned sheepishly and followed her as she escorted me onto the train. Our luggage was sent elsewhere, supposedly to the back of the train.

"Right, I'll be in the last carriage at the back if you need me, are you sure you'll be okay? I can stay with you if you like?" Gemma offered, a kind smile gracing her lips.

"No, it's fine, thank you," I said politely.

With a quick, curt nod, she sauntered off down the train. I swallowed nervously, my feet trailing as I walked along the train in search of an empty carriage. The younger ones, who were most likely in my year, seemed to be waving to their parents with excited grins on their faces. The older ones, they were all casually scanning out the first years, some with hard judgemental looks.
Eventually I found an empty carriage and let out a small sigh of relief. I slumped down into the green and black seats, letting my eyes glance outside the large window.

Chatter arose from further down the train, I poked my head out of my carriage curiously and cautiously. Two boys were having a slight brawl. One was on top of the other, throwing vicious punches at him. I quickly recognised the flash of blonde hair as Draco. And the other, lay underneath, groaning out in pain. The fight was quickly split up by other older students, but Draco was still yelling and screaming as the younger boy got lifted down the train by a nurse. He passed me and I took note of his bad wounds. Blood dropped from his nose and a tooth was missing.

How could a first year, the same age as me do something like that to someone?

Minding my own business, I pulled myself back into the carriage.

"Hi! Could I maybe sit here? I mean, there's no other places so I was just wondering..." a young girl with brown hair poked her head into my carriage.

"Sure," I nodded, she let out a large sigh of relief.

"I'm Sophie, Sophie Barlow. Nice to meet you," she beamed enthusiastically.

"Primrose, Primrose Snape." A small smile grew on my lips.

"Wait, are you related to Professor Snape? My brothers in 4th year and he said he's horrible, but then again my brothers not the best student and hates almost every teacher," she rambled on, I chuckled at her excitement.
"Sorry I'm just so happy to be here." she grinned sheepishly as she noticed my amused smile.

"It's no problem, and yeah Severus is my dad," I spoke glancing at the girl.


Sophie and I had been chatting for hours. We had so much in common and she was honestly great. Two other boys called Dan and Phil who were practically inseparable had joined us. They were also lovely and the four of us got on incredibly well.

"I'm gonna go change," I stated, leaving my new group of friends, who were all changed into their brand new robes.

My eyes scanned the train in search of the bathroom, however they seemed to stop on a familiar silver pair. Draco Malfoy stood next to the bathroom, an annoyed expression on his face. I made my way towards him and stood next to him.

"Do you want something Primrose?" He spat, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, the bathroom." I said matter-of-factly.
He rolled his eyes as he leaned backwards on the wall.
"What happened with you and that boy?" I decided making small talk would be a good idea as dads words rung in my head, plus i was incredibly curious.

"I would prefer it if you didn't socialise with them. They're dangerous and I don't want you getting involved with their 'ways'. By staying away from them, you can't get on their wrong side."

"Is it any of your business?" He scoffed, anger filling his hard tone.

I sighed, annoyed at him for not cooperating in our social exchange, but just as I was about to scold him for it, I was quickly cut off by the toilet flushing and a large looking boy to stumble out.

"S-sorry I ate too many Cauldron Cakes," he stammered, clutching his stomach in pain as he groaned.

"Idiot." Draco scoffed before slamming the bathroom door behind him.

Although he was unnecessarily rude about it, Draco was right. The boy was an idiot for thinking that he could devour all the sweets on the train without any consequences.

"I'm Vincent, Vincent Crabbe," he muttered, throwing his hand out for me to shake it, which I did, before he quickly pushed past me and back to his carriage.

I shrugged carelessly as Draco stepped out of the bathroom. He clutched his old clothes sloppily in his hands as his robe draped around him flawlessly. He pushed past me without a word, bumping my shoulder in the process. I sighed and stepped into the bathroom, before dressing myself in my own black robe.


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