Dave X Reader

By heir_of_windsock413

1.2K 24 21

Warning! This story contains VIOLENCE and mentions of suicide/self harm. This story also contains Verbal/sexu... More

Typically Typical.
Okay, Serious.
Getting to know Strider.
I'll be your Knight, if you be my Princess
Old friend, New enemy
His Girlfriend?
Its Not That Funny.

Our Secrets

128 3 8
By heir_of_windsock413

Where was I...?

My eyes felt heavy as they slowly opened.

I was certain I had died.

I looked around, turning my head from side to side on what felt like a pillow.

To my left was a wall, posters hung on them.

I couldn't make out what they were.

I was certain I was in a bedroom.

However, I was not certain it was mine.

A door opened, but what was behind it wasn't too pleasant.

Dave had a sandwich on a plate and two bottles of apple juice.

Just as he met my gaze, he stopped in his tracks

I was frightened.

I slowly sat up, though it was quite painful.

Backing up into the headboard, I noticed.

I wasn't wearing my clothes.

Instead, i wore a red sweater with a smashed record on it, along with that same red colored baggy gym shorts.

Dave closed the door behind him and smirked as if he found an idea to explain this to me.

He set down his 'groceries'??

"W-why am I in your bedroom....?!" I panicked.

I started to freak out, keeping my cool was getting difficult.

I felt like I was going to cry, instead I reminded myself

No way in hell was I gonna cry in front of him.

He climbed onto the bed, inching toward me, before I could back away. The headboard already had the heels of my hands digging into them

I tried to mess with my hair, when I realized it was tied back, out of my face.

Instead I ended up awkwardly stroking my face.

"Why am I here Strider."

"what kind of a thanks is that? I saved your life, you would've been beaten to a bloody pulp if I'd let Cronus touch you for even another second."

"Maybe I wanted him to kill me firstly, secondly, how do I know your not as much of a creep as he is? After all, you did change my clothes."

"I don't regret it either, you've got a fine ass–i mean....Shit....."

My face had already grew hot with just those few words

I hopped off of his bed, when I felt a strong pain in my ankle. And stomach.

I tried my best to ignore it.

I walked in front of Dave.

Bringing my arm back, he attempted to deflect himself and say some corny or just dumb shit before I smacked him upside the head.

"hey!! Ow, dude chill!!!"

"You are sick! I can't imagine what you did to me while I was unconscious"

I shuddered. Gross.

I knew I couldn't leave yet however. I needed answers.

Instead of being in the same seat as him, or area anyway.

I saw his red office chair.

I plopped onto it.

"Answer my questions and I'll be on my way."

"what if I don't want you to leave?"

"Too bad. Answer"


"Fine, how did I get here?"

"I drove you."

"Why am I here"

He looked at me for a moment.

"tell me, (y/n), if I took you home now, would you really want your parents to see that you've been bloody and beaten?"

He did have a good point.

I shook my head 'no'

"now, I need you to answer a few questions for me"


"why was Cronus after you?"

I shrugged.

"I dunno"

"fair enough. were you two dating?"

"I should hope not?"

"That's a no then?"


"You don't have to answer this one if you don't want to, does he often have sex with you?"

I nearly choked.

"No!! He never has anyway!!"

"You sure?"


"Why the hickeys?"

"They're old–"

I looked down at my neck, where new ones had been placed

"Okay....Guess they aren't...But I've never voluntarily fooled around with him"

I looked down at the floor.

Dave pulled the chair toward the bed.

Tipping my chin up.

"Can you take off your shirt for me?"

"What the Fuck. No, I can not."


He grabbed the seam of the shirt from the bottom and pulled it over my head.

I fought and struggled and he still overpowered me.

I had a sports bra on anyway.

Under my shirt however...

This was a place that revealed an unimaginable amount of cuts, bruises, scars, you name it

I could nearly feel his eyes widen slightly with the sight, that he'd already seen.

"Give me that sweater back."

I reached for it from his hands.

"No can do"

As I stood, he latched his legs around my waist.

This pulled me close to him.

My face was met with his, only a few centimeters apart.

I accidentally flicked my gaze to his lips, before they returned to his eyes.

He smirked, he must've seen me.

He quickly snatched my arm.

I winced, before sucking in air through my teeth

I let out a small squeak.

"Last question (L/n)"

I looked up at him, angered.

Though his face actually seemed genuinely worried.

He bared his teeth slightly before he spoke.

"Please let go of me Dave" I nearly gasped in pain.


He asked in a very monotone voice.

"Dave, you wouldn't understand even if I tried to explain it...w-Why do you care anyway!?"

His eyes may have been hidden with shades, but I could tell he really was worried.

Though, I had never felt a person care for me anyway.

He didn't speak, from what I could tell, his eyes were fixed on mine.

I stared deep into his shades for a moment, before realizing I was.

I then looked away, trying to think of what to do now.

My eyes darted to his door in an instant.

I couldn't leave without something covering my upper body.

I felt very uncomfortable, and cold.

Just then, two warm, tanned arms, wrapped around my body, making mine feel small as his shrouded mine.

I couldn't help melting into his warmth.

Tears began to stream from my eyes, moistening my hot cheeks.

My hands latched onto his shirt, clenching the fabric tight into my hands.

I could hear my own sobs.

I felt awful for giving in, but hopefully we could both soon forget this

Soon we could just go back to reciting the entire periodic table together or something.

He held me tighter.

It wasn't like when Cronus would force me to do things, making the hair on my arms stand.

This was calming

This was soothing, and some part of this felt right.

But also, so very wrong.

So incredibly wrong, so off.

Wasn't Strider the playboy?

Was he using me?

I wanted to pull myself away from him, in attempt I failed.

He kept me tight against his body.

"don't hurt yourself anymore. it's not gonna do you any good"

My breathing hitched

"I bet...You think I'm a slut now, right? You think I'm an attention seeker, a suicidal maniac?" I said shakily.

Shakily, but half-heartedly.

The bruise I could feel under my eye ached with the puffiness from crying.

"no, I don't think that. I think that you don't deserve to be treated like this by anyone. including yourself."

My hands lowered from his chest, against my sides my arms hung.

My breath unsteadily flowed.

His hands moved down my scar ridden arms, stopping at my wrists.

"I want to keep you safe from him, if he ever lays a finger on you again, he'll probably be in hell the next time anyone sees him."


I quietly stuttered.

He awaited my next words with an almost confused look.

"Can I have that back..."

I pointed to the sweater that was on the bed.

He snickered a little.

"arms up"

He said.

I gave him a half disgusted look.

"I'm not a kid Strider."

"arms up"

He said once more with a mocking grin crossing his face.

I stepped back allowing a sigh to slip from my lips.

I put my arms up into the air as he pulled the sweater back over my head.

However, what ever had held my hair up must've fallen out or broken, because my hair fell back into my face after the sweater was pulled over my head.

I frowned and blew a strand of hair out of my face just before it landed back in place.

Dave took a step toward me.

Just as he did I took a step back, unfortunately I fell into his chair.

What I hadn't noticed, was that he was trying to get to his computer.

He scooted me out of his way and made it to his computer where he clicked and typed. There was silence essentially.

I looked around for a few seconds before sniffing, I had a runny nose.

"My sister is probably worried.."
I started.

"chill. It's only 6:45"


That's fine...

I really was attempting to find a reason to leave.

Suddenly, a pair of headphones were placed on my head.

Dave pushed a few strands of hair from my face.

He clicked something, when some music began.

It wasn't really what my normal genre was, but it wasn't bad either.

He really did like to make music.

Here I thought it was a huge lie.

My head slightly bobbed to the beat of the song.

As he watched my reactions, he smiled.

Like he truly was happy that he could show it to me.

Like he enjoyed the moment.

There was a grin left on his face, one that had a childish sort of quirk filled with happiness.

I was dissolved into his features.

My eyes flicked all around his face, hopefully he didn't notice too much

His smooth jawline, up to his moderately chapped lips, his nose was just slightly pointed, and his eyes. They weren't there

I couldn't see them.

I guess we all keep our secrets, right?

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