The Taste of Blood [Fairy Tai...

By Dreya_san

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[C O M P L E T E] Fairy Tail gets a new mysterious member who catches the attention of everyone in the guild... More

The Taste of Blood [Fairy Tail FanFic]
Chapter 1: The Sound of her Voice
Chapter 2: The Actions of the Girl
Chapter 3: The Given Chance
Chapter 4: The answer
Chapter 5: The bridge
Chapter 6: The DragonSlayer
Chapter 7:The sad and happy memories
Chapter 8: The Mission
Chapter 9: The Dragon
Chapter 10: The Threat
Chapter 11: The Past (Part 1)
Chapter 12: The Past (part 2)
Chapter 13: The Past (Part 3)
Chapter 14: The Broad Action
Chapter 15: The one who needs to be saved
Chapter 16: The Fairies
Chapter 18: The Jack of all trades
Chapter 19: The Master of None
Chapter 20: The Puppeteer
Chapter 21: The Kid
Chapter 22: The Muscles
Chapter 23: The Father
Chapter 24: The Witch
Chapter 25: The Wizard
Chapter 26: The Monster
Chapter 27: The Predicament
Chapter 28: The Blood of a Dragon
Chapter 29: The Leader
Chapter 30: The Guild
Chapter 31: The Guild's Mission
Chapter 32: The Sacrifice
Chapter 33: The Voice in Her Head
Chapter 34: The Blood, The Tears, The Guilt
Chapter 35: The Hello's and The Good Bye's
Final Author's Note

Chapter 17: The Five-Member Guild

2.1K 71 6
By Dreya_san



"Lisanna!" the Mirajane and Elfman shouted their youngest's name as she was sent flying when the pile of dirt puppet punched her.

"I got her!" Jet went to the rescue and catched Lisanna before she could even touch the ground.

"T-thanks Jet." Lisanna said as she tried to hide in the pain.

"Can you still fight?" Levi asked, worried.

"Of course, I can!" she shouted and them glared at, not the puppets, but at their real enemy... The blue-haired girl who sat at the tree, watching their demise. "I won't give up until that Heina goes down."


The ear shattering squak of a huge, colorful bird echoed through the forest. The stuffed bird suddenly came to life with just a drop of Koujiro's blood!

"Let's play." he said in monotone, but his aura sent a murderous intent.

"Get ready guys!" Evergreen said as she went to an attack stance. Freed and Bickslow followed.

Bickslow called out his puppets, or his so called babies.

Freed yanked out his sword.

Evergreen removed her glasses.

They were started to get serious in their battle.


"Tsk." everyone jumped out of the way as a giant tree was swung over them, but they were too slow. The force of the impact sent them falling chestforward on the floor. being trampled on by the leaves of the giant tree.

Brad stood at the roots of the swung tree. He looked bored and disappointed "Is that what you puny fairies can do?" He once again rose the tree and attempted to crush Erza and her group. but to his surprise... A sword cut the tree into two!

Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Lily, Cana and Erza stood from the rubble looking deadly as ever.

"Don't you dare underestimate us."


"Fire Dragon, ROAR!" Natsu fired a big lump of fire from his mouth to Hibika's direction, unfortunately she was able to dodge it without even dropping a sweat.

"Sky Dragon, ROAR!" Wendy tried catching her by surprise. but she jumped away too without any hardships.

She landed on a branch, leaned on the tree's trunk, and yawned, insulting everyone's attempt to bring her down."Oh, were you already attacking?"

The fight between Natsu's group and Hibika was rather secure. None has yet to touch thw other, though Natsu has been trying hard to hit the violet-haired girl. She just dodges him like she knew his every move.

That didn't get our Fire Dragon Slayer down! He was still fired up!

"Don't get so arrogant you old lady" he said "I still have a lot of flames burning inside me!" He once again got into a charging position and was ready to launch another attact, but before he could even take a step forward -

"OLD LADY?!" Hibika's reaction kind of surprised him. She was gravely affected by his remark, but Natsu wasn't aware of it. She had that offended face that was mixed with disbelief. It was like it's the first time she was teased. She then harshly pointed her finger at our Dragon Slayer and shouted "Listen you little pink-haired candle!" with all indecency she had "I'm obviously younger than the grand ma you're with!" suddenly pretaining to Lucy.

Her sudden outburst surprised everyone. They thought that she would be a composed enemy but they thought wrong. She easily broke with just one remark, a simple trash talk in the midst of battle! How disappointing.

Happy, Wendy and Charles had their fair share of disappointed expressions as the three of them stareed at the violet-haired girl and thought "So she's irritable"

"Who the heck are you calling a pink-haired candle?!"

"Excuse me! What the hell did I do to you for you to call me a grand ma!?"

Seems like their enemy wasn't the irritable one, they happen to have two members who also can't stand a simple statement too.

Lucy and Natsu shot lightning glares at Hibika and Hibika did the same thing as well. Though the battle of glare between the three was really intense, it created a rather humorous and disappointing atmosphere for the others.

"Tell me, did I see it wrong or did they just fight because of one trivial comment?" Wendy asked, still finding it hard to believe what she had just witnessed.

"I'm happy that they're not rubbing off such characteristics on you Wendy." Charles then just sighed.

"What aboug the fight now, guys?" Happy then reminded.

The word 'fight' snapped the three out of their glaring contest and made them go to their very on position, whether it was attack or defense.

"Gate of the Golden Crab, I open thee! Cancer!"

Lucy called out her trusty cutter, Cancer. He suddenly appeared behind Hibika and attempted to cut her but for every strike the crab did, she avoided it like it was coming at her atthe speed of a snail! "Hold still you little shrimp, I'm going to fix your hair, it's horrible." Cancer plunged at the right side of her head with his scissors, but unfortunately she was able to dodge again, other than that she was able to grab him, pull him up and sent him falling downward from the branch to the forest floor!

"Cancer!" Lucy shouted as she went to her celestial spirit's aid. He was able to sit up, but his head was a little shaken.

"Falling hurts, snip snip."

"Look here you Main Course" Cancer finally snapped out from the dizziness and stared up at Hibika, who was once again pointing such a harsh finger. "I have a great hair style, FYI! You, sorry excuse for a hairstylist!"

Her words hit him like a spear right through the heart! He immediately got depressed. He repeated 'Main Course' and 'Sorry excuse for a hairstylist' over and over again until it became unaudible.

"C-cancer? Are you okay?" Lucy patted his back and no answer came from him. "You're so mean! You know that?"

"Hey... he was the one who offended my hair-" before she could even finish her pointless and utterly senseless statement, an attack from behind came!

Natsu with blades of fire coming out of the both sides of his arm came at her from behind. She thought she could dodge it, but she thought wrong! She moved a second too late, Natsu was able to cut her deep enough to bleed a lot. "You little shrimp!" From the bottom, another attack caught Hibika surprise. Cancer regained his confidence back and attacked her with his scissors! She was unable to move again, giving her another deep cut on the other arm!

Natsu and Cancer respectively landed on the ground with a smirk on their faces.

"You got her!!" Charles was surprised.

"Good Job guys!" Wendy jumped in joy.

"Alright!" Happy and Lucy cheered.

Hibika glared at the people on the forest floor, shouting "What the hell are you guys happy about?! It's just two small cuts!"

Natsu just smiled and raised an eyebrow at her "Oh, those two cuts signifies the damage of your ego."

"My ego?!"

They all looked up at her with determination and this irritated the girl.

"Still think attacking us alone is a right choice?" Natsu ignited his arms as he punched them to one another "Because you ain't seen nothing yet!"

Hibika looked at them shocked, but not even a minute after, she once again laughed! It was so confuaing for Natsu's group, like why the hell would she laugh? She should be worrying more about her bloody wound.

"Yoy fools!" she shouted in the middle of her laughter "Two cuts and you feel all high and mighty? Puh-lease!" she continued to crack up as she held her stomach.

Natsu and the others were once again insulted. He was about to shout at her, but a sudden turn of events stopped him.

The blood that flowed out of her wound slowly took a form and hardened. It created blades on the side of her hand, just like Natsu's. She was weaponless before, but now she had a weapon, which makes her more dangerous!

She jumped down from the branch and landed on the floor on her two feet. She grinned at the Fairy Tail members and then glared.

"Let the real fight begin."


"SQUAK!" the bird continued to wreak havoc inside the forest. It carelessly pecked and scratched in it's path except for his master. It chased Bickslow, Evergreen and Freed.

"I can't believe we're running from a large stuff toy!" Evergreen shouted.

"Well if you want to get squashed, then you could just stop anytime, sister." Bickslow then remarked.

Freed stopped and pulled out his sword "I'll just cut this bird open and let it's stuffing ooze out!" he jumped and attacked! The bird was about to defend with it's leg, but Freed just smirked. "Any stuff toy can't possibly stop a real blade."

To his surprise, it did stop his attack! "What the-?!"

"My stuff toys don't stay as stuff toys. They don't just grow large, but they actually turn into whart they are. What did you expect, sir? That they'd still be made out of cotton and cloth?

Another squak came from the bird as it sent Freed flying.

"Why would I fight with such weak weapons?" Koujiro looked up at his opponents and tilted his head so innocently. "I'm not stupid."


"Geez! He's irritating! I think swinging trees is the only thing he can do." Gajeel hissed as he landed on the ground. Their team has been dodging trees all day, and they're starting to get annoyed.

"Erza, you should finish that guy! We shouldn't waste time with him!" Cana said, and Erza agreed.

"Equip!" she zhouted and in a glistening light, she was equipped in her Heaven' Wheel Armor. "This'll be over soon."

"Woah." Brad whistled in amazement. "Looks like I better get serious too."

Brad picked up a small twig and threw it at full force at Cana! This surprised Cana causing her reaction to be delayed, due to the force of the small wood, she was hit in the arm and it started to bleed!

"Cana!" Juvia shouted in worry.

"I'm fine, just a small wound." she then answered.

Brad took a big whiff of the air and then breathe out in content "The smell of your blood is empowering."

His muscles suddenly grew bigger, which was almost impossible because his muscles were already big to begin with! "Come at me, you punks"

Erza's authoritative expression didn't change. She summoned hundreds of swords to her side. "Adding muscles would just make you an easier target, fool."

She launched her swords at him, but he didn't move. The swords were getting closer and closer, but still he didn't change position.

Then it hit him!

But it had to effect! The swords were like balls  bouncing off a hard wall!

"Impossible!" Erza shouted in disbelief.

"It gives me rock hard skin and muscle."


"They just keep on coming!" Elfman shouted as his partially transformed arms punched Heina's puppets.

Jet, Droy, Levi, Lisanna, Mirajane and he tried their best to hold of the dirt puppets that were being controlled by Heina, as the puppeteer her self just sat at the Branch. Watching them with a blank expression.

"We have to stop wasting our time with this dirtynpuppets and attack that girl!" shouted Jet as he glared up at the blue-haired girl.

"She doesn't look like she is that good with hand-to-hand combat. One of us should direct their attention to her."Droy added.

"I'll do it!" Lisanna suddenly volunteers herself, and it shocked her siblings.

"No Lissana!" "We won't let you do that!" Mira and Elfman shouted repectively.

"Sister, Brother. You need not to worry. I need to try." she glared at Heina.

Her remark was heard from the branch. Heina's blank expression auddenly changed, it turned into a rather angered face. Her face darkened, her eyes squinted and she started to bite her lip. "You just made a big mistake underestimating me, girl."

Lisanna transformed into a half bird, turning her arms to wings and her legs into sharp-clawed bkrd legs. "I'm leaving these puppets to you guys." and with a large jump, she plunged herself at the direction of the enemy.

"Be careful!" Mira then shouted as she kicked another puppet.

Lisanna came at Heina with a kick, Heina was a little too slow at standing up but she was able to protect herself with both her arms. Lisanna's claws sunk into her skin causing it to bleed. Heina used her own blood and formed a needle! It hardened into a thin strand and in a second she launched it at Lisanna! Lisanna wasn't fast also, she dodged a second too late! It slightly pierced the side of her face, also leading her to bleed, only a drop.

This drop was enough to intoxicate Heina and give her strength. With only one arm, she sent Lisanna flying to the other tree.

"Lisanna!" everyone's attention went to her then they glared at Heina.

"You guys might have forgotten, but I can use any magic conserning the five bloody towns. Don't get deceived by my small build."

With her statement, they all knew they were in trouble.

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