By anuradhasivaraman

364K 6.6K 407

India is always known for its beauty and richness. In ancient days people could either recognize India as a l... More

1. Are They Serious!?!
2. That Talk With Sid!?!
3.Our Coffee Date
4. The Decision Is Finally Taken
5. Event : Engagement
6. The Tam-Brahm Wedding
7. Wedding Night
9. At Home
10. My First Official Day
11. Confrontation with My Scars
12. Change in Self
13. Acceptance to Reality
14. Get Well Soon, Nivin
15. Finally Something's Going Our Way!
16. So, are we Friends Now?
17. I feel Like I must Run Into The Woods
18. The Value Of A Heart
19. When Reality Hits You On Face
20. Embarking a New Route- Part 1
20. Embarking A New Journey- Part II
Epilogue- So, the beginning of the End!

8. Trip Back Home

15.8K 324 24
By anuradhasivaraman


                                                           TRIP BACK HOME 

This chapter is dedicated to sur0205, the first commenter of last chapter. I hope to have many more people getting dedicated meaning that you comment first. Let the race begin and let's see who gets dedication for the next chapter.

( I'm so sorry @sur0205. There's some technical error for my side that I can't officially dedicate this story to your name. I promise to have it fixed it by tommorow!!)

Ria's  P.O.V.:-

"Anorexia Nervosa.. Bulimia  Nervosa.. Rumination Disorders.. Fictitious Disorders- acts as if he/she has an illness----- Wait!!! Ria please don't tell me that you're writing a research paper on Psychological Disorders. Because from what I can see it totally looks so." Nivin exclaimed who had been peeping through my shoulders to read the notes that I was jotting down up recently until he pulled the notes out of my hand to read what I've really written.

I frown a little and turned back to look at him whose face was currently hid by my notes sheets as he was reading it with a great interest. What I doubt is whether he can understand my scribbles that I choose to call my note. But he himself being a doctor it won't be very difficult to understand as these doctors are infamous for their scrawls.

" Your guess is pretty right, Nivin. But I am not planning on writing a research paper on that subject but I am just trying to understand the subject better through these research and notes." I told him but I doubted strongly as whether he heard me or not as he seemed to be more indulged in my notes.

He lowered my sheets and folded it while eyeing me with interest he said," The notes are just too basic and I feel your note-making skills are just too poor." I felt myself getting red with anger.

How the hell can he say that to me. I accept I am no great note-maker or masterate in psychology to have made a complex notes on the subject. If the subject had been literature than the thing is different and in respect to psychology all I know about is psycho-analysis of a fictitious character. No more or no less.

This is what I say when I hate the guts of guys who are smart, handsome and arrogant. Unfortunately,the guys who exasperate and make me fall for them at the same time.

I left a huge sigh which looked more or less like a hiss the sound which made Sid to turn to my side but he turned back to the road while returning his focuss to driving the car whilst I was still glaring at Nivin with all my might.

Nivin pushed his hand foward in a stop sign sort of way and said while sighing, " I never meant to offend you, okay?!? Fine, atleast tell me why are you researching on Psychological Disorders. Let me see if I can put my knowledge on this subject to any of your help."

I contemplated as to whether tell him or not. I ultimately gave up as Nivin is too nosy when it comes to me and my works. Afterall wasn't he the one who clearly pointed out in our first meeting stating,"Your eyes say something else." which was directed towards the conflict I had within myself as to follow this arranged marriage thing or not.

Had I listened to the subtle hint that Nivin gave me that day I would have never been in this mess of marriage where I'm not able to decide whether to believe Sid or not after that outrageous relevation of his past, failed relationship with Seema. (I've decided to go cool on the adjectives that I generally give to her.)

I'm obviously not that conservative type of women who can accept that my husband could've had his own number of affairs before when I have had none. Maybe if I had one then things could've been different.

Atleast now I can take Nivin's help which would save a lot of my energy as he's the master of the subject.

I pushed an another sheet of notes that had the title as the Psychological Novel and its characteristics.

He took the paper from my extended hand and started viewing it.

The paper looked somewhat like this.


              Psychological Novels

- Thoughts, feelings and motivations of characters are of equal/greater interest than the external action of narration.

- Emotional reactions & internal states of characters are triggered by external events in a meaningful symbosis.

- Emphasis on the inner life of the character is the fundamental element of a vast body of fiction.


- Hamlet- Early in this genrè

-Pamela(1740)- from heroines P.O.V.

-Tristram Stand(1759-67)

*This genrè reached its full potential in 20th century with the growth of psychology and discoveries of Sigmund Freud.

*The insights into psychological complexities & unconscious motivations are the characteristics of the works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Leo Tolstoy.

* The stream of consciousness technique

*Continuous flow of experience of Virginia Woolf

       dependent               probing

Plot----------------------» delineation

        subordinate 2       of character

Events may not be presented in chronical order but rather as they occur in the character's


«             |           »         |       »

Thoughts |   Memories  | Fantasies

               »______                  »

         Reverie     |      Dreams



-The events of the day evoke the readers back and forth to the character's past & present lives.

- The subjective world is eternalized & events that appears to be happenings in the reality are governed by subjective logic of dreams.

A general analysis of all the plots I've written till date:-

LIVING MY DREAMS:-The story of four different people who come from different backgrounds, lifestyles come together with the same purpose--- "to chase their dreams" find each other settling together. They find support in each other as they all undergo the same sort of situation that's filled with hope, desperation, frustration and finally they help each other to the find the virtue that'll help them succeed-- perseverance.

A story of love, friendships,envy that not just makes you believe they dreams do come true but also makes you see how they come true?


A fable story meant particularly for children where virtues are personified to make children understand the moral of life. If you're smart enough then you can read through the lines of this mildly satirical story. It's highly inspired by the famous novel " Animal Farm" written by George Orwell. Its a story where satire, entertainment and morals of life are mixed in THE right form to provide you with a memorable novel that's a great food for thoughts.

(Yet to be released. Coming soon in a months time.)

SEASONS:- ( Psychological Novel)

The story of a young naïve girl who has set out on the quest of finding herself and her so-called "destiny". In THE course of the quest she undergoes a lots of changes, meets of people that she helps and sometimes receives help from. This life changing new experiences makes her evolve as a new person who now has the only definite purpose to serve as many people as possible. Her evolution as a great, new service minded person from being a naïve, self-centered and pampered kid forms the central theme of the story.


As soon as I handed Nivin those sheets he got too engrossed in it that for a second I thought he forgot the technique to blink his eyes as all he did was to stare those sheets. I soon let my eyes wander around the car to find papa sitting next to Nivin, mummyji who sat in the three seater of the last row had Akanshi sleeping wide-spread on her lap with all of them to reaching a divine dreamlands in their sleep. This just made me, Nivin and my so-called husband Sid to be the only awake ones in the car.

Presently we all are riding back home to Bangalore where both Sid's and Nivin's houses are there.

I let my mind to wander off to today's morning. I must accept a lot had happened today or the past few days either that my life just seems like a rollercoaster of emotions like the one that looks like I am one of the character from the novels that I write. The twists and turns and drama are really nerve wrecking to be frank.


As soon as I woke up I found Sid sitting in the sitting room with coffee jugs and mugs while sporting a look that quite said We-need-to-talk. I smiled at him while all the events of yesterday's night just flooded my mind. I had been proved wrong when even sleeping over my problem had still left me so clueless as ever as what I'm supposed to do.

I settled down on the seat next him and picked up the coffee mug which Sid had just filled with piping hot coffee for me. I drank it a little as I had brushed my teeth and freshned myself before coming to meet him. I thought it was better for me to talk.

" Siddharth, I appreciate your honesty but I would've been more happy if you had told me that not just before we were to consummate our marriage but before we even thought to get married." I told him as I looked in his eyes. His face lifted up in a small smirk.

" Do you think if I had told you before you'd have agreed to this marriage?" he asked with raised brows.

" Of course not. But eventhough you've married me now, you would never be able to extract my love as your wife. Do you get what I say?" Now it was my turn to smirk as well as raise my single eyebrow.

" I vividly remember that none can force you into doing anything. But let me tell you I won't back out so easily." Siddharth told me with a great sense of determination displayed in his features.

" Oh, are you just trying to challenge me that I can't break off this marriage?" I asked him as soon as my brain could decode the meaning of his reply.

He gave me a smug smile before saying," You're thinking too ahead. I love challenges and you're my new challenge, honey." he tried to touch my cheeks with the back if his knuckles before I backed off.

" You prick, don't you dare touch me." I told him as he trier to advance again.

" I never behaved as a prick, darling. But if you want me to I'm ready to oblige." he told me with a wicked smile playing on his lips.

I closed my eyes, placed my neck on the sofa's cushion while leaning a little backward and letting my brain to wander with it's idea.

Hey, when did the hero of my life story turn into a villain?

That's why I say beware of both strangers and these peculiarly cute, sweet and good boys. They flip out to be the bad guys as soon as you turn into their family members. All these soft natured stuff is just a façade such guys use to fool the society think like they're the best guys available but when you look at them at the end of the day they're worst than Satan himself. They so devilish and cruel in nature.

"As if you're not?", retorted my mind but I chose to ignore.

I opened my eyes, sat down straighter and sighed aloud.

"Look, Siddharth I'm really stressed a lot thanks to yesterday's events. I've very less energy that I don't want to waste my energy in arguing with you. I just came here to say that I want us to solve this fight within us. I would never like an outsider to know about our fight. I would act as if we're perfectly alright when in truth we aren't. I expect the same from you. By the way thanks for the coffee and stay at this room." I told him and got up from my seat only to find him perfectly silent.

      After what I told him I found him to be perfectly silent and never disturbing me for anything. I found that really comfortable and soothing and so I never bothered.

I took a hot shower which did make me a little calm. I wore my new Saree that mom had packed for me along with the jewellery that she had kept.

Thank god that I didn't need to use my ever-flowing imagination skills to form a story about the sinful scenes that people would expect the bride and bridegroom to indulge themselves as I had no such best friend that would be interested in hearing all the minute details.

All I had was Raj, mom and also my dad weren't so cool with sharing someone's sex-life as they thought it was a person's privacy.

We soon checked out of our suite with Sid wearing a dark-blue shirt with a superman emblem in it with a dark blue jeans. If I and he had been in such amiable terms then I would've joked about it but I kept that little giggle and joke all to myself.

We soon reached the marriage hall where we were welcomed upon by the nagging, teasing smiles of our relatives to which we smiled politely and moved in. I soon found Raj who took me to my parents and other relatives. Hashini tried teasing me saying," See, you got to be my elder sister now that you married earlier than me." she said reffering to my persisting nagging to be called as her elder sister as I loved to play that role.

My perverted paternal aunt told," Yeah, see isn't she glowing all thanks to the night filled with wicked ways with her hot husband." My mom glared at her and she instantly became silent.

I became self-conscious and touched my face and thought to myself," My face is glowing all thanks to Lakme beauty products and not the wicked ways with my wicked, cruel husband."

Speak of the devil, Sid was standing next to me pulling me closer to him by my waist. When I just looked at him blankly, he smiled at me and lowered his face as if he were to kiss my cheeks. Others would've thought that while it was only me who knew that he was saying," Keep up with the act, honey."

I looked at him emotionless and then nodded my head. I started to introduce then one by one for which he shook his head and said," I already met with them,Ri."

I nodded my head while Sid continued conversing with all.

Soon they completed all the formalities and there came the time for us to leave. My mom told me that she has put all my luggage safely in the car. We were to leave to Bangalore the very sane day so we had already packed my luggage long before the wedding. Mom hugged me and said," Take care of yourself and your family. Call me frequently and yes, behave properly okay?" I don't know what made me to break into sobs but I hugged her and said," Mom, I already miss you. Take care okay?Don't fight with dad or granny. If anything happens call me okay? I'll console you. If you want to meet me just tell me so that I'll drive down or tell drive brother to take you Bangalore. Got it."

She nodded and shed a few tears.

We bade our goodbyes to my family and I was pleasantly surprised as dad broke into mild sobs while mom cajoled him.

My dad has always been this non-emotional kind of type while I sincerely expected mom to cry as she always told me she won't be able to live without me. But she was strong this time.

She waved us bye along with dad and other relatives. She took us to the car where came the biggest problem of seating arrangements.

It was only then I learnt that Seema too tagged along with us. I glared at Sid and moved away from the passenger's seat so that Sid can seat comfortably with his lady love. It was Nivin and Sid's brother who came into the scene on time and made us sit in a specified manner where Sid, I, Nivin,papa, mummyji and Akanshi shared Toyota Innova car while Bhaiya( Sid's brother), bhabhi and Seema came in Scoda Rapid where Seema was made to sit along with the luggages that they had stuffed in the last row of the car. It was Nivin's idea of seating arrangement and I kind of liked it. As soon as I sat down I took out my file, laptop and stationery to get down to work. I had worked peacefully not before Nivin decided to disturb my work well after just  15 minutes of our ride while the rest was just a history.


I had placed my face on the window and was staring at the passing clouds and scenery when a rasped, gruff voice of my husband startled me," Why don't you sleep for sometime?"

I was so startled and angry at his guts as to not even trying to apologize that I forgot the audiences backseat and said folding my hands as if embracing myself," Nope. I am fine. I would be happy if you just concentrate more on your driving than me or anything else." I huffed angrily.

" Whoa. Cool down. Cool down, Ri. It has not even been 24 hours since you guys got married and you're just annoyed by the attention of your husband. Hey, enjoy it till you get it that's what I would say." said Nivin who was by the time leaning forward to reach near us.

I was startled again and bit my teeth for my forgetfulness but was happy that I didn't blurted anything else.

I just stifled a smile and turning my head to eye Nivin weirdly and asked," Nivin, please don't tell me by anyway that you are a gay!!" I exclaimed playfully for which Nivin attacked me by a pillow cushion that he used as a backrest. I smiled and tackled him back saying," If anything happens to me I swear by thee that Sid would kill you. If that's okay with you Nivin?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow for which I received Sid's chuckle as a response.

He shook his head and said," You guys are so immature. But still on a serious note if anything happens to my wife then you're seriously death."Sid said with a finality in his voice. I don't know why but the way Sid those lines just made my heart swell with happiness and filled my face with a geninue smile.

Within seconds, Nivin left my side reached Sid's side and said," Sid how could you do this to me? You always support me not her, right?" in such a whiny, desperate, bitchy  voice that Sid stiffened as soon as he finished. Nivin growled a laugh while I reached Sid's arms and said," Hey, leave my husband. Go search some else for you. He's mine. Do you get it?"

I told him with a small pout adorning my mouth.

He barked another laugh and said," Wow, someone's jealous. But fortunate for you, young lady that I'm neither a gay nor interested in your husband. It's just that I'm happily single."

Now it was my turn to frown. It was my dialogue Happily Single. But I'm neither happy nor single now. So poor!!!

Nivin somehow understanding my gloomy mood that was shouting for a change of topic said," Ri, I read your research notes. The were awesome but not the best though. I'll help you with whatever help you'd need. I now understand as how you are such a rage and household name when it comes to novels. Yeah, by the way will you please let me see your second novels' draft? I want to check if I am smart enough?"

I just smiled at him and told him sulkily," Why to show you the draft and receive comments like 'It isn't too good you know?';' Your writing style needs improvement' and So on. I am sorry that I won't show you my second draft because I don't have a tough skin when it comes to my writing."

He smiled and told me with his own cute pout and doggy face," Well a writer needs constructive criticism. Doesn't she?"

"Well if you put it in that way then I will but I am sure you'll understand it. I won't show it now because I want to discuss about the psychological disorders. I am bored from sitting still. Why not learn something new?" I asked him with hope instilled in my eyes.

He smiled and asked with amusement dancing through his face," Oh so you learn faster through discussions. Huh?"

I nodded my head fast. He smiled again and said," Interesting a writer who claims to love books- enjoys and learns faster through communication. You are one interesting person, Ri."

I had just turned my whole body to face Nivin who sat diagonally opposite to me and glared for which he shrugged non-chalantly.

" Nivin I ain't a case of yours. Understood?" I asked him with a stern face.

" You never are." he told me earnestly and eyed Sid's eyes in the rear-view mirror and said," Now back to your notes..." I let his voice trail off while my eyes reached Sid out of curiosity and found him eyeing us with a little jealousy with me talking with Nivin. I shrugged it off and went back to what I and Nivin was discussing.

He was saying something like," See, now that you've learnt till Eating disorders. Now all we have is to start with Fictitious disorders.. Types: Munchausen syndrome, Munchausen syndrome by proxy and Ganser symptoms.. "

Our discussion just started off. I really need to accept the fact that Nivin was a very good teacher. He started with basic subjects and then went deeper into tougher topics. The way he taught me I just thought that I must propose him to join my NGO teaching faculty.

But leaving these topics aside he made our trip back home very enjoying one.


As soon as we arrived the (Bangalore) Bengaluru { sorry, they changed the name and I often tend to forget it] city, Nivin and Sid changed seats as planned. Sid wanted me too to change my seat so that I can seat with him for which I playfully retorted saying," As your wife, I am going to spend my rest of my life with you. Just spare me some moments like this where I can be on my own." I don't even know as what I said made sense or not but everyone laughed and so did I. Sid just accepted it while Nivin retorted patting Sid's back," Dude, you have got a feisty one there. Beware!!" He started laughing on his own pointing me while others too joined I just crossed my arms glaring and pouting at him.

Nivin got into the driver's seat and after everyone has got seated he started driving. He turned to my side and asked," Have you ever been to Bengaluru before?"

"Well considering the fact that my cousin practically spent his childhood in this city and dad worked in this city for a year I can practically say that I have paid my own share of visits in this city. But still roaming around in this city is little difficult as the road have too much of roundanas that they confuse even a strong navigator as me." I told him with a smile.

" After hearing your sarcastic answer above, my wish to read your second novel's draft has grown more." I smiled at him.

Nivin went back to driving while I went back to my normal job of daydreaming. Nivin was doing a pretty decent job driving and navigating properly through these round without getting lost as well as without the help of Google Navigator app. Whatever I told about the city roads weren't really an exaggerated fact. They're true and even though I'm pretty good in remembering directions. But even after my constant visit to this city I find it too difficult to navigate on my own. But the best thing about this city is everyone here talks Hindi unlike Chennai and the auto fares too are based on the meter rates. Back in Chennai you've to argue and literally wage a war with the auto driver to get him to ask you to pay a basic fare for your travel. But here you don't have this problem and I was too happy about that.


Before I even realized Nivin softly nudged my arms and declared," You've arrived home." It was only then that I realized that I fell asleep from all my daydreaming. 

We started at 10:30 a.m in morning in Chennai and eventhough people and also Google Maps confirm that the time taken from Chennai-Bengaluru is just 5 hours if you take the National Highway route but still it took us more than 5 hours all thanks to the stops that we made in between and Bengaluru peek hour traffic that made us reach home only at 6:30 p.m. The sun was starting to set, the city was getting dark as well as cold. I reached out my duffel bag and started shoving my laptop and other files inside. I then took a grey sweatshirt out and pulled it over my present outfit. Saree and sweatshirt may not be the best combination but I was comfortable and that's all that mattered to me. I got up, streched my aching body and then straightened myself. 

I reached the front door and it was only then I realized that bhabhi and mummyji was waiting for me at the door-step to welcome me. Bhabhi came by my side and Sid too was standing next to me while Nivin was behind us. Bhabhi wrapped the pallu of my saree over my head while mummyji asked me to push the copper bowl filled with rice and step on the plate filled with red paste made out of kumkum and water. I've seen these rituals over T.V dramas so I was quite familiar with it. I pushed aside the bowl with my feet, placed my feet on the plate filled with sindoor mixture while bhabhi took me to the puja room where dieties were kept. I gasped lightly as I kept on with my steady walk as my feet left it's own imprint of an Indian Size 9 feet. My feets are really too big that finding right shoes are really too difficult.

I prayed before those deites that I do my duties well and I have a happy life ahead in this family.

I really wish I can clear those difference of opinions with Sid regarding Seema.

I got up soon and saw that everyone was busy bringing my luggages in. I rushed to them and carried some of my luggages from car to home after heavy conflict that they let me do. Sid took my hand and some of my luggages to his bedroom which ultimately was ours. I kept my bag at the corner of the room and stared at the bed thinking about the possible sleeping arrangements that we had to agree on.


So, how was this chapter? Did you guys like it.

It was only today I checked my wattpad account in my computer and was shocked to find the last chapter going up to 7pages. The fact is that for the past few chapters I've been writing through my phone.

I just wanted to ask you this question:-

" Are you guys comfortable with the length of the chapter?"

1. yes        2. No

Answer it according to the number.

Do you want the length of the chapters be cut short? 1 or 2

I really worked hard on this chapter and really hope you guys like it.

thanks to sur0205 for your support and comments.

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