My Fighter | Book II ✔️

By megaannicolee

491K 11.3K 801

[COMPLETE] Book 2 in the Mine Series. Do not have to read My Quarterback first, but it would help. She foun... More

My Fighter [0]
My Fighter [1]
My Fighter [2]
My Fighter [3]
My Fighter [4]
My Fighter [5]
My Fighter [6]
My Fighter [7]
My Fighter [8]
My Fighter [9]
My Fighter [10]
My Fighter [11]
My Fighter [12]
My Fighter [13]
My Fighter [14]
My Fighter [15]
My Fighter [16]
My Fighter [16.5]
[Please Read, Important]
My Fighter [17]
My Fighter [18]
My Fighter [18.5]
[My Fighter 19]
My Fighter [20]
My Fighter [Epilogue Part 1]
My Fighter [Epilogue Part 3]

My Fighter [Epilogue Part 2]

15.1K 382 21
By megaannicolee

My Fighter [Epilogue Part 2]
Four and a half years later.

I look towards my three sons when crying rings through the house. Brooks and Addi simultaneously point towards their younger brother Xander. Xander looks between his brothers and me, his mop of curly brown hair back and forth. We're not too sure where our third born got the natural curls but he was born with a head full of hair, unlike the twins who were pretty much bald until they were two years old. They both have short brown hair now and are exactly identical. They even like dressing the same but we always put them in different color shirts so other people can tell them apart.

Mar has a difficulty determining which twin is which. Dakota's better at it but doesn't get it right every time. Surprisingly it's Nick who's very good at telling the twins apart. He's perfect at it. The boys have taken a liking to their Uncle Nick.

"It's Ander's fault mommy." Addi said.

The twins couldn't pronounce Xander's name when they were younger and instead took to calling him Ander instead. It's a nickname that stuck, as well as Brooks and Addi.

"No it's not." Ander cried. He crosses his arms over his chest and plops himself onto his butt. His form of a temper tantrum.

I got lucky in the kid department, even through the terrible twos the twins or Ander weren't too terrible. Of course I've seen my fair share of temper tantrums in the middle of the grocery or clothing store. They cry when I say no and like to give me the silent treatment but it always ends by dinner time.

"What have I told you about horsing around with your baby sister?"

"She's too little." The three boys say together.

Just as Colton wanted, we had four babies in four years. When the twins were just under two years old, I gave birth to Xander Cole. And only  a year later came Navy Renee. We weren't trying to have either of them, it just happened, and we couldn't have been happier.

I was scared during both pregnancies that something would happen. That I would once again go into labor early or that I might even miscarriage. However I managed to carry both of them full term. It was painful, the birth. They offered to shoot the epidural into my back but I didn't want any drugs in my baby. Plus, one wrong move and I could have ended up in a wheelchair, no thank you.

"Good boys," I said. "Now what happened?"

"She fell mommy." Brooks said. Navy's been waking for a few months now but she's come to be the most ungraceful, clumsy baby I've ever seen. She's always tripping over her own feet, sometimes nothing at all.

With all of our children, Colton was thankfully there to see their first steps. Addi was the first one to walk. We were at the apartment in Massachusetts. It was a random weekday and Colton was just getting home from practice when he stood and took his first few steps. And seeing his brother walking, Brooks wasn't far behind him.

With Xander we were opening Christmas presents when he took his first steps. His older brothers took off for the presents under the tree and Ander took his first few steps after him. Then he fell right on his face.

Before I could pick my baby girl up Colton steps into the room. "Daddy!" The boys chorus. Our three boys attack their father and Colt picks up each soon and kisses their heads.

"Now which one of you hurt my baby girl?"

Again, the twins both point towards Ander and the curly haired boy pouts. "I didn't do it, right mommy?"

"Right baby."

Colton scoops Navy up into his arms. Navy will always be a daddy's girl. It's been that way since she was born. Whereas the boys hated being feed by bottle, Navy will only be fed that way and she wants her father to feed her. She's the only one who wouldn't breastfeed. I would cry myself to sleep at night because my baby girl didn't like me. But I came to turns with the fact that she'll always be a daddy's girl just as Ander will always be a mommy's boy. The twins however, bounce to whoever they need at that moment.

"Are you two ready?" Colton asked the twins. I've picked out their clothes and combed their hair. I've packed their lunches and backpacks. They'll only be gone a few hours but I don't want them to go.

It's their first day of school.

The twins nod their heads in response to his question. They're excited. They're ready to make friends and start their many years of school. The only one not ready is me.

I take their pictures when they have their backpacks on. They look up at me with identical smiles. I keep Ander on my hip as Colt ushers the boys out of the house and towards his car.

Colt knew if I took the kids to school today they'd never make it. I want to keep them here with me where I know they're safe. Where I know kids won't be mean to them and pick on them. How can I protect my kids when they aren't here?

Navy cries after her father. I set Ander down on the ground and pick up my baby girl. Her small fist clutches onto my shirt and she rests her head on my chest. "He'll be right back baby girl."

"Dada," she said.

"Daddy will be right back."

"Dada," she repeats.

"I know, you want dada. How about we watch some tv?"

My baby girl claps her hands and giggles. I bounce her up and down as we make our way into the living room. Ander is already sitting in front of the television with Disney channel playing. I set Navy into her bouncer beside her brother. Ander places his hands on the bouncer and helps move his sister up and down. She reaches for him and he takes her hands.

My boys do love their sister.


Date night.

A night to ourselves without any children. A night to talk about anything but the children. A night without crying and diaper changing. A night a certain little girl talked us in to.

Lucy is now thirteen, officially a teenager. She's been visiting my classroom since she had me as a teacher. She's come to  embrace her red hair and freckled cheeks. She's tall now as well, already a few inches above me. She's been asking me for days if I needed a babysitter. We don't, especially with my dad, but the girl was insistent. So Colton and I are giving her a chance. Lucy is now thirteen, two young to have a real job but old enough to know she needs to work for her own money.

I started babysitting at thirteen. I babysat the neighbors for a few years until I was old enough to have a job. Granted my neighbors didn't have babies or toddlers but they were still a handful. It's scary leaving her with two almost five year olds, a three year old, and a one year old. The selling point is that she knows CPR since her mother is a nurse.

"There's a list of all our phone numbers on the fridge. If there's an absolute emergency call my father. He's the third number. He'll be closest so he'll be able to get here the fastest. The boys bedtime is eight. Navy should be asleep by them. She likes her sleep." I explain to the redhead. "Navy will be fussy after we leave. She always gets that way when Colton leaves. Just give her a bottle and she'll be fine."

"I've got this Mrs. Davis," she says. "We're just going to watch some movies. I'll make them some dinner, we'll be okay."

"I'm trusting you with my babies lives Lucy."

She smiles at me, "Trust Me. I love your kids. I'm not going to let anything happen to them."

My kids love her too. Addi and Brooks have always had a crush on Lucy. Ever since they found out that she was the one that gave them the bears. Now they won't sleep without them. Brooks named his bear Teddy and Addi named his Beary.

"Come on Lucy," Brooks said. The twins each grabbed a different hand and pulled the girl into the living room.

"Bye mommy." The twins chorus.

"Bye mommy!" Ander shouted and ran towards me. His arms wrap around my legs. "Love you."

"I love you too."

"Dada," Navy said. Colton bends to pick her up and kisses her forehead.

"Bye baby," he said. "We'll be home soon."

It wasn't as nice as I thought it was going to be. The dinner was good, the movie was alright, but all I could think about what how Lucy was doing at home. Not that I don't have faith in her, she's very smart, but I can't help but let my mind wander to what could possibly happen.

This was supposed to be a night without talk of the children but it seems that's all we can talk about lately. Ever since I've gotten pregnant.

"We can do this El," Colton said. "We can go five minutes without talking about them."

"What are we supposed to talk about then?"


I roll my eyes, "What about us Colt? As soon as we became parents it stopped being about us. Everything we do is about them. And that's okay."

My husband takes my hand over the table. "I'm glad you transferred to UCF. I'm glad you chose to train with the football team instead of the baseball team. I'm glad you didn't go on to marry Asher."

"Even if we didn't get together I wouldn't have married Asher."

"Do you still talk to him?" He asks.

"We're Facebook friends but besides liking each other's pictures and posts, no." I said.

"Good." He said, intertwining our fingers. "I'm happy you said yes to be my wife. I'm in love with you and I love our children. Like you said, our lives are about them now. They have been since you got pregnant. But I wouldn't change anything that's happened. I love our lives how they are now and I only hope that they get better."

"They will." I said, conviction in my voice. "Our kids are going to grow up and leave and find their own families. There will definitely be fighting, especially with the boys. I have a feeling they'll be very protective of their sister. Soon they'll be in high school and having girlfriends and boyfriends."

"My little girl will not be dating in high school. Teenage boys only want one thing."

"You would know wouldn't you honey?"

"Of course I would." He said. "And I will not have my little girl having-" he pauses and takes a long gulp of his beer. "I can't even say it out loud. My little Navy won't have a boyfriend until she's old."

I shake my head with a smile, "I feel bad for any boy our daughter might like."

"Or any girl our sons might like."

"Or boys," I said. "Would it be okay if one of our sons like boys?"

My husband looks at me with a smile. "Of course it would be okay. Our kids are going to like whoever they like. If one of them happens to be gay, then we'll support them. At this day and age, it's almost more acceptable to be gay than straight. Before you know it, coming out of the closet is going to be what they say about straight people."

I chuckle, "We'll love them the same no matter what."

"We didn't even make it two minutes before you brought up the kids." He laughed.

"I'm not sorry. I love our kids."

"Me too, El."

[authors note]

Part Two.

Only part three left.

This part is dedicated to @AdventurousReader for their suggestion of the name Xander. Thank you so much!

I did this entire chapter on my phone because my computer is acting up. So if you see any autocorrect errors please let me know so I can fix them.

Next part should be up soon.

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