The CEO's Bad Boy {MalexMale}

By Daarrknesss

127K 1.1K 775

The bad boy of the school, his name is Ashton Saunders. Our past is what makes us today right? But what happe... More

The CEO's Bad Boy {1}
The CEO's Bad Boy {2}
The CEOs Bad Boy {3}
The CEO's Bad Boy {4}

The CEO's Bad Boy {5}

5K 184 85
By Daarrknesss

Sebastian watched the scene in front of him, playing out, slightly cautious.

"Ashton, you're a mistake! My condom failed!" The man yelled, he had a grin on his face. He pulled the back of his shirt up, and before Sebastian could intercept, it happened. "Say goodbye, son."

A gunshot echoed throughout the room. Everything went silent besides Marcus's hideous laightyer. Sebastian ran for Ash, who had placed his hand where he had been shot, he pulled it away, seeing it covered in blood. He fell but didn't hit the ground as Sebastian had barely caught him.

"Medics!" Sbastian shouted. "He's losing a lot of blood." Sebastian placed his hand over the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

A female paramedic ran over. She eyed Sebastian as she began working on Ash. "Mr Tomas, so are you."

"Forget me and check him." He raked a bloody hand through his blonde hair. The blood seemed to contrast his light hair. "Where are the police?"

"They are coming along with another ambulance."

"And my sister? Erza?"

"She has been stabbed." Sebastian's heartrate increased.

"What? Is she okay?"

"She seems to have a good grasp on what she's doing. She has pressure on the wound.We have paramedics coming, we can't check all of them." Her walkie-talkie came to life, it all seemed to be a jumbled mess to Sebastian, his ears were ringing as he looked at the wreckage of the house.

Police officers and paramedics came in. Sebastian saw them tend to Erza, Lanky, Midget as well as Cecilia.

Sebastian hazily stood up. "What about the man who got shot in the leg."

"He's going to jail after he gets treated."

"Don't mind me," he said, swatting the paramedics arm away. "Just help get the rest checked out."

"We have all of them including you, you need to be seen by the doctors at the hospital."

"I'll go on one condition," he said, somewhat coming back to his senses.

"Which is?" she asked, patiently.

"I want everyone here, except for the man who caused all of this to be put in the same room."

"That's not up to me."

"Well, make sure it is, or I won't go."

She sighed. "Okay, sir, but please, let's go. You need to be seen, you're losing blood."

Sebastian followed after the medic, his body was coursing with adrenaline.

"I'm going with my sister," he said.

"Your sister is going in the same ambulance with the young man who fell on you," the shorter female said. 

"Well, I'm going with them then, what about Cecilia, Lanky and Midget?"

"The smallest boy was injured the most he's going on the gurney while one only passed out because of a hit to the head and the women got shot in the shoulder."

Sebastain walked outside, to see a scowling Megan.

"Sebastian, what the hell happened?! Oh, this is going to be everywhere!" she groaned frustrated.

Megan was Sebastian's assistant, but she acted like his mother. Sebastian looked around, to see the neighbours all craning their necks, the ambulance and police cars, lights off but all parked hazardously everywhere.

The paramedic led Sebastian to the ambulance where Ashton and Erza were. He climbed in, taking a seat.

He scanned his sister, who looked relatively okay, besides her bleeding arm. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just got stabbed by someone with The Black KTLF insignia on," she whispered. "They didn't even try to hide it. It's like they wanted me to see it."

"They know about these four now," he muttered, as he eyed the pale and clammy boy on the gurney. Sbeatsian groaned. Cecilia had to accept the cae to the Netherlands, it was the safest option for her.

Sebastian looked over at Ashton, he placed a hand over his cannulated one, he was so cold.

"Sebb, is he going to be okay?" she asked, her voice wavering slightly.

"Don't tell me you're attached to him," Sebastian groaned.

Erza had always gotten attached to people a lot quicker than a normal person would. It may have been due to their unstable upbringing. She grasped at any sort of affection she could. However, when people found out, they would use it to their advantage. It was sebastian had began okaying her friends. It was to help her.

She scowled. "If you're going to be an emotionless robot, then I have to feel twice as much for the both of us."

"That's not how being a twin works."

She made a noise, Sebastian copied it, mocking her. The two kept going back and forth, until Sebastain took a deep breath and hissed, holding his side.

"Are you okay?" Erza asked, eyes wide. Sebastian nodded.

"I've been worse," he reminded her. "Remember, Paris '17."

"Yeah, whatever. And you know we don't talk about Paris '17."

The ambulance came to a stop, the doors flew open as Ash was gently lowered to the floor and was wheeled in. Stepping out, Sebastian saw Midget being wheeled in. Lanky had woken up and was standing to the side with Cecilia, both of them crying. Erza smiled a little, as she walked over to them, giving them a hug.

"It's going to be fine," she said, her voice low. "Don't worry, they'll both be fine."

Sebastian walked over.

Lanky rubbed his eyes as he opened them. "Who are you?"

"I'm Erza. Sebastian's sister, and Ash's friend."

"We've never met you or even heard about you."

"Yeah, that's because I met him a few hours ago."

"Please, can you three come into this room so we can make sure you're okay," a nurse said as she walked over to the group. She gave them a small smile as she placed her hand on the back of Cecilia and ushered them inside.

They were ushered into a small room, Kid and Midget had both been hooked up to machines. Cecilia paused as she looked over at Sebastian, a smile on her face. "Thank you, Mr Tomas, for all the help."

"It's no problem," he replied, a smile on his face. Between me and you, it wasn't genuine. It had been years since anyone saw Sebastain with a genuine smile on his face.

Sebastian walked over to Ash. They had taken the bandages off of his torso, it was looking somewhat better, but there would definitely be scars. Sebastian frowned when he noticed a scar. It was faint, and seemed to be more difficult to read because of his pale skin. It was on his right side, on his ribcage. Sebastian had to squint his eyes to read the text.


Sebatsina's eyes widened in horror.

"Cecilia," he said, walking over to him. "Who was that man?"

Erza hit her brother on the arm. "You don't just ask that, idiot."

"No, it's okay," she said, a small smile on her face. "He's my husband, well ex-husband. His name is Marcus."

"Then why did he shoot you all?" Sebastin asked. Erza winced beside him. He had no sense of a topic being sensitive.

"Uh, long story," she said, not making eye contact.

"We've got time," he said.

Cecilia's eyes widened slightly, as she gathered herself.

"Well, let's see it was when I was pregnant with Ash." She smiled at the memory. "I had told Marcus that I was pregnant and he hated the idea of me being pregnant as he was in a gang."

"The gang was small then but still a gang. He said that he didn't want a kid, that he would just drag him down. He said I had to abort him but I didn't want to, that was my child. He hated it, so he left, walked out on us. I was fine with it. My own father had left my mother, and she had done a good job of raising me by herself, so I could too. Except, he returned when he was nine."

"Cecilia, you don't have to continue if you don't want to," Erza said slowly, eyeing her.

"No, it's okay," she said, forcing a smile and inhaling before continuing. "You got dragged into this mess, I should at least explain."

Erza nodded.

"He came back when Ash was nine. However, the first time he came back Ash was four. He began to come back regularly so I had told Ash to not show fear around him, he liked it when Ash was scared of him. But when he came back when Ash was nine and what he did to those three boys and how I just sat there watching them I hated myself for it."

"I knew that Ash blamed himself for it. He thought it was his fault for him making any friends in the first place. I watched him shut everyone out of his life but Dai and Lucky didn't back down. We all lived in the same street, so they came back regularly but once Dai and Lucky's parents found out what he did to their kids, they abandoned them."

Cecilia let out a shaky breath.

"Lucky's parents began to abuse him and Dai's parents just simply acted like he didn't exist, so when I found out, I took them in."

Sebastian nodded. She had not mentioned the gang name that was engraved into the skin of her name.

"Cecilia," Sebastian said, slowly. "If you don't mind me asking, the scar, on his ribcage?"

"Yeah, he wrote his gang name on all three boys' side and said that once all three reach eighteen, the gang was going to take them away and be kept as sex toys and slaves. To his own son, too. I would never have expected him to turn out like this."

She was crying, she had tears streaming down her face.

"When do they turn eighteen?"

"Dai is eighteen. Ash turns eighteen in two months and Lucky turns eighteen in eight."

Sebastian nodded so he had eight months. He could make do with that, somehow. Sebastian nodded at Cecilia, and she took it as her cue to continue.

"He tied me up with a rope," her voice broke. "Abused all three of them. But then he tied up Lucky and made him watch as he raped Ash and then Dai, after that he tied all three up and —"

A sob tore through her throat. Erza's own eyes were wet, as she rubbed the Cecila's arm in a comforting motion. "Forced them to watch him rape me. I know they had theit eyes closed. But they heard it all. After he was finished, he went to the kitchen. I told the boys to run, but he got back before they could and he carved the words into them."

Sebastian looked away in disgust. A man, no animal, no, this man was less than an animal.
Sbeatsina wanted to know what this man thought while he did what he did, but the thought would be too disgusting for him to bear. He was a lawyer, yes, he had seen some twisted things humans were capable of, but this was something else.

"Ash doesn't show it but we all know he has trust issues. We all know he finds it hard. I can still see he's not a fan when people touch him. Especially men."

Sebastain cleared his throat. "You do know he gets around?" The word whore was on the tip of his tongue, but he didn't feel right calling him that.
"He doesn't care about sex, not like that. More like when someone shouts, he flinches and won't let anyone touch him. Without consent," she said. "Do you know he thinks he's this filthy and unwanted thing? I tried to put him through therapy, believe me when I said I tried, but he was being so difficult."

Sebastian nodded, he was fuming. He excused himself for the room, he wasn't bothered about his own wound, he would get Oni to fix him up. He walked towards the exit of the hospital.

He pulled his phone out as he rang Megan. "Megan, I know. You can yell at me later, but I need you to get me a meeting with Marcus, and send me a car."

"Yes, sir," she said, sighing.

Sbeastian was half wat across the parking lot as he heard the clicks of Erza's shoes. He could hear her trying to keep up with her short legs, she had always been short, barely 5'. It had been entertaining as kids, still just as entertaining as adults.

"Don't do anything stupid, Sebastian," she snapped. "You may be the leader, but you're still the CEO. You said you wouldn't let the two worlds collide when you took up being the leader, Sebastian. Make sure you keep your word."
The air was cold as it clung to their skin.

"I don't care," he snapped. "If they think they are going to get Kid, Lanky and Midget they're going to need to think again."

"Sebastian. You promised me. You're at a somewhat peaceful thing with them. This will fuck everything up. It's not worth taking the risk."

"They're the ones that fucked up. They stabbed you. Marcus, who is a member of their group, attacked Cecilia and her kids. They're the ones that screwed the peaceful thing up. Not me. I'm simply retaliating."

"Sebastian," she deadpanned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Are you coming, or not?" he asked. He checked his phone, waiting for the car to appear.

"Idiot, you do know we're still patients right? They're going to notice, straight away, that a big ass CEO is missing. Oh, no call the police, gasp a scandal. Tomorrow's headline? 'Where did Sebastian Tomas disappear while a patient at the hospital?' Some digging, oh, lord he's a gang leader. The day after tomorrow's headline? 'Yikes. Sebastian Tomas CEO or murderer?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes at how overdramatic his sister was. "We can deal with that later," he said. When the black car finally appeared, he turned to his sister. "Are you coming, or not?"

She tsked. "You go. I'll go back to the hospital, I'll keep an eye out for any suspicious people and I'll cover for your ass," she said, sighing as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Thanks, little one," he said, just to spite her.

"You're only a day bigger than me," she whined, punching his arm. Sebastian hissed a little. He regretted having Luca teach her how to throw a punch.

Sebastian was born on May 8th at 11:56pm, whereas Erza had been born on May 9th 12:01 am. The duo were technically twins, but they weren't. Birthdays had always been chaotic, but three of them had always had fun.

Sebastian got inside, smiling at a tired looking Luca.

"Sebastian, what the hell?" he groaned.

Sebastian held his finger up at Luca as he called Megan. He put his seatbelt on while he waited for her to pick up, she did so on the third ring.

"Sebastian, where are you?" she snapped. Sbatsian could imagine her frowning, hand on her hip as her left foot anxiously tapped the floor.

"Get to my house and tell group two, four and seven too. Tell them to put their hoods up and make sure the insignia is not seen," he said.

When Sebastian created the group, he had split everyone into groups depending on their skillset. It made things like this easier.

"What about the guards?" she asked.

"I'll deal with them," he said. "I'll see you in a few." He hung up.

"Sebastian, what the hell," Luca groaned.

Luca was the head of security and a very close friend of Sebastian's.

"Okay, I know this looks bad, but I swear. I have it all under control."

The duo talked here and there as they arrived at the gated area in twenty minutes. The area was half an hour away from the hospital, while being forty-five minutes away from the local school, but Luca had decided to speed.

"Could you open the gate?" he asked the two girls. The shorter one turned slightly red as she nodded. They had both been homeless, Erza had given them an apartment, and asked Luca for a favour of teaching them to fight and now a job. "Oh and girls, some people are going to be coming just let them in if they say they're here for me."

Luca grinned as he drove in. "The shorter one, Isabelle has a crush on you, you know that right?" he said as he drove down the area and parked in the garage. Sebastian ignored his comment.

Sebastian left Luca downstairs to direct the members when they arrived as he went to the (NUMBER) floor. He went to his room, and to the back of his walk in closet. Pushing aside his what he considered 'CEO' clothes. On the bottom of the closet, he picked up a piece of wood, he scanned his thumb and the closet clicked open, revealing what he considered his 'gang' clothes. They mainly consisted of black clothes, some of which had his insignia visible.

Sebastian slipped into a suit, his insignia embroidered on the lapel.

The shootout that had occured, he hadn't been aware of. He knew The Black KTLF had been the reigning gang before Sebastian had joined the scene. Now, it was The Forbidden MKW, he didn't know they were that desperate to become top dog, once again. And to do so, out in the open was ridiculous.

Sbeastinan walked into the longe room, and from the looks of it, everyone seemed to be there.

"Hello, everyone!" he shouted, getting their attention. The chatter quietend down as they all turned to face him. "We have a problem. Well, more than one actually. Oh, there are so many. Does anyone have any questions, before we start?"

Raphael, a handsome dark skinned man, put his hand up.

"Where's Erza?" he asked.

"She's with the problem," Sebastian said. A few of the members frowned, while others looked worried.

Silvia put her hand up. "What do you mean?" she asked, panicked. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine," he reassured her."The problem is four people: Ashton, Luke, Damon and Cecilia."

Silvia frowned. "Why those four? Why's Erza with them? They're troublemakers."

"You know them?" Raphael asked, frowning in her direction.

"Yeah, I teach them. But they've been excluded for two months because they trespassed, vandalised and Ash broke three guys' noses and arms."

"Damn," he replied.

"But Cecilia is Ash's mum," she added.

"Right now The Black KTLF want the boys," Sebastian said.


"Because Kid's dad is a fucked up psycho. He sold the three boys to them when they were nine."

"And now we're messing with what belongs to them," Megan continued.

He nodded.

"Sebastian, I've got that meeting set up with Marcus go when you're done, change clothes before you go," Megan whispered into his ear.

"I'll go in ten and obviously I'm gonna change clothes," he whispered back as he tolled his eyes. She nodded as she took a step back.

"Why don't you just hand them over then?" Another member asked somewhere from the back.

"I can't. Cecilia is one of my lawyers."

"And?" the same member pushed on, she scowled.

"That woman has been through hell. Her sons are all she has. The kids too. They all deserve to be happy."

"Sebastian," Megan whispered, taking a step forward. "You're pushing it." He tensed. He knew what she was talking about.

"They might attack again. We need to have a secure perimeter around the hospital. I'm going to be split into teams of three to four and stand with your partners, here we go." Sebastian took a deep breath, trying to remember each person's strengths and weaknesses.

"Team A: Me, Erza, Luca. Team B: Raphael, Silvia, Katherine. Team C: Faith, Hope, Destiny. Team D: Andrew, Sakura, Lucy, Seth. Team E: Star, Adam, Reece."

He paused while the people who had their names called went and stood beside one another.

"The rest of you stay on standby in case I need your help. Team A, we're gonna go inside the hospital and up to the room after we visit a person. Team B, I need you to guard the main entrance. Team C, you're gonna guard the Accident and Emergency side. Team D, you're gonna guard the ward, where the four are just in case they manage to sneak past B and C. Team E, you're just gonna be spread out."

Sebastian motioned for Luca and Megan to follow him. The rest of the members also changed. Some took of the item that held the insignia and went with an all black look, others had clothes on underneath their clothes and took of the black clothing to reveal more colourful clothing beneath it.

Sebatsin led the duo back to his room. Luca didn't need to change, he wore what he nroamlly did, a tight black shirt and some jeans. Sebastian changed into a blue suit and stuck his head under the shower to wash out the dried blood from his hair. It took him a few minutes to dry it, he didn't bother doing anything to it.

Megan came into the room after raiding Erza's closet, she wore a simple black dress with a blazer.

Arriving back down, Sebastian ordered the group to take turns in arriving at the hospital, in less conspicuous cars.

Sebastian sighed, he had a feeling that family would be the death of him.

The trio drove to the police station.

"Hello, we're here to see someone by the name of Marcus," Sebastian said, smiling a little at the lady in the reception.

"And who may you be?" she asked.

"Sebastian Tomas, CEO of ST Law Firm."

"Sir, come this way." She led the trio down some hallways. And into the room where Marcus was being held.

Luca held back as did Megan.

"Who the fuck are you?" Marcus asked, as eyed Sebastian.

Sebastian frowned. Marcus was handfuffed to the table as well as restricted by some chains. He seemed at ease. This wasn't what he should have been feeling, Sebastian wanted him terrified of what was to happen in the future.

But he couldn't do anything until he received the text. So, Sebastian misled at him as he took a seat, fixing his blazer.

Sebastian didn't retaliate to the jeering that was coming from the opposite side of him. His phone buzzed, he suspected he knew who it was, but jyst to be sure, he pulled his phone out and smiled.


Sebastain stood up, shrugging his blazer off. He ignored the door open, he knew it was Megan. He placed it neatly behind his chair. He thought about what he should have done, but then smiled as he sat down once again.

""I'm sure you don't mind me taking it off. It's quite warm here."

"You're my lawyer?" he asked, scoffing as he eyed Sebastian up and down.

"Not quite. I am a lawyer. But I'm not yours."

"Who are you?"

"No one interesting, really. But, you see I do know a few things."

"And, what do you know?"

"I know your son, Ashton, and his friends, Luke and Damon. I know you sold them when you were nine. I know you raped Ashton. I know you made Cecilia, Damon and Luke watch. I also know you raped Cecilia and Damon too. I also know one more important thing. You're from The Black KTLF."

"Ahhh, my finest artwork. I did enjoy it. A shame I didn't get to fuck Luke. He was the one I was most excited for," he said, a grin on his face. ISebastian swallowed down the anger and disgust as he kept a blank face.

"You say fuck, but it wasn't sex, was it? It was rape. Tell me, how long have you wanted to rape kids?"

"I'm not a nonce!" he hissed, he slammed his handcuffs on the table, but Sebastian wouldn't budge.

"No, but you are a paedophile, are you not? They hadn't hit puberty. They were eight and nine. They were kids. A paedophile is attracted to children. They want to rape children. That is exactly what you did."

"It was sex!" he hissed.

"No. No, it wasn't. Sex is between to consulting adults. Children cannot consent. What you did was rape."

"Shut the fuck up," he hissed. "I'm not one."

"Let me ask you something. Do you know The Forbidden MKW?" Sebastian saw the way Marcus tensed up

"I've heard of them."

"Then, I'm sure you know of their leader?"

"I've heard things."

"Let me show you something."

Sebastian stood up, he turned around, lifting his shirt up to reveal what was tattooed into his lower back.

On his back was an F, with a smaller M to the left, and a W to the right of the large F. Two black  dragons wrapping themselves around all three letters. While Sebastian had two black dragons, everybody else had two white dragons.

Sebastian turned around to face Marcus, a smile on his face. He raised an eyebrow, taking a seat. Megan finally moved from her position, Marcus had forgotten all about her since she hadn't made a sound nor moved from her place.

Sebastian shivered when he felt her cold hands where his tattoo was.

"No way!" Marcus hissed. "It's you. You started less than two years ago. But you rose throug the ranks. I've heard the things they say about you."

"Surprise," Sebastian said, he went as far as giving him some jazz hands. He thought it fit well.

"You said you were no one!" he screamed.

"And I am. In this world, who am I really? There are 7 billion-plus humans, I am someone to only 0.0025 of the population. So, in reality, I am no one." Sebastian tucked his shirt back in when Megan felt patted his skin, twice.

"Killer!" he shouted. His handcuffs rattled on the bar. "Get away from me! I don't wanna die!"

Marucs screamed for help. Some officers rushed in, guns raised. Eyes darting everywhere. Sebastian stood up as he nodded at them.

"What's wrong?!" one of them shouted.

"I don't know, he began screaming all of a sudden," Sebastian said.

"Him! He's a killer! He's the leader of the gang Forbidden MKW, he's got the tattoo on his lower back," he told them, panting. "Get me away from him!"

The offices lowered their guns as they eyed Sebastain. He shrugged at them, one of them sighed.

"Mr Tomas, I'm going to need you to show us your back," the blonde one said.

"Of course, officer," he said. He undid his shirt as he slipped it off. He faced Marcus, a smirk on Sebastian's face.

"Go get some water," the brunette said. Sebastian didn't recognise him. "This is going to be cold."

Sebastian felt the cold splash of water on his back, then a pair of colder hands rubbing. They were smart, trying to see if any makeup came off.

"Marcus, you have the wrong one. There's nothing there and we've even thrown water on him," A police officer said, annoyed.

"We're sorry for your troubles, Mr Tomas," Stuart said.

"It's nothing. I guess he must be trying to take the insanity route, after all, that's what he said he would do."

"What?" Marcus asked and Sebastian nodded.

"Yes, Marcus, I know your plan. You don't need to act dumb. I need to tell them." Sebastian smiled at him. "He said he was going to get out of jail by paying and or threatening a psychiatrist to say he was insane."

'Touch them and I kill you' Sebastian mouthed.

"Marcus," Stuart said. "What the hell. Jacob-"

Jacob interrupted him. "Yeah, I'm on it."

"Come, Megan, let's go. We have other places to be. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen," he said, nodding at the officers as Megan and I walked off towards the door, Luca was waiting.

"Good job, Luca. Now, let's get to the hospital."


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