Lamentable Allies - Sterek

By idontusethis16

185K 5.5K 2.4K

Derek was very much straight. And Stiles was very much annoyed by Derek. How did these two end up together ag... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8

10.6K 312 32
By idontusethis16

"And you promise you'll come back right after?"

"I promise."

"Okay, but do you pinky promise?"

"Stiles does that really make a difference?"

"It makes all the difference." Tonight's the full moon and when the pack is going to meet up with the other, and Stiles isn't gonna lie, he's worried.

He knows his friends can protect themselves but the fact that he won't be there means he'll just be thinking about it all night, going over every possible bad scenario in his head.

Is something happened to Jackson, believe it or not Stiles would be upset. If it was Cora Stiles would he upset too, and extra upset for Derek. He can't handle losing his last loved one and it'd kill Stiles to see him go through that. If something happened to Isaac then Stiles would just think the world is a joke. He's the most nicest and innocent kid he's ever met, Isaac doesn't deserve that. And Scott... Stiles doesn't even want to think about if it was Scott. If it was Derek Stiles would never forgive himself for not telling him that he loved him. Because he does, he figured that out last night, he just doesn't know how to say it.

"Okay Stiles, I pinky promise." Derek said as Stiles interlocked their fingers. Derek found it ridiculous, but anything for Stiles.

"Just be careful." Stiles whispered, his voice getting more serious. Derek sighed and pulled the boy in for an embrace, cradling his body between his arms.

They swayed like that for a little bit, just holding each other, breathing in the others scent.

Eventually Derek pulled away. "I have to go. Distract yourself."

Stiles looked down. "It'll be hard but I'll try." Derek pulled Stiles in for a quick kiss before exiting through the window, leaving Stiles behind to worry.

After a solid 5 minutes of pacing he decided he might as well try to take his mind off of it and join his dad downstairs who was watching a movie.

"What're you watching?" Stiles asked as he plopped himself on the couch, stealing a handful of popcorn.

"The wolfman." Great, what a distraction.


Derek and the rest of the pack just arrived at the old burnt down Hale house and were waiting for the other pack to show themselves. They've gone over the plan a thousand times, yet everyone was nervous. Derek tried his hardest to not let it show, as the alpha he had to stay strong for his pack and keep them motivated.

"What if they don't even show up?" Jackson asked. He wanted to say something sarcastic or rude, but he's too stressed out to come up with anything.

"They'll show up." Derek responded with his eyes scanning the forest line. He felt Cora grab his hand and he turned to look at her, seeing the worry in her eyes. He squeezed his sisters hand for comfort when he smelt the other pack off in the distance.

"They're here." Scott growled. No less than two minutes later the pack of seven came peering out of the shadows. Derek looked over to the blonde boy who he saw in the store, he  had his eyes locked on Cora.

"I see you didn't leave." Derek said dropping his sisters hand, addressing the other alpha. He let out a bone chilling laugh setting the whole pack on edge. He looked like a maniac.

The other alpha had light brown hair, and brown eyes to match. He was smaller than Derek but still was built nicely. That was something his whole pack had in common, they all seemed to be in good shape. Derek's pack is in good shape too, but not as much, and there is fewer of them.

"We were going to leave, but then something sparked our interest." The alpha smirked stepping forward. He began to walk closer to Derek's line of wolves and eyed them all.  "Your pack is very intriguing. Two alphas; one true, and one took the power. You also have a banshee on your side I heard. It's also been brought to my attention you have an Emissary, Deaton was his name? Those are very hard to come by you know, very useful. But most importantly you have a human."

Derek felt his blood boil, they were talking about Stiles, but Stiles is just a human, humans don't mean anything to the supernatural in a skill way.

"Why do you care?" Derek asked, trying to keep his voice calm. The other alpha smirked and stepped forward to Derek so that they were eye to eye.

"How else do you create new werewolves for your pack? And your human already knows all about our kind, it'll be easier for him to adjust, and he will most likely take the bite." Derek flashed his red eyes and he felt his fangs growing. Not his Stiles.

"Well you can't have him. He may be human but he's apart of my pack." Derek growled. Isaac and Scott looked to each other, both of their eyes glowing yellow. When they looked around they noticed everyone else in the pack had their eyes glowing too.

"You see, I wasn't asking." The alpha laughed before shifting into his wolf form, trying to take a swing at Derek. That's when all hell broke loose. Everyone on both sides shifted, and began their attack. Derek's pack is outnumbered by two, so they had to do this strategically.

Scott had more power since he was an alpha so he took on two; one was the one Derek saw in the store and the other was a girl with bright red hair. He wasn't trying to kill anyone, just subdue them so they couldn't attack. Isaac found himself paired against a man much larger than him, and older too. Jackson and Cora worked together to fend off three different wolves, and they surprisingly made a good team. Derek, however, had his eyes set on the alpha.

The alpha jumped at him, sending them both to the ground with a hard collision. Derek was able to flip him over so that he was on top, and he delivered some hard punches to the cocky alpha that was laying on his back. He laughed with his teeth stained in blood, matching his eyes, before pushing Derek off of him.

Scott was able to knock the red headed girl unconscious and now he was only against the Isaac look-alike. He was quick, but Scott is quicker. Scott was able to dodge everything he threw at him, before knocking a hard blow to his head making him unconscious too.

For the first time in during the whole ruckus the alpha Derek was against released his claws and slashed four gauges against Derek's chest. After he wounded the alpha he howled to the rest of the pack and they retreated, picking up their unconscious members on their way out.

"You want some of me?" Jackson howled back at the retreating pack, feeling cocky in his fighting abilities. Cora hit Jackson's chest and gave him a shut up look.

Scott helped Isaac to his feet (who was knocked down by his opponent) and looked confused. "Why'd they leave? We weren't even winning." Isaac shrugged his shoulders in response, not knowing the answer.

"I'm not healing." Derek said, although it came across more as a question. He placed a hand where the alpha scratched him and winced. The blood was pouring out of him - and fast. His green shirt was soon turning a mucky brown as the plasma red soaked it, as well as covered his hand.

"Why wouldn't you be healing?" Scott said rushing over to Derek's side. He took off his shirt and pressed it into Derek's chest to try and stop the bleeding or at least slow it down.

"I don't know." Derek grunted, trying to act like he wasn't freaked out.

"We need to take him to Deaton." Isaac suggested. Cora ran to Derek's side to help Scott pull him up. Derek slung an arm around both of them as they all headed to the parked cars. Once arrived they all piled into Jackson's car (even though Derek was dying he still insisted on not wanting blood to get on his Camaro's leather seats).

"Scott call Deaton so he knows we're on our way." Jackson commanded. Scott didn't protest and immediately dialed his boss' number. Deaton picked up after a few rings and Scott explained everything, saying they were on their to the vet.

"What about Stiles?" Derek asked before howling out in pain. The worry in Cora's eyes was evident before as she pressed the shirt into his chest harder before her veins turned black as she tried to take away some of her brother's pain. He quickly shoved her arm away, not wanting her to feel the pain he was going through.

"He can't know, he'll just freak out." Isaac replied.

"Well someone has to watch him. The other pack wants him, his dad is the sheriff but that doesn't mean he can protect his son from a pack of angry werewolves." Derek finished before wincing in pain again.

"Once we get to the vet I'll run over to Stiles' to watch him. I'll say you had to go do something so he won't be suspicious." Isaac offered. Derek nodded his head in thanks, being in too much pain to say anything else.

He promised Stiles he'd be fine. He promised he'd go to his house after everything to prove it to him. Derek knew this wasn't going to end well, whatever it was, and he never even got to tell Stiles he loved him. He knew he did, he was sure of it. He was actually going to tell him tonight, after everything was over. He felt his chance slipping away.

"We're here." Jackson said as he put the car in park. Cora and Scott helped Derek out of the car while Jackson held the door to the vet open for them. Isaac said a quick 'goodbye' to the pack before running over to Stiles' house.

Deaton was already there when they arrived and he had a table all laid out. Cora and Scott laid Derek on the table where he winced in pain again. The bleeding had slowed down but there was still no sign of healing.

"Who did this to him again?" Deaton asked as he cut away what was left of Derek's bloody shirt.

"The alpha from the other pack." Scott replied. Deaton inspected Derek's wounds for a second before pouring some rubbing alcohol on it to at least disinfect the cuts.

"With his claws?"


"Interesting. Obviously Derek should be healing, but since he isn't I'm wondering if it had something to do with the alpha's claws." Deaton thought out loud as he gave Derek some pills to help numb the pain a little bit.

"What do you mean?" Cora asked, folding her arms. She hasn't seen Deaton for years, but she's trust him with her life... and Derek's life.

"Like he did something to his claws with the goal in mind to paralyze or kill Derek. It couldn't have been wolfsbane because that would've also affected the alpha too." Deaton explained hooking up Derek to an IV. He's never had to use human medical treatments on a werewolf before, it felt so alien to him.

"Then what was it?" Jackson snapped. Usually he didn't care about Derek, but a pack bond is strong, so when his alpha is hurting he's hurting too.

"I- I don't know. I'll have to do some research. As for now I can get the bleeding to stop but I have a feeling it was something poisonous, meaning bleeding is the least of our issues." They all knew what that meant. There was a limited time before Derek died, unless they found out what it was that was affecting him and the cure for it.

"Where should we start looking to figure it out?" Scott asked, not wanting to waste a single second. Deaton walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a handful of books before placing them down on a table top.

"Books? You're kidding right." Jackson scoffed. Cora growled at him before moving over to the books and opening one up, looking for anything that could help them. Scott joined her, and reluctantly Jackson did too.

They're in deep shit.


200 reads!! Thanks so much you guys this is so cool

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