We Never Had A Happy Ending.

By volcanictrash

475 31 14

Claire Davidson didn't have a happy ending. She didn't feel beautiful, she didn't feel like a princess. Inste... More

We Never Had A Happy Ending.
Very First Letter
Victoria Jenson?
What The Hell.
Having A Talk
Living In Hell

True Friends.

73 5 4
By volcanictrash

2 Weeks After

It's been exactly 2 weeks since that day I called my mother ' a cash whore '. She's been in and out of the house also too. I haven't heard from Victoria or Ashton. They probably forgot about me. Oh well, my own mother does anyways.

I get out my bed and look out my window, which had a pretty decent view of my neighbor's shitty backyard. Yeah, shitty.

Mum hasn't been back since 2 days ago. All she left me was empty bottles of vodka, beer etc.

I just fill a cup of tap water and take a sip of it, gross. Setting it down on the old counter, I walk towards the moldy bathroom and take a look of myself.

My hair was tangly and still the same old nasty brown color. It got longer I guess. My eyes were dull. No life in them. Nothing to make them twinkle in happiness. Haa, happiness? Don't remember what that is.

Turning the faucet, brown disgusting water gushes out, sliding down the dark drain.

I'll have to live with it anyways, placing my palm under the brown water, I bring it up to my face and splash water all over. I wipe myself with a dirty towel and headed out of the bathroom.

I decided to clean up for the day, since I had nothing else to do.

First I started washing the dishes ( with the same old brown water ) and put them on the dish rack, then I started sweeping and organizing my living room.

Next was the kitchen, then the bathroom then my room.

I pushed my bed out of the way and look at the things that were under there. There was old clothes, blood-caked towels, my old school papers and a black box that I can't quite remember what was in it.

I crawl over it, avoiding the bloody towels and grab it. Opening it softly, I squeeze my eyes shut, not exactly knowing why but I was afraid of what was in there.

Re-opening my eyes, I see tiny and big. . . . . razors? blades, knifes, needles. My old stuff. I haven't use these in a year.

It brought tears to my eyes on how I use to self harm. I only stop bc of Ashton. Well bc he drew a butterfly on this girl that self harmed and he was all famous and stuff, so I stopped. But, I can't believe I still have all of this.

Memories come flooding back in my mind, as I pick up the biggest and sharpest blade I stole, i look at my wrist, the same wrist that I shoved and slid with this sharp blade.


"Just get away you worthless pig!" My manager, Oliver, shouted at me as I backed away from him.

I was working a shift for one of the employees that I worked with. It was serving the ice cream and putting them on the cones. I technically didn't know how to use the machine bc I always worked as a waitress, but she said that the extra shift will put extra money in my check and I desperately needed money more than anything.

"I-I'm sorry, I just don't know how to work the-" he held up his hand, yelling at me to stop talking.

"You're fired!" My eyes widen in shock

"W-What? No, please Oliver, I really need this job. I need the money." I pleaded.

He just looked away in disgust.

"Take off the apron and hat and get the hell out of my store! You're done, I don't care if you need the money. You can honestly die for all I care. I can't believe your mother ever gave birth to something as worthless as you" he said with venom in every word.

Tears spilled down my cheeks as I threw the apron and hat on the floor. I ran out the door, not caring if anyone saw me.

I ran home as fast I can. My mum's car wasn't home so she must've been at some druggies house.

Running threw the front door, I run up to my room and cry.

I let out loud whimpers as I remember everything he said to me. Rubbing my eyes a little, trying to stop my tears ( which wasn't helping ) I grab the black box with my true friends laying in there.

I grab the biggest and sharpest blade out, looking at it through my blurry vision.

I jam it into my skin as I rapidly slide it across my skin, crying louder and harder every second of it.

I slid down my skin, making a very bloody 5 inch line. I throw the blade on the floor, looking at my own blood.

I didn't feel anything, my whole arm was numb. I rub at my eyes while looking at the masterpiece I created.


I roll up my sleeves, seeing the faintly scars. I had so many, thousands even.

Shutting the box, I slide across my desktop table and get up off the floor. I clean my room as possible and see that the sun was disappearing.

Running down the stairs, I turn on the lights and start on my self made dinner, ham and cheese with some of the moldy bread but I just ate around it.

But hey, even if I had a disease, I would finally die and be free.


After eating dinner, I decide to go up to my room and look at my blades, razors, knives, etc.

Sitting on my bed, I examine each and every one of them. I test them on my wrist, seeing which ones are dull and not sharp and seeing the ones that were sharp and painful.

Wrinsing my arm, I start to think of Ashton. I love him to death, he's the only sunshine that lights up my day.

He held me in his arms. It still makes me feel butterflies in my stomach.

He talked to me, fully looking at me. I never regretted meeting Victoria again at the store a few weeks ago, or running to Mrs. Irwin's house. Bc if I never did, then I would have never ever talked to him or hugged him, hell, even be around him. And also, if I never did, then I would've found my 'true friends' and used them for a cause.

A terrible cause.

a/n: Okay, thanks for reaching up to my goal and reading my books! I really hope you guys are liking my stories.

I love writing and it'll make me sad if people don't like my stories. And also, I'm sorry for not updating 'Adore You' & putting up that ridiculous '20 Reads' goal. But anyways, on to the story!

What do you guys think of this chapter? Or even the story? Please! Leave a comment and tell me why you like this story. Vote and Share this book! Or my other books as well! Tell your friends that share the same interest in you to read my book, I'll love you forever(:

And sorry for not updating, I had to reach a goal!

Goal ; 10 Reads for next chapter(:

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