Waking up Hitched in Vegas |...

By PaintedWings77

149K 2.6K 1.1K

Anastasia is a good, sweet girl. Her idea of excitement is Tuesday night book club meeting. She was engaged... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Hangover
Chapter 2 - The runaway Wife
Chapter 3 - Goodbye Vegas
Chapter 4 - Wedding Reunion
Chapter 5 - A dinner date
Chapter 6 - A dinner to remember
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Secrets
Chapter 15 - Lockdown
Chapter 16 - Heartbreaking Dance
Chapter 17 - Book of Secrets
Chapter 18 - Anastasia Sorrow
Chapter 19 - Masquerade
Chapter 20 - The Past becomes the Future
Chapter 21 - True Lies
Chapter 22 - The Turning Point
Chapter 23 - Drowning
Chapter 24 - She comes Undone
Private Instructions
Chapter 25 - Love and Monsters
Chapter 26 - The Nightmare Begins
Chapter 27 - Day of Reckoning
Chapter 28 - A New Beginning
Chapter 29 - Anastasia's Choice
Chapter 30 - The warrior's secret
Chapter 31 - Dirty Little Secrets
Acknowledgement and Thanks

Chapter 32 - Love in the time of dragons

2.7K 40 12
By PaintedWings77

Love in the time of dragons

With a long drawn out sigh, I threw the blankets off my body and with a groan I rolled onto my back. I couldn't sleep. Again. This insomnia problem was becoming quite a problem, but my doctor told me that it was normal. I glanced to my right where Zak was peacefully sleeping, laying on his back, with one arm over his head and the other over his bare stomach, he looked magnificent even in his sleep.

I looked down at my own body. My large stomach protruded out so far that I couldn't even see my feet. I looked like I swallowed a giant pumpkin or something. I gently rubbed my bare stomach when a powerful kick made my whole stomach move, I then felt my whole stomach shift as the baby tried to stretch or do some sort of somersault inside of me. I was thirty-eight weeks pregnant and I only had two more weeks to go. But truthfully, it felt like I had been pregnant for years. I was exhausted from not sleeping well, my back ached and I was just generally moody.

Zak had been wonderful and patient. He pampered and babied me constantly, almost to the point of annoyance. But beside all those things, Zak was really jumping into his role as a father, even before the baby was here and I knew this little one would be spoiled. Zak also did everything in his power to remind me that I was not some bloated fish but a beautiful woman.

The baby moved again, this time poking my bladder and the immediate need to use the bathroom made me get out of the warm bed. I quickly grabbed my robe and rushed to the bathroom.

Once done, I poked my head in the bedroom. Zak was still fast asleep, so I quietly shut the door. He was just as tired as I was. We had just gotten back from an investigation in Arizona. We had been gone for nine days, but I was so happy to be finally home. That had been the last investigation that Zak would attend. Since I was in the last two weeks of my pregnancy, my doctor wanted to see me every week, and he had advised me against long distance travelling. Only because he didn't want me going into labor when I was so far from home.

Zak had of course agreed with the doctor and had squeezed in as many investigations as he could in the last five months; he then cancelled all investigation for the next six months. We had argued about that for weeks. I told him he was being ridiculous, that he still could go and I would just call him if I needed him, but since I moved to Las Vegas, Zak had not left me alone for very long. It had been the subject of many of our arguments, but I had eventually just given up and let him win. I did understand why he was so afraid. But it didn't mean I liked it.

The order of the dragon was still out there, plotting their devious little plan to purge the world, and I was still the one person that could make that happen for them. Zak was afraid for me, that he could lose me to them. How could I tell him that he was wrong, when he did all this to protect me? But it worried me as well, especially now that I was going to be a mother.

My feet softly patted along the bare wood floor all the way down to the kitchen. I turned the light on and went to the fridge and grabbed the milk, pouring myself a large glass. I sat at the table and let out a long sigh of relief as I took a long drink from the glass. I never liked milk but for some reason it was all I craved and I couldn't get enough of it. Setting the glass down, I looked down at my large stomach. I didn't know if I was having a boy or a girl. Zak wanted it to be a surprise so we declined to know the sex, but he said it was a girl. I wasn't sure what the baby was, but I did know I was tired of being pregnant.

My pregnancy had been very easy. Except for a few days at the beginning where I had felt slightly sick, I hadn't had any morning sickness and really no health issues at all. I could always keep up with the guys on their investigations. I wasn't exactly part of the show, sometimes I did the walk-through with Zak, but most of the time I sat with Billy and watched the monitors. Zak did not want me or his baby anywhere near the active spirits, especially when it was a prison or somewhere with violent reports of activity.

I thought he was being rather silly but on some of our first investigation we noticed that many of the spirits were often drawn to me. No matter where we set up base command, Billy and I always ended up with strange things happening, like voices and things moving around. It got to the point that Zak started putting the base camp outside of the building they were investigating. I was curious to know if the spirits were drawn to me because I was a shadow empath or because I was pregnant. Zak did not want to test that though. He had said after the baby was born I could come along with him, until then I was to sit with Billy and stay with him.

But now even that was all over. The show was on hold and I knew the network was not too thrilled about it but Zak refused to go on any more investigations and Nick and Aaron would not do the show without him. I was worried what this might do to their show but none of them seem to concerned, so I tried hard to let them deal with the business end.

I took another long sip of the cold milk and set the cup down on the table.

The time that I did get to spend in my new home in Las Vegas had been wonderful. I loved Zak's house. It was simple, yet it was so him. The one location I did love was his dungeon. It was where Zak retreated to when he had enough of the world. The strangest thing was that Zak collected many artifacts that were supposed to be cursed, which resulted in many weird things happening around the house. Things sometimes disappeared and came back a few weeks later, or things were in a different location that we set it in. We often had the strangest feeling of being watched.

There was never anything malicious though. Zak had said one of the spirits was a woman and she often got jealous, but I had never encountered her, in fact the only experience I had had was one evening I heard a woman crying in the dungeon. I went down, looking for what or who it was, and of course there was nothing there, but before I had went back upstairs, I had the strangest feeling, it felt like my stomach was being touched, like I was being petted on the belly. I stood quite still for a long time, until Zak had come looking for me and when I told him what was happening, he quickly got his digital recorder out and did a session.

What we had heard was amazing. It was a woman whispering. She was talking to the baby, or at least it sounded like it. We couldn't always understand what she said but a few of the phrases we had heard was "beautiful baby", and "I wish I could hold you." After that experience, I sometimes felt that same strange feeling of being stoked on the stomach every now and then, but it never lasted long and I was never scared.

With a smile at the memories, I considered if I should go back to bed or just stay up and catch up on what was on our DVR, when I felt my robe pocket violently vibrate. I had forgotten I had put my cellphone in it earlier before Zak and I went to bed. I fished it out, looking at the screen the number was unavailable. I bit my lower lips anxiously. Who would be calling me at 4:30 in the morning?

It was probably a crank call, I was going to ignore it, but a little voice in my head told me to pick up. Maybe something was wrong with Cathy or one of the guys ... At the last second, right before voicemail picked up, I answered.


"Anastasia." The low, baritone voice said, in the familiar British accent.

"Keane?" I gasped, shocked. "Is this really you?"

"Yes, of course." He said, sounding a bit offended that I had asked if it was truly him.

"No way. Who is this, for real?" Keane had been MIA for almost a year. I had called him every single day, hoping that he would maybe pick up. I worried about him, I cried over him. I felt responsible for him taking off like he did. I loved Zak and wanted to spend my life with Zak, but I was not some insensitive monster either. I loved Keane, and really did care for him, he had become a huge part of my life, I just wasn't in love with him like he was with me.

But over time, my guilt turned to anger and bitterness. Why did he ignore me like he did? I left a voicemail every day, pleading and begging him to call me, or text me, hell send me a letter, but I just wanted him to tell me that he was alive ... but none of those things ever came.

I heard him sigh on the other end.

-"I can prove it, let me switch it to video."

My phone then beeped, asking me to accept the video chat request. I pressed the green accept button and the screen went black for a moment. I held my breath as the image slowly cleared up and came into focus. Staring back at me was indeed Keane, he looked a bit different. He sported a scraggly beard that was in dire need of a trim. His usual crazy, coiffed hair was much longer; the hair touched the collar of his shirt where the hair softly curled at the bottom. But it was definitely Keane. It was the same clear, hazel eyes that held centuries of wisdom and that slight smile that curled on his lips when I came into focus to him.

-"Anastasia." He smiled widely. "You look as ravishing as the last time I saw you."

-"Keane ... It's you ... it's really you." Seeming to forget he was only an image on my phone I reached out to touch his face but only managed to touch the cool screen. Unable to control myself, I started to cry, big tears ran down my cheeks. I wasn't sure if I was just so happy to see him, or my emotions were all out-of-whack because of being pregnant, either way, I was just flabbergasted.

He quickly frowned and I could tell my reaction disturbed him slightly.

-"Ana, I am fine, I'm sorry ... I didn't realize that you would be this upset."

I sniffled and angrily wiped my tears away.

-"You didn't realize?! How could you not! You just left! Disappeared! I didn't know what happened to you. You couldn't even tell me you were okay in the last year! I left you a god damn voicemail every day!" I was now screaming. "You couldn't pick up the phone? Or a text, just one text! I - I thought maybe ... "But I couldn't finish that sentence, the thought of Keane being hurt or even dead was not a place I wanted to go.

-"Anastasia ... I am so sorry sweetlings. Please, calm yourself, you cannot get this upset in your condition." His tone was patient and soothing, and like his voice always did, it brought me a sense of serenity.

I sniffled again and took a few calming breathes. Sucking in the air, holding it, and slowly letting it out.

-"How did you know?" I asked suddenly.

He gave me that mysterious smile and I knew he wouldn't tell me how he knew. He always did love to keep some things a secret.

-"When is the little one due?" He asked, ignoring my question, as I expected.

-"September 5th." I said, instinctively rubbing my swelled belly.

Keane nodded.

-"Can I see?" He asked suddenly.

-"See what?" I was genuinely confused by his weird question.

-"You." He laughed at my expression. "Let me see ... all of you." I thought I heard his voice crack, but I wasn't sure if it was him or our connection.

I blushed slightly but without hesitating I propped my phone on the table and stood up. I backup a little until most of my body was in view. I stood still for a few moments and with a grimace I came back to sit down.

-"You look beautiful."

I shook my head, no.

-"I'm fat." I grumbled.

-"You are carrying a child; you are supposed to feel fat."

I stuck my tongue at him and we both broke out into laughter. I watched Keane's face light up, the way the corner of his eyes crinkled with his smile, how his perfect smile was slightly shadowed by his beard.

-"I missed you." I said suddenly. "Please come home, Keane." I whispered.

His laughter died and his face grew serious.

-"I cannot ... not yet."

-"Why, what are you doing that you couldn't call me for a year?" I frowned. "Is it because I am with Zak?"

-"Ana ..." His accent grew slightly thicker at the use of my nickname. "I have realized that ..." He trailed off, shaking his head, his expression so sad it made my heart ache. "It is not because you are with Zak."

-"Then tell me!" I cried. But he still said nothing. "Is it because I'm pregnant? I can handle whatever you have to tell me, just please, we been through too much for you to block me out like this. Are you trouble? We can help you!"

We both stared at each other for a long moment.

-"Your dream, those visions you had ..." Keane finally spoke. "They disturbed me. I had to get more information. I came to Europe and have gathered intelligence on the order."

-"The order?"

-"They know, Ana. They are getting ready for something big. They know not only about but about your half-sister but the child ... They are preparing for something big. I have tried to get to the bottom of what it is."

-"I don't understand. My half-sister?" My voice climbed a few octaves. "The baby, my baby? Are you saying they are in danger like me?"

-"Not exactly ..." He hesitated.

-"Then what?!"

-"You woke her powers up, she might not know it yet, but she is very powerful, almost too much so."

-"She could release the guardian?"

-"I don't think so, I really don't know. But if she falls into the orders hands ... they won't need you to release the guardian."

-"I don't understand." I pitched the bridge of my nose. None of this was making sense.

-"Ana, I'm sorry but I have to go." Keane said suddenly.

-"What? No! You can't! Please Keane!"

-"My beautiful Anastasia ..." Keane smiled sadly. "Do not fret, you will see my soon. But I have a gift for you right now."

I shook my head.

-"I don't want a present ...!" But Keane ignored me.

He leaned closer to the phone.

-"It is a gift for both you and Zak." He paused and looked into my eyes, with such a look that I swore he was standing right next to me, and seconds later I felt a chill run down my back. "Sleep, Anastasia." He whispered.

And all I could do was feel my eyes grow heavy.


Ana fluffed her hair and took a long drink from the bottle of wine Cathy had left in her room. Cathy and Ariel had gone back to Florida, but Ana stayed behind in Las Vegas. She needed some time to think. Time away from ... everything.

She knew Justin was cheating on her. When a strange woman picked up his cellphone she just knew it. He had said it was his sister. But call it a gut feeling or women's intuition ... she knew ... deep down she knew. The strangest part of it all was that she wasn't heartbroken. She knew she should be upset, sad, hurt ... but she wasn't. She felt relieved that she had a valid excuse to get out of the relationship now. For some time she had wondered if marrying Justin was the right thing to do. But she was thirty-two ... Justin was probably her last chance at the family she had always wanted. Kids, a house and all those things that made a family.

She had attributed her questioning of marrying Justin to cold feet. She was just nervous ... Right? But now she wasn't so sure. It had always felt like her life was missing something.

Taking another long swig of the terrible wine, she adjusted her tank top and applied a coat of lipstick. She was in Las Vegas. It was time she went out and saw what this town had to offer. She decided she was going to do something completely insane and out of her comfort zone. She would go out, alone, and have a good time! Even if it killed her.

Her first stop was one of the many casinos. Ana had never gambled before, but she figured what the hell, she was going to try her luck at one of these games. The atmosphere of the large casino was happy and rather contagious. After stopping at the bar and ordering a fruity cocktail, she found herself migrating to one of the blackjack tables. She watched for some time until one of the men moved and Ana took his spot.

The objective of the game was to get the closes to twenty one, without going over. Ana quickly got the hang of the game and won a couple of hands, and lost a few more. Sitting next to her was an older man, who offered Ana a few pointers and helped her win a few more hands. They soon ordered more drinks as she listened to his endless chatter. It turned out the man was here on his honeymoon, he was a retired postman and it had been his dream to come to Vegas.

After an hour and four very strong strawberry daiquiris, Ana excused herself to go to the ladies room. Although when she stood, she wavered slightly and felt the room spin. She giggled and somehow found her way to the bathrooms.

Ana was a sensible woman and knew she probably should have gone back to her room then, but she felt great and had this "I can beat the world" feeling, so she decided she wanted to try her luck at poker. Ana had no idea how to play the game, but she took a seat at table anyway. She placed her chips down and the dealer handed her some cards. Once the card dealt though, she stared at the seven of clubs, two of hearts, three of clubs, a queen of diamonds and a ten of diamonds, totally unsure what she should do next.

-"Are you going to play or stare at the cards all night?" The man next to her said suddenly, sounding annoyed.

-"Uhmm ..." She looked up at the dealer confused.

-"Do you want more cards, miss?" The dealer asked politely.

-"More cards?" She had no idea what the hell she was doing.

-"Oh for fuck sake!" The guy next to her snapped.

Ana looked at him, ready to tell him to just relax, but when she did look at him, he was looked down at her and they both just stopped. Ana's jaw dropped and she felt her breath hitch. She stared at the most beautiful, dark blue eyes she had ever seen. She blinked a couple of times, wondering if she was just seeing things thanks to being drunk, but the man was absolutely breathtaking. He had the darkest, black hair, perfectly styled into a faux-hawk, which complimented his dark eyes.

He seemed taken aback as well when he laid eyes on Ana.

-"Sorry ... I'm having a bad night." He apologized suddenly.

Unsure what to say next, Ana nodded and like an idiot she just stared, taking in the handsome stranger. He looked tall; it was hard to tell with him sitting next to her. He had a powerful build to him though; his biceps budge in his fancy black buttoned-up shirt.

-"No, I'm sorry ..." Ana suddenly said. "I - I don't know how to play."

He gave her a bit of a croaked smile, flashing her his perfect white teeth and she felt my heart skip. He leaned in closer.

-"May I?" He asked nodding to her cards.

Ana nodded and showed him her hand, he cringed.

-"Those are awful! I would fold if I were you. You really can't salvage that."

She looked at the cards and nodded numbly, doing as he had said. She then watched him play his hand. He won, and with a grin he put his hand out to her.

-"I'm Zak."

Ana reached out and grabbed his hand to shake it. As she touched his skin a shock went through her. She gasped and it was obvious he felt it too. The connection between them was undeniable.

-"Ana ..." She whispered, staring at their joint hands.

Ana and Zak held onto each other for a long moment before Zak spoke again.

-"Ana ... How about you and I get something to drink."

Without a second though she nodded. Zak was on his feet in seconds and pulled Ana to her up. She stumbled slightly and crashed into his hard chest. Zak grabbed her. Ana had to looked up him to see his face. As they stared at each other, she felt his arms wrap around her and for the first time in her life, she felt safe, she felt ... at home.

Zak was a large man, superbly fit and strong, yet she felt his powerful body trembling. She couldn't explain any of this; Ana had always been shy and even reserved, especially around men. Whether it be the booze or just him, she felt herself grow bolder. She reached up and let her fingers stroke the rigid nape of his neck. Ana felt him breathe in deeply; he gathered her closer in his arms and bent his head slightly. His neck was inches from her face. The scent of him was clean, summery, like hot sun and saffron. Her eyes closed as she felt his body press along hers with intriguing firmness, the intimate heat of his breath collecting against her neck.

They stood still for a moment, Ana thought he was going to kiss her neck ... She silently hoped he would. But he pulled back, only slightly. His hands suddenly cradled her head, his long fingers weaving gently through her auburn locks. Ana's stomach went tight as she watched his gaze go to her parted lips, lingering until she felt it like a caress. Her heart labored to supply blood to her nerveless limbs. Every breath caused her body to lift up against his.

-"You are as beautiful as an angel" She heard him say.

Zak heard himself say those ridiculous words and he silently kicked himself. What the hell was wrong with him? He had never done anything like this ... he usually was not so forward that was for sure. He should pull away and apologize, but instead he watched himself as his exploring fingertips went to her throat, stroking a tiny pulse. Holy hell, what was he doing?

He never acted like this. Maybe he had a bit too much to drink...? He wasn't a big drinker, but he did have a few beers. But there was something about this woman that he had just met; like he knew her, or was supposed to know her ... she was just so familiar that this felt natural. But whatever it was, it felt so good that he couldn't make himself release her just yet.

Her body cradled his with supple feminine strength. Those slim, gentle fingers continued to stroke the back of his neck. He couldn't remember ever having seen such clear, hazel eyes in his life.

He closed his eyes and felt her breath striking his chin. He felt her everywhere, with his entire body, her scent in his nose and throat, her warmth sinking into him. He knew he should let her go, put distance between them, but all he could do was gathered in the sensations of her, the enticing rise and fall of her breasts, the feel of her body pressed against his. The stroke of her fingers on his nape raised chills of pleasure, and at the same time turned his flesh hot with need. Desperately he broke away, but only to give her a mischievous grin that promised her plenty of mischief by the end of the night.

They headed to the bar where Zak ordered them each a beer and together they went off to explore the rest of what the casino had to offer. It was obvious they were both rather tipsy but it only seemed to enhance their experiences. Zak taught Ana how to play craps, and they played blackjack. They had even stopped at a poker table again where Zak had played, while Ana sat on his lap and tried to learn the game, but that had not lasted long before Ana was just too much of a distraction to Zak to keep playing. They had even stopped at the slot machines to let Ana play a couple of times as Zak watched.

He had rolled his eyes at her, and teased.

-"Only sixty-year-old women waste their time on a game of pure chance." He had grinned cockily and added, "Now, skill games, those are something to spend your time on." Of course, he had whispered that in her ear while running his hands down the side of her body.

The sexual tension between them was so thick.

The next couple hours were spent with them talking about nothing and everything. They had sat in one of the darker corners of the casino and chatted about things they had both always wanted and things that would probably never be. Zak found any reason to touch Ana, on her hand, arm and even her hair, and she found herself leaning in and craving his touches. Ana had even told him how she was supposed to be married to Justin right now. Zak had not judged or said anything, he had just listened.

But as the evening went on, Ana was extremely confused. She didn't know if it was the result of all the drinks she'd had, but there was just something about this man who made her want to trust him. She had just met him a few hours ago, yet this felt right and natural. Why was that? As if reading her thoughts, Zak tilted her head towards him.

-"Who are you?" He whispered suddenly, looking at her with that same confused look she was feeling.

-"I'm ... I am really nobody important."

-"I doubt that." He said, smiling.

-"I'm just a regular girl ..."

-"A girl that makes me want to tell all my deepest, darkest secret too." He whispered harshly.

He leaned in so close Ana thought he was kissing her. She wanted him to kiss her! But inches from her face he hesitated and pulled away.

-"Fuck ..." He mumbled, laughing. He then stood up. "How about we get out of here." He said suddenly.

A bit surprise at his sudden change of emotions, Ana just nod and stood up next to him, but to her shock, Zak tugged her into his chest. Her breath hitched and her heartbeat doubled its speed as he leaned his head down, Ana tilted her head back and gave him full access to her neck.

He softly ran a trail of kisses from her neck up to her mouth, slowly, lightly licking, softly sucking, until his lips finally met hers. Parting her lips, Ana heard a groan from the back of his throat, as a small moan of her own escaped out when his mouth pressed against hers.

She was frozen, unable to move, she was not even able to lace her arms around him because she was wrapped up in a different emotion. She felt happiness growing inside her, overshadowing the sorrow and bitterness. She felt her darkest days slipping away, right here, right now, with him— and she was paralyzed.

Her body started to tremble, as she put her hands on his chest for support. He gently kissed her, sucking her bottom lip before he suddenly presses his mouth harder to her lips, his tongue colliding against hers. As soon as she started sliding her hands down his chest, he groaned again, louder this time but he then drew back.

And just like that, their first kiss was over. But it wasn't just a kiss. It was so much more. When their tongues met, it felt like their souls connected with each other. This soul mate feeling confused Ana, but as she looked at him it made her smile. He grinned back at her as he took her hand.

-"Now I'm ready to get out of here."

Zak was feeling great, no not great, he felt on top of the world. The mixture of alcohol, the energy and atmosphere of the casino along with Ana's contagious smile and the sexual energy between them, Zak really felt like he was flying high. He usually wasn't a big drinker, simply because he wasn't a big fan of the taste of most alcoholic drinks and he wasn't a very pleasant drunk to be around. He often became dark and biter, as old demons always came back to haunt him when his guard was down.

But this time everything was different. He was positive that it had everything to do with Ana. He had had a bad day ... hell a bad month was more like it. He never gambled but something told him that he needed to do something different tonight, something to step away from his regular life, even if just for a moment. But when he started to play poker and Ana had sat next to him, he had known right away why he was here.

Just looking at her gave him the strangest primal urge that he needed her and needed to have her. He was even surer now, after they had spent some time talking. Ana was not only beautiful; she was extremely smart and clever. There were very few women lately he could have an actual conversation with, most of them were too busy giggling and agreeing to everything he said. But Ana had not been that way.

But when she had confessed to him why she was here, hiding out from her family for a few days because she had been supposed to get married, and for some reason that had really annoyed him. Although she had not said why she didn't want to marry this man, it was easy to tell by her voice that she didn't love him at all.

Zak had decided to take Ana to one of his favorite spots in Vegas. He often found himself here. It was a lovely place to think and get away from the city without leaving the city. Las Vegas was one of the few cities where it really did have everything, including a small indoor jungle. Well it wasn't a jungle but the environment sure felt like it.

It was a large botanic garden with trees and small ponds. It was its own small eco-system, and it was always open. It wasn't exactly a hot spot for people to visit or to take a date, but he somehow knew Ana would appreciate its beauty and serenity. Ana reminded him a lot of this place, she just brought a peace to him, and that was such an insane thought since he had just met her.

They slowly strolled along the low lit path.

-"Do you come here often?" Ana asked with surprise in her voice.

-"When I can ... I travel a lot, but when I come back am not always ... in the right mind, this place helps sometimes."

Ana gave him a side glance and he felt her fingers intertwine with his, but she didn't ask what he meant by that and he was rather thankful. It wasn't often that he got to spend time with a woman who had no idea who he was, and Ana seemed clueless that he actually was from a very popular TV show that was broadcast around the world.

It was actually quite a conversation killer when someone asked if he liked his job and he would say "I love it, except for the shit that follows me home and haunts all my thoughts." Oh, he loved his job; he could not see himself doing anything else. But there were days where ... he wished things were simpler. But he typically stayed away from the topic of ghosts. He had found that people either thought it was the coolest thing ever or it was the creepiest thing ever. There was never an in between.

But with Ana he wanted to tell her everything. About his nightmares and his disturbing thoughts and to his shock he did.

-"I been hunting for years ... but now it just seems different." He said, stopping at one of the many benches and sat down, pulling her on his lap.

Ana was quiet for a moment as she adjusted herself on him.

-"Maybe you are missing something in your life and this is how it's coming out as."

-"What would I be missing?" He asked in disbelief. "I have a successful show, an amazing career, awesome friends ..."

-"What about someone to love?" She said quietly.

Zak shrugged. He didn't need love. He had women when he needed them and that was all he wanted from them.

-"What about you?" Zak asked trying to change the subject away of him. "Why did you leave your wedding?"

Ana looked away.

-"He and I just don't match." She suddenly picked at her fingers anxiously. "When I get back I'm not sure what I am going to do."

-"Don't marry him if you don't want too." Zak said simply.

-"Everyone expects me too ... my mother ..." He felt Ana shrink slightly, as if the mention of her mother scared her. "She would be very disappointed, I have too ..."

Zak was silent for a while. It seemed unfair that she had to do what she what didn't want too, and it was even more unfair that he probably wouldn't see her again after tonight. Zak sighed. His head started to throb. He was starting to sober up and he didn't like that thought either. With speed he stood up, almost knocking Ana off his lap. He helped her stand back up straight but didn't let go of her hand.

-"Then marry me!" He said suddenly.

-"What?" She blinked as she watched Zak knell on one knee.

-"Marry me! It's the perfect plan, you marry me, and don't have to deal with this guy you don't like, and I get to keep you."

-"Keep me?" She laughed.

-"You can't deny this connection between us. Tell me you are not curious about it?"

Ana hesitated.

-"I – I don't even know you!"

-"You know my name and you know more things about me than anyone else right now, so come on, it will be fun!" Ana giggled as Zak brought her hand to his lips and kissed each finger with a lingering look. "And I'd love to explore more of you."

Ana wavered slightly and a big smile crept onto her lips.

-"Yeah ... why the hell not! Let's get married!"

Zak grinned and stood up, he wrapped his arms around Ana and as if he had done it a thousand times before, he kissed her soundly on the lips. He then grabbed her hand and they both hurried to the nearest chapel.


The wedding was a typical quick Vegas wedding. Several other couples waited their turn to tie the knot as Ana and Zak promised to love and honor each other. They exchange simple gold rings, which were included in the fee of the ceremony and thirty minutes after stepping foot inside cupid's love chapel they were now husband and wife.


Ana and Zak found themselves standing in the beautiful honeymoon suit of the Hilton. There was a bit of awkwardness between them as they both suddenly stared at the large bed.

But as Ana turned to Zak she found herself smiling. She wasn't sure what it was about this man who made her want to forget about everything, but did that really matter right now? She was here, in a Vegas hotel room, with one of the sexiest men she had ever met. She would fully take advantage of this.

Zak gave her an unsure smile.

-"If you uhmm ... we don't have to you know ..."

But Ana didn't let him finish. She grabbed his hand and before she could stop herself, she pulled his lips down to hers and kissed him soundly.

Every hormone in her body sizzled at the taste of him. He crushed her against him, holding her tightly in his strong arms. His breathing ragged, he pulled back from her, giving her a deadly stare.

-"Tell me to go, Ana, and I will." He offered again, gallantly.

Ana stared up at him.

-"Stay with me, Zak." She whispered.

His smile made her knees weak and before she knew it, he had picked her up and carried her to the bed where he laid her carefully. He slowly tangled his hand into her thick hair as he placed his cheek against hers, inhaling her fragrant scent.

Ana pulled his jacket from him while he savored the softness of her body under his. She tossed his jacket to the floor, and then ran her hands down his back. Zak drew in sharply as intense pleasure consumed him.

Ana savored the feel of Zak pressing down on her as he pulled her shoes, jeans and then underwear off with skill. His muscles rippled under her hands while they kissed and their tongues exploring each other.

Zak held himself up on his arms while she slowly unbuttoned his shirt to reveal, inch by inch, his lean, strong chest. She un-tucked the shirt to let it fall open while she ran her hands over his smooth flesh. She raked her fingers carefully over his strong chest and abdomen, and then ran them over his lean ribs.

His kiss deepened and she felt his heart pounding under her hands. He nipped at her lips, rubbing his body against hers in a way that heightened and teased her to incredible arousal.

Ana looked up at him and saw the raw hunger on his face. She was taken aback by how much he wanted her. No one had ever looked at her that way, not even Justin. But Justin had just been using her...

Zak suddenly pulled back.

-"Are you okay?"

-"I just ... I don't understand any of this ... why me?" She admitted.

-"You are a beautiful woman." He said earnestly, dipping down to nibble the sensitive skin below her ear. "Whose kind heart shines in her eyes and whose spirit is boundless." He pulled back so that he could stare down into her eyes. "That asshole that had you ... he was a fucking moron. But it's his loss, and my gain." He rolled over onto his back and pulled her across him. The dark tenderness on his face wrapped around her heart and squeezed. "Most of all, is that I can share myself with you, and it feels ... right."

There was a note in his voice that told her just how important that was to him. Ana ran her hand over the rough smoothness of his face.

-"There is something inside you that scares me, Zak. Are you sure you're normal?"

He gave a light laugh at that.

-"I don't know what normal is. But I would never hurt you, Ana." His eyes burned her with his sincerity. "Never. I know it sounds insane ... we just met, but this is right."

He pulled her lips to his only breaking their kiss long enough so he could remove Ana's shirt and bra without hesitation. His hands went to her breasts. His rough palms scraped her nipples, making them tight and heavy and sending pleasure through her entire body.

Ana wanted to melt into him. No man had ever made her feel the way he did.

Zak knew this was probably the most insane thing he had ever done. But he couldn't deny the fact that Ana was different. He knew he should stop this. Let her go before they both got way too invested, but he couldn't do that. Whether it be alcohol induce or not, he was not going to lose this girl. He had spent so much of his time lately fighting with the things in the dark that scared most people; he just wanted something that was actually real and beautiful.

He could fight for this girl. She was real, and just for once, he deserved this. As those questions hung heavy in his heart he swore right then and there that he would always fight for this woman, no matter what. Zak took her hand and led it to his chest so that she could feel his heart beating.

Unable to stand being without her any longer, he opened his pants and freed himself. Ana gasped as he shifted his hips and filled her unexpectedly.

Biting her lip, Ana looked down at him as he lifted his hips and drove himself deep inside her. His shirt was open, but still on his body and he had only slid his pants down enough so that he could take her.

She lifted one of his hands from her breast and kissed his knuckles while she rode him slow and easy. He stared up at her with his mouth slightly parted, his eyes dark and hooded. His expression showed her just how much he savored her body and her touch.

He placed his hands on her hips and held her still as he took over the thrusting. Ana was amazed at the strength it took from him to do that. But she didn't mind ceding control over to him as he quickened his deep, penetrating strokes. Each one went through her, hot and bitter-sweet. She leaned forward onto her arms, letting her hair fall over them as her body throbbed and ached for more of him.

Her pleasure built until she cried out from sweet release.

Zak watched her face as she climaxed in his arms. Joy tore through him at the sight of her, at the warm sweetness of her body cradling his. He claimed her lips and moved even faster, wanting his own moment of perfection.

Closing his eyes, he found it. He pulled back from her lips to growl deeply as his body exploded into bliss.

Still joined with her, he pulled her down onto his chest and held her quietly while their hearts pounded. He ran his hands over her back, delighting in the tranquility of this moment.

Ana didn't move for the longest time. She lay on his chest, savoring the strength of his arms holding her. She nuzzled her face against his chest, and then kissed it before pulling away. As she started to move from the bed he tugged lightly at her arm to stop her.

-"Where are you going?"

Ana blushed slightly.

-"Just to ... uhm ... clean up ..."

-"Why? I'm not done with you."

Ana laughed until she realized he wasn't kidding. He quickly pulled his shirt off and tossed it towards his jacket. His pants, shoes and socks quickly followed. Before she could protest, he had picked her up and placed her back on the bed. He nudged her legs apart with his knees, and then slid his hips and groin between them.

Ana groaned at the sensation of him lying on top of her. He was already growing hard again. He took his time exploring her mouth, nibbling her lips and tasting her, until she thought she would pass out from his gentle exploration.

They stayed like that for the rest of the night. Skin to skin, body to body. Ana had never experienced anything like it before. Zak had more stamina than anyone she'd ever heard of. By dawn, she was exhausted and fell asleep nestled in his arms.


Zak woke up with a start. He just had the strangest dream in his life ... He twisted his head to the side at the same time he stretched his arm out to touch Ana, only to feel and see an empty bed. He sat up with speed and with a slight panic feeling in his chest he got up.

-"Ana?" He called, hurrying out of the room to search for her, not bothering to grab any clothes.

It didn't take him long to find her in the kitchen, her head rested on the table over her arms. He let out a sigh of relief and quickly went to her as she started to stir. He put a gentle hand on her back.

-"Zak?" She mumbled drowsily. "What ... Why am I in the kitchen?" She asked confused.

-"I don't know ..." He looked down in concern at his wife.

She furrowed her brow and rubbed her eyes.

-"I had the weirdest dream ... It was us before –" She twisted her head to look at him. "You're naked."

-"You weren't in bed ... I freaked out, I thought ... Wait ... you dreamed of us meeting?"

She nodded.

-"I did too ..."

Ana's lips suddenly curled into a wide smile.

-"He made us remember ..."


Ana scooted her chair back and Zak helped her stand up. She wrapped her hands around his neck.

-"Keane called a little while ago, and he said he was going to give us a present ... that was his present. Remembering when we met."

Zak looked at Ana a bit confused and she quickly told him about the phone call with Keane. Zak felt no more animosity or hate for Keane. At first, when the guy disappeared he had been livid. But as time passed ... and he saw how troubled and hurt Ana was over it, he couldn't help but feel sad for his wife.

Over the past year, he also had no more doubts in his mind about Ana's feelings for him. He knew that she loved him and that she regarded Keane more like a brother and friend. All he really wanted was Ana to be happy. But the news that the order was up to something that involved Ana and his possibly her half-sister did not sit well at all.

Ana gently cupped his cheek.

-"Who knew that you would be my knight in shining armor, offering to marry me so I didn't have to marry Justin, even before you knew me."

Zak grinned down at her.

-"Well you know that's me, Mr. Knight, coming to the rescue to the damsel in distress."

Ana giggled and with a seductive smile and ran the tip of her fingers down his back.

-"But there is still this matter at hand" He hand went down his chest; "... you are naked in the kitchen."

Zak smirked.

-"That's a problem ... because you are not naked."

Ana pressed her lips to his neck and seconds later Zak grabbed her and carried her back to the bedroom where neither one left for the rest of the day.


Two and a half weeks later

I dozed in the warm hospital bed, as a beam on sunlit shun on the bed, warming it nicely. It was late morning but I was so tired that I felt like I could sleep for a week straight.

I heard my door open; letting in the loud noises of the hallway, the door shut second later and footsteps approached the bed. I opened my eyes and expected to see Zak, but it wasn't.

-"Keane." I whispered surprised. Giving me a big smile, he leaned down and wrapped his strong arms around me, giving me a tight hug, which I returned, squeezing him a bit too tightly. "Oh my gosh ... It's really you!" I said hoarsely as tears started to come down.

After several minutes he pulled away, still smiling widely. He looked the same as the last time I had seen him in person. Clean shaven, his mop of hair slightly shorter but still in a bit of a crazy hairstyle, and his classic Victorian suit.

-"I couldn't miss seeing you after you just had your baby."

-"How did you know?"

Keane just shrugged but didn't answer. I didn't really expect him too.

-"She is lovely." He sat on the edge of the bed next to me.

-"You saw her?"

He nodded.

-"I stopped by the nursery. What did you name her?"

-"Zoe Anne." I smiled.

Keane grinned with a nod.

-"I like it."

I had given birth to a perfect, girl. She was seven pounds and five ounces, and she had come into this world in a giant hurry. I had slight labor pains early in the morning and an hour later my water had broken. I had then woken Zak up and we had rushed to the hospital. Less than an hour later, Zoe Anne was welcomed to this world. She had a full head of jet black hair just like Zak, along with his dark blue sapphire eyes.

The nurses had taken her to the nursery to wash her up and give me a few moments, while Zak had gone to pick up Nick at the airport, who had flown in just to catch up on some work with Zak and Aaron.

-"How are you feeling?" Keane asked with concern.

-"I feel ... alright." And I really didn't feel too awful. I was just really tired.

-"I will let you rest." Keane smiled and stood up, kissing me on the forehead before leaving.

But I grabbed his hand before he could get out of reach.

-"Don't leave!" I begged. "You are going to disappear again, and you can't ..."

Keane turned back towards me and sat back down, he covered my hand with his.

-"I am not leaving. I promise." I regarded him with doubt and Keane sighed. "This is not the time to talk about it. Today is a happy day. The rest can wait."

-"No tell me, what's wrong?"

-"I am staying. That's all that matters, right?"

But I shook my head no.

-"You are staying for a reason, why?" I sat up, cringing slightly as a moderate pain that jetted through my body, reminding me to take it easy.

-"I just want to offer you a bit more protection."

-"Keane, just tell me why!" I snapped.

-"The order is starting to look for your half-sister. I do not know if they will come to you for answers on where she is located."

-"My half-sister? Well we have to find her! We can't let her get taken by them."

-"My first concern is your safety."

-"What about her? She doesn't even know they are coming, someone should warn her! You know who she is, why won't you tell me?"

-"Because I don't need you dying for her, Anastasia!" Keane said loudly as he stood with anger.

-"I won't! I just ... " I sighed. "Just tell me her name ... I just want to know her name."

Keane ignored me and stomped to the door. But before leaving he hesitated. Turning his head slightly he looked back at me.

-"Her name is Evelyn."

And with that, he left the room.



As he left Anastasia room, Keane stopped at the nursery again. This time he went in and even though one of the nurses there started to fuss about him being in the nursery, but after giving her a croaked smile and giving her a heated look, she blushed and led him to little baby Zoe Anne.

He was slightly disgusted that some humans were so easily persuaded, but he quickly berated himself for thinking that way. His own humanity was one of the last things he had held on too, and he had to keep holding it tightly or he would turn into a monster himself.

Living for such a long time was not a good thing. Oh sure, immortality sounded great at first, but after the first couple hundred years the novelty of it wore off. After watching his friends and family wither and die, leaving him behind ... and even though he made new friends, the vicious cycle simply repeated itself.

He actually had not formed any sort of close relationship with anyone in over a century now. Anastasia had been the first ... and even though he loved her with all his heart, the sad reality was that even if she had picked him, she would have just died, like they all did.

Keane slowly approached the small sleeping child. He dismissed the nurse, and with ease he picked up the baby who woke up only for a moment and once she felt his protective arms around her, she fell back to sleep. Keane smiled down at the small baby who had the same dark hair and eyes as her father, but had her mother's very pale complexion.

-"Amazing, how something so perfect be so wrong." Keane whispered down at the small child.

He placed a kiss on her head and sighed. Keane already knew that Zoe Anne would be just like her mother and father, with empathic abilities. She would be very sensitive to the spirits of this world, and that was a problem.

Shadow empaths like Ana were rare. In fact they only popped up every five hundred years or so. Back in his time, and before then, shadow empath were revered and trained. But society had changed so much, it didn't believe in the supernatural anymore, not like it used too. If Ana would have been born a thousand years ago, she never would have been able to marry a man like Zak. Ever. It was forbidden for shadow empaths to have children with other empaths.

Simply because they were too powerful. It was a way to control power, to keep creatures like the guardian from being created. Not that Zoe Anne was the next guardian ... but who knew what was in her future and what powers she might have...

Keane sighed and placed the small child back in its bed. He adjusted her blanket and gave her a last glance before leaving.

He had lied to Anastasia. But only to keep her safe. That was all that mattered.

He had come back for one reason only. To protect that child and Ana. He knew what was coming. He knew what had been created when that child had been conceived. He had told Ana that her half-sister got her powers when Ana stepped into the shadow world, but that was a lie. It had happened when little Zoe Anne was created. The Gods were sick, twisted people. They had plans for when something like this happened as a way to control how much power humans are allowed to have.

If a child was created by a shadow empath with another empath, then that child had to be killed, and who better to do that job then the person closes to them, the shadow's empath sibling.

Without glancing back, Keane left the nursery and headed out of the hospital. He had worked to do. Keane was in full warrior mode. No one would hurt his Anastasia. She would lead a nice full-filling life, like she should have five hundred years ago. He had to find where her half-sister Evelyn had gone too before it was too late.

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