A Very Unlikely Tale // Loki

By Written_at_Wrandom

204K 10.2K 2.9K

Loki, after helping Thor fight against the Dark Elves, is thrown back into his cell. However, peace on Asga... More

Intro: you're gonna get confused if you skip
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Outro: announcements and future plans
Hello Again

Chapter 14

5.8K 317 95
By Written_at_Wrandom

   The moment I enter the palace I am escorted to what Sif has told me are my chambers.  The room is beautiful and golden.  Fine tapestries adorn the walls and floors,  silken sheets rest on the large bed. There is a large bathtub in the connecting bathroom that is lined with various soaps and smell-good-stuff.  It is luxury in a nutshell.

I couldn't care less.

I've been told to clean up and change into a dress since I was only wearing my pajamas when I arrived.  A young girl who says her name is Ida is helping me quickly get into a loose, flowing, blue dress.  I try to explain that I've already had quite a bit of experience in these sorts of garments but she doesn't listen, saying that she is here to serve me.

I thank her as genuinely as I can when we've finished and exit the room.

Thor meets me in the hall, "Are we going to see Loki?" I ask hopefully.

He looks at me sympathetically, "No.  You shall see him soon, but Eir is in the process of healing him and should not be disturbed.  Father requests you."

I sigh in disappointment and worry, "Odin." I state.

He nods solemnly.

When we reach what must be the throne room we are met only by two guards, who escort us further into the room.

Odin is seated on the large throne in the center of the room.  Thor drops to one knee and, out of respect, I bow my head and drop into a low curtsy.  We remain in our position until Odin give us permission to rise only a moment later.

The king smiles at me, though it does not reach his eyes...or...eye, "You have never bowed to me before now, Flora."

I return his grin as best as I can, "We met on my realm before, my king.  Now I am in your kingdom."

"Thank you for looking after my son, Flora."

I grimace, "I didn't do such a great job." I whisper.

He dismisses Thor and the guards and joins me at the foot of the steps leading up to the epic throne.  "He would be dead if it were not for you."

A tear escapes from my eye and I bite my lip, trying to remain in control of my emotions, "I'm so worried."

Odin nods, "As am I."

He begins walking, beckoning for me to join him, "He has told you of his parentage?"

I nod, "He says he is Jötunn."

"He is.  Did he tell you how he came to be here?" He inquires.

I furrow my eyebrows, "No. I didn't ask."

The king nods and begins explaining how he found Loki in a ruined temple.  How he never told him of his true heritage.  He is Laufey's son.  A prince in more ways than one.

"I wanted to protect him." Odin says tiredly, "Frost-Giants are seen as little more than monsters here." He turns to look at me, "Am I a terrible father wishing to save my son from the shame of his ancestry?"

I shake my head slowly, "No, Odin.  I don't think you're a bad father.  You had good intentions I suppose...I think you should have told him sooner.  I think you shouldn't have shut him out when he lashed out.  I think you should apologize even if it isn't what a king does.  You need to be a father to him.  Not a king." I finish thoughtfully.

He sighs and runs a hand down his face, "Frigga, his mother, was always the one he connected with, you see.  Their bond was extremely strong.  When he was young, she shared her magic with him." Odin smiled fondly at the memory, "Even after all he had done she loved him just the same."

"She sounds wonderful, I wish I could've had the chance to meet her." I turn to him, "But there's something you should know in regards to Loki's attack."

He holds up his hand to stop me, "He was being influenced.  I know.  Thanos left us a message shortly after we released Loki into your care."

My eyes widen, "Then his punishment-"

"Extremely reduced." He assures me, "However, he is still to face some punishment for his first attack with the Destroyer."

He notices my eyes shoot to the floor, "But it will not be exactly unpleasant.  He is to remain under house arrest with his caretaker by his side at all times, until I deem his lesson learned.  If you accept, that is."

I smile at him gratefully, "Of course I do."

We turn down a long corridor, stopping at a spacious room.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"The healing chambers.  I hear it's quite like your hospitals." He muses.

He leads me around several beds until we get to a more secluded section of the room. I see Loki lying on his back, a woman tending to the bruises on his neck.

Her head snaps up at our approach and she curtsies for Odin.

"How is he?" He asks quietly.

"It may take time, but I expect him to recover." She turns to me, "I am Eir."

"Flora. Can I stay?"

She nods gently and moves aside, gesturing to a small chair beside the bed. She exits quietly.

Odin approaches once I've taken a seat.

"There's something I should return to him." He confesses.

He moves his hands to either side of Loki's face and a green glow seems to enter the prince's body.

"His magic," Odin informs me, "should aid in his healing. I shall leave you alone with him for a time."

I nod but something crosses my mind.

"What happened to the invisible chain thing?" I question.

He chuckles half-heartedly, "I released you both from the spell as soon as I realized Thanos was the one behind everything. You were very brave, protecting Loki the way you did." He pauses and turns to look at me, a glint in his eye, "I should be pleased to one day call you my daughter."

He exits almost as quietly as Eir, and I stare after him, my jaw almost hitting the floor.

I shake my head and look at Loki.  He seems out of place here.  He seems vulnerable and frail. 

I reach out and take his hand, his ivory skin nearly translucent under the dim, golden light.  I move a strand of hair from his face and observe his bruises, already loosing their angry, purple hue.

I sigh, wishing I had my book with me.  I suppose I'll just have to make do.

I take a deep breath, "Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a little princess with lips red as blood, hair black as ebony, and skin white as snow..."

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