i stole his underwear & he st...

By twilightfreak11

8.3K 90 51

Pumpkin is an eccentric girl. When her grandpa dies and leaves her a school, she meets Caleb Rousseau, son of... More

i stole his underwear & he stole my heart! (head mistriss&delinquent) part 2
i stole his underwear & he stole my heart! (head mistriss&delinquent) part 3
I stole his underwear & he stole my heart! (head mistriss&delinquent) part4
I stole his underwear & he stole my heart! part 5
I stole his underwear & he stole my heart! part 6
I stole his underwear & he stole my heart! part 7!
I stole his underwear & he stole my heart! (LONG AWAITED CHAPTER 8!!!!

I stole his underwear & he stole my heart! (head mistriss&delinquent)

2.5K 17 5
By twilightfreak11

I was eating ice cream in my bedroom, watching SpongeBob with my sister Bethany, A.K.A Bitsie. In fact I don't know anyone other than myself and Daddy that knows her real name. My name is Paisley, but I didn't like my name anymore than Bitsie liked hers, and ever since I could remember people called me Pumpkin.

I had been eating so much ice cream I was starting to get sleepy, so I leaned against Bitsie and drifted off.


When I woke up me and Bitsie were already late. Again. I woke up with her foot in my hair and her head on my butt, don't ask me how that's even possible because I don't know either.

"AAAAAAAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" she screamed, and then I got scared so I screamed and we both scared the shit out of each other until we both burst out laughing.

"Did you see a bug...?" and I got on the bed just to be sure.

"No. why..? Did you?" she looked around and I had that crazy feeling she was being paranoid.

"OH MY GOD!!!!" she jumped up on the bed and screamed again,

"WHAT??!!" bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug!!!! Eeewww! It was huge and hairy...and huge...and hairy... and...what the hell was that thing??

"what IS it??!" she begged hiding behing me. It sucked for Bitsie because even though I was a year and 3 months older than her, a twig couldn't hide behind me and not be discovered. I, at 16 years of age, weighed 98 pounds, and was 5 feet and six inches. In other words I was tiny.

Bitsie got the good end of the gene pool with C cup boobs-may I remind you she barely got out of middle school?-future super model height, and still growing, with long ebony hair, tanned skin and cool grey eyes?

Compared to me, thin, short, pale blond hair and icy blue eyes without a hint of a tan or curves? I could still fit into my old training bra for Christ sakes. Boo....

She looked over my shoulder.

"is it still there?" she asked. "yup."

It was having some sort of seizure, or maybe he was trying to do the funky chicken...

"Kill It!!!!!" she handed me her bunny slippers. "Smash the little terd and we can all get on with our lives!"

I gasped "Bitsie!" she blushed but rolled her eyes. "Well? It's HIS fault for coming in our room! Not the sharpest knife in the kitchen drawer if you ask me!"

"I don't want to kill it! You do it..." she shuddered. "Fat chance, what if it's guts splatter on my face? No way Jose, you do it!"

"You think I want bug juice in my face??!! Just ... throw something heavy at it!" she looked around, and handed me a pair of scissors.

I looked at her.

"What! If you throw at him and he doesn't die, the pointy end of the scissors will cut it in half! Come on, you got to admit it it's a good idea."

I shrugged and aimed for it's eyes... or was that it's leg? Gross.

You could hear the crunch all the way from the other side of the room. Ewww.... I smiled and looked at bitsie she was smiling too, but...their was something ...green on her face... it was a greenish brownish gutsy color.

I felt nauseous.



"you got...you got a little...shmesh...right there" I pointed to it.

"right here?" UGH!! She touched it!!! She suddenly screamed

"OMG!!!! Get it off get it off get it OFF!"

"stay still!" I got her dirty T shirt that was on the floor. She started making sobbing noises.

"It's just a little...uh...bug juice. Calm down!"

I wiped it off carefully. "there all done!"

"Burn it!"she pointed to her T shirt, it was red and said "dirty girl" she shivered.

"burn it, and put some disinfectant on my face please...please..." she started muttering to herself as we got ready for school.

I was trying really hard not to laugh but by the time we got in Daddy's car, me and Bitsie couldn't hold it in anymore. We laughed so hard we cried.

"Man, I love you Pumpkin."

"Yea, me too."


School sucked as always, the only fun time I had was at lunch when me and Bitsie told Bryan, Nora, and Michael about what happened. Milk squirted out of Nora's nose, Bryan laughed so hard he farted, and Michael puked on Bitsie's lap

May I remind you she was wearing her favorite blue skirt with white eyelet lace. He got a black eye and bloody nose as well as a face full of his own puke.

"So...." Michael said while in the infirmary. "I bet I look pretty lame huh?"

"yup." I giggled and he blushed. "I was thinking if you might want to...go out maybe?

Oooooohhh.... I really don't know how to respond to that.

"Um...I don't think that would be the best idea."

School went on as always, boring, fun, and then someplace that made hell look like a fluffy walk through a meadow.

When I went home, there was an old guy in a business suit in my living room. He was sitting on my couch drinking a cup of tea. Ooookaayy...... I put my hello kitty back pack down and looked at the old geezer. He didn't seem very nice; in fact he looked like he just shit out a couple kittens. When he spotted us he got up and shook my hand. Ooookaayy.... Creepy...

"you must be Paisley." He looked at Bitsie with unsatisfied grimace.

"Nope, that's me." He spotted me and then looked absolutely horrified.

"Your... Paisley?"

"yup, but everyone calls me Pumpkin."

"I see." He cleared his throat.

"Your grandfather Alexander Viktor Ross the third has been subject to an untimely death, thus leaving you with his property."

"I get a house?!" cool! But I was sad gramps had passed away, even though I had never met him.

"No. Bethany Barona Angela Ross is entitled to his home estate, you, Paisley Princessa Eleanor Ross is now the owner and head mistress of Steadyway Academy."

Oh great, Bitsie got an Estate and I got a school? I heard of Steadyway Academy, it was a private school, that only the super rich and talented go to. If bill gates had a son he would be well on his way to S.A

"you are to be escorted to the Academy at once where you can act as Head mistress and --it seems now that I see how young you are-- a student. The academy can accommodate you even though it is a high school."

The old fart, he thought I was a middle schooler!

"I'm in my second year of high school." I said

"well that makes it easier." He said simply and took my hand and lead me to a huge stretch limo. I ran back to give a kiss and hug to Bitsie.

"I give you full permission to decorate my room in the new house, ok?"

"fine. You better bring home stories about your hot rich boyfriend during your vacation!" I giggled and kissed her again then went to go to S.A. who knows it might be fun, and with any luck I might actually get a hot boyfriend.... He he he....

Author: Thanks for reading, I'll update Real soon, i promise, so comment and vote to keep me motivated!

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