Reset: Prologue (Torchwood wi...

By nerras

121 1 0

Lucy is a normal college student just trying finish school. Little does she know one small adventure with the... More

Reset: Prologue, Part 2 (Torchwood w/ Doctor Who)
Reset: Prologue, Finale

Reset: Prologue (Torchwood with a hint of Doctor Who)

79 0 0
By nerras


Not going to lie, this is my first time writing fan fiction, but I've had this story stuck in my head for long that I just had to write it down. This prologue is going to start out with a short adventure with the Doctor. After I get to the main story, don't expect to see him a whole lot. Like I said, this is my first time writing fan fiction, so feel free to point out errors and give criticism. Also note, I'm American, so if I'm using some Welsh or British terms incorrectly, let me know.

READ THIS: This is going to pick up between the episodes "Out of Time" (the one with the pilot from the 50's) and "Combat" (The one where they break up the Welsh version of Fight Club). For the purposes of this story, a few months have passed since the events in "Out of Time".

SPOILER ALERT: There are going to be obvious Torchwood spoilers, so please read with caution if you haven't finished the first two seasons.

Now for our main event...


How had it come to this?There's human flesh under my fingernails. There's blood on my hands.

Oh God, how had it come to this?

I looked up at my team with wide eyes. They stared back at me with looks mixed with horror and confusement. Everyone had frozen. Not only my team, but our adversaries as well. What just happened?

The ground started shaking. That's not right, we don't have earthquakes in Cardiff. No, wait. That's not the ground shaking, it's me, I realize as I sink to my knees.

The man was on the ground in front of me still bleeding. Who is he? Or rather, who was he? I corrected myself. This man whose life you just ended. Did he have a wife? Kids? Was someone waiting for him to come home this evening?

This wasn't an uncommon thing, the death. The members of Torchwood were accustomed to taking the life of others when their own was threatened. Oh no, it wasn't the fact that this man's life was snuffed out that frightened them. It was the fact that I had just ripped out his throat with my bare hands, like it was nothing more than a piece of paper.

Oh God, how had things come this far? Doctor did you envision me as this monster when you left me here?


Some weeks earlier....

One more day until the weekend...Not that it mattered much. The weekend just offered a break from the laborous classes that were jam packed into my day.

Oh did I say break? I meant a chance to catch up on the work I fell behind on during the week.

I looked up at the bare trees and breathed in the frigid February air. A lot of people were complaining about how cold it had become lately. Not me, I loved the cold. That's why I came up north to go to school. It was also the reason I was walking home now instead of taking the bus.

In a short fifteen weeks, I wouldn't have to walk this path anymore. It's the last semester of my senior year in college and then it's off to the "real world". This path was my favorite on campus. Not a lot of people walked it, especially in the winter, save for the occaisional pot smoker trying to avoid campo. It made for the perfect place to help unwind from a long day. A lot of the trees were bare, but the pines still held their needles. Strong and sturdy, they're my favorite tree. I wish I could be like them, then I could just power through all this homework I had. Really, what was the point of going to class for ten hours a day only to have to go home and do ten+ more hours of homework?

It was a rant that I went through in my head almost daily now. Luckily, the days were numbered now for these infuriating thoughts. I was so lost in this that I almost didn't notice the man on the path up ahead. It appeared he hadn't noticed me yet either.

Odd. Most people weren't out walking this time of year, let alone older men. He looks harmless enough though with his tan trenchcoat and hand in the pockets of his dark blue pinstripe suit that he wore underneath. No, his manner of dress wasn't odd. It was the fact that he was just standing there, looking up at the sky through the trees, like he was waiting for something.

He rocked back on his heels and looked at me. His eyes widened a bit, like he was suprised at my behavior. Maybe he was birdwatching and he was hoping I wasn't going to make any loud movements, I tried to rationalize.

I decided to keep walking towards him after a momentery pause. He's probably trying to smoke pot without campo noticing I decided. He looks a little old though to be a college student,  a voice in the back of my head said. I just want to go home, I don't want any trouble. I sighed and just kept approaching this man on the path. I'll be damned if I let this stranger stand between me and the hot shower that's waiting for me back at my apartment! Anyway, I'd seen people on this trail before. It wasn't comepltely out of the ordinary. So why was it that every step I took towards him seemed to make my hair stand more and more on end?

I was almost two feet from him when he looked at his watch and sighed, "Well that's it then," in an obvious British accent. I barely had time to process this before I realized the reason my hair felt like it was standing on end was because it actually WAS standing on end. There was a flash, and I was floating about five feet in the air with this man. What was going on?

He glanced at me and smiled. "Ready?" He offered a hand.

I was dumbfounded. What the hell was going on? My mouth was gaping and I managed to stammer out a "for what?" before there was another flash and then... darkness.


A short first chapter for the prologue, but I mostly just wanted to test the waters a bit. Feedback is welcomed. I look forwards to writing a lot longer second chapter for this prologue.

Sorry I know that prologues should really only be a chapter or so, but this story is definitely going to be a lot shorter than main Torchwood story.

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