Happy Family? 《Attack On Tit...

By Maela_Bow

86K 1.9K 425

[OLD VERSION | NEW ONE OUT NOW] [Name: Okaerinasai/Welcome Home] Twins Y/n's and her brother Peter's Mother a... More

Ch 1 The Fall Of Shiganshina
Ch 2 The Corporal's Kids
Ch 3 The Twins Birthday
Ch 4 The Surprise
Ch 5 The Town
Ch 6 Training
Ch 7 The Dream
Ch 8 The Angels
Ch 9 Three Years Of Bring A Cadet
A/n Sorry!
Ch 10 The Trip Into Town!
Ch 12 The Truth
A/n Sorry Again! I Hate Them Too!
Ch 13 The Talk With Dad!
Ch 14 Secrets
A/n Another Book!
Ch 15 Shipping!
Ch 16 Whos Twin?
Omg A/n!
Ch 17 The Sister!
Sorry For All The A/ns
Important! A/n
Hey guys!
Ch 18 Late Night Talk!
Ch 19 The A Deadly Expedition
I Got Tagged!
Ch 20 In This Cruel World
Ch 21 I Will Survive!
A/n Important!
Ch 22 Returning Home
Ch 23 The Funeral/The End
Hello My Lovely Readers!
Hello Once Again!
100 votes!
Maybe Another Book?
Omfg! 2k Reads!?
5k Reads!?
10k Reads?
15k Reads

Ch 11 The Sleepover!

1.3K 33 2
By Maela_Bow

Hey sorry for making the last one short but my sister was not leaving me alone (she is 2) so I had to end the flash back before I would have liked anyway, hope you like this one I'll probably make another flashback for Yuui in this one!

Yuui's POV (still)

"Wow we have alot of stuff just for a sleepover!" I said amazed "no this is quite little....Wait have you ever had a sleepover before!?" Y/n asked  "umm let me think.......No" I said "OMG how do you NOT have a sleepover!? We had sleepovers with Hanji all the time! Right Peter?" She said/asked "yeah and most of the time all Hanji would talk about is titans haha" Peter said laughing a bit "I bet talking about titans just before you went to bed would not help you sleep" I , "haha yeah after Hanji's 'bed time story' we would be up all night" y/n said getting into the carriage after her was me then Peter "haha I bet!" I said laughing some how they make me feel like I did when I was with that lady.

*Flash Back*

"U-umm h-hello can i g-get some food?" I asked the person giving out food "yes dear" the lady said she look familiar
"th-thank you b-but you look l-like someone I know" I said after getting my food "well I would say the same thing" she replied "umm can i-i know your n-name?" I asked "yes it's Peach" she said "I knew it remember me you saved me when I was 5!" I said happily "ahh the cute girl on the roof I remember how about you come back after you have your lunch we can talk then" she said
"Yes!" I said walking away. After eating I walk back to were I got my food and saw Peach "Hi I'm here" I said getting her attention "ohh hello I didn't see you sorry" she said with a smile "it's ok well umm c-can I h-have a hug it's just-" I was cut off by Peach hugging me "you know I have missed you even if we only meet for the first time 1 year ago I still miss the warmth in my heart when your with me" she said still hugging me "yeah me too" I said Peach pulled away and looked me in the eyes, I could tell she was serious "you know I can be your adoptive mother if you want" she said, I knew my eyes just lit up "yes well I haven't had a mother before let alone a family" I said sadly "it's ok your going to have a mother now to take care of you" she said "I'm so happy to have someone that cares for me in my life!" I said almost in tears she picked me up and hugged me "it's fine as long as I'm here I'll care about you so you don't need to worry about it anymore" she said motherly "I'm tired" I yawn "then sleep as long as I'm here your my daughter" she said in a soft angel like voice "but I'm scared that if I go to sleep you will disappear!" I said with the sound of worry in my voice "I won't I promise!" She said as I fell asleep on her shoulder. I woke up at dusk on some grass with Peach laying next to me asleep "you know mum you look like an angel when you sleep" I said quietly so I would not wake her up ' my life is perfect! ' I thought untill after I join cadet training my mother was living in the southern gate in wall Rose, and the titans broke though he wall for the second time and Only a couple of people died I thought my mother would be fine but I was so wrong, she was one of the 17 who died, I don't know how I'll live, something I thought often until I meet Y/n and Peter, it was like they were my new family who will live happily ever after.

*End Of Flashback*

"Hey Yuui wake up were back at HQ" y/n said just like Mum did the thought of mum made me tear up "ohh no Yuui was it something I said!" Y/n started freaking out "no it's not it's how you said it it just reminded me of my adoptive mother who died" I said sadly just like in the flashback "ohh Yuui you didn't have to say that if it will just get you more sad then you are already!" She said "no it's fine let's go in" I said getting up and walking inside to y/n's and Peter's Room with them following me, as we got to their room y/n asked me something "hey Yuui want to see something cool tonight if you do then sleep in my bed tonight I know it sounds weird but it will be cool because I know how to do something so if ya can" she said I was just confused "umm sure anyway let's get some dinner!" I said, I was really hungry because I had not eaten anything since breakfast "yeah let's go" y/n said fist pumping to air "Yeah I'm hungry too come on" Peter said walking out the door. We arrive at the mess hall to find that we were early "haha I guess we are early!" I said walking over to a table and sat down "well at least we're not late!" Peter said trying to make us not so disappointed "yeah!" Y/n said starting to dance Peter just joined by making the music "come on Yuui!" Y/n said pulling me over to dance "it's just us!" She said "ok I'll do some dancing" I sigh as I start dancing "Yuui your really good at dancing!" Y/n half yelled "you really think so?" I asked wanting to know "yep your awesome!" She said with a smile "umm guys are you forgetting me!?" Peter asked which just made us giggle "maybe" I said laughing soon y/n and i started dancing again but this time there was some people watching of course I didn't know, funnily enough most of them said that I was the best I can't believe i didn't notice this "guy y/n let's get some dinner!" I said ' I've gotten more brave since last time ' I thought to myself "yeah I'm hungry!" Y/n said walking to get food, and me following her. We got our food and went to the table we normally sat at "hey guys!" Y/n said and we got a "hey" from everyone "umm y/n should I say hi to everyone?" I said really quiet so no one at the table could hear me "only if you want to" y/n said just as quiet "maybe tomorrow" I said still talking quietly as we finished eating "let's go!" I said pulling y/n, everyone just stared "hey girls don't forget me!" Peter said running after us "you can't catch us!" Y/n said running with me now our laughs were the only sound in the hall ways untill we got to y/n's and Peter's room and walked in "ok let's get ready for the sleepover ohh and if ya can't tell Peter is in The sleepover too" y/n said "ok!" I said fine with that "ok let's start with truth or dare and eat our lollies!" "Ok!" Peter and I say at the same time making us giggle.

*Le Time Skip Till After The Games And Lollies*

"Ahh that was awesome!" I said eating my last lollie "sure was!" Y/n and Peter said at the same time "we should go to bed now!" I said getting tired "yeah hey how about you two sleep with me tonight!" Y/n said exited "umm sure why not?" I said a little uncomfortable that im going to sleep in the same bed as a boy but no matter y/n is there so it's fine "yeah why not it's just my sister and my friend!" Peter said happily "well you two get changed in here and I'll get changed in the bathroom ok?" Peter asked "yep got it!" Y/n said happily as Peter walked into The bathroom to get changed "well let's get changed!" I said grabing my PJs and started changing half way though changing Peter called out to see if we were done "almost!" I call back "ok we are done now!" Y/n calls to Peter after I pull my shirt on "well let's go to sleep night!" I say hopping onto y/n' s Queen size bed, but soon after the other two joined me, and we all drifted off to sleep.

*Le Dream*

"Ahh y/n you did what I asked" the older Yuui said "umm with Yuui here it's going to be a bit weird calling you Yuui too so we'll call you Yu k?" Y/n asked I just sat there confused but I was next to lots of very pretty flowers "umm y/n where are we and who are those people" I said pointing at the 2 females and the 1 male "hehe yeah about that.....Those are our older self's hehe I know it's weird.......But this is the thing I wanted to show you and this is also why we had to sleep in my bed together" y/n said I could tell she was nervous "ok if that is true then why am i here?" I asked "haha yeah I'll tell ya soon ok?" Y/n said "wait then why am I here?" Peter asked "I don't know they wanted to talk to you two" y/n replied

Hey guys I'll continue the dream in the next chapter! And OMG there is 1667 words wow I didn't know I could write so much, well bye!

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