Won't Give Up (FAN FICTION) •...

By jilnysoto

7.3K 326 402

Moriah Peters is a seventeen year old singer and songwriter. She is funny, active, determined, and beautiful... More

I Was Tagged! Not A Chapter!
Where do you want them to go?
Want To Be In It?

♥ T H E W E D D I N G ♥

338 17 6
By jilnysoto

Joel stood in the alter, his palms very damp. He swallowed the lump in his throat. It was finally the day, their wedding day. He pressed his lips together, today was also the day for their first kiss. Does my breath smell good? He asked himself before blowing into his palm.

He smiled as Luke gave him a huge thumbs up. Three weeks earlier before their wedding, Luke and Courtney got married. Luke walked up to Joel and whispered to him, "Hey, it's gonna be alright, Joely. Just, whatever you do, don't cry."

Joel frowned and looked at Luke, confused. "Why would I cry-"

The wedding music began to play. Joel looked up as well as Luke. Luke smiled at his about-to-be-sister-in-law. Joel's jaw fell open at the sight of Moriah.

There she stood, wearing her beautiful wedding dress. Her hair falling perfectly into curls on her shoulders. She smiled, shining so brightly and lighting up the wedding, even though it was outside. Joel felt his eyes sting and realized why Luke said that. He turned to look at Luke, who was grinning ear to ear at him.

Joel turned back at Moriah and her father. She looked more beautiful than a queen. Joel raised his hand to his mouth to keep himself from sobbing. "What did I do, God, to deserve her?" Joel whispered to himself, letting a few tears escape his eyes.

Her smile, her walk, everything about her was beautiful. 

She was just a few steps away from Joel, and Joel couldn't wait to have her in his arms. No words could describe how Joel felt when he saw her.

When they were just in front of Joel, Joel tightly embraced Mr. Peters. Tears fell onto Mr. Peters suit as Joel whispered, "Thank you, sir." Mr. Peters smiled back and responded, "You take good care of her, son." Joel smiled and blinked, letting tears fall, "Yes, sir, I will." They slowly went apart and Mr. Peters handed Joel Moriah's hand.

Joel took her hand and placed his other hand over hers gently. Moriah smiled and Joel couldn't help but smile as well.


"And Joel, do you take Moriah, to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, or richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do part you, according to God's holy ordinance?" The pastor ask.

Joel looked at Moriah, his heart skipped and he felt butterflies in his stomach. He bit his bottom lip. She's so beautiful. Moriah giggled quietly and whispered, "Thanks." Joel blushed and turned to the pastor, "I do." The pastor nodded, "I now pronounce you, husband and wife."

The pastor smiled and said, really loudly, "Joel!" Joel turned to the pastor smiling really big. The pastor chuckled, "You may kiss the bride." Moriah laughed, and looked at Joel. Joel placed his hands on her delicate face and smiled widely. Then, he turned to the people and raised one arm. "I just want ya'll to know that I've been waiting three years for this moment!"

Joel turned to Moriah and smiled at her adorable laugh, "Alright." He wrapped his arms around her and finally kissed her. Everyone cheered and clapped, but there excitement couldn't compare to how Joel felt. They parted smiling. They turned to the people and held their hands. They raised their hands and when they lowered them, Joel quickly swept Moriah of her feet and walked down the aisle with her in his arms. Moriah hugged him and pressed her head on his chest. Joel smiled at her and whispered, "I love you, Mrs. Smallbone."

Moriah chuckled, "Not as much as I love you, Mr. Smallbone."

Hello everyone! I wasn't planning on posting this, but kayleahf18 suggested it and it was a great idea! Thanks for reading, God Bless ❤

With Lots of Love,


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