Revival-Teen Wolf

By Blairsargent

550 26 51

"Life can't ever be all bad or all good. Eventually things have to come back to the middle." Isabella Argent... More

Welcome To The Dreaded Town. Beacon Hills.
Friday Night Bites
Coffee And Bagels
Two Humans Vs A Werewolf


57 4 8
By Blairsargent

Chapter Two-->Socializing

Edited :)

"Be fearless of the pursuit on what sets your soul on fire."

Allison had urged her sister, Bella to go and make some friends, convincing her that socilaizing is good and that going on her phone and reading books on this app called Wattpad and doing that all day is not good as their is more to the world than her phone, however, Isabella thought differently. Having a phone is like pizza- you love it and it's really addicting and that's exactly how she felt about her phone. They were currently in a relationship right now. After spending 10 minutes of standing there, digesting and processing Allison's lecture with people and socializing she decided to actually listen to her for once and make her proud.

The huntress waltzed over to two teenagers and they were currently staring at someone unknown to Isabella until she actually averted her eyes to what they were looking at and they were suprisingly staring at her younger sister, Allison. She watched as the one in front- the one with the uneven jawline and puppy dogs eyes was so engrossed in watching her sister and she didn't know whether to be disturbed or happy.

"Isabella Argent. Pleasure I know." The huntress blurted out to the two teenagers startling them as they caught her attention. Uneven and buzzcut had finally stopped leaning against the lockers when the older Argent came and they seemed to be confused when they saw the beautiful girl with chocolate brown hair speaking to them as their eyes had widened. The two teenagers had already declared that Bella would be one of the popular ones.

"Well, um. Th-this one is Scott McCall. A-and I am Stiles Stilinski." The buzzcut announced and the brunnette nodded as she took her hand out waiting for them to shake it, which they did eventually when they understood why her hand was out.

The uneven jawline one who Bella now knew that his name was indeed Scott, he looked different. Not in appearance but in something else that Isabella couldn't seem to understand. He looked like the ones who would gradually grow popular in time and he is noble, kind, passionate and loving and cares for his friends and families. At least that's how Isabella saw it. She had this really weird feature where she can read people like that and her sister would always joke about her being physic, yet Isabella had wish to be that. Also, he looks like he might be Isabella's brother in law as she could already tell he liked her sister. A lot.

Now the other one, the buzzcut known as Stiles Stilinski. She got this feeling that he was a hyperactive spaz who loves all his friends and family and is normally the detective. He is extremely bright and he looks like that teddy bear where you can't help but hug. Isabella stared deep into his caramel orbs and it looked like he had an intense and scary past. But what do I know? She thought.

She snapped her head to Scott who had now changed his direction and position and was again staring at her younger sister. From the cornor of her eye she could see Allison's lips go into a curve forming a smile and the huntress smirked a little, squealing like a little child when they get a toy on Christmas, inside. She would squeal out loud but she was sure that she'd bust everybody's ear drums.

"Now you,Scotty. You are eyeing my sister as if she is some prize to win. And I think we have got the message that you like her a whole lot." The brunnette explained after doing a lot of analysing in her head just by looking at one facial expression. To gain Scott's attention she had to click her fingers and as soon as he heard her statement he look down flustered, as his face turned as red as a tomato. Stiles furrowed his eyebrows when she called him 'Scotty' not knowing if she meant that sarcastically or just normally. He already knew he was going to like her.

"Yes he does. This is like a modern day Romeo and Juliet but they both don't die in the end as you know what they saw young love prevails." Stiles chimed in making the huntress laugh whereas Scott just glared as he narrowed his eyes at his best friend. Stiles winked knowing he got him good as you are not technically best friends without a little teasing. She looked at the teenager who was leaning against the locker and he looked a bit down.

Bella tapped him making him flinch a little and he acted as if he woke up from a deep sleep as if his eyes just shot open. She crossed her arms, making judgements and she seemed to really like the two and she looked a bit saddened and confused not knowing if she had make Scott annoyed or not. "Lighten up Scott. It was a joke, you know I don't mean it."

Scott laughed it off, smiling as he flashed his white teeth. He ran his hand through his dark brown locks before standing straightly. "I know, also what do I say to her? Without making myself look like a fool, I mean she's your sister you should know right?" He questioned and he looked stressed now.

The brunnette was about to answer as her mouth was open, but Stiles beat her to it. "Maybe you should start with, I'm Scott McCall and I somewhat have a crush on you and I kind of stalk you during lessons and that I'm obsessed with your smile but please don't seem scared or startled. I'm not an Edward from Twilight." The huntress joked causing the buzzcut to have a stich in his stomach due the heaps of laughter as he couldn't seem to breathe proparly due to the laughing, yet this time Scott didn't seem annoyed as all he did was roll his eyes before laughing along with the two teenagers.

"You know you'd be an excellent addition to our special scarlet nerd squad. Also you can help me look after Stiles as he is a bit of a handful and you know how to have fun. You doing anything after school?" Scott questioned the brunnette and she froze not knowing what to say. What's more important The Vampire Diaries or Friends? Let's put it like this, Drooling over Damon Salvatore or Friends? Bella cotemplated about this and spent a good five minutes thinking, not knowing that the two teenagers were calling out her name. She had gotten brain cramps just by thinking to much as it was a hard question."

"Yeah I am." She answered and she was gnawing on her lip, not knowing if she was going to live up to it. Stiles eyes landed on her hand which was covered with black ink as doodles were present and he saw the black nail polish coming off her nail. Isabella had has this crazy habit of drawing and writing on her hand- especially when she's bored during lessons. Scott smiled like how Bella would when she saw chocolate and he knew he was going to enjoy this.

"Great, so you can help us find this idiot's inhaler." The buzzcut explained annoyed and Isabella rolled her eyes as well as biting her tounge wondering why she even said yes to this now. The huntress was pretty much allergic to people. Or that's what she said.

"Okay, so I will meet you in the parking lot after school. Also, hate to cut this short but I have to go, so by fellow earthlings." Bella stated and Scott and Stiles shared a look questioning why the huntress said that. Now that she had blurted that last part out she could be declared as weird now and she was secretly a nerd, but she tried hard to cover that up.

After exchanging goodbyes, the older Argent struuted through the hallway confidently as she pushed her strands back and her heels were clinking to the floor. She was holding her leather jacket in her hand as it started to get really hot and she didn't exactly want to get sweaty. Isabella tried to learn her timetable for today, yet she failed miserably at that, already forgetting what she just had but thankfully she worte what she ad next on her tanned hand and next was English. Her favourite subject.

"So you are the infamous Bella Argent." She heard a voice say and she whipped around to be faced with a gorgeous girl who had bouncy curls in her strawberry blonde hair as it cascaded down her shoulders and she pointed at the huntress with a perfectly manicured finger. When Bella was talking to Scott and Stiles they were explaining everyone to her, so as far as she could remember she was Lydia Martin who was pretty much the Regina George and Queen Bee of the school as she is the most popular teenager in the school. She had mezmorizing emerald eyes and a perfect figure. She had been Stiles' crush since thrid grade but unfortunately she had never recognised or acknowledged him.

"Well at least I think I am." Isabella muttered under her breath and she watched how her sister, Lydia and a brown haired person were all standing in a circle as they all had perfect posture and she raised her eyebrows at her sister and she mirrored her actions. The brown haired person and Lydia snorted at the brunnette's comment and Isabella cocked an eyebrow confused as to why they were speaking to her. She was the most boringest person ever who kills the conversation in less than 5 minutes.

"Well, Allison had mentioned a lot about her sister. Well you both have excellent taste in clothes as that's a killer jacket." Lydia sweetly smiled as she was scanning Isabella's clothing choice. At first, she thought she looked like that classical emo but with exceptional taste as she was wearing all black but someone seemed to like it. Also Isabella discreetly grimaced when the strawberry blonde mentioned that her sister had good taste in clothing as if Isabella didn't tell her otherwise, Allison would've worn a white jacket and a khaki green top with skinny jeans.

"Thank you, all good things I hope."

"You wish." Allison fired back with a grin and Lydia smirked at the sisters' fight wondering if she would be like that with her sister, if she had one. The strawberry blonde seemed like that sterotypical girl to others who would act like a total bitch, but when she was with her friends she wouldn't boss them around, she would act like a caring, sweet and loyal girl.

"Well, I am Lydia and this is my boyfriend Jackson." Lydia announced as she shared a sloppy kiss with her boyfriend as their tounges down down each others throat making the Argent sisters gag a little when they glanced at each other, mentally telling each other if they were ever going to stop.

So this was Jackson Whittemore. Stiles had reffered to him as 'satan in a v-neck.' and Isabella didn't seem to blame him as he was a total asshole as he was the most popular boy out of the all the guys in the school. He was that typical jock who had a muscular body and a jawline that could kill a bitch. He was quite attractive though and no matter how hard anybody tried to hide that, you had to admit that Jackson Whittemore was attractive. He had lovely brown hair and compelling dark brown orbs.

"So, this weekend, there's a party." Lydia told the Argent sisters bringing a topic to the table. The huntress eyes widened and glowed and she met her sister's eyes and her eyes read 'don't you dare make me go to a party.' Allison and Bella were polar oppisite. Isabella loved partying yet she was an introvert, however Allison hated partying but was an extrovert. They could never find a common ground between them but the online thing they agreed on was that Chuck Bass was the hottest person ever in existance. No debate.

"A party?" Her sister asked hesitantly pretending that she didn't understand the question. Isabella knew that her younger sister would bash her head with the tv remote if she made the two go the party and the huntress was pretty keen on keeping her head so she disagreed although she really didn't want to. Parties were her speciality as she loved getting drunk and forgetting the night and acting wild and reckless but what she didn't like was sweaty teenagers who reeked of alcohol and boys trying to hit on girls while their drunk.

"Yeah - Friday night. You both should come." Jackson replied and the strawberry blonde gave him a look which read, 'What do you think you're doing.' however, Jackson ignored the look but just staring at the two teenagers in front of them. The huntress was so tempted to accept but what would the excuse be? My sister was being stubborn although she was the one who wanted to be the social butterfly today and decided to meet new people and make new friends but when the deal comes she declines. So that's why I can't come."

"Uh, we can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking." Allison lied straight through her teeth. Family night really? Isn't everyday family night in the house Allison? Bella thought. She could've said no because it's a Harry Potter marathon and that the two teenagers had to watch all the films in one night before the anniversery of the first film Harry Potter Philosiphers stone came out.

"You sure? Everyone's going after the scrimmage." Jackson told the two and they both furrowed their eyebrows not knowing what a 'scrimmage' is. Isabella didn't know why everyone referred to Jackson as an 'asshole' because he was a nice person. At least to the huntress he was because if he said anything mean, he should be running then as Bella would go full out on him turning into the hulk. But at least Jackson had a conscience. But then again he hated Scott and Stiles for unknown reasons.

"You mean like football?" The brunnette asked and Lydia and Jackson shared a look thinking that was a ludicrous question to ask. The sport in the Argents sister's previous school was Baseball and Bella had won three awards over the course of the school season. She even had a specialized bat that she'd use if she was home alone and she heard a noise. She liked her bat more than using her family weapons.

"Football's a joke in Beacon. The sport here is lacrosse." Jackson replied with a smirk and the huntress could already tell he was passionate about the sport and that he was team captain of the lacrosse team. The brunnette had learnt during her physical eduaction that Lacrosse came from the a native tribe and they would normally play the sport to resolve conflict between the players. She didn't really understand the game but she was excited to go see a game even if it is practise.

"We've won the state championship for the past three years." The brown haired jock stated proudly as he snaked his arm around his girlfriend's waist bringing the strawberry blonde closer to his chest. Lydia smiled sweetly whilst the Argent sisters raised their eyebrows impressed at their achievements.

"Because of a certian team captain." Lydia smiled seductively before locking her pink, plump lips on her boyfriend and seemed to intesify it as they had their tongues done each other's throats. Allison and Bella shared a glance filled with disgust and the huntress shivered uncomfortably.

"Well, we have practice in a few minutes. That is, if you don't have anywhere else -" Jackson trailed off waiting for an answer. Allison looked hesitant as she tried to think of another lie to feed the two teenagers to try get her and her sister out of there however, the older Argent was excited and pumped to go see practise - much to Allison's pleasure. She shot her older sister a look which read 'Don't you dare make me go and don't you dare say yes.'

"Well, we were going to -" The younger Argent started befor getting cut off as the strawberry blonde let go of her boyfriend to link arms with the two new teenagers and she started to walk with them as she was standing in the middle of them, happy.

"Perfect - You're coming."


A/N: Hey guys, I hope you are well and that you liked this new chapter of Revival. We got to see a lot of different pairings like Allison and Bella, Scott an Bella, Stiles and Bella, Jackson and Bella and my favourite so far, Lydia and Bella and I am pumped to write the scenes between them and I am so happy and excited as we'll be seeing Danny and Bella scenes in the next chapter as well as Derek and Bella and she would now be introduced to Mr Broody in the next one so *squeals.* My plan is to have the main character to have a strong relationship with the other characters like for instance Allison and Jackson, in the show they were not that close however in this book I'd like to change that and make the characters best friends.

Anyways, have a good day and please vote and comment :)


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