Rosebud Boys (Snowbaz fanfic)

By IamFamdomTrash

11.4K 422 63

This story takes place during their second year at Watford. SimonxBaz. Simon thinks Baz is plotting, but is... More

Vampire Guts
Aero Bars
Blood Brothers


458 16 2
By IamFamdomTrash

I'm dating Agatha, the prettiest girl in school. I have a evil nemesis that keeps me on my toes, I have the coolest best friend ever. So why do I feel a pit in my stomach every time I look at Agatha, why do I feel dizzy every time I look at Baz? Why don't I feel right?

I bet it's the dance.

I'm so stressed that I can't even see straight. The dance is today. I don't have a suit I do t have flowers, I know there something else I don't have but I've never been to a dance before so I do t know what it would be.

Where am I supposed to find a damn suit? I can't ask the Mage for one, he's away and hasn't told me where he's going (as usual) he's not exactly the fatherly type. He treats like Im all powerful. How the hell am I supposed to defeat a magic sucking demon dressed as myself when I can't do a simple tidying spell. Ugh. And Baz is constantly in the way. I haven't even thought about the humdrum in weeks, which is actually a good thing. I guess...

Anyways, Baz was an absolute arse this morning. No surprise there. So I just decided to leave the room before anything worse could happen. It's not like we could actually hurt eat other in their. Stupid Anathema, although it's probably the only thing that's kept Baz from sucking all the blood right out of body while I'm asleep. Sometimes I swear he's watching me. It's creepy and wrong.

I go to eat breakfast and I end up stress eating every scone in a mile radius. After I finish the ones on my plate I grab the entire tray and shovel them all down. Sometimes I disgust myself.

When I'm finally done shoving my face I trudge back to the room and pray Baz is not there. Thankfully the room is empty. Baz's bed is neat and made, as always. He is ridiculously tidy.

I flop down on my bed. Which is a disaster, but my sheets don't feel normal. They feel stiff and hard. I get up to see what's wrong with them.

To my astonishment I'm not even laying on my sheets. I was laying on a dark blue suit. Shocked, I look around the room to see who could have possibly left it here. But there is no one. Still empty.

I search my mind. Only 3 people have access to my room. Penny dosent have enough money to get a suit this nice for me.

Baz is loaded with money, a suit like this would be easy for him to buy, it also kinda seems like something he would own. But why would Baz get me a suit?Simple. He wouldn't. Enemies don't buy each other suits.

The last person on my list is the Mage. He would never explicitly tell me he got me a suit though. It would be just like him to leave it here as a surprise! However despite my giddiness that the Mage got me a suit, there is still a pit in my stomach that I can't get rid of.

Maybe it's the scones.

It's definitely the scones because I'm so nervous for tonight I purge all of them.

"Simon." I say to myself. "You need to pull it together." I cannot countinue to sit on the bathroom floor over the toilet in a nervous sweat.

I take a long deep relaxing breath in an attempt to calm down. I walk into the main part of our room and carefully slip on the beautiful blue suit.

It's so perfect, it fits me like a glove. It's also much more expensive than anything I've ever owned. I know I'll spend the whole night trying not to destroy it completely.

I allow myself to glance at the clock and realize it's almost time for me to go pick up Agatha. I start to breathe heavier and faster. I have my suit, corsage, tie....Suddenly it dawns on me that I have no idea how to tie a tie.

I attempt to tie it, but every damn time it turns into a knot. I slowly begin to get more frustrated until finally I slam my foot against the bed. I instantly regret my kick of frustration as a shooting pain travels up my leg. I let loose a slew of curse words as I grab my foot.

As I'm crying out in pain over my injured toes I hear the doorknob turn. Baz strolls in looking more glum than usual. He turns to look at me and his expression instantly changes and his face plants itself into a sneer as he looks at my knotted tie.

"The chosen one can't even tie his own tie?" He looks so annoyingly pleased with himself. I want to smack that smile of his face but he knows I can't touch him in here. The bastard.

I hang my head. Frustrated tears blur my eyes as I try to keep it together. I can't look like this. Not in front of him. I ball up my fists an attempt to not destroy the room.

"Baz...I..." I stutter helplessly. Fuck. Now he's seen how upset I am. He'all probably take it to his advantage and torture me with it. I can already imagine his taunts. 'What are you gonna do, cry and hope the humdrum has mercy on your pitiful soul, Snow?'

I wait for the remark, for the nasty comment and judgement. It never comes. Instead he takes me by the shoulder and turns me so that I'm facing him.

"Watch carefully Snow." He says as he's tying my tie. His eyes aren't malicious or evil. He actually looks kind.

I feel myself sweating. I'm unusually flustered and I can't figure out why. He's only tying my tie. I feel his hot concentrated breath. He's blushing like crazy, and I slowly realize that I am too.

I finally snap out when he tightens it and checks me over. Fixing my crooked jacket and pocket square.

He looks me over and avoids eye contact. He's being evasive. I can't quite figure out why.

"Take your pitiful self over to your dates room, I'd hate to keep Wellbelove waiting." He says suddenly becoming agitated. I swear his mood shifts become more extreme each year. He goes from being pissed to sad to that weird happy evil stage that I don't have a name for.

"Aren't you late too then?" I retort. Baz's sneer returns to his face.

"No, Snow, I have much more dastardly things to do this evening. Or did you forget that I could suck the life blood out of you at any moment?" and with that he turns on his heel and strolls out of the room, seemingly pleased with himself.

I did kinda forget that he was evil for a little bit, but I would never let him know that. He's still malicious, and he's right, at any moment he could and would make a tasty meal out of me. But somehow, even though I know I'll have to kill him one day, I don't really want too. I don't know anything anymore. I don't even know about the one person I should know everything about.

I shake off the thoughts and give myself a last check in the mirror. I have to admit, I look stunning in a blue suit.

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