Run || h.s (MAJOR EDITING)

By wifizarryx

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When children are young, they are told fairytales. In these fantasies, there is usually a beautiful princess... More



116 5 0
By wifizarryx

Is he being serious?

"Hayden, behave. Love you." Jason said while kissing my cheek and rushing out the door.

Right as the door shut, Harry plopped onto the couch and pulled out his phone.

I stood in the doorway still feeling completely awkward about this. I mean, what do I say? Should I even say anything? Should I sit next to him?

"Well are you going to sit down or what?" Harry interrupted the rambling in my mind while patting the seat next to him.

I rolled my eyes, "Give me a moment."

I turned on my heels and headed straight for the bathroom. I quickly locked the door shut and turned on the water. I splashed the warm water onto my face and it instantly relaxes me.

After that, I pulled out the toothbrush that I already claimed as mine. I brush my teeth for a good minute or two before finishing up in there.

I exit the bathroom and go into my room. I search through all of my stuff that I have yet to put away until I find my brush. Then I head back to the bathroom and comb out every knot and tangle there is. Taking a hair tie that has been on my wrist since I had gotten here, I attempted to pull my dark hair into a bun a few times before I finally get it perfect enough to stop trying.

Now back in my room, I went through all of the bags of clothing for something else to wear. I had no clue how I was going to fit everything in that tiny closet. My closet back home was about the size of that whole bedroom, no doubt. Almost everything that I needed to get ready was in there.

Everything was so organized. One wall had all of my shirts and the other across from it had all of the pants. The wall by the door had all of my shoes. Across from the shoes was a makeup desk with a rack above it for my jewelry.

I end up deciding on wearing black leggings and a oversized gray hoodie, what I usually wore around the house back home.


What is taking them so long to call? I feel as if I'm going to be stuck here in London forever.

I will never see Mother or Father again. I will never be able to continue my relationship with Jake. If I am here for a while, he will end up leaving me. I know he loves me so much, but he would never do long distance. Also, I may be wrong, he may take notice on the reasons I am here and he won't be selfish over it.

I sigh, I am home sick already and I've only been here for a day. All of the thoughts in my head are too much to handle and I feel my eyes become glassy. With me being the very emotional person I am, I cry. I slide down the door in my bedroom and let the warm tears stream down my cheeks. I sniffle wipe away my tears, trying to stop myself from crying any longer.

There then is a faint knock coming from the outside of the door.

"Hayden? Are you okay? I thought I heard crying." Harry said sweetly from the other side of the door. Why is he being nice?

I struggle to find the right words to say when Harry speaks up yet again, "Answer me, I'm being serious."

No words are said by either of us.

Harry knocks again, this time harder. I don't bother to speak or answer the door. "Hayden, I'm coming in."

"Yes. Yes, I am fine. I'll be out in a second." My voice came out quiet and raspy, obviously indicating that I was crying.

"You sure?"

I groan. "Yes, Harry. I don't need you at all right now!"

"Fine, whatever." Harry mumbles before stomping away.


I scrambled to my feet before following him back into the living room. He sat in the same place he previously did and I sat right next to him. He scooted away a little, like he doesn't want me by him.

I spoke up, "Harry, if you don't want to watch me, you don't have to. I can take care of myself."

"No. I have to 'babysit' you." Harry said while adding hand quotes around babysit. "Your Uncle is paying me big money to watch you every time he goes out."

"Every time?"

He shrugged. "Yeah."

Will Harry be spending a lot of time with me? I certainly hope not.

I unsurely replied with, "And how often does he go out?"


"Yes, but how often?"

"Look, I don't want to be here just as much as you, but will you make the best of it and stop being so goddamn nosey?"

"Excuse me, Harry. Are you going to answer my question or not?" I said, completely ignoring his previous statement. "It'll be the last question, I swear."

"You swear?" He asked while holding out his pinky finger.

"What are you? Five?"

He nodded his head and I sighed. Jason could've done better than getting him to watch me.

"Whatever, fine." I wrapped my dainty pinky around his. "I swear."

"Last question for sure?" He checked.

"Yes, get on with it already!"

He let go of my pinky. "Fine, but no more questions," He breathed, "To answer your question, I don't know."

I whined, "Seriously, please tell me."

Nothing came from his mouth, so I had no choice (well, no other idea) but to sit on his lap and plead.

"Woah, are you that desperate to be close to me?" He joked.

I moved back to my former spot and crossed my arms in defeat. "No."

Harry chuckled. "Well seriously," He took a glance at me, "I actually don't know. But I would say at least twice a week. Maybe more, maybe less."

I mentally groaned inside. I can barely spend a minute with him without wanting to stab my own eyes out, let alone two days a week, maybe even more.

Harry doesn't really speak after that. All he does is mess around on his phone. I tried to scoot closer so I could see what he was doing (not because I actually want to see, but because I am bored as ever). When I do so, he scooted even farther away than before.

I mentally cursed at myself for not buying a phone when we went out yesterday. Mother and Father said that they'd try to get ahold of me, but how could they when there was no phone to contact? They have Uncle Jason's number but he's probably never going to be home. Maybe they called him but Jason didn't bother to tell me?

I seriously need to get my mind off of things before I break down for the third time today.

"Don't you have your own phone to be looking at? Not that I care or anything, but your practically sitting on top of me snooping through my business." Harry asked out of nowhere.

The first thing I thought of was the first thing that I said. "I left my phone in New York."


We stayed in silence while thoughts came over my mind. I bet he knows what's going on, right? He does seem very classified in Uncle Jason's personal business, so I would assume.

"So," Harry broke the silence, "Wanna play twenty questions?"

"Are you serious?"

"Obviously. Why wouldn't I be? If we're going to be spending so much time together, might as well get to know each other."

"But you said no more questions?" I teased.

He groaned. "Hayden."

"Sure, let's play. You start."

"Okay, question one. Uhm, when is your birthday?" He asked.

"July twenty-eighth." I paused. "My turn. When's yours?"

"February first. What's your favorite color?"

"Pink and blue"

"I said color, not colors, Hayden." Harry chuckled.

I giggled. "Fine, pink."

"Of course."

"What's that supposed to mean, 'of course'?" I scoffed.

He shrugged. "I don't know. It's just the stereotypical favorite color thing for a prissy girl. Like you."

"You are ridiculous." I giggle. "What's your favorite color?"

"You know, you cant just keep using my questions." He teased.

"Whatever, I won't do it again."

"Fine, green. What's your biggest pet peeve?"

"Easy. It is when people assume things about me before they even get to know me. And when people show-off. And tell me what to do."

"Not much of a people person, know are you?" He snorted.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay. Have you ever been in love?"

"Next question."

"No, answer it. You have to."

He seemed uncomfortable with the question. "No, but I have become close to it before."

"Wow, shocker."

"You're annoying. Now," He smirked. "Are you a virgin?"

"None of your business."

"No. You said it yourself, you have to answer it."


"Wow, shocker," He mocked.

"You are annoying too."

"I was joking. I'm actually pretty shocked. A girl like you? A virgin?"

"A girl like me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

He smiled. "Nothing. It's just that you are gorgeous."

"Well, then why did you laugh at me yesterday for saying I have a boyfriend?" I challenged.

"I don't know. Pretty girls never really settle down, I guess. They usually all take advantage of it."

I groan, "Enough. It's my turn. How many girls have you had sex with?"

He choked. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Only one"

"Who was that girl last night then?" I asked.


"That one blonde that was at your door last night and stormed off. Abby, I think her name was"

He put his head in his hands. "You know, it's not normal to creep on people?"

"I wasn't creeping, I just-"

"It's over with, whatever. She's one of my sister's friends. I guess she was drunk and the first place she decided to come was my house. I took her in and let her sleep on my couch all afternoon. When she woke, she was sober enough to stand so I let her leave."

"Well I'm sorry for assuming."

"Whatever, just forget about it."

"Can you just ask me the next question now?" I whispered.

"Gladly." He rolled his eyes. "Do you love your boyfriend?"

"Of course I do! That is a silly question." I smiled, but he frowned.

"How long have you two been together, again? How old is he?"

"Only one question at a time. Now, do you know why I am here in London?" I curiously asked.


"Why am-"

"Nope. Only one question at a time." He winked. "What do you see in this Jack guy?"

"For starters, it is Jake and," I didn't know what to say. This should be a very easy question, but I couldn't come to think of an answer. I knew he was charming and kind, but that was not a reasonable enough answer.

AI think Jake is kind hearted and sweet. He is cute too. Nice, cute, charming. Is that all I can even think of? There has to be more. I obviously love him and he loves me right back equally.

"I just love him. He is kind and I love him and he loves me. End of story."

"Wow. That is the perfect love story." Harry sarcastically said.

I ignored him and said, "So, with my other question-"

"Actually, I think I'm done here. I don't want to play anymore." He interrupted.

Really? The whole reason why I played this game was to get to know why I'm here and I didn't even get an answer.

During the silence, a stomach growled. Which it happened to be mine, actually. I just realized that I didn't even eat breakfast today. I was too caught up in talking to Harry to even eat. I stood, leaving Harry and his phone alone.

In the freezer, I find my favorite ice cream. Chocolate moose tracks. It isn't really a breakfast meal, but I am already craving it now that I have seen it. When I first tried the ice cream, I hated it. Do I know why? No. But I barely tried new things anyways, I still don't do that. I am such a picky eater. I am picky at everything though. Clothes, food, accessories, everything. I cannot stand that about myself.

Once my breakfast was scooped into the bowl, I sat down at the old table. The table was a light wood that was very creaky and dusty. If I kicked one of the legs, the whole thing would probably collapse.

Harry came out of the living room, phone obviously in his hand. I continued eating my favorite and Harry wouldn't keep his eyes off of me.

"You didn't ask me if I wanted my favorite ice cream?" Harry whined.

"I didn't know." I mumbled, bored with the conversation already.

Harry walked towards the freezer and got out my ice cream. He started scooping and occasionally eating it out of the container.

He took too much of the ice cream.

Then he got something out of the fridge and poured it all over the ice cream.

He put syrup on it. Not like chocolate, strawberry, or caramel syrup, like the type of syrup to put on your pancakes.

"So you put maple syrup on your chocolate mouse tracks?" I cringed at the thought alone.

"I love syrup."

"Okay, but on your ice cream?" I asked.

"Hey," He defended his craving. "At least I don't put chocolate syrup in my oatmeal."

We both cringed. "Ew. Who on Earth does that?"

"My sister." Harry chuckled loudly. I laughed along with him.

Harry sat right across from me at the table. Just with the weight of his bowl and elbows make me feel uneasy about the table collapsing.

Well, at least maybe Uncle Jason would buy a new one then. Afterall, he does have enough money. While we're at it, I should probably trash my room too, so I can redo it.

We should just trash the whole apartment building...

It was quiet for a while. My thoughts and a constant buzzing are the only things being heard. We really couldn't keep a conversation going, now could we? Or maybe it is just me. That is another thing about myself that I cannot stand.

Harry stood and put his bowl into the sink before speaking. "Wanna watch a film?"


Harry and I are on the couch, sharing a giant quilt. We are in the middle of one of my favorite movies.

It is about a boy named Nathan. He is paired up with the girl he likes, Karen, for a school project on missing children. One of the missing kids online looked like Nathan, so he investigates. Sooner or later, Nathan and Karen are in hiding kind from these people that are after them. Like me right now.

One of my favorite movies describes my life at the moment somehow, wow.

Harry had seemed disinterested from the scene where the explosion occurred at Nathan's house on, so he started to drift off. His head fell into my lap and he slept almost instantly.

Close to the end of the movie, I feel sleepy also. I am halfway asleep when banging on the door jolts Harry and I both awake.

"Hayden, Harry, it's just me, Jason. Open up." Uncle's scruffy voice spoke.

I scurried to meet my uncle after a very long day. I embraced my him in a hug while Harry awkwardly stood by the couch.

"Well I better get going now." Harry paused. "Bye, Jason." He smiled.

"Bye, kiddo." Uncle Jason waved.

Harry gave him a cold glare. "Yeah, don't call me that." He shushed. "And bye, Hay. Can't wait until next time." Harry winked before slamming the door shut.

Uncle Jason looked at me, "What the hell was that?"

Trust me, I'm wondering the same thing.

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