The Wolf In sheeps clothing

By Harmonyangeldreamer

106K 4.1K 512

Niall's felt rough for some time. He's exhausted from nonstop touring and he just wants to relax and enjoy th... More

Prologue: It's Just Exhaustion.
Sleep? What's That?
Fussin' Over Nothin'
"A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing"
The Wolf Needs To Be Subdued.....And Soon!
....Makes Sense I Suppose........
The Best Place Right Now
".......If Penguins have knees......?"
I Don't Want To Live With This
Long Showers
"Look Again"
"Li? Tell us......."
What If My Baby Dies?
"Uumh...What's Going On?"
"I'm Scared, So Scared
Guest? Prisoner You Mean.
"I'm Breaking My Promise."
"Just Shut it...I don't Want to Hear"
"We'll Do This Together"
Incoming Text
Media Lies
Yes. I Can!
Expert Intervention or.......?
Two Word Answers
A Small Step In The Right Direction
Roller Coaster Ride Of Emotions
You Did What?!
Control........or Controlled? That's The Question.
Two sides of the War
Ma, Say Something...Anything....Please
"Out Of The Bag"
As Long As It Doesn't Involve Tattoos
Chewing Nails And Spitting Rust
Warm your Hands Please!
Input?...You Really Mean Interfere
It's Called Compromise
Don't Think Like That!
A Chance......A Very Slim One
"But I Blame Me"
"Who Are you? I don't Know You"
Just What The Doctor Ordered!
Testing, Testing.
"You're Not Using Ni As A Guinea Pig!"
Phase Three
One Hour
Buying Time
Another Chance at Life.
Right, Here We Go.
I am sorry, I didn't realize
"Lou, I think You'd Better Come Clean"
I Hope We're In Time
Too Late, Too Late
"It's My Fault He's Dying."
Food For Thought.
Message from Naomi
Going Somewhere?
Don't You F.cking Dare!
It Doesn't Make Sense.
Precarious Hold
In The Hands Of The Devine You Neil
A Chuid Den share of life.
Maybe It Wasn't A Dream

The Virtuous Flower

1.1K 50 3
By Harmonyangeldreamer

Despite Doctor Jozuka's concerns and to Dave's relief, Niall's little outing had had no  wanted health repercussions and had actually seemed to have improved things to the point where he was now being released from the medical side of the facility, and into the normal "Guest" accommodation. Niall wasn't sure whether he should feel happy or nervous about the change but at least it  meant more freedom, apart from the mandatory physical examination' once a week.

"Here we are, Niall. This is your room" The male orderly flung open a door and led the way in, placing Niall's suitcase down near the closet. Niall wandered in, guitar case in hand, and stared about him. The room was large....and bland! He  turned slowly taking in the comfy looking seating area and Queen sized bed...definitely more luxurious than the hospital style bed he'd bee confined to lately. "Through the door on the right is your bathroom and  on the left is a small kitchen where you can prepare drinks and snacks, though you'll eat in the dining all with the other guests for your two main meals" the orderly indicated the doors. "I'll leave you to settle in. There's a Manual next to the bed, giving you meal times, etc and any other information you might need. Dinner is at 6pm". He smiled and left, closing the door behind him.  Niall sat down on the bed and stared around the room again....his prison for who knew how long. Eventually he stood and started putting away his things.

A bell sounded at 5:45pm . Niall had read the manual and knew that it was announcing that it was time for the guests to assemble for dinner.  He ignored it and sat down strumming his guitar, occasionally pausing to write down chords and thoughts in his musical journal. There came a tap on the door and it opened. Niall looked up to see the same orderly who had escorted him over to this side of the facility was standing there. 

"Niall. it's dinner time. Did you not hear the bell?" the man asked pleasantly

"No, I heard it. I'm just not hungry" Niall replied "Thought I'd give it a miss tonight"

"That's not an option, I'm afraid " the orderly's voice , though still polite had a hard edge to it. "Missing meals is not allowed" He stood and looked at Niall who still showed no sign of moving.

"M'not hungry" NIall repeated

"You still have to attend" the orderly said firmly and gently grabbed Niall's bicep and pulled him to his feet, before escorting him from the room. Niall tried to pull free but was unable to break the man's grip on his arm and was forced to walk down the hallway with him until they reached the dining area where other people sat, either alone or in two's or threes.

"Here's your table" the orderly said, pulling out a chair and guiding Niall into the seat.Niall pulled his arm free and glared up at the man who was unfazed by Niall's attitude. The man walked off and Niall looked about him. It looked like an upmarket hotel restaurant. Each table was beautifully set, with sparkling glasses, cutlery and pretty vases of flowers. A menu lay next to his plate. He picked it up, glanced briefly at it then flung it down. This was ridiculous. He pushed himself up, ready to walk out. He wasn't prepared to be bullied like this, he decided.

"Going somewhere?" the orderly had appeared behind Niall and pushed him back down into his seat. Niall immediately went to stand again but stopped when Dave bounded across the room.

"Giving your orderly a hard time, Niall?" He asked pleasantly as he pulled a chair away from the table and sat down facing Niall.

"No, I am trying to make my jailer leave me alone" Niall snapped irritably. "What's with you all, can't I even decide if I'm f.cking hungry or not? Stop treating me like I'm two!"

"Don't act like it then" Dave said cheerfully.He grabbed the menu and studied it then waved over a young man who took his order " and Niall here will have the Pasta, thanks" he said, closing the menu,  and turned back to Niall. "You'll love the pasta". Niall just glared at him.

Dave chatted away about random subjects, barely pausing to take breath and apparently totally unaffected by Niall's silent glare. Eventually their meals arrived and Dave instantly tucked in, totally ignoring Niall who was staring down at the plate of food in front of him. Sighing, Niall picked up his fork and ate a reluctant mouthful, chewing slowly. Actually Dave was right, the pasta was good. He took another forkful, then another, totally missing the smirk on Dave's face. Niall managed half the meal before laying down his fork and Dave wisely refrained from making any comment, he had Niall's measure.

"What d'ya think?" Dave broke into Niall's trance.

"About what?" Niall asked, confused. He knew he should have been paying attention. 

"Wakey, Wakey" Dave shook his head indulgently as he spoke. "Tomorrow, if  9am is not too early for you. We need to start your sessions"

"I guess...if I have to.....but I still think it's a waste of time" Niall said petulantly

"Well, you've nothing else on your social calendar so you might as well do it to pass the time" Dave quipped. "I'll walk you back to your room."

Niall spent the rest of the evening idly playing chords on his guitar as he watched some stupid reality programme. At 9pm the orderly appeared and Niall groaned. "What is it this time?"

"Obs and medication, Niall" the man sat down on the couch and put down his equipment.Once he had taken Niall's blood pressure and temperature, her recorded the results then  he handed him a paper cup of pills and watched as Niall swallowed them all.

"Can't you just leave the stuff with me" Niall grumbled

"Can't trust you" the orderly retorted, rising to leave. "Sleep well, lights will automatically shut of at 10pm so I suggest you watch the time." And he was gone leaving Niall muttering to himself about being a prisoner.

Niall slept through the 8am Breakfast bell and was still deeply asleep when Dave pounded on the door at 9am.

" off" Niall groaned and buried his head under his pillow.

"Nope, not going to. Rise and shine, music man" Dave called back. "You've ten minutes.

"What's this?" Niall asked, totally puzzled, as he stared down at the two sheets of paper before him. Both containing the identical outline of a large daisy. "Coloring project?"

"The virtuous and the vicious flowers" Dave said but if it was supposed to enlighten Niall, well it didn't. Niall's eyebrows drew together as he looked at Dave then down at the flowers."OK, it's like this" Dave said  "The centre of each flower is you..or rather your health. In the vicious flower each petal is a way you sabotage your health. In the virtuous flower, each petal is a way you boost your heath. I want you to fill both of the flowers in for me with those ways."

"Oh  for f,ck.'s sake. This isn't kindergarten, Dave" Niall snapped."You don't seriously expect me to do that do you?"

"I do" Dave responded patiently "  and I have all day...all week...all month...all..."

"OK, OK, I get it" NIall's voice raised in temper. He grabbed the pen , twirling it through his fingers as he stared at the daisy outlines. This was stupid, beyond stupid. He fidgeted in his seat but Dave just sat there, patient and unmoving. Leaning his elbow on the table, Niall propped his head  up on his hand and began to write in the petals of the vicious flower. "There" he pushed the completed flower towards Dave who nodded.  Niall stood up.

"'ve not finished" Dave waved his hand at the other sheet of paper. Niall sat down again, glaring at the paper so hard he was surprised it didn't combust in flames.He tapped the pen against the table restlessly. Ways of sabotaging his health were easy but this...this finding ways to boost his health...just felt like losing control over himself. He hated it. He threw down the pen and raised frustrated blue eyes to Dave.

"I don't know how" he whispered,

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