The Little Lockwood

By ashes_to_ash

359K 8.4K 959

•"Our whole lives we are driven to find our soulmate, but what if we got it all wrong? Even the greatest love... More

Edits and Updates
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Part Two


10K 256 1
By ashes_to_ash


**Two weeks later**

I don't even know what day it is. The days and nights have blurred together.

I pad slowly through the forest surrounding the edge of Mystic Falls. My wolf feet silent and covered in mud. I've swam in a few rivers and such since leaving a couple of weeks ago, and I've hunted deer to sustain myself. But I have stayed in wolf form the entire time, just letting my animal side take over.

Damon confessing his care for me, the overwhelming desire I had to be near him, the sacrifice with Klaus, Elena and I having to die. It was too much. I needed a break. And maybe it was selfish to be gone for so long, but I needed time.

I smell bleach. And a type of musk that I could never forget even if I tried.
Damon is close.

I sniff again. So is Elena. She smells flowery and pure.
Stefan. Bleach, and vaguely animalish due to his animal blood diet.
I smell Earth and magic. Bonnie is close by too.

I burst into a run, my feet reaching speeds that propel me forward towards my friends in a blur.
Busting through the Salvatore Boarding house door I run around the four people in the parlor room in a huge horse sized blur until I stop before them and wag my tail a little bit.

They all seem shocked and scared, then relax when Damon busts into a smile.

"Debria?" He asks, his eyes wide and happy, full of relief.

I wag my tail some more and jump around him in a huge circle, effectively knocking over a side table causing the lamp on it to break.

Elena and Stefan chuckle at my puppy like behavior and Bonnie seems amused as well.
I go to my favorite doppelgänger and lick her face which she pretends to be disgusted by and wipe off, but laughs all the same.

Stefan looks at me and holds his hands up,

"Look no wolf kisses for me okay? Please. I'll scratch your ear and that is it."

I let out a wolfy groan and push my head down into his cold hand and he scratches my right ear a few times.

"Debria. Change into human form. We've missed you. And you missed so much. We really needed you here," Elena asks of me, her eyes full of worry.

I shake my huge head no and lounge on the floor next to Damon, my head and chest still up and alert though.
They seemed confused by the fact I want to stay in wolf form, but take it in stride quickly.

"Debria. Elijah is daggered. Damon and Stefan signed over this house to you and Elena, you just need to sign your name when you're ready. It's a safe house from vampires. And Klaus kidnapped Katherine. And he has the moonstone. And he's here," Bonnie explains to me, sitting on the couch opposite Damon and I.

I cock my head to one side in confusion, slightly annoyed that Elijah is daggered.

Damon leans forward,

"So we go to the dance, we find him."

Stefan looks shocked at this, they haven't discussed the plan that far ahead,

"Really? How are we going to do that? We don't even know what he looks like."

I nod at Stefan's point and Damon looks annoyed that I'm agreeing with his younger brother.

"Something tells me he's not going to be sixteen and pimply," Damon says bleakly, pressing his lips into a thin line.

"He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at school," Stefan says and looks at Elena and Bonnie,

"I guess it's not as safe as you guys thought, huh?"

Someone knocks on the door and my ears perk up. Stefan goes to answer the door. And I realize I need to be a human again, not a wolf.
So with one huge breath, I'm standing on two legs and about to topple onto the floor since my balance is off.
Stefan opens the door and Alaric enters the house. I didn't know who was at the door so that's why I changed. But it's just Alaric, I could've stayed as I was. I huff, slightly annoyed.

Damon grabs me under my arms and stands me up right while looking at Alaric,

"There you are."

Alaric looks sheepish, and I felt something completely off about him now that he's standing here.

"Sorry I'm late," He says and runs a hand awkwardly through his hair.

I try to stand without Damon and my legs wobble for a second but I remain balanced, my yellow crop top from weeks ago is only a little dirty and ripped at the bottom. My jeans are ripped everywhere and below the knees is basically in tatters and my feet are dirty as well.
Alaric can't seem to take his eyes off of me and this makes me uncomfortable and I give him a little glare, which makes him look over at Damon instead.

Damon looks at Alaric, completely unaware that Alaric does not even feel like Alaric right now,

"Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the 60s dance tonight. Klaus made his first move."

Elena steps in wanting more of a plan,

"Okay, so we find him and then what, hmm? What's our plan of attack?"

Bonnie looks at us, her eyes determined,

"Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him."

"That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around," Alaric points out, sounding smug, which raises more red flags in my brain.

"Alaric has a point. I mean, what if he..," Damon starts and then he rushes at Bonnie but she throws him on the other side of the room with her powers, without touching him.

"Well, I was impressed," I say, my voice coming out rough and scratchy considering I haven't spoken in weeks.

Bonnie looks at us all more seriously,

"It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him, Elena. I know I can."

I butt in now, needing to offer my own source of support,

"If Klaus is a vampire right now then my bite could kill him. I don't know why we didn't think of this with Elijah."

Damon looks at me brilliantly,

"I knew you'd come back ready to live and not have your heart ripped out over some silly rock."

I roll my eyes and tie my thrashed brown locks up into a bun and secure it with a hair band Elena hands over to me to borrow,

"No really. If Bonnie can't do anything then just let me take over. I can take him. I've been in wolf form for two weeks, I've never been more in tune with my animal side."

Alaric seems interested and frightened at the same time,

"Oh right. You're the Lycanthrope."

This seems so odd and out of place to say, my alarm bells are blaring now: GET THIS MAN AWAY FROM EVERYONE.

I narrow my eyes again hoping to make him back down, this cannot be Alaric,

"Yes, Ric. As you've known for weeks and weeks. Stop acting so strange."

He seems to snap out of it,

"Right sorry guys. I'm just not awake today."

Stefan claps his hands to get everyone's attention,

"Alright, everyone lets get too it."

**an hour later**

I showered in Damon's shower while him and Stefan go over more plans and I currently have a huge towel wrapped around me as I'm searching through their attic full of costumes.

"Your relatives were such packrats," I say smartly when I hear and smell Damon in the room now, because I didn't sense him come in.

I take out two outfits and show them to Damon. One is a cute sparkly pink dress with a wide white belt. And the other is bell bottom jeans and an embroidered sunflower crop top that would show the majority of my torso and a fake flower crown.

"Okay, so what do you think? Twiggy or sexy hippy?" I ask him and wink playfully.

Damon walks towards me while smirking,

"Ooh sexy hippie for sure. You know it's not too late to back out, right?"

I roll my eyes at this and smile,

"And what, miss out on all the fun?"

Damon comes closer to me and plays with a strand of my wet hair.

I look up at him gently,

"All this time spent worrying and running about Klaus. I think I convinced myself that he's not real but he is."

"And tonight, we will put an end to him," Damon plants a gentle kiss on the top of my damp hair and he pulls back and smiles.

"Thank you," I whisper softly.

**at Mystic Falls High School**

Walking into the gymnasium on Damon's arm, we follow Stefan and Elena to a table where Bonnie and Jeremy are waiting for us.
I decided on sexy hippie, so I'm in bell bottom faded blue jeans with a few patches sewn on, and a sunflower crop top that basically just covers my boobs and a little bit lower. I let my hair be naturally curly and wore a fake sunflower crown around the top of my head.

Elena looks around us as she tries to see if anyone out of the ordinary sticks out,

"I know everyone here."

Stefan shakes his head and grabs her hand,

"Maybe he's not here. Just wants us to believe that he is."

"It's a party, people. Blend. Let him come to us," Damon says and smirks at me, tugging at my bare waist as he pulls me to the dance floor teeming with dancing teenagers.

In the swarm of students dancing Damon starts to swing me around and spin me, then he pulls me back to him gently.

Damon looks at me, his baby blues soft,

"How you doing?"

"Um, freaking out a bit. You?" I look around us nervously, all my senses on high alert.

Damon chuckles,

"Cool as a cucumber."

He spins me round and back into his arms.

"You're good at this," I say and try to loosen up a bit so I can enjoy being here with him.

Damon grins at me,

"I've got moves you've never seen." His face dangerously close to mine again, making my heart patter unevenly.

Just then Elena appears and grabs my arm,

"Come on I need to talk to you."

Damon lets me go with a weird expression on his face.
I follow Elena out of the gym and into the hallway where Bonnie is waiting for us.

"Bonnie is going to kill herself to save us if she channels that much power," Elena explains, looking angrily at her best friend.

I groan in annoyance,

"No, Bonnie. No way. I'll handle this. One bite from me and Klaus won't live to see another day."

Alaric comes running down the hallways towards us now,


Elena looks worried as Alaric is close with her family,

"What is it?"

Alaric seems out of breath,

"He has Jeremy."

The three of us shout at the same time,


Alaric nods quickly, his eyes looking around behind us to see if we are alone,

"Yeah, Klaus has Jeremy. Come on."

We start to follow him through a side door and into a hallway and down another hallway. His walk slower with each step. My alarm bells start ringing again like they did earlier today with Alaric.

"Okay, so where are you taking us?" I ask him skeptically, slowing my own pace.

My alarm bells ring again: THIS IS NOT ALARIC. STOP.

"Just a little further," Alaric says softly.

Elena stops walking, her face also showing what I'm thinking,

"Wait...Something's not right."

I stop as well.

Bonnie looks angry at Alaric,

"Where's Jeremy?"

Alaric stops walking and laughs, the sound is bone chilling,

"I just had to get away from that dance. The sixties, ugh. Not my decade. I mean, whose call was that, anyway? I much prefer the twenties. The style, the parties, the jazz."

It hits me without even thinking about it,


Alaric/Klaus looks at me and smiles broadly,


Elena steps back from him,

"Oh, no. No, it's not possible."

Alaric/Klaus chuckles,

"Just relax, Elena. I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hit list tonight," he looks at Bonnie now,

"You however, are."

Bonnie uses her witch powers to throw Alaric/Klaus against the wall of lockers and he looks up at us from the ground.

"You're not the only one with a witch on their side. You're gonna have to hit me a lot harder than that," Alaric/Klaus says darkly and starts to stand up.

Bonnie looks at Elena and I,

"Go. Run. Run!"

We run. Bonnie closes the doors with her powers as she runs behind us. Damon runs through another pair of doors and joins us.
I collide into his chest and he grabs my arms to steady me.

Damon's eyes search mine in worry,

"What happened?"

"Klaus is in Alaric's body," I say a little bitterly.

"What?!" His voice goes angry.

Bonnie nods, she's out of breath,

"He's possessing it or something."

He looks at Elena,

"Go find Stefan. Now."

Elena doesn't hesitate to leave and she hurries off. Damon, Bonnie and I are alone now.

Damon looks at us,

"Can you kill him?"

Bonnie shakes her head no,

"He's got some kind of protection spell on him."

Damon growls, his arm not leaving my waist where he's looped it,

"You have the power of a hundred witches. Break it."

"I'm trying! If I kill Alaric, he'll just possess someone else. He knows I have my power, Damon. He's trying to kill me," Bonnie explains in a worried huff.

Damon looks down at me now,

"Can you kill him?"

I shake my head no as well,

"If he's not in his vampire body my venom is useless. It would just make him sick in a few days like the flu. And I can't kill Klaus without killing Ric. And I'm not going to kill Ric."

"No. Klaus does not get to win tonight, no way. You still willing to do whatever it takes to kill him?" Damon frowns and looks at Bonnie now.

Bonnie nods.
Here we go......

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