You do crazy things when your...

By honeystarsunshine

13.4K 553 206


Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter 5

Chapter two

2.7K 136 36
By honeystarsunshine

After the car drive~~~~

"So pretty boy su casa es mi casa?" Morgan asks as Reid tries to find his keys.
Reid looks up for a brief moment. "Did you just ask if my house was your house in Spanish?"
"Maybe." Morgan replies.
Reid chuckles unlocking his door. "Come on let's go ins-" he stops himself and looks at the open apartment door next to his.
"Reid is something wrong?" Morgan asks.
Reid sets down his bag. "Alisha's door is open. I'm just gonna check inside."
"I'll go with you." Morgan says taking out his gun.

The two boys walk inside Alisha's apartment scanning it to see if anything was out of place. "I think it's good. I'm just gonna check her room." Morgan says walking into her room. "Should I start to heat up the Indian food?" Reid asks about to leave the apartment. Morgan let's out a sigh, "Reid you should come see this." Reid walks in the room and his eyes widen. "S-should we call the team?" He stutters. Morgan nods taking out his phone to call JJ. "Damn and I was really looking forward to Indian food." Morgan says.

What Morgan and Reid found was was a dead girl with her throat ripped out.

The police and the team arrives at the scene~~~

"Well this is interesting." Prentiss says.
"What is? The killing method?" Morgan asks.
Prentiss looks at Morgan and smirks. "No I've seen worse. I find it interesting to why you were going to Reid's apartment hmm."
A blush forms on Morgan's face. "Emily we can get him later for that." JJ giggles.

When the team walked out of the crime scene, Morgan notices Alisha running towards the building. "Let me in I live here." She demands trying to pass the police officers. "Reid since she's your neighbor..." Rossi trails off. Reid sighs, "Just leave me with the worrying teen. But I'll still tell her." Reid walks up to her.
She looks at Reid. "Dr. Reid what the hell is going on."
Reid explains what had happen. Alisha's eye twitches and she takes a deep breathe.
"Who was it?" She asks.
"That's what we're gonna find out." He says walking back to the team.
She nods. "Ok. Bye." She responds quietly.

At the office~~~

"Did we identify her?" Reid asks.
"Yes. Her name is Haley Smith and she goes to the public high school." Garcia answers.
"Alright team listen up." Hotch says explaining the case.

After the case has been explained

"Tomorrow I want Prentiss, Reid and Morgan to go to the high school. JJ, Rossi and I will go to the station." Hotch says.

Since it was late the team was going to start on the case tomorrow. As everyone was leaving the office Reid was acting strange, like he was lost. Everyone noticed but knew Morgan would say something to him. Morgan walks up to Reid's desk and gives him a concerned look.

"Hey Pretty Boy." Morgan says.
Reid was looking at some paper work. "Yes Morgan?"
"Reid look at me." Morgan demands.
Reid looks up from his paper. "What is it Morgan?" He responds hostile.
Morgan let's out a sigh. "Reid what's wrong? You seem lost."
"Someone was just killed in my neighbor's apartment. Someone was just killed in the building I live in." Reid starts.
"Reid don't worry. I don't think your his target." Morgan assures him.
"That isn't what I'm worried about." Reid stutters.
Morgan is now confused. "Then why?"
"First off I have no where to go because I don't wanna go back there and second," Reid pauses, "What if she's a target? I can't see anymore kids die. She's only a sophomore Morgan. It haunts my dreams."
Morgan smiles and hugs Reid. "Don't worry man. We won't let that happen. Oh and your staying at my place tonight."
Reid felt his cheeks get warm. "Oh Morgan you don-"
"Reid. You're staying with me. Now let's go it's getting late." Morgan chuckles.

Reid smiles and tries to hold in the excitement that is harboring inside his body. He wanted to jump up and scream, he was going to stay in Derek Morgan's house. The young doctor wasn't the only one that felt this way. Morgan couldn't help himself from smiling the whole car ride. His pretty boy was staying at his house for who knows how long.

At the house ~~~

"Thanks again M-" Reid began until Morgan's dog Clooney jumped on him causing him to fall backwards.
"Clooney off!" Morgan demands but the dog doesn't listen.
Reid laughs as he sits up petting the dog. "Cute dog."
"Sorry about him. He's a bit jumpy with everyone." Morgan scratches behind his neck.
Reid stands up. "Well my shirt is wet. Have any extra shirts you can lend me?"
"Yes! Let me get the shirts." Morgan walks to his room to get the shirt.

Feeling uncomfortable in his wet shirt Reid takes it off. 'I hope Morgan doesn't mind me wearing his clothes.'  Reid thinks to himself as he waits for Morgan to come back down.  Morgan walks back downstairs with a couple shirts Reid can pick from.

"Hey Reid I have a bunch of shirts...." Morgan stops himself and stares at Reid's bare chest.
"What was that Morgan?" Reid asks turning around to face him.
Morgan's heart exploded. "Uhh." He opened his mouth but words couldn't come out. Reid's body was memorizing.
Reid looks at Morgan. "Morgan?"
Morgan quickly snaps out of it and hides the shirt behind his back. "Sorry pretty boy I don't sleep in shirts. You can use my shirt for work though."
"Oh about pants? Wait never mind I can just keep these on." Reid says as he starts setting up couch.
"Reid you don't have to sleep on the couch." Morgan says.
"Morgan it's fine. You're letting me stay over which is enough." Reid smiles laying down on the couch.

Morgan felt guilty about him sleeping on the couch so threw Reid a shirt. Then quickly ran upstairs so Reid wouldn't see his blush. Reid smiles and puts on the shirt. He looks around and sniffs the shirt. 'Smells like Morgan.' He thinks laying down drifting to sleep. However for Morgan it was hard to go to sleep, the only thing he can think of was Reid shirtless and how bad he wanted him more then ever. About an hour later Morgan finally managed to drift off to sleep.

Next morning~~

Beep beep beep!! Morgan's alarm clock rang. Yawning Morgan gets out of bed and starts to get ready. After getting ready he walks down stairs to see if Reid was awake. When he reaches the bottom of the stairs he sees Reid still sleeping on the couch. A smirk plastered on Morgan's face as he took a picture of the young doctor. He then quickly put his phone away as he walked over to the couch.

"Come on Reid. Wake up." Morgan says shaking Reid's shoulder.
Reid turns over and groans. "I don't wanna."
Morgan puts his hands on his hips. "Reid let's go get up."
"But I don't wanna." He whines shooing him away with his hand gesture.

A light bulb suddenly grew over Morgan's head. He climbed over Reid's sleeping body. He leaned in on Reid's ear and whispers. "Pretty boy wake up."

Reid's eyes shoot open and he turns on his back only to see that Morgan was on top of him. A blush grew upon Reid's cheeks as he tried opening his mouth to speak but Morgan put his fingers on his lips. Morgan leaned closer to Reid's face causing the boy under him to become even more flustered.

"Morgan." Reid whispered. 
"Yes?" He answered.
Reid moves his head glancing at the clock. "I don't mean to interrupt this moment but if I don't get dressed we will be late for work."

As much as Reid didn't want to disrupt this moment he had to. Morgan on the other hand had one more trick up his sleeve.

"Pretty boy," he starts, "It will take you about what a minute to put on a shirt since you have pants on and maybe one to two minutes using the bathroom. We have plenty of time."
Reid couldn't say anything for he was completely out of things to say.
Morgan got off of Reid bursted out laughing. "Pretty boy don't worry. We will continue this later. Now go get ready."

Reid sat there on the couch like a speechless idiot. Morgan turns around giving Reid a look causing him to get up and start to get ready.

At the BAU~~~


I'll continue this in the next chapter! ;) hope you are liking it!

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