The Moonflower Girl (?)

By SeptimusAJames

82.5K 2.4K 1.4K

Mael, a 16 year old high school boy was caught up in a terrorist incident. The terrorist held an entire mall... More

A Second Chance
Just What Am I?
The Students
School! A Magic School!
Did....did i go just a little overboard?
The Perfect Plan
Qi Training + Monster Hunting = Getting Stronger
A Wonderful Event!
Event, Successful!
The Mission Protect!
Notice #1
The Future Leader of the Church
Three Way Date: Part 1
Three Way Date: Part 2
Three Way Date: Finale

First Day!

6K 179 146
By SeptimusAJames

[POV: Mabel]

"....bel.....p"- Hey voice...can you leave me alone? Trying to get some sleep.
""- Nope, leave me alone, I know what your asking.
"Mab....ake....p!"- Go away! I'm having a good dream about---
"PANCAKES!!!!"- I said while sitting upright suddenly.
"........"- Aria and Amber seem to be staring at me in confusion. Well it's your fault, I was having a good dream about pancakes. I pouted at them.

"Onee-Chan, why wake me up so ear~ly?"- I asked sleepily while continuing to lay on her. Last night, I was supposed to be sleeping in a futon on the floor bu~t,
"Because your sleeping on me! How did you even get in my bed without noticing! And, school starts today!"- I would much rather prefer to use my new form to my greatest advantage. I hope you understand my imaginary friend.

"Huh.....School? Back to slee~p..."- I felt very comfortable on my Amber-pillow.
"Up you spoiled child! You have to go to!"- Ehhhhh? So she thinks she's gotten used to me eh? Well then, don't blame me for this sneak attack!
"Whawahwaagwgawha, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!"- Why, hugging your neck while rubbing cheeks together, you get embarrassed a little to easily don't you Amber-Nee? (AN: I was so tempted to put 'Nibbling on your neck' here, but....not now.....).

"Onee-Cha~n, I don't wanna go to school! I don't wanna!"- I threw a tantrum while hugging her tightly.
"Wha-what? Aria, can't you do something about this?!?!"- It seems Amber can't handle little kids to well, gotta bribe them with--
"Alright. Mabel, I will give you something sweet if you get ready for school!"--exactly that.

If I accept this, I won't be able to mess with Amber anymore....but if I don't accept this....I won't seem like a regular ten year old kid. And I can't say "I'm watching my calories" because well, I'm ten. What ten year old watches their weight?

"Sweets!!!! Ok!!! Time to get ready~."- I chose the chocolate. I can mess with Amber later, after all, I can basically get away with anything in a form as cute as this as long as I don't go over an invisible line called 'Morals'.

First thing I did was change from my one piece dress into the uniform given to me the other day, why does it fit so....perfectly? Ahhh! But my manly pride was hurt this morning too! Two beautiful girls changing in the same room as me and I didn't feel the slightest bit excited. I started poking at Amber's side in annoyance with not being able to enjoy this.....(AN: Just so you know, I'm trying really hard to get in the mind set of a pervert. It's kinda hard, I personally haven't felt this deadly sin called 'Lust'. So it's hard for me to make a perverted character....). Amber took my actions as annoyance at having to go to school.


I am, as of now, standing outside my classroom. I have to wait for the teacher to introduce me. The only thing I'm happy about right now, is that I'm in the same class as Amber and Lucas. And these classes are like Asian schools, the teachers move, you don't, unless it's for P.E. or some special elective. Which is much less of a hassle, yay for Asian's smart way of thinking! (AN: Like seriously, I have to run all over campus to get to my classes with a backpack that ways as much as me all day, my poor back...)

I wonder if I'll get the MC seat.....

"Class, I would like to introduce a new student. She is a little young, but she was personally allowed in by the Headmaster."- Oh, that's me, better not keep the teacher waiting.

I walked in, looking cute in the black and white uniform that looked kinda like uniform from Musaigen No Ph**tom Wo**d. Even with a skirt.....which hurt my manly pride more then having to wear women's undergarments......dumb random point distribution.....

I stood next to the teacher and rotated 90 degrees to face the class. I heard such things as "So cute....", "Is she a royal?", "How young is she?", and other such things as I looked for Amber and Lucas....and the empty seat....

Yes~, the MC seat is open! I am the MC, now I can't die! (AN: Tell that to the rune master in my imagination.....). I then spotted Amber who was in front of where I would sit, who was looking out the window, sleeping? Last was Lucas, whose eyes were glittering in the middle row, as if expecting a unique introduction. Hehe, you can read me well Lucas.

"Hello, my name is Mabel. It's nice to meet you all! The three things I like the most are sweets, magic, and Amber Onee-chan!"- I'm not done yet.
""Ehhhhhhhh?!?! She's here little sister?!?!?""- The entire class, except Lucas, turned towards Amber. Still not done~.
"Nononono! She just calls me that! We are not blood related!"- That hurts, but I'm not done yet! So stop talking class! I decided to chill the room a bit with a hint of ice magic, of course no one would think it was me, but they stopped talking none the less.

"Ahem. My favorite color is blue, I love sleeping, especially on Onee-Chan."- Ha! Take that! I'm going to make you the MC in a romantic comedy where he gets chased down the halls by everyone in the school due to a beautiful girl saying something that has been misinterpreted! Woo~ to lengthy of an explanation.

""You slept with her?!?!""- It's working!
"She did that her self! I didn't tell her too!"- Sorry, that's not how it goes Amber-Cha~n!
"Excuses!", "Do you accepted her advance?!?", "Loli-Con lesbian!"- Ooooo, some jealous guys in the class. But Lucas had to ruin my fun, Hmpf!

"Come on Mabel-Chan, don't you think your little prank has gone a bit far?"- Ruining my fun..... I will get back at you right now!
"Ehh? But Lucas, you were comfortable to sleep with too!"- I of course gave the 'Totally Innocent' feel, and radiated like a sun with a bright smile.
"Loli-Con #2!", "Pervert!", "Die!".- This is fun! Until I looked at Lucas, he was smiling, but his eyes weren't. I trembled at the pressure he gave off.

"Hehe.....Sorry everyone, I was just kidding. I wanted to have a little fun with them as a little.....payment for earlier. Onee-Chan is the only one I used as a pillow."- I'll let you off the hook Lucas, but not you Amber. The class was little more calm, but still sent glares at Amber.

"Anyways....Other facts....I think I'm ten, mu favorite weapon would probably be something with a blade I think, and my affinities are...."- Regular people only have one affinity, some have 2 for ya not to rare, 3 is a talented person that is rare, and four is like one in 100,000. -"....wind, water, and ice."- Everything else will be my Trump cards! Of course the class, even the teacher, are surprised. But I ignored them and went to go sit behind Amber.


Wow....these classes simple. It's like middle school math....almost no algebra, trigonometry, or calculus level math what so ever.....Is this really a high school? In fact, out of the first 4 classes before lunch, the only ones interesting were history and magic theory, which is basically a class on different magics and there uses.

Lunch time is here and of course, I'm bugging Amber for food.

"Onee~cha~n! Give me some rice please~."- You can feed it to me while saying "Aaaa~h" if you want.
"You already ate your lunch! Just how big of a glutton are you!"- If it's a glutton you want, a glutton you get!
"*Chomp*"- I started nibbling on her ear.
"Whawha-Why are you biting my ear?!?!!"- I'm hungry.
"Mpfffmmmmphhhfff"- Translation: Its delicious!
"Stop it you! We are in class!"- You provoked me, I let go and as innocently as possible,
"So you want me to nibble on you in the dorm?"- Boom! And the crowd goes wild! Literally. So in order to stop the comments like "Loli-Con", Amber finally gave in.
"Fine! You can have one rice ball!"- Fine by me.
"Yay~! Thank you Onee-Chan!"- I almost kissed her on the cheek just to tease her more but.....I'll hold back.....for now.... If people knew what I was thinking, I would probably be an enemy of a lot of people out there, lucky only my imaginary friend knows what I'm thinking.

I happily nibbled on the rice ball with a bright expression like a little chipmunk. In order to make my self not suspicious, I ate as cutely as a 10 year old little girl as possible. After years of anime and manga, I can copy the behavior of a moe character in this form. Everyone, except Lucas and Amber, commented on how cute I was, blushed, and even one or two fainted. Oops, over did it a little.

My biggest surprise today though, was after I finished the rice ball. Apparently, some rice was stuck to my face, and when Amber noticed this, she,

"Oh some rice is stuck here..."- swiped it off with her finger and ate it -"....Make sure to be clean after eating Mabel."- It was unexpected, the dense MC eats food off a girl's face attack! Kuh! For some reason, I was embarrassed.
"Mabel? Are you ok? Do you have a fever?"- Wombo-combo! She put her forehead to mine which made my health points drop dramatically!
"I-I'm fine, I'm fine! Ku~!"- I flung my self backwards with my back bending over the back of the chair. And then I came back and immediately buried my self into my arms on my desk, as if I was asleep. Lucas seemed interested, and came over to see what was going on.

"Mabel, what's the matter? Sick already?"- I knew he knew, you can't trick someone with the same tricks!
"Lucas....I've been the dense actions of others....carry legacy..."- I said while burning out. Seriously, what's with this body and why is it so embarrassed by this?!?!?

The rest of the classes passed by in a daze, and I immediately went to the dorm room to escape who the real MC might be.

[POV: Lucas]

What an interesting girl. She looks ten, but has the mental age of a teen, and her acting skills are amazing too. But judging by her action earlier, she is still innocent. Hmmmm....I wonder what she is planning on doing....

Returning to my dorm, since I have nothing to do, I talked with Zach by today and he was surprised about it too. Especially about her acting skills, she managed to fool, well, everyone. Heck, I would've believed her if I hadn't met her prior.

But.....I can't help but feel there is something more to her than being mischievous and having all the affinities, so far, she has made no wasted movement, consciously or not. Plus the magical disturbances have stopped since we found her. For the sake of saying my curiosity, I must find out her secrets, all of them.....(AN: Insert "Dun! Dun! Daaaaaaaaa~!" Here).
Author's Note- The real question is not about what Lucas's true motives are, but who is the real MC! Muahahahahaha! Just kidding, Amber probably would've been an MC.....if Mabel didn't come along, so expect her to act like a dense one. Anyways, thx to those who read this! Leave a comment, vote if you want, and recommend to others! And I will updating T.A.S. soon, so just wait. The writing style I use for that book is a little...bleh....for me to use, but somehow it's still fun. T.S.S.A. vol. 2 will also be starting too, hope you all enjoy! Good night!

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