\\ Love is a lie \\ (BTS)

By Larissa_is_here

2.5K 69 44

Seven life long friends have been together through thick and thin, but when tragedy hits them, will they all... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Authors Note
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one (FINAL)

Chapter ten

70 2 0
By Larissa_is_here

* 4 months after Jimins passing *
Jungkook P.O.V

Another boring day at school, but today I'm kinda happy because me and Tae Tae are gonna go see Jimin Hyung! After the last period bell rang I basically ran to the tree me and Taehyung meet up at everyday. I hugged him tightly, and he give me a kiss on my forehead before he grabbed my hand and led me to his car. " Can you drive faster? I have so much to tell Chim Chim!", I told Tae. " I'm going as fast as I can baby", he stopped at the red light and gave me a kiss on my cheek, "we'll be there in 10 minutes, in the mean time close your eyes, and I'll sing to you". Taehyung knows when I'm overly excited he just needs to sing to me till I fall asleep. "Ok, can you sing me Jimins favorite?", I asked Tae as I Cuddled into the pillow he always keeps in his car.  Taehyung laughed, "of course, my love". Tae started singing a song called Lie. I fell asleep almost immediately.

Taehyung P.O.V

Once I saw Jungkook was sleeping I made a short stop at Yoongis house. Jungkook is a very light sleeper so one wrong move can wake him up. I took the keys out of my car and sure enough, "Tae?", Jungkook said with a sleepy voice, "where are we?". I laughed a little bit, "we're at Yoongi hyungs house, I was gonna ask if he wants to come wit-", I was cut off by a very enthusiastic Jungkook, "OH OH OH CAN I GO ASK HIM?! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!". God he's adorable. "Go ahead baby, I'll be waiting here", i told him as he thanked me and gave me a million kisses all over my face. And just like that he ran out of the car and into Yonngi's house.

Jungkook P.O.V

I haven't seen Yoongi hyung ever since he dropped out of school 4 months ago, so I was really excited to see him again! I grabbed the spare key from under the flower pot and let myself in. " Yoongi Hyung! It's me Jeon Jungkook! I missed you so much hyung! ", I yelled throughout the house but no Yoongi in sight. Hmm maybe he's showering? "I'm coming up stairs hyung I hope that's okay", I was letting him know just incase he was naked or something gross like that. I walked into his room and saw him sitting at his desk with empty liquor bottles all around him just staring at the wall. "Uh Yoongi hyung? Are you okay?", I asked with concern. "No", he responded with a low voice still staring at the wall. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that, me and Tae are going to see Jimin hyung do you want to come with us?", I asked a little frightened. He finally turned around to look at me, "He will never forgive me", tears were forming in his eyes. "Hyung, there was nothing you could've done. These things just happ-", he cut me off. "You don't fucking know that, Jungkook. I could've done so many things to stop that night from happening! He could've fucking been here!", he got out of his chair and started raising his voice at me. "ok hyung I'm sorry please calm down I -", Yoongi cut me off again. "You don't know how it fucking feels losing the one person who keeps you sane but makes you crazy at the same time, the one person who you would take a bullet for but pray to stay alive right after just to stay with them a little longer. You don't know how it feels to be at your ultimate high and then in a matter of seconds lose it all.", Yoongi was crying but was still very intimidating. "Hyung, you're right, I don't know, I'm sorry", I started crying too and hugged Yoongi. Yoongi hyung finally came back to his senses and hugged me back, "I'm sorry, Jungkook I just really miss my baby". I broke away from the hug, and looked Yoongi in the eyes, "it's ok hyung. When you're ready to see Jimin again just call me and Tae, we'll take you there and you can stay as long as you want". "Thank you Jeon Jungkook, you're my favorite annoying little kid", he gave a weak smile and ruffled my hair. "Anytime Min Yoongi, you're my favorite annoying hyung", I hugged him one more time and went back to the car with Tae.

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