Cynthen [Old Work 2017]

By Cynthen

65 3 4

Discontinued. More

Chapter 2: The Dominion

Chapter 1: The Esteamed Pirate

44 2 4
By Cynthen

Cynthen is a male, a 5 foot 8 inch tall male, with a good amount of muscle in his arms, legs, and stomach. He's currently in the bottom of a pirate ship, warmly sleeping in his make shift bed. It's not like he could gain any sleep though, the men over top are making too much noise to even get a couple minutes of decent sleep. "Ugh, I hate those guys..." Cynthen proclaimed as he got off his back and out of bed. "Can ya keep it quiet up there? I'm trying to get some shut eye!" Cynthen yelled up the stairs to the deck. He then went back into his bed for another attempt at sleeping, until a huge seven foot tall man barged in from upstairs and  growled in Cynthen's face, "WAKE UP WEAKLING!" Cynthen punched his right fist straight into the large person's gut, not even opening up his eyes to bother. This didn't go well with the person, "Oh so you want to fight Cynthen? This always happens huh? Well get off your ass!" Cynthen wiped the sand from his eyes before standing up. "Alright," Cyn mentioned, "What are the wagers?"

The man smirked, "Your contract extends with you staying on board, no pay."

"And so what do I get, aye Alad?" Cynthen told.

"You get to leave right now, and we will give you enough cash to live for a month."



This fight sparked attention of the other crew, having all the other big guys wonder below deck, circling around Cynthen and Alad. Alad fortunately threw the first punch, allowing Cynthen to slip under and do a light throttle into his gut again with his knee. Alan stumbled backwards, almost falling over but to his luck Alad had caught himself. Cynthen got cocky and cracked his knuckles, this didn't settle well with the audience and the crowd surrounding Cyn locked his arms and legs so he couldn't move an inch. Alad grinned, "Sorry bud, you might be staying with us a bit longer." Cyn screamed, "No! No no no no nooo! I won't let you hogs do this to me!" Cynthen then shouted a command, "Libra Libro Archtech: Tesla Factor!" A small levitating droid soon flew over to the core of the battle. The little bot hovered in front of Alad before having a little robot arm extend from it's body. "What the hell is this Cynthen? Shall I knock this out too?" Alad said laughing. The Archtech device's mechanical arm became soaked in ginger electricity, stinging Alad until he fell to the floor boards.

Everyone stared in silence at Alad's paralyzed body. This was a good moment for Cynthen to escape, so he ripped the grip from the other pirates that were holding his body down and then ran for it. The Archtech device hovering behind him till he made it upstairs to the main deck of the pirate ship. But this isn't any ordinary pirate ship, it was a Victorian pirate ship, a chaotically designed air craft that was designed off a nautical mobile. In general, it was a flying pirate ship blessed with steampunk exterior. Since most of the pirates were downstairs, Cynthen could make his way to the captain's quarters. Cynthen then barged in, knocking through the door and confronting the captain head on. If I had to describe the captain's appearance, it would be a sturdy bodied man with a basic captain's hat made of leather and a ripped trench coat with the crew's insignia on it. He had slightly dark skin but it was probably only because of the dirty atmosphere the ship had. "It is quite rude for you to be rampaging into my room here, isn't it my sailor boy."

Cynthen gritted his teeth, "I've worked my ass off the past seven months, and I made a wager with Alad to let me free and give me a month's worth of pay before I pardon."

"So you won and are here for the cash and freedom?"

"Of course."

"Your smarter than this boy, those stupid bets get you no where in life, now go back to work."

Cynthen slammed his hand on the captain's desk, "He is your son, and as his father, you must take responsibility for his actions, now give me the money."

The captain stood up from behind his desk, unsheathing a cutlass hidden underneath his trench coat. "Now don't talk to me about responsibility! Don't forget why your on this ship! I'm your captain and I decide how things go, you still have 17 more months of labor, now go back to work!"

Cynthen dashed out of the captain's quarters without another word. By the time he left the room, another one of the pirates rushed to the captain, explaining to him how Cynthen paralyzed Alad. This outraged the captain to the point where he ran after Cyn, savagely slicing his cutlass over and over at Cynthen. In response, Cynthen leaped to one of the emergency dinghy's that were hanging parallel to the ship. They were indeed too hovering throughout the air. "Our contract still remains, come back here you undisciplined child!" Alad's father shouted.

Cynthen executed a crude gesture with his middle finger as he smirked and sailed away into a patch of clouds. "Good bye! I never liked you guys either!" Now that Cyn was alone, he finally closed his eyes and rested as the dinghy sailed to who knew where, "Finally, I can get some sleep..."

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