The Moonflower Girl (?)

By SeptimusAJames

82.9K 2.4K 1.4K

Mael, a 16 year old high school boy was caught up in a terrorist incident. The terrorist held an entire mall... More

A Second Chance
Just What Am I?
The Students
First Day!
Did....did i go just a little overboard?
The Perfect Plan
Qi Training + Monster Hunting = Getting Stronger
A Wonderful Event!
Event, Successful!
The Mission Protect!
Notice #1
The Future Leader of the Church
Three Way Date: Part 1
Three Way Date: Part 2
Three Way Date: Finale

School! A Magic School!

6.4K 202 121
By SeptimusAJames

After about a month or so of traveling, we were out of the forest. Amber more or less got used to me already, but I was asleep 90% of the time so there wasn't much to get used too. Kukuku, I still have plenty of pranks up my sleeve.

Zach has actually tried to hit on me a few times, or at least I think he did, but I gave him a cold smile every time to say 'Sorry, but I am completely off limits.', I think he understood.

Me and Lucas have been getting along as good friends, messing with Amber a lot. He seems to know that I can only see guys as friends too, in fact, I bet he can see through me completely, he probably knows what my entire personality is. It scares me what he could do.

And the mage, well I'm bugging her right now as we walked up the road leading to the city.

"Ne, Ne, your a mage right? Teach me some magic, Ne~."- I learned that she is shy, but seems to love little kids by her behavior towards me. She doesn't think I notice, but when ever I do a cute action, or nibble on something as cutely as I can, her eyes sparkle.

" can't teach you magic, unless you have one of my affinities..."- She panics a little but she still answers, guess she still is shy.

"Lucas-Nii, were do I learn my affinity?"- I figured he would be the best ask.
"Well, we are going to the head master right now, I guess he can check your affinity or affinities while we figure out what to do with you."- Huh, maybe they got what one of those glowing ball things.
"Ne, Ne, after I learn my affinity, can you teach me magic?"- I'm trying to be as cute as possible.
"Well um....I don't know..."- Still unsure eh? Fine, I'm using my cuteness to the fullest!

"Please, Aria-Nee-san?"- I looked at her with upturned puppy dog eyes while hugging her waste and she.....couldn't resist.
"Awwww Ok! But you have to call me Onee-Sama!"- I find her true personality, Ha! But eh, I was fine with it, plus I have to act like a innocent little girl.
"Hai! Onee-Sama!"- Is Lucas catching on, I think he knows I'm using my cuteness and supposed innocence to my utmost advantage.

And then, I saw the city in the distance, and it was HUGE! There wasn't a castle though, just a gigantic dome at the center.

We got to the gate and guards asked for identification. But I didn't have any....

"Identification little lady?"- The guard asked nicely, but I didn't have any....
""-What do I do?
"She's with us, we are getting her identification today."-Nice save Lucas!
"Hmmmmmm.......Well you guys direct students have the headmaster....Ok then, because she's so cute."- Heh~ is this resistance to my charms? Sorry not happening name less guard.

"Thank you Guard-San!"- I gave him a bright smile, and his cheeks turned a little red.
"Your, Your welcome...."- Ha! Sorry, but no one can resist a little girl with all the appearance attributes maxed out! I sent the look of victory at Lucas, he chuckled in reply.

The inside of the city was AWESOME!! That's my first thought when I walked past the gates. It's EXACTLY what you would expect from a normal big medieval city and even MORE. I like this place a lot. Stalls lined the corners, buildings reached high, and the biggest building, most likely an academy, is at the center.

"Onee-Chan, what's the big building there?"- I pointed at the one we were heading to.
"That? That's the academy we go to, The Phoenix Academy of Magic and Arts."- She answered pridefully.
"Heh~, so is there a castle here?"- Gotta make sure....
"Well no actually, this is a neutral academic city supported by every kingdom and empire on the continent. No one attacks this place because they will be basically declaring war on every other power. This is why lots of royals and nobles go here. It's a very safe place."- So expensive academic school....AWESOME!

"So are you guys nobles too?"- Yep, I want to know. Gotta ask.
"Yep, Aria and I are actually Royals, Zach is the son of a very influential merchant, and Amber is the daughter of one of the top 5 greatest warriors in the world!"-
"Nii-Sans and Nee-Sans are all awesome! Onee-Sama, can I come with you to your castle sometime?"- Puppy dog eyes: Activate.
"Nn, I can bring you. I'm sure my father wouldn't mind."- Aria seemed to be happy when I asked her.

"Now come on, we gotta hurry to the school. Headmaster is probably waiting for us."- Amber hurried us along. I wonder what the headmaster is like...


We walked through the entire school, which I was amazed by how big it was, and reached a door that said 'HeadMaster'. There was no one in the hallways, so it's either a day of or everyone's in class.

"So, let's go in."- Lucas said as he knocked and went in. Shouldn't we wait for him to say "Come in"?

Inside the room, there were shelves with glass doors, filled with different magically looking books and strange objects. I was very interested in a big broadsword held in a stone sheathe. There was also a desk, with a mountain of paper work. And behind it, I could see a fainted old man. He doesn't seem to have a beard though.

"Is...he alright?"- I pointed at the old guy.
"He should be....I think. He just doesn't like doing paper work."- Really, he is that type of person Lucas. And your a healer Lucas aren't you? Shouldn't you see if he is ok?
"Headmaster~. Wake up!"- Looks like Zach is going to wake him up.
"Ngh? Huh? Oh welcome ba~ck."- He said while trying to go back to sleep.
"Hey! Don't fall back to sleep! We gotta report!"- Amber said while smacking him in the back of the head.

"Nuuuuh, always so violent Am-chan."- what kinda nickname is that?
"Stop calling me that! And you need to stay up! You gotta do work anyways."- Wow, Amber is violent, snaking him again.
"Nooo~ I don't want to do work, Am-chan, don't make me~."- What is he, a little kid?

"Get up, we found someone that we don't know what to do with."- Hey! I thinks that's a little mean Amber!
"Huh, who'd ya find?"- Is this guy really a headmaster?

He got up and when he noticed me, he immediately jumped over, eyes sparkling. He grabbed my hands and held them together.

"I MUST check your affinities!"- Ehhhhh? What does he mean?
"Well we were going to ask you to do that anyways but why are you so excited now?"- I am confused too Lucas, and let go of my hands!
"Aria, did you not even look at her magical signature? It's so....AMAZING!!!"- Again, confused.

"Her magic signature?"- Aria's eyes glowed briefly and she suddenly looked shocked.
"Wha-what is this mass of energy? What the heck?"- Aria seems to be even more interested in me now.
"Quickly, grab the globe!"- Ooo, so it is a globe. Yay, will it explode?
"Hai, Sensei!"- Aria said while grabbing a globe from the shelves.

It was a clear looking globe that had its own stand they had to set up separately. It looked very, well, fantasy like.

"Ok, so you know how to use magic right?"- I nodded -"Then put your hand on the globe and pour a little mana into it."- Hai~.

The globe felt smooth, like a ball made of glass, and then I poured some mana into it. Slowly, almost every color I could think of, started swirling around in the sphere, blending and turning faster and faster as I poured more mana. Everyone, except the Headmaster who had a glint that said 'This looks interesting' in his eye, had their mouths agape. I know guys, I'm awesome right?

The sphere got brighter and brighter until it was so bright, I had to close my eyes, and just disintegrated. explosion? Oh come on! I want an explosion. Go boom! I'm disappointed....

" didn't blow up...."- Very disappointed....
""You were trying to blow it up?!?!?!""- Everyone, even Lucas, were all extremely surprised.
"Well.....I guess. Tee-hee."- Imaginary friend, I'll give you a wild guess on what action I did while saying that.
"........."- I'm surprising aren't I?

The first one to snap put of it was the headmaster, he once again bring my hands together. Creep.

"What an interesting girl! You must attend here!"- Ehhh? Isn't this a high school like place.
"Wha-, headmaster! She's too young!"- Yeah you tell him Zach! I don't wanna go to school.
"It's fine, it's fine. I'm sure she is smart for her age."- Noooo~ that may be so, but I don't want to
"I agree with head master, she is actually very intelligent by what I've observed so far."- Wait Lucas?!?!
"You traitor! I don't wanna go to school!!! I don't like homework!!"- I will complain till the bitter end.
"Then it's settled, I will make sure you don't get homework, you just have to come to school."- DANGIT!! I'm defeated. Lucas was laughing at my dejected expression and I sent a glare at him.

"So she's going to school....but where is she going to live?"- Hehe, Onee-Chan, I'm glad you asked that! I ran at her, an jumped on her chest.
"With Onee-Chan of course!"- I must see more reactions, I'm turning this into a comedy!
"Hmmmm, since your so attached to her, I guess it's fine..."- Yes Headmaster, you may be a creep, but a creep on my side!
"Eh? But I don't got enough room in my dorm..."- Nope, not letting you off that easily.
"I'm sure it's fine, I don't mind her in our dorm room Amber."- Yes Aria, we live together!
"But...I don't think-"- Teary mode: Activate.
"Are you, *sniff*, saying I can't be with you Onee-Chan?"- Hehe, no one can resist a girl this cute crying! Water magic is the best.
"Uuuuh fine! But only because your too cute...."- the second sentence was whispered but I still heard it.
"Yay~! Thank you Onee-Chan!"- Imaginary friend, you may be wondering, where is your manly pride? Well it's simple, by using these tactics, I get to sleep in a girl's room for now on! Possible on one of there bad I can't mess with them any farther or Lucas might catch on.....

"Ok then! You starts tomorrow little one! Just need your name here."- The headmaster handed me a registration form and I filled it in, as much as I could without giving away that I don't have memory problems.
"Then...Mabel, here's your uniform."- Woah! He just made one on the spot! -"I will make more later."

And so we left at that, each of us going to separate dorms, me following my Nee-sans. I am loving this so far! This form actually has a lot of advantages! And my acting skills are the best so no one, but maybe Lucas, can see through my real intentions! Now, let's mess with Amber tonight....
Author's Note- Well I don't got much to say right now other than that in a week to a month is when I will release another book. Hope you all enjoyed or will enjoy!

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