The Privileged**Bellamy Blake...

By Winchester_Sister_

235K 4.8K 3.2K

"So what? What am I suppose to do? Pretend that nothing happened?" "Exactly." "I can't do that." "Why not... More

Earth Skills
Earth Kills
Murphy's Law
Twilights Last Gleaming
His Sister's Keeper
Conents Under Pressure
Day Trip
Unity Day
The Calm
We Are Grounders:Part 1
We Are Grounders: Part 2

I Am Become Death

13K 284 78
By Winchester_Sister_

Sam's POV

My head is pounding and my throat feels dry. I don't know what happened or where I am. Everything is just...dark and quiet. I tried to open my eyes but it was as if they were glued shut. I tried to speak but it was as if I didn't know any words. I listened to everything that was around me until I heard someone's voice.

"Hey, sleepy head. You gotta wake up."

Just by those words my eyes were finally able to open. I still had a massive headache but all of that was forgotten when I saw Octavia standing over me.

"Hey" I whispered my throat still feeling dry.

"Here. Drink some water. It will help."

She gentle lifted my head up and guided the water to my lips.

"What happened?"

"You were Anya. I got the antidote from Lincoln. He also gave me a message from Anya. I don't know if..."

"Tell me."

Octavia sighed. "She said that she was sorry. She didn't want to do it but she had no choice. She had to send a message, but she was never gonna let you die."

I nodded but with the pounding in my head it was barely noticeable.

"You don't forgive Anya. Do you?"

"I do."

"How could you..."

"Because...we tortured Lincoln and he still forgave us."

Octavia nodded in understanding.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked taking notice of the quite.

"Bellamy, Clark, Finn, Raven, and some others are out. Sam, the exodus ship came early...but it crashed last night."

My eyes began to burn and a hot tear rolled down my face. "My dad..."

"They didn't want me to tell you right away, but I thought you should know."

"Thank you."

She nodded. "Get some rest. I'll check up on you in a couple minutes."

I closed my eyes instantly falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.


My eyes fluttered open to the sound of the tarp over the drop ship opening.

"Hey." Bellamy said placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "You alright?"

"Yeah." I tried to sit up but the pain in my head returned. Bellamy grabbed my back helping me sit up all the way.

"Slow down, Blondie."

I smiled remembering the nicknames we gave each other. "You wish, Charming. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the meeting."

"Why didn't you?"

"I don't know. When Finn told me that we could make peace, I just... I'm tired of living in fear. Of always having to look over my shoulder. Always having to carry a gun even when we are inside the camp. Always worrying about you when you're on a hunt and not knowing if you're gonna come back or not."

Bellamy seemed surprisingly calm. He grabbed the side of my face and placed a gentle and passionate kiss on my lips. Once he pulled away, he pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back soothingly.

"I get it. Just next time, tell me."

"I don't think there is going to be a next time. So you have nothing to worry about."

"Bellamy!" Derek ran down the ladder out of breath.

"What is it Derek?"

"Murphy. He's back."

"Son of a bitch." I muttered following Derek up the ladder.

"Where is he?" Bellamy shouted climbing up after me.

Everyone parted allowing us to walk towards Murphy. He was cowering in a corner. His whole body was bloody and bruised. I would feel bad for him...if he wasn't such a dick.

"Everyone but Conner and Derek out. Now!" Everyone quickly climbed down the ladder leaving the rest of us with Murphy.

"He claims he was with the grounders." Derek said.

"We caught him trying to sneak back into camp." Conner added.

"I wasn't sneaking." Murphy's voice was barely audible. "I was running from the grounders."

Bellamy scoffed, clearly not believing him. "Did anyone see any grounders?" Conner and Derek shook their head. "Well, in that case.." Bellamy held his gun up and pointed it at Murphy.

"Hey, what the hell is wrong with you?" Finn pushed his gun down and stood in front of Murphy.

"We were clear what would happen if he and back."

"No! If he was with the grounders then he knows things the can help us."

"Help us? We hanged him. We banished him, and now we're gonna kill him. Get the hell out of my way."

"No. Finn is right." Clark walked towards Murphy. I followed soon after.

"Like hell he is. Clark, think of Charlotte."

"I am thinking about her, but what happened to Charlotte was as much our fault as his. He's not lying. His fingernails were torn off. They tortured him."

I grabbed his hand and looked at it. "She's right." I turned to Bellamy and Finn.

"You and the grounders should compare notes." Finn joked.

Bellamy rolled his eyes. "The grounders know we're at war. What did you tell them about us?"



"Sam! You need to get to the drop ship."

I turned to Finn. "Why? What's going on?"

"Biological Warfare."

I didn't ask any more questions. Instead I followed him into the drop ship.

Once I got there Octavia was down being examined. Bellamy stood with her.

"Clark." Finn got her attention. She walked towards me putting a cloth over her face. I opened my mouth allowing her to examine my throat.

"You don't have any of the sighs either."

"What does it mean?" Bellamy asked with concern.

"I don't know, but you two shouldn't be in here. You could get infected."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Bellamy." I motioned for him to follow me. We walked towards the entrance of the drop ship. "You should go. I'm gonna stay here and help."

"No way. You could get sick from being here."

"I already touched Murphy and so far nothing is happening. I'll be fine...and if I do get sick, you'll be the first one to know. Okay Charming?"

He nodded looking around the drop ship one last time before leaving.


"Sam! You okay!" Bellamy yelled from outside of the drop ship. I finished helping Diana before going outside and standing by Clark.

"I'm okay."

Bellamy nodded smiling before we were interrupted by people screaming. A few people were falling or bleeding from their eyes. One girl coughed on a guy and after that everything went crazy. People were pointing guns at them and yelling. No matter what someone did to calm it down it just got worse.

I went back into the drop ship and grabbed the gun that was leaning against the wall. I came back out and fired it into the air three times. Everyone was quite after that.

"This is exactly what the grounder want. Don't you see that? They don't have to kill us if we kill each other first."

Some guy came out of the crowd and pointed a gun at me. "They won't have to kill us is we all catch the virus."

"I don't know if you notice, but I don't have the virus."

"But with you working with those sick people all day you could. Both of you," he motioned to me and Clark,"get back in the damn drop ship."

Bellamy grabbed the gun out of his hands and hit him in the face making him tumble back.

"Not to state the obvious, but your quarantine isn't working."

"Finn, don't touch her." Raven shouted causing me to turn my back on Bellamy. Finn had picked up Clark and was carrying her back into the drop ship.

I turned back to Bellamy. "It will be fine. Octavia will come back with a cure."

"There is no cure!" Octavia ran in just on time. "But the grounders don't use the sickness to kill."

"Really? Tell that to them." Bellamy pointed to the two bodies that had died from the virus. "I warned you about seeing that grounder again."

"Yeah? Well, I have a warning for you too. The grounders are coming and they're attacking at first light."



As soon as I heard his name I ran out of the drop ship. Bellamy was on the ground, blood dripping from his nose while Jasper stood over him.

"Jasper stay back!" I yelled running past him and to Bellamy. "I got him." Jasper nodded and turned on his heel. "Okay. Let's  get you to the drop ship."

I placed his arm around my neck and gently lifted him up enough to where he could lean on me until we got to the drop ship.

Once we got there Murphy helped me set him down on a mat on the ground. As soon as his head hit the mat, I had to turn him over and blood came rushing out of his mouth.

"Hey, Charming. You're gonna be okay. You hear me?" I gentle whipped the blood away from his face.

"I'm scared." He surprised me by saying this. He usually never admitted his feelings to anyone.

"I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

"I don't deserve someone like you."

I smiled. "I say that about you everyday, Charming."

"Just...please don't leave me." He wrapped his hand around my free one.

"Never in a million years." I placed a kiss on his forehead. "Get some rest, okay? I'll be here when you wake up."


"Get the hell away from me." Bellamy pushed Murphy away.

"Bellamy you're sick, okay? I'm just trying to help."

"Hey, Murphy." I walked up to him grabbing the water and the rag from his hands. "I got him."

Murphy nodded and went to help someone else.

"How you feeling?" I questioned handing him the cup of water.

"Better, but I still feel sick."

"You will for a little while longer. It's normal."

"Nothing about the ground is normal. Have you seen Octavia?"

I sat down next to him placing my hands on my knees. "She was up all night helping people. Murphy gave her a break."

"Don't tell me you trust him now."

"Trust? No. I do believe in second chances though."


"Yeah, I gave you a second chance. And a third. And a fourth." We both chuckled.

"Okay I get it....It's almost dawn. Better get everyone inside. If we lock the doors, maybe the grounders will think we're not home."

"Not everyone is sick."

"Sick is better than dead."

I took a minute to think about what he said. "You don't think Finn and Jasper are gonna pull it off."

"Do you?"

I thought for a moment. Did I? I trust Finn and Jasper but...this is something important. How many times has something important worked out for us. "I'll get everyone inside."


Night came and after everything that happened. The sickness, the bomb working, Raven getting sick. I went outside of the wall and stood at the graves.

"You're outside the wall without a gun."

I lifted the side of my shirt to show Bellamy the small hand gun he gave me. He smirked but it fell when I turned back to the graves. "14 graves."

"We need to talk about Murphy."

"He was right about the bridge."

"We'll see. Octavia says that the Mountain Men are pissed, whatever that means. "

"I'd say it means we need as many soldiers as we can get."

"So what, we have pardon power now?"

"I don't know. As Clark likes to say, 'it's hard running things'"

Bellamy raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes. "Come on. Let's go to bed." He grabbed my hand and lead me to out shared tent. Were we both instantly fell asleep.

Well, this chapter sucked. I don't even know why you guys read this book but thanks anyways. I was gonna have Sam get the virus but considering what happened to her last chapter, I decided to cut her some slack. Anyways, until next time.

Love ya😘

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