By xxTaepartyxx

50.9K 2K 544

Pyrokenisis, Telekinesis. Vitalim Vitalus. Transmutation. Body control. Heightened abilities. Divination. T... More

The First chapter
The Second Chapter
The Third Chapter
The Fourth Chapter
The Fifth Chapter
The Sixth Chapter
The Eighth Chapter
The Ninth Chapter
The Tenth Chapter
The Eleventh Chapter
The Twelvth Chapter
The Thirteenth Chapter
The Fourteenth Chapter
The Fifteenth Chapter
The Sixteenth Chapter
The Seventeenth Chapter
the end
Probably the last post

The Seventh Chapter

2.7K 132 42
By xxTaepartyxx

Jungkook pov

We couldn't find him, after Jin passed out we returned to the house, Bang telling us not to leave again unless we had to. He said there were people, opposing forces that wanted us dead. The house was on lockdown, no one could leave or enter. Jimin and I were still tense around one another, him spending most of his time with the others, only talking to me when it was mealtimes or he needed something.

The house was empty without Tae, the dining table seemed bigger without the extra body, the living room was more spacious. Nobody used the chair he always used, it was like they wanted to distane themselves from anything and everything Taehyung. It was quieter too, the absence of occasional yelling, stomping, and slamming doors making the fact that he was gone because of me hurt more than it should have. The rest of the weren't at all phased by Tae being gone, they seemed to revel in it, more than they did the first day. Meals were full of jokes and impressions of him from Jimin and Yoongi, not everyone joining but no one stopping it in fear of making Yoongi angry after seeing what he was capable of without using his powers.

Jin was the only one who noticed the effect this all had on me, his excuse being that he was the oldest and could tell when the others were upset about one thing or another. Although, as much as he said nothing was my fault, I couldn't help but blame myself for Tae. I wished I hadn't let myself get attached, wished that I could find it in me to hate him as much as some of the others did instead of feeling like a part of e was missing whenever I saw an empty seat or the earbuds he always had laying on the ground.

I missed him. I missed the conversations we'd have, even if they weren't verbal. I missed walking into the living room and seeing him lightly snoring in that chair after dozing off without realizing it. I didn't realize how much I cared about him until he was gone, with a high possibility of being hurt or dead, the fact that it was because of me making it even worse.

He'd been gone for about four days when Jin brought walked into my room with pillows, blankets, snacks, and his computer.

"Hyung, what are you doing? How did you get this food?" He smiled and threw a bag of chips at my stomach.

"We're having a movie night to cheer your depressed ass up, and I'm not taking no for an answer. And don't worry about the food, I had Namjoon zip out and get it." He said as he opened his laptop, "now, what do you want to watch. I'm still mooching off my mom's Netflix account. Oh, and Hulu. And Dramafever. What's your pick?" I smiled, for the first time since Tae left and joined him on the ground.

"Netflix. I don't want to hurt even more by starting a drama." He laughed, and breathed out "Too real, dude" while logging into the site.

We ended up falling asleep halfway through the second movie, someone screaming waking Jin up and a pillow being thrown at my head waking me up. Jimin stood in front of me, arms crossed, looking down at me.

"Your crush is back. He's in the living room." He said, sitting on his bed and pulling out his phone.

"I don't have a crush- oh. Um, thank you. I appreciate you telling me." I knew I was blushing, I could feel the tips of my ears heating up. I stood, the blanket wrapping itself around y legs and tripping me, darkening the blush and  making Jimin laugh.

"You're a mess kid. Stop moving, you're making it worse." He giggled as he untangled my legs and helped me stand. He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck. "Hey, um, I'm sorry I've been such a dick, I didn't realize how much it hurt you. So, friends?"

"Yeah, friends." He smiled again and pulled me into a hug, leaning up to my ear.

"Now, go talk to him. I may not be the biggest fan of him, but I'll be willing to help you get dicked into next Thursday."

"What! Jimin, you can't say that!" I could feel my face heating up as he laughed, doubling over and grabbing his stomach.

"Stop yelling at me and go! You've missed him, I can tell. And good luck to you, he's back to not speaking." He patted me on the shoulder and pushed me out the door. I heard voices coming for the living room, and made my way towards them.

Taehyung was sat on the couch, Jin and Namjoon standing in front of him lecturing him. He wasn't paying attention, his hood pulled over his face and arms crossed.

"You don't understand the consequences of what you've done, Taehyung. Jungkook has been worried sick, he's barely eaten, he doesn't leave his room anymore. He blames himself for you leaving, it's been tearing him apart for days, don't you understand?" He threw his arms up when Tae didn't respond, sighing and turning to leave. He bumped into me as he left, and pointed at the door.

"You need to go in there. You're the only one he talks to without being made to, maybe you'll get something out of him." I nodded and walked in, Tae looking up and meeting my eyes. He looked away as I opened my mouth to talk. Namjoon patted my shoulder and whispered good luck and walked out of the room.

Taehyung pulled his hood up, folding in on himself and looking out the window. I sighed ad sat down on the other end of the couch, as far as I could've from him.

"Tae, I'm sorry for what I did. I was afraid. You turned into a different person, I was afraid you'd hurt Yoongi more, or maybe someone else. I know, it's my fault you heard it, I was too dumb to realize how bad you were hurting, I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry."  I didn't know I was crying until I felt the couch dip and a hand on my cheek, wiping the tears from my eyes.

Taehyung was sat on the floor in front of me, his hand on my cheek and a gentle smile on his face. His eyes were searching for something in my face, like he was searching to see if I was lying to him. He leaned closer, bringing his lips to my ear.

"I don't like it when you cry, Jungkook. Please, stop. I don't blame you." He breathed out a slight laugh, and whispered "I missed you" before walking out of the room, leaving me on the couch. I stood to follow him and ask if he was okay, but stopped in my tracks when I realized the tears started falling faster, fat and wet, pooling in the dips of my nose. I was silent for a second, before letting a scream rip through me, letting out all of the pent up sadness out. Objects around the room started flying, tables and chairs splintering, flying around me. Sobs still ripped through my body, tears clouding my vision, I couldn't hear, I was deaf to everything but myself and the sound of furniture breaking. Someone swore in the room, arms wrapped around me from behind, pulling me into a tight hug and pinning my arms to my sides.

"No! Let go! Don't touch me, let me go!" I was starting to panic, hyperventilating, the walls closing in. A hand came to cover my mouth, and I bit down. The arms around me loosened, and someone cursed.

"Ow jeez!" Namjoon's faint voice exclaimed. "Jungkook calm down!"

"Let go of me!" I screamed wiggling my body to try and get out of his grip, but he tightened.

"What's going on with you? Stop moving!" Namjoon yelled. "He's back. He's okay. He know it wasn't your fault,"

"Stop saying that! It was my fault! Fuck, Namjoon, let go!"

"Shut up, Kook! He doesn't blame you!"

Suddenly, I heard a new voice yell behind us, but I couldn't hear who or what they were saying. I felt the panic rage inside, making all objects in the air spin faster. Broken vases, shattered glass and splintered wood flew around the room, everything dropping by the sound of a loud piercing scream which ripped me out of my state.

"Fuck," Namjoon mumbled, quickly letting go and walking over to whoever was behind us.

I didn't dare to turn around, too scared to see the damage I had done. My chest dropped as my body collapsed on the floor. Instead of the screams of sadness, I just laid there, crying softly on the, my tears staining the gray carpet.

I could hear more and more voices behind me. Everyone was in the room, probably wondering what had happened. I didn't care to look up, I don't want to answer their questions. I felt like a monster.

"Jungkook, get up," Bang said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at him. "Okay," I whispered.

I pushed myself off the ground and followed him into his office. After he closed the door, he told me to sit down.

"What happened in there?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know. It wasn't meant to end this way,"

"I know it wasn't," Bang said, sitting down in front of me. "Can you tell me what made you react that way?"

"Not without it sounding stupid," I replied, looking down. "I was just mad at Taehyung because he's not mad at me for making him run away,"

"It wasn't your-"

"Don't say that!" I exclaimed a few objects lifting from the surface.

"Calm down. Relax," Bang placed a hand on mine. I took a deep breath and slowly placed everything back down. "Good. Now listen to me. No matter how mad you are at yourself, or how much you blame yourself, what Taehyung did, wasn't your fault. You may have been the one to draw the last straw, but he would have run away, no matter what,"

"You said somethings you didn't mean and its gonna take time to rebuild the relationship you two had, but Taehyung really doesn't blame you. I know he doesn't,"

I nodded. I didn't know what else to do. Picking a fight wouldn't lead to anything, trying to explain myself wouldn't either. I could only not and hope he'd let me go.

But bang continued. "You remind me of an old friend. His name was Daehyun. He and I  were a little like you and Taehyung. I didn't talk either when I first came here, but Daehyun insisted to make me speak. My original ability is clairvoyance and I overheard Daehyun talk to a few others about how weird I was, why I couldn't just talk to them. Although I didn't run away, I secluded myself from the group. I remember very clearly the words Daehyun said. 'If he doesn't start talking soon, he might as well leave the organization'"

"Actually, I was heartbroken by his words. I wanted to run and never come back, but I was too scared. However, Taehyung was. But don't ever worry about him not coming home. He always will. A supreme always return,"

"Were you the supreme?" I asked.

Bang nodded. "I was,"

"Where are they now?"

"Different places," He smiled, but his eyes looked like they were somewhere else, like he was remembering something he didn't want to. I nodded, not wanting to dig deeper, the look on his face said enough.

"Anyways, go help the others clean up the living room. And for your own good, make up with Taehyung. It'll be worth it in the end."

Tae pov

This was all my fault. I shouldn't have said anything to him, but the sound of him crying tore me apart. The pain in his voice, the sound of crashing in the living room. All because of me.

I did it cause I was afraid. I was afraid of letting myself hate him. So instead i comforted him.
The sight of tears rolling down his face because of me hurt, I couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand the fact that even in tears, he was perfect.
I know, it was stupid to wipe them away. But I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take that my thoughts were Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook. He was always on my mind. If he slept, if he ate, hell I worried if he smiled that day.

He was driving me insane. But I loved it. I loved that I felt something like this for another person. I wanted to make him mine, protect him. Have him forget about everything for a while.

I missed him so much in those days I was gone. I missed everything about him, but most importantly his smile. It was my favorite, when his nose would scrunch up and his eyes sparkled. It hurt so much to see it gone, to see his eyes so dull and empty.

I hated that I couldn't be mad at him, I hated it so much. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I hated to be the source of his sadness.

I knew someone was going to get hurt as soon as I walked out of the living room, but I couldn't go back in there. I couldn't look at him without seeing tears rolling down his cheeks because of me. I couldn't go back in there knowing those screams and sobs were my fault.

"Jungkook, get up," I heard Bang's deep voice say. I saw him walk with Jungkook into his office and closing the door behind him, his eyes meeting mine. I felt the pain come back by his disapointed expression.

The next thing I felt was a hand hit my chest and heavy footsteps on the floor beneath me. I looked down the hall to see who it was, seeing Jimins orange hair bounce a little further down. He must have pushed me out of the way. He entered the bathroom and I went after him. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, stepping up beside him in front of the mirror. 

He rolled his eyes. "Go away, V,"

"Please, Jimin let me help you," I said. "It was my fault anyway,"

I reached for the paper he held over the wound in his brow, but felt his sweaty  hands grab around my wrist. He looked me in the eyes with rage and hatred. 'You shouldn't have come back'  he thought like he knew I could hear him. I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat.

"Then don't you think done enough damage for one day," He said, his nails boring into my skin. He walked closer to me. "I don't need your damn help, bad boy. None of us do. You may be our supreme and you may be oh-so important to Jungkook, but I can guarantee you, you are nothing else to anyone here. Everything was fine until you came back,"

"You're right. I shouldn't have come back. I'm sorry," I said, replying more to his thought than what he had just said, I knew all that already. I knew they hated me. I knew they didn't need me. I was aware. However, I noticed a slight switch in Jimins face, like he had to rethink what I had just said, but it was gone within a nano second.

He let go of my wrist and stepped away. "That's the one thing you and I are ever gonna agree on. Leave, V,"

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