The Shield Imagines

By romansspears

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These are Shield imagines (duh) and I DO take requests! Just inbox me and I will get on it as soon as I can!! More

The Shield Imagines
1 - Dean's Secret
3- Roman and Nina
4- Dean and Juliet
5- Dean and Winter

2- Rollins has a crush (on you)

2K 29 1
By romansspears

I was ridding in the car with my best friend, Colby Lopez. You may know his as 'Seth Rollins.' We had been hanging out with Jon (Dean) and Joe (Roman) for the day and Colby was driving me home. He turned the raido on after complaining it was too quiet. The chorus of 'Dark Horse' was blarring through his speakers. He started humming along, and eventually started mouthing the lyrics with passion. I laughed and burred my face in my hands. "What?? I like this song!" Colby laughed. "What are you doing?? " I chuckled, looking up at him. "What does it look like I'm doing?" "Making a fool of yourself!" I said, playfully punching him in the arm. He clucthed his arm, and screeched. "OW!!" He flicked his eyes from the road to me. "That's offencive!!" He yelled, but couldn't help laughing. He hit me back and in the proccess, he swerved the car a little. "Cole, you're going to go off the road and get us both killed!" He kept his eyes on the road and tried to hit me back with his "injered" arm. We both laughed and I turned the radio down a little. "You're so weird." I said, looking out the window. "YOU'RE so weird!" Colby shot back playfully. "I tend to get that alot so thank you!" I laughed, looking back at him. He glanced at me and smiled. 

Once we got to my house, we were still laughing as I got out. I told him 'bye' and walked inside. Seth IS really weird. But I guess that's why we're friends! I chuckled, thinking about my day with my best friends since day one; Shield. Colby and I have always been the closest, and the other two are always saying how we look like a couple when we're hanging out. Do we really look like that to them; a couple? The million dollar question really is..would we make a GOOD couple? If only Colby knew how I realy felt about him.

I was torn from my thoughts as I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to find Colby standing there with his adorable smirk and his hands shoved in his jean pockets. "Yes?" I asked smiling as I leaned against the door frame. "Will you go out with me?" He asked, still smirking. He had his head lowered a little but his eyes were locked on mine. Oh my God, his eyes. "Wait...what did you just ask me?" I asked. "Sorry, I know it's kinda forward but uh....yeah." He chuckled, now starring at the ground with his hand on his neck. I just took a step forward and hugged him. I could feel his arms around me. "How could I say no?" I whispered, looking up at him. He smiled and kissed my nose before letting me go and jogging down the stepps. "I'll pick you up at 12 tomorrow!" He yelled before climbing back into his car and driving off. 

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