
By MarcelineQuantum

149 11 15

Fantasia is a world full of wonder and magic. It's people are of all races except for human. Some are gifted... More

Chapter One
Chapter three

Chapter Two

15 2 2
By MarcelineQuantum

          Moving quickly the young princess made her way into the wondrous city. It seemed to sparkle in the blue moonlight. The crystal buildings and the ground were altering their coloring between purple and pink. The soft smell of roses and fresh rain hung in the air. It all brought a smile to her face.

          Getting further into the town she started to look at the street signs. Stirling had never been in the city by herself and didn’t really know where she was heading. After a while of guessing she stopped and listened. The soft hum of music drifted to her and she followed it. As if got louder, the crystal structures changed to a vibrant red. It was the only clue she had over if she were going the right way or not.

          A wide grin spread across her face as she stopped and stared at the festival. Booths lined the street selling anything that anyone could possibly think of. Bubble like lanterns floated in the air and changed color with the music. People of every kind were all over the place, all wearing some kind of mask, The music playing was loud and had a beat that seemed hard to follow, even though some of the animal people had figured it out.

          Making her way into the large crowed, she decided it would be the perfect time to get a good look at all the different living beings of the queendom. The first person her eyes landed on was a very tall woman. She  no mouth, instead, it was a beak. Her eyes were pure black with no visible pupil. Large feathery wings protruded from her back. The wings and her skins coloring was that of fire. Long sharp and lethal talons came from her fingers.

          Stirling instantly knew what the woman was. Her race was very rare and usually was found in the volcanic plains. The queen had told her that they were called phoenixes. The phoenix was one of the many races. There were also the elu elves, the fairies, the beast blood, and the lieutenant. Those that looked human, like Stirling, were lieutenant. In the books she had read about the queendoms past it stated that they were called that for those that invented things within their imaginations.

          Looking all around, it became clear that every kind of race was at the festival. She even noticed some people that were not from the Kristal queendom. It was east to guess that they were from the never ending plains that king Acheron ruled over. Looking away from the odd looking people, she started to walk along the booths.

           Excitement bubbled inside her as she looked at everything. There was a booth with toys that she had only seen on her mothers reflector. Another booth held musical instruments from every kingdom in their world. Her favorite booth was one that had delicious smelling food that she had never seen before. As she studied the food, a feeling over something being wrong crept over her.

          Lifting her gaze, she looked down the way she had came. Slowly the color was fading from the crystal leaving the streets dark. The lights flickered on to illuminate what they could. The bubbled lights remained afloat, providing light for the festival. But the music had stopped and everyone also seemed to be staring down the street in confusion.

          Stirling moved to take a small step back but did not have the chance. As soon as he foot left the ground it shook. Everyone stumbled a little from it and quickly covered their ears as a ear shattering screech followed. With her hands over her ears, she looked around franticly to find out what was going on.

          Something small and brilliant to the side caught her attention. It was the butterfly from the day before. It drifted over to her and fluttered in front of her face, “Princess, you need to get home and fast. Run and don’t look back. What ever you do, do not go down the dark streets and do not stop. Now go.” Not saying anymore it flew away.

          Letting her hands drop, she straightened herself up. Not looking towards the dark streets she hurried through the festival. In a matter of seconds she made it to the end and down the street. She followed the butterflies instructions and went down the streets that still had color. Time ticked past and a small burning sensation was starting to run through her every time she breathed.

          Slowing down, she came to a stop. She took big deep breaths and leaned against a light post. Having been told not to stop having had completely slipped her mind. Pulling off her mask she glanced down the street and noticed the color was leaving. The air around her became deathly cold and every time she let out a breath of air it came out as fog.

          Fear swept through her and she turned to run. But the sound of an ear shattering screech stopped her in her tracks. Slowly she looked over her shoulder to see what had made the noise. Seeing it made her eyes widen and a sick feeling quickly over came her.

          Moving down the street was a man dressed completely in white. His skin matched the deathly white of his clothes. He had no lips, exposing his sharp pointed teeth. Where his should have been was nothing. His finger nails were long and sharpened like claws. In his hands he gripped chains.

          Attached to the chains where the monsters that were causing the screeching. Both were female and sent fear running through the girl.  The one to the lefts skin town was a reddish brown. The mouth was sown shut and bloody bandages covered its eyes. On the side of its head was another face. The second face looked just like a child’s, but with jagged teeth.

          The one to the right had pinkish skin. Spikes covered in blood covered the top of its head. Its moth looked as if it had been cut at the corned so that it could open up wider. Both eyes were blood red with deep gashes around them. Both were covered in cuts and burns. Two large cuts ran down both of their backs with blood oozing from them.

          Their bare feet that had large claws made wet like noises as they walked. They were heading straight for her. Shaking in fear, she mentally slapped herself to snap out of her fear. Taking a step back she turned and ran.

           A angry roar came from the man, blood and spit spewing form his mouth. Letting go of the chains he pointed at the fleeing child, “Kill. Her.” His voice was deep and seemed to shake the ground. Both girls let out their ear shattering screeches and bolted after her.

          Stirling ran as fast as she could, turning down the streets that still had lighting. The palace was getting bigger in her  view making her run faster. Her heart was racing and it was as if it was the only thing she could hear. As she glanced over her shoulder to see how far away they were she ended up miss-stepping. Tripping over her own feet, she tumbled to the ground with  a scream.


Marcelin A/N: What do you think so far? And what of those creatures? I really want to creat the Demon ones and the pheonix :)

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