Happy Family? 《Attack On Tit...

By Maela_Bow

86K 1.9K 425

[OLD VERSION | NEW ONE OUT NOW] [Name: Okaerinasai/Welcome Home] Twins Y/n's and her brother Peter's Mother a... More

Ch 1 The Fall Of Shiganshina
Ch 2 The Corporal's Kids
Ch 3 The Twins Birthday
Ch 4 The Surprise
Ch 6 Training
Ch 7 The Dream
Ch 8 The Angels
Ch 9 Three Years Of Bring A Cadet
A/n Sorry!
Ch 10 The Trip Into Town!
Ch 11 The Sleepover!
Ch 12 The Truth
A/n Sorry Again! I Hate Them Too!
Ch 13 The Talk With Dad!
Ch 14 Secrets
A/n Another Book!
Ch 15 Shipping!
Ch 16 Whos Twin?
Omg A/n!
Ch 17 The Sister!
Sorry For All The A/ns
Important! A/n
Hey guys!
Ch 18 Late Night Talk!
Ch 19 The A Deadly Expedition
I Got Tagged!
Ch 20 In This Cruel World
Ch 21 I Will Survive!
A/n Important!
Ch 22 Returning Home
Ch 23 The Funeral/The End
Hello My Lovely Readers!
Hello Once Again!
100 votes!
Maybe Another Book?
Omfg! 2k Reads!?
5k Reads!?
10k Reads?
15k Reads

Ch 5 The Town

5.1K 112 18
By Maela_Bow

Hey I'm going to make longer time skips in this chapter, and I might do some flash backs in the future.

Peter's POV

*Le Time Skip Till 7 Years*

They always argue about y/n and I becoming cadets and joining he Scouts "But Dad!" Y/n said "a no is a no now head to bed" Dad said clearly annoyed "fine!" Y/n said as she left "hey Peter can you promise me something?" Dad asked after y/n left "yeah what is it?" I said "make sure that no matter what,
y/n and you will not die even if you don't go because if I know
y/n will most likely sneak into cadet training even if I say no" Dad asked "I will do whatever I can!" I said leaving "goodnight Dad" "goodnight Peter" Dad replied as I left the room. I started heading towards my room, just as I was about to open the door I heard singing, 'its y/n singing' I thought to my self. She was singing omake pfadlib (I am listening to it right now 😉it's and attack on titan song btw) Once she stopped I walked in "hey y/n" I said in my calm voice "oh hi!" She said back with a smile (a smile like this 😊) "So Peter I know how Dad said no but do you want to do cadet training without Dad knowing?" Y/n asked "well umm..I'm not sure" I said thinking about what Dad said "Whyyy" she wined "maybe ok?" Was my replied to her complaining "YAY!" She yelled "shhh it's night time!" I said quietly "sorry" she said a lot quieter this time "ok time for us to go to bed!" I said as the wined "good night y/n!" I said with a smile "night Peter!" Y/n said back to me, before falling asleep I just smiled, and fell asleep not long after.

*Time Skip Till Morning*

I wake up and y/n is still asleep, I smiled as I looked at her "she's so adorable" I said quietly trying not to wake her up.
(by the way Peter calling her adorable, it's in a brotherly way!) "huh?" Y/n said rubbing her eyes "nothing" I said calmly with a smile "ok" y/n said clearly sleepy "well let's get ready for breakfast!" I said happily "ok!" Y/n said more awake than before. We walked into to the mess hall to get breakfast when Hanji came over "hey!" She said happily "good morning" I said while y/n said "Hai gal!" "Same too you" Hanji said with a smile. As well all sat down there was some tension between Dad and y/n, it died down after a while, luckily.

*Le Time Skip Till After breakfast*

"Y/n" called Dad "yes Dad?" She answered "meet me in my office after I'm done with work that's all" Dad said "ok!" Y/n said as he left "hey y/n do you want to go into town?" I asked "YEAH!" She yelled while I giggled "shh" I said still giggling. After I stopped giggling she said "ok! Let's go now!" We walked to the carriage and hopped in "we would like to go into town please!" Y/n said "yes ma'am" the person said.

*Le Time Skip Till After You Arrive*

"Wow it's been a long time since we where here!" Y/n said exited "yeah a long time about maybe 2 years since Dad took us every year till we were 14" I said "yeah" y/n sighs as we walk around we see the park, we went to when we went for our 7th birthday. We decided that we would go take a look "it's pretty much the same" I said with a smile on my face and looking at y/n who had the same smile as me "I wonder if the kids we meet last time still live here?" I said "hey do you need any help?" A boy about our age asked "ohh no we are fine!"
Y/n said smiling "well anyway Im Eren nice to meet cha" he said "hmm Eren...Wait Eren Jaeger?" I said confused "huh? How do you?" He said obviously confused "Oh Eren Remember me I'm y/n? We meet when we where kids!" Y/n said "Ohh I remember you and is this Peter?" Eren asked "yes that's me" I said calmly "hey should I get Armin and Mikasa?" Eren asked "I'm sure but...Let's get out of the park first" y/n said giggling a little "uh yeah" I said as Eren just nodded we walked to where Armin and Mikasa was "hello!" Y/n said happily "hey Armin Mikasa this is Peter and Y/n do you remember them from around 7 years ago?" Eren asked Armin and Mikasa "yeah we meet because y/n knocked me over...But it was not on purpose!" Armin said "I remember" Mikasa replied with next to zero emotions "well it's been nice to meet you again but we need to head back" I said calmly "Oh no I forgot I'll be late and Dad hates us being late!" Y/n said "Well got to go Bye maybe we will see each other soon!" Y/n said ready to go "well bye" I said plainly "bye!" They said together as we left "well y/n if you don't want to be late then we would have to run to the carriage" I said "ohh yeah let's" she said starting to run. As we got to the carriage we ran inside and told the man we where in a rush to get to HQ, so he went right away as quickly as he could.

Hey guys, I was thinking I could make this longer because we are at almost 1000 words, like OMG how did I write so much but I'll try and make All my chapters like this it might take longer to write but I'll do it for you guys!😘

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