The Huntress and The Hunted 》...

By spideybcy

100K 2K 822

"I'm not a princess. I dont live in a tower. I dont cry for a Prince to come and Save me. Most importantly, I... More

2》Rotten to the Core
3》Old Habits
4》Make you Proud
5》Deals with the Devil
7》I Hate Pirates
11》Break In & Breakfast


10.8K 222 124
By spideybcy


A week ago ..

"Can i please open my eyes!" Laughed Silena. Silenas laugh made my heart flutter as I Let out a chuckle.  Her small pale hands covered her eyes as I led her by the waist into the enchanted forest.

"We're  almost there Princess" I said a grin on my face as I saw the glowing lights a head. "You know" she hummed, "Its past dorm hours we could get into trouble." I rolled my eyes "What is the princess scared of the dark?" Silenas smile glowed in the dark as she elbowed me playfully.

"You hurt meee " I faked groaned causing my girlfriend to giggle. "Can i open my eyes now?" She hummed. I placed my hands over hers, removing her hands from her eyes.

"Jay" Silena gasped as the fireflies flew around her. "How did you.." Her voice died off as she looked at the bugs in amazement. "Ben told me that you loved coming to firefly cliff as a kid, sooo I thought that what's a more romantic date then bugs?" I said, receiving a small laugh from Silena as she spun around as the light bugs danced around her.

I stared at her in amazment, "God I want to spend the rest of my life with you" I said under my breath. "What did you say?" Asked Silena as she turned around. "Nothing!" I said quickly. I felt my cheeks burn a sudden red as I walked over to the princess.

"Did you know" Silena said as she intertwined her fingers with mine. "That fireflies are known for helping people find there way home."

I raised an eyebrow at the small brunette, "Okay I know that Auradon runs off of fairytales and such but I dont think a bug can do much help"

"What about Mr.Hopper?" She said referring to our counselor, Jiminy Cricket. I opened my mouth and then closed it, "He was once a human!" Silena laughed softly as she let go of my hand before walking towards the edge of the cliff.

"Fireflies and the stars" She said looking up before pointing the largest star out there, "The second one to the right, is the one that helps you find home." I walked over and wrapped my arm around her waste. "Well Silena" I sighed, "I'm not a huge believer on fairytales but that star one is right."

I looked down at Silena, "And how so?" She asked looking at me with those big green orbs. "Because i found my home" I said pressing my lips against hers softly, "You're my home."


Present Day-

I groaned in annoyance as the light beamed through the window. I always hated mornings, and for some reason i hated this morning even worse. I turned on to my side in hopes to see Silena, sleeping by me peacefully. "Sil?" I called out before looking at the clock to see it was already half way through the day. I grimanced a little before the memories of last night flooded my head. A small smile formed against my lips at the thought.

I took a princess's virginity.

My smile then faded when I realized what I had done. I mean I dont regret last night, me and Silena both had equal amount of enjoyment but the thought of her Step Father shooting arrows at me if he found out. Not so good.

I shook the thought out of my head as i threw off the blanket and slid out of bed. I put on my black jeans, Maroon tank top, and combat boots, basically what I wore when i came in last night.

"What the.." I muttered My eyes instantly went to Silenas locket necklace that was sitting on the stand by the bed. That's funny, she never leaves without.

I got a funny feeling in the bottom of my stomach, I grabbed it and shoved it into my pocket, as I opened her dorm door to go looking for her.

"Hey Jay" Said Carlos as he walked hand in hand with Addie. "Have you seen Silena?" I asked looking behind them hoping she would walk up. Addie crossed her arms and glared softly, "I mean the last time we heard from her was when she was with you doing It" I raised an eyebrow at the small ginger, "It?"

Carlos wiggled his eyebrows, "When I was walking Addie back to her dorm, you and Silena seemed kind of you know.. busy" I felt my face turn red as Carlos smirked mouthing ,  'Get you some bro' While Addie just glared at me, "Jay I think I should take you to fairygodmother so she can give you the talk-"  "Okay!" I said covering my ears, "If you need me I'll  be looking for Silena!"

I quickly walked away before Addie could lecture me about the birds and the bees. That girl might be tiny but she could talk up a storm. She is perfect for Carlos.

I walked into the lobby of the dorms passing by Alex ,Jane, Mal and Evie who where really engaged in to some books. "But genies are way more cooler than fairys! " argued Alex, "You make fairies seem weak" said Mal rolling her eyes, "Plus genies are kind of lame, three wishes? Really?"

"Hey guys did Silena happen to come  by here?" I asked as they looked up from there books. Alex glared coldly at me before looking back down at his book. "Did you come in her?" Growled Alex protectively. Janes blue eyes widened as she punched Alex's shoulder, "Alex!" Mal snorted at Alex's comment as i felt my whole face turn red. I groaned putting my face in my hands, "How do you all know about what happened last night?"

"Try not to make a lot of noise next time?" Smirked Mal as she shut a book, "But i guess i will help you look for her, E you want to come?" She asked as Evie flipped through some books, "Can't studying for the upcoming Geometry test" Evie said writing something done. 

"If she passes by please tell me" I said as me and Mal began to exit the dorm building. "Yo Jay" Said Alex as he grabbed onto my arm. I turned around surprised by the sudden physical contact Alex gave me. "Next time, I will tell Robin Hood" His eyes flickered a blue. I gulped at the name of Silenas step father but kept my cool. I smirked, "Next time it could be you baby" I said giving him a wink before leaving the dorm.


"Maybe she's in the garden? Why are you so urgent to find her anyways?" Asked Mal as we walked to the garden behind the school. I pulled out the locket, "I know this is kind of lame but she forgot her necklace, and she never goes anywhere without so I just thought i would bring it to her" I said blushing slightly.

Mal smirked before pushing my shoulder lightly, "She's changed you in a good way Jay, like you where so hard headed and ruthless back on the island and now your captain of the tourney team and is dating a princess and soon to be Queen"

I nudged her with my shoulder, "You've changed too Mal, from bad girl to dating a king, also- Hey isn't that Silenas?" I asked my smile disappearing as I saw a red jacket hang off a branch that entered the woods.

Me and Mal ran towards it, "Its definitely hers" I muttered smelling her familar scent of Apple's and Vanilla. I looked into the depth of the woods, as i gripped the jacket, "Silena?" I called out, hoping she would run out.

"Hey calm down" Said Mal as she saw my anger rise, "I'll check this side of the forest you the other, don't worry she probably didn't get to far" Mal said giving me a reassuring smile before heading towards the North side of the Enchanted forest.


"Silena!" I shouted hoping she didn't go to far, or worse. What would she be doing in the woods so early? And why alone?

"You look lost there buddy" I broke away from my glare and looked up to see A tall and very slim pale teen lean against a tree.

"Did you lose a dog or something?" He asked, raising an eyebrow a small smirk on his lips. I squeezed my fist tight, "Did a girl happen to run through here? Possibly the princess of Auradon?" I asked.

The guy shrugged, "Does she have long brown hair? Pale skin? Green eyes? About 5'3 5'4?" I nodded eagerly as I clutched Silenas Jacket in my hands. "Nope haven't seen her" Said the guy as he started to walk away.

"Hey!" I shouted, quickly walking over and grabbing his arm. My annoyance level rose as the guy turned around with a smug look on his face. "I think your wasting time here. Your little girlfriend could be you know" The guy shrugged before flashing me a dark smile"Dead."

I grabbed him and slammed him against a tree. "Aggressive? I like it. Very very dominant" He smirked before snapping his fingers. "What the.." I mumbled as he disappeared from under my grip.

"You know" he said his voice coming from behind me. I turned to see him leaning against a tree, "I think i did get a catch of her name, it was like Sarah? Sophia?" The guy snapped his fingers before smiling, "Silena!"

I was really starting to hate this guy. "Where did she go?" I growled my eyes burning into him. The guy shrugged, "The hell would i know?" He muttered crossing his arms. "But I might tell you a few things.. for a small  trade" he smirked as his eyes flashed gold

"Jay!" Called out Mal making me turn around. I saw my purple haired friend run over with something in her hand, "I think you might want to see this!". I looked back to see the pale guy had  left. "Jay look what I found" said Mal holding out a bitten Apple. "I think this might have belonged to Silena.."


"Jay slow down" Said Ben, who ordered for a supreme meeting.  "I can't sit here doing nothing when she is probably dead out there!" I yelled at the king. "She could be dead right now and we are just sitting at a stupid table while she could be struggling with her last breath" I slammed my fist on the table in rage.

"Jay yelling and breaking things wont help find Silena" said Mal who stood next to Ben. "What happened before she went missing?" Asked Ben keeping calm.

I looked down at the table while Alex drummed his fingers on the table. "Why dont you tell him huh? Tell him what you did with basically his sister" Alex smirked. He was having to much fun enjoying my suffering.

Even after the coronation he kept trying to convince Silena, that I was still trouble. That once evil, you can never change. "What happened?" Asked Ben raising a brow.

I swallowed thickly as embarrassment washed over me, "We had.." I mumbled but I couldn't form the words. "Jay Here" said Alex clapping his hand together, "Made Silena break one of the lawful royals of the Auradon kingdom!"

"Alex" said Addie nervously as she fiddled with her fingers, "Now isnt the time-"

"He slept with the princess" said Alex, a small smirk tugging at his lips. I balled my hands into a fist, "If you weren't friends with her I would so kil-"

"You slept with her?" Ben mumbled his  eyes darkened. "You slept with Silena?!" Yelled Ben standing up quickly enough for the chair to fall over, "Ben, Ben calm down" Said Mal grabbing her boyfriend. "You slept with my sister?" Ben snarled as Mal struggled to hold him back.

"Listen she had a nightmare before that okay?-" I started before Addie gasped, catching everyones attention. "Her dreams.." she looked up at Alex, "One night she had a dream about Ryder. It was like she was begging him to stop."

"Who's Ryder?" I asked looking at the half mermaid. "A trickster. The son of the only trickster ever known to man, Rumpstilskin, the Dark one. Ryder is the boy in the woods who makes deals with some poor souls and usually tricks them into something that they don't know of." Explained Alex, his voice showed no emotion. "She told me she made a deal with him before coronation.."

"Thats a myth" chuckled Ben nervously, "Rumpel never had kids, plus if he did they where banished on the island also"

Addie played with the ends of her hair, "Then explain how Silena got her power? Hm? I don't think you can wish a upon a star for that type of magic" "What did she deal then huh?" I asked looking at the small ginger.

Addie bit into her lip, "And The only way to find out is by asking the trickster himself."


Poor baby Jay..

I wonder how Silena is over at the isle of the lost..



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