the final round #Wattys2018

By everyhearthasahero18

2.3K 3K 47

a prequel to code lyoko More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

chapter 9

66 113 1
By everyhearthasahero18



Ulrich & Odd's Room

"Take that fireball you slimy vortex, you'll see if your so smart in which like Bobby let you into black hole" Odd says playing his game, while Ulrich is trying to sleep.

"Odd you mind cooling it a little" Ulrich ask him looking over at him.

"Great thanks a lot you just made me miss the bonus ball, now I have to start all over again" Odd tells him.

"At 4 a.m." Ulrich ask him.

Next day

Ulrich is up and Odd is sleeping on his bed.

"Odd wake up time to rise and shine" Ulrich tells him.

"What are you guys dressed like that for" Odd ask his friends in their gym clothes.

"It will come to you think it over Odd" Jeremy tells him.

"Phys. ED, forget about it guys I can't go galactic battle totally wiped me out" Odd tells them.

"I don't think an excuse like that is going to sit to well with Jim" Ulrich tells him.

"Aelita do me a big favor, think of a nice legitimate excuse so I can stay here and sleep" Odd asks her.

"Me, what am I supposed to tell him" Aelita asks him.

Odd falls right back to sleep.

"Thanks a lot" Aelita tells him.

Gym Class

"Della Robbia, I don't want to have to repeat that" Jim yells.

"Odd felt sick so he went to the infirmary this morning Jim" Aelita lied.

"Absent then, I guess when you're not feeling well the only thing to do is head for the infirmary" Jim says checking his paper. "Delmas" Jim says.

"Present" Sissi says.

"Great job Aelita" Harry tells her.

A few minutes later

"Right today we're going to work on the high jump, for once I won't go to great lengths to tell you how this kind of sport can take you to great heights so just watch, demonstration" Jim tells everyone, then he starts running.

"Oh no" Harry muttered.

"What" Ulrich asks.

"Aelita told Jim that Odd went home from the infirmary and I'm pretty sure that Jim is going to the infirmary" Harry tells him.

"Oh boy" Ulrich says.


The nurse is walking Jim to the infirmary.

"I told you over and over again, if you insists on doing this sort of thing this is where you'll end up" the nurse tells Jim helping him walk into a room.

"Yeah its an occupational hazard" Jim says to her, then the open a door. "I see you've already sent Della a Robia home" Jim says to her once again.

"Odd, but he hasn't been here at all" the nurse tells him looking at him, Jim looks dumbfounded by this.

Odd & Ulrich's room

Mr. Delmas and Jim walk into Odd & Ulrich's room seeing Odd sleeping on his bed.

"Oh what kind of speak did GI Jim give you today, that's about the only part I'm sorry I missed every time he opens his mouth cracks me up" Odd says thinking its his friends turning away from Mr. Delmas and Jim.

"Um, well why don't we show a little laughter in my office now" Mr. Delmas tells Odd, Odd looking at them.

"Oh no please tell that I'm still sleeping that is a nightmare" Odd asks loudly.

"You're wide awake Della Robia, but you're right about one thing this is your nightmare" Jim tells him.

Mr. Delmas office

"Disappointed that's the only word for it Miss Stones and Odd, I'm deeply disappointed in the both of you" Mr. Delmas says to them, with Aelita & Odd sitting on the chairs close to his desk with Jim behind him.

"I agree with that sir, these two took me of some sort of a idiot" Jim tells him.

"You shamelessly acted with total indifference to the ethical values that this institution was designed to teach you, you lied both of you there for 4 hours of detention" Mr. Delmas tells them.

"Really only 4 sir" Jim ask him.

"Yes and that's because I consider myself to be to" Mr. Delmas tells him.

"Two a week" Jim ask again.

"Magnanimous" Mr. Delmas tells him.


Odd & Aelita walking.

"Thanks for the lame excuse Aelita" Odd tells her.

"Hey Odd, how can I know that Jim would pull his back out and go to the infirmary" Aelita says to him.

"If you'd taken the time to think of a better excuse I wouldn't have four hours of detention" Odd tells her.

"And if you were just a bit less selfish you realize that I got stuck with four hours of detention too, and for what because you need your sleep you lazy loser" Aelita yells at him.

Harry shows up.

"Calm down you to" Harry tells them.

"Uh, hi Aelita im how would you feel about having a fantastic and breathtaking experience together in the moonlight tonight" Nicholas asks her walking up to them.

"Aelita would rather have detention than go out with you" Odd tells him.

"I agree with Odd" Harry tells him.

"Hey stay out of it you to, how nice of you to ask me Nicholas thanks I really like that" Aelita says to them.

"Oh boy" Harry mutters.

"Tell me I'm hearing things, you're not going to go out with that nerd are you" Odd ask her.

"I'd rather hang out with a nerd instead of a selfish potato head like you" Aelita tells him, walking away from the boys.


"These fries are tasty" Ulrich says eating his lunch at the table, then Odd sists down. "Did I say something wrong" Ulrich asks Odd, Odd looks over at Aelita.

"Well if it looks like we've got a bit of a cold war on our hands" Yumi says.

"Listen you to why don't you kiss and make up we've got more important things to worry about" Jeremy tells them.

"Like exploring the network with the skids some more" Ulrichs says whispering to Jeremy.

"That's right and especially to check out that spear you came across on your first trip" Jeremy says.

"Great when do we go" Yumi ask him.

"The longer we wait the stronger Xana gets so I say we try tonight, that is if our two friends are ready to bury the hatchet" Jeremy tells them.

"I don't have to talk to that dummy" Odd says to him.

Later that night

In the factory

"This place is weird" Herve says to Nicholas entering the factory. "Let's get out of here it gives me the creeps" Herve says.

"Don't worry I'm here" Nicholas tells him going down the rope.

"Thanks glad to hear it" Herve says to him grabbing the rope.

"What are you doing up there, come down" Nicholas ask him.

"I'm scared of heights, I get really dizzy when I am high up" Herve says holding on tight onto the rope.

"Don't worry you're only 50 meters above the ground" Nicholas assures him.

"Nicholas just shut up" Herve tells him.

"Stay where you are I'll come up and get you" Nicholas tells him going back up the rope.

"Oh no this is horrible I don't wanna die now, I never got to tell Sissi that I'm crazy about her" Herve tells him.


The gang except for Harry is on lyoko in the digital sea in the skid.

"Okay Jeremy we're coming to the spear now" Aelita tells him.

"Okay Aelita, check the south pole for an entry portal on lyoko" Jeremy tells her.

"I've got a visual on it" Aelita tells him. Once she gets close to it. "It's shut what should I do now" Aelita asks loudly.

"Why don't you lie, maybe it'll be better for you" Odd tells her.

"Rotation" Aelita says.

"Hey" Odd says.

"Odd" Yumi says.

"Yeah" Odd says.

"Shut up okay" Yumi says to him.

"Key activated" Aelita says pressing her hand on the key thing.


"There's a accucess code to crack it's going to take a couple of minutes" Jeremy tells them.

Top floor of the factory

"You can let go now" Nicholas says to Herve.

"Remember what I said a minute ago about Sissi, uh I really didn't really say it okay" Herve says to him.

"Okay I'll tell Sissi that you really didn't say you loved her" Nicholas says to him.

"You know what I mean, I mean don't tell Sissi what I didn't say" Herve tells him. "Hold on this really looks ancient, think about it what if the cable snaps or the floorboards give under our feet or rats eat our inside" Herve says stopping Nicholas from touching the button for the elevator.

"Okay, okay I get the idea we'll look for a staircase, um you look over there" Nicholas says to him, then Herve goes in the direction Nicholas was pointing at for him.


"Okay, I cracked the code" Jeremy tells the group.


"Way to go Jeremy" Aelita says to him, the thing opens up now for them to go through it.


"Unbelievable you guys are on a copy of lyoko except there's only one sector the forest" Jeremy tells them.


"Xana created another lyoko on the network, but why" Aelita ask.


"I have no idea, but you can bet its not to save humanity and knowing our friend Xana I'm sure he's made a lot of other copies exactly like this one" Jeremy tells her.

"Xana is always up to something, but something about another lyoko wasn't part of uncle's plan" Harry says joining the conversation in the lab.

"So what do we do check it out" Aelita asks them on the screen.

"You bet, I want as much data as possible in this new virtual world" Jeremy tells her.


"Right, energize" Aelita says pressing buttons going onto the ground of the replika, same with the others.

"Oh its another for us to enjoy, well I guess were not out of the woods yet" Odd says looking around.

"If we don't wanna him freaking out or crying than someone should laugh at his joke" Aelita says.


"I wonder where Aelita & Odd were doing here" Nicholas asked.

"Well there not here now so lets go" Herve says to him about to go back up the stairs.

"Wait hold on check out that light" Nicholas tells him pointing over to a huge door.


"Okay what your going to do now is work in groups of two, one group goes out exploring while the other watches the skid" Jeremy tells the group.


"Right, I'll work with Ulrich or Yumi" Odd says seeing Aelita walk up looking at her.

"For once he's got an good idea" Aelita says looking at him.

"I've had it with you two, Ulrich and I are out here right now we could use a vacation" Yumi tells them.

"Yeah and you to can fight all you want to as long were not around to here it" Ulrich tells them.

"Here are your vehicles" Jeremy says to them.

"Thanks Jeremy" Yumi says getting on the overwing and Ulrich gets on the overbike, while they leave Odd & Aelita alone.

"Have fun you to" Ulrich says to them riding off.


Herve and Nicholas are walking still.

"Ouch" Herve says hitting metal.

"Sshhs" Nicholas says to him.


Jeremy looks over and though he heard something.


"Sorry" Herve says to Nicholas walking away from him.


"False alarm I guess" Jeremy says, then the computer beeps.

"I'll go check it out" Harry says to him dropping his phone on the ground running to the elevator.

"Good luck" Jeremy says to him.


Odd & Aelita are sitting on the ground not facing each other.

"Well anyway you could've thought of a different excuse you know" Odd says to her.

"You can't stop thinking about yourself for once" Aelita tells him.


Jeremy walks back to the computer.


"Odd megatank at three o'clock" Jeremy warns him.

Odd jumps out of the way.

"Aelita watch out" Odd warns her.

Aelita dodges the attack.

With Yumi and Ulrich

"Ulrich Yumi Xana attacking the skid we need you back there now" Jeremy tells them.

"Got it Jeremy" Ulrich says him.

"Underway" Yumi tells him as well.

Both of them going back to the skid.


"Odd Aelita, listen the skid shield can't hold out much longer" Jeremy tells them.

With Odd & Aelita/Lyoko

Odd keeps firing at the megatanks.

"Without the skid I can't guarantee you a return ticket to the scanners" Jeremy tells them again.

"Jeremy can you generate more power to the shields" Aelita asks him.


"I think so, but only time to reinforce the skid, I have to rewrite a chunk of energy from the supercomputer itself" Jeremy tells them.


Aelita uses one of her powers to make a shield to protect them and the skid.

"Isn't taking energy from the supercomputer kind of risky" Aelita ask him again.

"We have no choice it's the only solution I can think of right now" Jeremy says to her.

Odd jumps behind the shield going up.

"Say when you put your mind to it you can come up with good ideas, nice one Aelita" Odd says to her giving her a thumbs up.

The megatanks start to fire once again.


"We won't have enough power to launch a return to the past, but because Xana hasn't attacked anything in the real world it shouldn't be necessary" Jeremy says to them.


"What if its not their voices were hearing" Herve ask Nicholas.

"Who voices do you think they are ghost, werewolves, blood thirsty dracula" Nicholas jokes.

"I wouldn't laugh at things like that especially not at nighttime" Herb tells him.

"Its ridiculous let's check it out, its Odd & Aelita and I want to catch them redhanded" Nicholas explains to him.

Both of them start going up the latter.

"Ow, what's wrong with you" Nicholas said having Herb step on his hand.


Jeremy hears things again, typing on the computer and having a screen pop up and see that Herve & Nicholas are close and almost off the latter.

"I bet they came here to do some industrial espionage" Nicholas says to Herb, Herve looking down at him.

"Odd & Aelita industrial spies in an abandoned factory what's wrong with you" Herb tells him.

"Well maybe doing some witchcraft" Nicholas tells him.

Jeremy looking on the screen thinking they're idiots for what they're talking about.

"I got a huge problem at the factory, Herb & Nicholas are on the verge of discovering the supercomputer and its impossible to launch a return to the past" Jeremy tells Aelita & Odd.


"Where's Harry" Odd asks him.

"He left to find out the noise was, but I'm guessing Herb & Nicholas were the reason for it, and I see that Harry dropped his phone when he left.

"You can't let those nerds get near the supercomputer" Odd tells him.

"Go help Harry, Jeremy we can manage without you" Aelita tells him.


Jeremy runs to go find Harry and help you and tell you what to do. Jeremy finds Harry after running for so long.

"Jeremy what are you doing here" Harry asks him.

"I need your help with something, and it involves Herb & Nicholas" Jeremy tells him.

"Whatever it is I'm in" Harry says to him.

The two runoff to go find Herb & Nicholas.

"I'm not going any further" Herb says to Nicholas.

"Your stopping halfway up" Nicholas ask him.

"You better believe it" Herb tells him.

Jeremy drops metal.

"Do you hear that they're behind us now" Herb says seeing Nicholas climb down.

"Odd I saw you" Nicholas says seeing Jeremy runoff.

"Wait, I just saw Aelita go the other way" Herb tells him.

"Then you follow her, and I'll go after Odd" Nicholas tells him running off after Jeremy.


The megatanks are still firing at the shield Aelita has up, but then William shows up to help the megatanks.

"Huh oh, the skids done for if hansome gets his hands on it" Odd says to Aelita.

"Hope Jeremy had time to reinforce it" Aelita says to him.

William uses his sword to break the shield and the megatanks fire as well.

Another attack on the skid by a megatank.

"Sorry pal, but you're a little too late to wreck everything" Odd tells them.

Aelita throws an energy field at one of the megatanks and destroys it, William then starts to attack, but gets hit by Odd's lazer arrow.

"Jeremy reload me okay, oh bummer forgot he's not there" Odd says jumping out of the way from William's attack.

A few minutes later

Odd is still fighting William, but then gets sent over to the edge holding onto the edge of the sector with one hand, then William kicks him.

"Odd" Aelita says seeing Odd falling, throwing an energy field at him sending him back to earth.

Scanner room

"Thanks Aelita" Odd says sitting down in his scanner.


Aelita is left alone with William & a megatank. Aelita throws an energy field at William, he dodges it and has smoke in his hands, but then Ulrich & Yumi shows up. Sending the last megatank into the digital sea.

"Everyone knows that speeding is really dangerous" Ulrich says to William running over to Aelita.


Jeremy makes to the elevator and press the button, not seeing Harry anywhere.

"Come on" Jeremy says.

Then Herb & Nicholas show up to late.

"Hi guys" Harry says to them.

"Harry where is Odd & Aelita" Herb asks him.

"Back at school" Harry lies to them.

"Anyway what are you doing here" Herb ask him.

"I was going for a walk when I seen this place and seen you guys here" Harry lies again to them.

"Whatever" Nicholas says to him.

"Let's go" Herb says to Nicholas.

"Fine" Nicholas says leaving with Herb back to school.

"Finally" Harry mutters.


"Jeremy your back" Odd says getting cut off by Jeremy.

"Hold on I'm going to shut down the elevator" Jeremy tells him.

"Herb & Nicholas must have seen you come into the factory with Aelita and now they're looking for you" Jeremy explains to him.

"Well I got rid of those two for you" Harry tells them.

"Good, but what about Sissi" Odd ask them.

"Don't worry she won't believe them, she owes me one" Harry tells them.

Odd & Jeremy look at each other than at him.

A couple of minutes later

Ulrich, Yumi, and Aelita walk into the lab.

"You look awfully serious" Yumi asks Jeremy.

"I'm just worried about this lyoko copy, if there's one out there means there's also another supercomputer infected with Xana somewhere else on earth to destroy this new supercomputer I'm going to have to figure out some sort of way to materialize you into the real world from the copy" Jeremy explains to them.

"Relax einstein we'll handle that when the time comes" Ulrich says to him.

"Are you sure that's your only worry" Yumi asks him again.

"Uh-huh you see guys Einstein just found out what it means to have an open mind" Odd tells them, then him and Aelita laugh.

"It wasn't that funny" Harry muttered.

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