A vampire at Hogwarts

By rvbfan2011

73.1K 1.9K 571

(This is in no way related to my other stories. Also I only own my OC the rest is all by J.K. Rowling) Rachel... More

And so it begins
Arriving at Hogwarts
The sorting
The Arrangements
First day of classes
First Flying Lesson
Special Classes
Tips and pointers
Treasures/ A not so friendly encounter
Where loyalties lye
To the rescue
The other
The things you learn
A Holiday Nightmare
The Eve (part 1)
The Eve (Part 2)
It couldn't end soon enough
After dark
Forbidden Forest
Trap Door
The Stone

Nicholas Flamel?

1.5K 51 9
By rvbfan2011

Rachel's POV

Having Reiji around was proving to be more bothersome than I originally thought. It had been a week since he arrived from Japan, and he's been nothing but a pain in my arse.
Although it would appear only I saw him this way. According to my father, Reiji was a "Splendid, bright young man."

Has my father forgotten that Reiji is a vampire? Or perhaps he simply isn't bothered by it. Who knows.

In the short amount of time that Reiji had been here, he seemed to have made himself comfortable.

How can I tell?


He was teleporting all over the place like it was nobody's business. It's gotten to the point that I was on edge in my own home.

I'd leave my room to go do something, turn around, having forgotten something, 10 steps later I'm back in my room and 'poof' he's there, sitting on my bed casually as if he's been there, to begin with.

As another example, I'd drop something, bend over to pick it up, and when I stand back up again, he's standing in front of me.

The worst is when I'd be in the library reading or writing a letter to my friends. All of a sudden, he's there, behind me, reading over my shoulder. This exact thing happened the other day.

*Flashback to yesterday afternoon*

I let out a small sigh, flipping to the next page of the book I was reading. Newt Scamander's 'Fantastic Beasts and where to find them.' It had been a gift from a distant Aunt.
I ignored the sound of someone entering the library. The house maids rushed in and around the house all day, cleaning and tending to things, so this wasn't out of the ordinary.
"Young Miss?" one of the maids addressed me. Her tone was soft, like jingling bells. It was Avianca, the head maid. She always tended to our post, distributing and forwarding letters and things of the sort.

I inclined my head toward her, not even glancing in her direction. I was too engrossed in reading about Sphinx and their love for riddles.
'I should work on my riddle-solving skills just in case I run into a Spinx. You never know,' I thought.

"Letters have arrived for you, Miss," Avianca states, holding up two envelopes in her hand.

I gestured for the letters, and Avianca followed, stepping forward and placing them in my hand. I thank her, dismissing her. She offered me a brief curtsy before exiting the library and leaving me to my own devices.

Sliding a bookmark into the page I was reading, I shut my book, moving it from my lap onto the tea table in front of me. I allow my eyes to skim over the letters in my hand. There was one addressed from Harry and one From Draco.

Harry's envelope was simple, small, white, and smelt of manufactured glue. It read;

Dear Rachel,

I hope you made it home safely and are enjoying your time back home with your family.
It's been rather quiet here. I mean, it's nice not having classes, but I sometimes wish I had someone other than Ron to talk to. I hope that didn't sound mean, I swear it wasn't meant to be.

Anyway, Ron and I haven't found anything in the library about Nicholas Flamel. We haven't checked the restricted section yet, but we're going to, don't tell anyone, though.
Oh, I almost forgot! I've sent your Christmas gift in the post, hopefully, it gets there on time. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Christmas, and I look forward to seeing you back at school soon.
Tell Ashley I said Hello.


Harry Potter

P.S. Ron says Hi

Harry's letter was short but sweet.
I knew him and Ron we're still looking for information on Nicholas Flamel. It sounded important.
I'll admit, I was also curious about who this Nicholas Flamel guy was. And just what business did he have with Dumbledore?

Maybe father's library might have some information on him. Once I knew for sure, I'd write back to Harry.
In the meantime, I needed to make sure Harry, Ron and Hermione's gifts got sent in the post.

Setting aside Harry's letter, I set my attention on the second envelope. This one I could tell was of higher quality paper than the previous.
The Malfoy's clearly spared no expense even when it came to their mail.

Carefully peeling back the wax seal, I opened the envelope, gently pulling out the letter inside. Unfolding it, I began to read;

Dear Rachel,

How have you been?
I hope everything's going well at home. I'm anticipating the party we're hosting on Christmas eve. I can't wait to see you. I hope you can attend.

Your father should have received my father's invitation by now. My mum is looking forward to meeting you, and my father says he can't wait to get acquainted with your father.

I can't help but get bored in the manor on my own. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually look forward to going back to school, so that we can sit next to each other in class.
You're probably not as bored as I am, though. You have your sister to keep you company during the holiday. I'm sure that's way more fun than being on your own.

I'm sending your gift in the post today. You're going to love it! And I hope you always think of me when you see it.

Don't forget to write back. I look forward to seeing you at the party.


Draco Malfoy

I inwardly groaned after finishing the letter, pinching the bridge of my nose.

'The party. I forgot about the Malfoy's party,' I mentally cried.

It was on Christmas eve, which is the same night Reiji wanted to do a small "experiment" with me.
Would I even be able to go to the party?

Blowing off Reiji to go to the Malfoy's party was out of the question. There's no escaping a person who can detect what room of the house you're in simply by smelling the "sweetness of your blood" It's honestly annoying.

"Well, I do hope for Mr. Malfoy's sake that you do write back soon. He might get worried otherwise," Reiji's voice trailed. And right next to my ear, sarcasm dripping from his calm yet teasing tone.

I jumped in my seat.
Okay, so maybe I wasn't accustomed to his frequent 'in' and 'out' appearances.
"Do you mind?" I half sneered.

He completely ignored my words, eyeing the previously opened letter on the table. "And who is this from?" He wondered, reaching for the letter.

I snatched it off the table before he could get his hands on it. "None of your business," I snapped. He clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "That's rather secretive of you, and I'll have you know that it is my business."

His response irritated me, so I was quick to reply, "Since when?" Reiji cocked an eyebrow, folding his arms. He gave me a look as if to say, 'Do you want me to go into detail?'

It was moments like this that I had to remember; Reiji literally brought me back from the dead. I drank his blood and vice verse. As much as I hated to admit it, he owned me to some degree.

"Nevermind," I huffed, sounding slightly defeated. I clutched the letters closer to my body as if to protect them from Reiji's piercing fuschia eyes. Who knows what kind of torment he'd put upon me if he read the contents. It didn't take much to set him off.

"Don't I have a right to some privacy?" I complained.

Reiji gave me a blank look as he pushed up his glasses. "I suppose it's reasonable to assume that..." I was about to open my mouth to speak, but his next words shut me right up. "...but whoever said I was reasonable?" It was a fairly blunt statement, and there was no arguing with it.

"They're letters from friends at school," I told him. The dark-haired Vampire hummed lightly but pressed further. "Both boys, I presume."
I quirked an eyebrow at him. "Why do you say that?" I pried.

Smirking triumphantly, Reiji grinned as he replied, "Well, I read the one from over your shoulder..." He began.
I frowned, huffing under my breath about how rude it was for him to read over me like that.
"...The other must be a male as well. You'd have no reason to hide a letter from me if it wasn't, correct?" I sheepishly nodded, knowing he'd call me out if I attempted to lie.

"I hope you're not bothering with silly things such as boys and dating, you do know that you're mine and mine only?"

I didn't say anything. I could only sit there in silence, but Reiji didn't like being ignored.  As I expected, he became irritated.

In the blink of an eye, he went from standing behind me to standing in front of me. Using two of his fingers to lift my chin, he forces me to look up at him. His eyes were displaying their vibrant fuchsia colour. Reiji was leaning in so close that I could feel the warmth of his breath as it fanned itself against my cheek. I could see the glint of his fangs. I could see how the danger in the way he smirked down at me. Danger. Yes. He was dangerous, and I'd be a fool to forget that.

Reiji cocks his head slightly. "You do know that, right?" His tone was little more than bone-chilling, to me anyway. He was not only intimidating but down-right menacing too.
I knew he couldn't possibly harm me-correction-wouldn't dare harm me while my father was around. I still couldn't help but recall the memories of Reiji's violent episodes back when I lived with him and his brothers in Japan.

Those memories alone kept me from wanting to push his buttons. From testing him altogether. Those memories reminded me that I really was under Reiji's control. He held fear within me, even if just a small bit.

"Yes," I breathed out quietly. It didn't go unheard. "Good," Reiji grinned. Satisfied with my response, he removed his fingers from my chin and turned to inspect a nearby bookshelf.

I was not certain if all  Vampires were as confusing and temperamental as the Sakamaki's were. I hadn't met any vampires outside of Reiji's relatives, so I had no clue. Maybe being a complete psychopath ran in the family.

On a separate note, I had a thought. "Hey, Reiji?" I hummed, craning my neck, just barely catching a glimpse of him from my peripherals.

The vampire hummed in response, continuing his examination of the many books along the shelves. I took this as an invitation to speak. "What can you tell me about Nicholas Flamel?"

The question seemed to stop him in his tracks. His finger had been trailing along the spines of a few worn-out books. My inquiry seemingly halted him.
It was a bit of a random question to ask someone who wasn't even remotely involved, but I knew Reiji.

Whether I liked to admit it or not, he was smart, very smart, and he loved reading. If he wasn't mixing potions, drinking tea or enforcing ridiculous rules he was reading.
Every time I saw him, he would be reading a new book. I had no doubt that he was looking for his next victim right now. He probably finished all of the books he'd brought with him, so if anyone knew anything about this Nicholas Flamel guy, it would be him.

Witnessing how off-guard I had taken him, I momentarily re-thought my question. Perhaps I had confused him.
Reiji normally kept his cool, continuing with whatever he was doing at the time, but this time, Reiji completely stopped looking at the bookshelf and turned his attention to me.

"What gives you the impression that I've heard that name before? What if I told you I know nothing of this person," Reiji stated nonchalantly, plucking a random book off the shelf and inspecting it with disinterest.

A knowing smirk tugged at my lips, recognizing the tone in his voice. "That would mean 1 of 2 theories. (A) This Nicholas Flamel person must not be important enough for you to have heard of, or-," but before I could delve into my other theory, he interrupted, humming cool, "Is that so?"

It was the way he adjusted his glasses that gave it away. He did this a lot when he wanted to avoid eye contact with someone, like when he was lying, which meant I was right.
"And what's the second theory?"
"That you're a liar," I said confidently. Reiji raised an eyebrow in amusement, his expression blank and his tone flat. "And what do you think?" He pressed smoothly.

"You're a bloody liar."
Reiji's stoic stance eased, chuckling lightly. He was apparently amused by my accusation. "Well, I suppose that makes you a pretty good judge of character," He admits, folding his arms across his chest, and leaning his back lightly against the bookshelf behind him.
"It's just a little something I picked up living with the 6 of you," I said factly.

Reiji only seemed to smirk wider as he pulled away from the bookshelf and made his way back to the small lounge area of the library where I still sat. "Well, if you must know, Nicholas Flamel is a French philosopher famous for his outstanding achievements in alchemic history-" "-Ugh, he's another potion freak, that's why you know who he is," I groaned, cutting him off in the process. 

Reiji growled, not liking being interrupted. That or not liking the fact that I insulted someone he might have considered an idol. "Nicholas Flamel is an ascribed alchemist. He is the creator of the Philosophers stone, a substance said to turn any metal into gold-" "Wow~ What a special little rock," I mumbled sarcastically. 

Another sharp gaze from Reiji told me I was starting to tick him off. "If you'd stop interrupting me," He grumbled in a warning tone. "The stone is also capable of producing what Flamel refers to as the elixir of life. The elixir would make the drinker immortal and immune to all diseases..." My eyes widened in shock. Something with that kind of power would definitely need to be kept safe from the wrong people. 

"...Only one stone is currently in existence, and it belongs to Mr. Flamel himself. It's kept him alive all these years. It's quite amazing, actually." Immortality and wealth are two things everyone wants to accomplish in life. Having the only Philosophers stone would put Nicholas Flamel in a lot of danger. Could the Philosopher's stone be what Professor Dumbledore has been guarding on the third floor?

"Wait, kept him alive?" I say in realization. What did he mean by 'kept him alive' why wouldn't Nicholas Flamel be alive? 

"Nicholas Flamel is over 660 years old. Even great wizards don't live that long naturally," Reiji explained. "If it's the only thing keeping him alive, why would he want to have it locked away at Hogwarts?" "I beg your pardon?" Reiji questioned. "Huh? Oh, did I say that out loud?" "Yes," He groaned, obviously annoyed by my obliviousness. 

"Baka (Idiot)" My head snapped up at his rude comment. "HEY!" I shouted in protest. He merely shrugged off the fact that he had just insulted me. "So is this why you were so curious about Nicholas Flamel? You've heard word that the stone's been hidden." 

I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tell him that I possibly knew where it was being hidden. After all, no one was supposed to know about it in the first place. "No," I said all too quickly. Reiji leaned in close to my face, really close, a smirk pressed firmly across his lips. It never ended well for me when he got this close. "You're a bloody liar," He replied, mocking my earlier tone. 

I tried swallowing the hard lump forming in my throat. "This is news indeed, I had always predicted that Flamel would give up the stone eventually. Of course, he could never just have it buried with him or leave it to a loved one, the stone is too powerful and simply too valuable, people will always be after it..." He explained. "...A school for young witches and wizards is an odd place to hide a valuable item like the Philosophers stone, are you certain it's within the school?" He questioned.

I stayed silent for a moment contemplating how I should answer, which he seemed to notice. "You can't lie to me, Rachel. I can sense when your pulse quickens." 

'Dammit! Stupid vampire powers' 

"I don't know for sure all I know is that they have a Cerberus guarding a trapdoor on the third floor of the castle. When we asked Hagrid about it, he told us that it was strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel," I told him truthfully. He seemed pleased by this, for he let out a hard chuckle. I was taken aback by his odd reaction but found it somewhat amusing at the same time. 

"Well, now that you know what they're hiding, what are you going to do?" I questioned. He looked down at me briefly before shaking his head. "Nothing. I have no need for such a stone, I already have wealth, power and immortality." He boasted it as if it were nothing. 'Cocky Vampire bastard,' I mentally cursed. 'Wow I really did catch Subaru's potty mouth,' I thought, mentally cursing the youngest Sakamaki brother. 

"Although, I am curious as to what the purpose of keeping such an item at Hogwarts may be. I'll have Skylar look into it when you both return, and of course, I'll ask you to be an angel and keep your ears open for me. You'll do that for me, won't you?" He asked with a charming smile, however, I knew he was trying to win my favour by acting sweet. 'He's honestly so bipolar' I mentally rolled my eyes at his tactics.

"Sure~ Because I have nothing better to do," I replied, my words dripping sarcasm. He smiled sourly. "Wonderful," He chimed as he turned to leave. As he walked towards the library exit, he stopped abruptly, halting with his back to me. "Oh, and when you write Mr. Malfoy back please be sure to tell him that I received his invitation, and I look forward to seeing him on Christmas eve. Also, be sure not to tell Mr. Potter what I told you about Nicholas Flamel. If he figures it out on his own, so be it but not a word from your mouth, understood?" 

I stood there, mouth agape, not sure how to respond. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies like that" He chuckled. "Wha- How?" I was about to ask how he knew Harry's name when I had never once mentioned him and, more importantly, how he received an invitation to Draco's dad's party, but I figured out the answer to the first question once I glanced down to my hand to find I no longer had Harry's letter. 

I looked back up to Reiji's form as he turned his head back slightly to smirk at me as he pulled a letter from his inside his blazer and waved it teasingly back and forth. I was once again in utter shock. When had he gotten the letter from my hand? I heard him chuckle as he pushed past the library doors, gliding out into the foyer without so much as a glance back. The only words I could bring myself to say or rather scream was, "Imaimashī! (Damn you!)"

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