Red: Return part 2.

By zacharylevi_fanwoman

57 0 0

The final battle, the last stand, the possibility of retuning to Heaven but it would cost Rhemiel and Recce s... More

Chapter 1 : moving forward.
Chapter 3 : make it hurt.
chapter 4 : standing still
chapter 5: last call
chapter 6 : angels and death
chapter 7: A higher pain
chapter 8 : Ash
chapter 9 : The good, the bad and the dirty.
chapter 10 : everything dies
chapter 11: decisions
chapter 12: the last stand

Chapter 2 : Blood

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By zacharylevi_fanwoman

ash and recce walked in to the darkness of the trees it was at this moment that recce realised that ash wasn't alone hayes stood waiting in the clearing this fight would be ash and Hayes versus him self and recce was not about to let the one secret he kept be tolded, " so two agents one fair enoth, just know this i don't loss" recce said as he removed his jacket ash smiled "we'll considering everything, brother this will be a first for you"  "don't call me brother i'm nothing like you" "wrong again recce i came from you remember, i'm just like you and i know what you did to that girl...what was her name? oh that's right April" "shut up" "oh did i make you mad brother" "call me brother one more time" "brother" recce grined and drew his angel blade from behind his back  "let's dance" ash looked over at hayes who frew him a sword, ash chatched it with his right hand and hayes had an angel blade also the sky turned grey and thuder cracked and lighting danced across the sky, this was gona be good.

the rain began to fall making the ground muddy, ash took a step forward and recce did the same " when I said I wanted your head, that's exactly what I meant, I'm taking your head" "you can try" recce swang his blade at ash and cut his stomach blood dripped landing on the dirt and mixed with the water and mud, ash flinched and slashed recce's arm then laughed and evil twisted laugh the sword made an impressive wound Hayes dug his blade in to recces other arm, recce buckled under the pain but did not fall he stood his ground dropped his blade and punched ash in the face, ash dropped his sword as Hayes struck again this time the blade made a gash in his sided recce grabbed Hayes by the keck and smashed him in to the ground, Hayes yelled in pain recce looked at his side he was bleeding badly he did not know how much more he take as ash punched him in the back recce fell the ground seamed to shake as he hit the dirt and mud ash picked up his sword and walked over to recce placed his right foot on recces back and lifted the sword was about to swing when he stoped and dropped the sword, he and recce both looked up and saw Rhemiel standing in the rain soaked to say she was pissed would have  be and understatement she walked towards them Hayes turned a run in to the mist ash let recce up, Rhemiel now stood between them " there are bigger things going on here and I don't care what this is about really I don't and if you two want to ripped each other apart fine, go a head but know this I won't stay to watch you both kill each other, over what me......I'm not worth fighting over believe me your both wasting time doing that this stops do you both here me this stops now" she crosses her arms and walks back home recce and ash look at each other and follow her not saying a word.

now back at the barn Rhemiel grabbed two towel still not speaking she handed recce and ash a towel each ash spoke first "thanks babe" she slapped him across the face as hard as she could  " red what was that about" recce said looking shocked as he felt the slap too, Rhemiel put her head down and slapped recce   ash grabbed his face they looked at each other then at Rhemiel " you two still have know clue....this is so much bigger then  what you both think is going on fact you need to know both of you" "know what?" recce asked after they were all dry and in clean clothes Rhemiel sat on the bed "I wont bite (she said as they both sat ever sided of her) each take my hand ( they did as she laid down they laid down also) the room changed and was now all white another voice entered the room " we'll lucky me" Raphael said as he put down the book he was reading recce and ash stood there in silence as Rhemiel got of the bed and hugged Raphael "um red what is this? where ae we?" ash " heaven.....are we dead?" he asked as he walked around the white room recce just stood in the center of the room " no to answer your question no your not dead this is a visit if you will, Rhemiel connected to me and I opened the door so to speak" "okay so let me guess your the original?" "yes I guess I kind of em" "oh can I punch you in the face" ash asked "ash that's not why were here" Rhemiel said turning towards him "then why are we here red?" recce asked " okay so Michael has tones of books and I love to read as you all know" "red is there a point" "yes okay so you know the story of the three fates in Greek mythology"  " who?" ash asked "the fates were three sisters who controlled the destines of the living" Raphael replied smugly "right" ash said as he sat up on a bench recce stood agents it and Raphael stood next to it as the watched Rhemiel pass as she talked " so three sisters, the one who spun the freed, the one who measured the feed  and the one who cut the freed, but in actual legend they were actually brothers, close brothers who loved each other and neve fought that is until a mortal a female crossed there path, they all fell in love with her and she loved each of them in different ways, one she loved as a dear friend one she loved as a partner and the last brother she fell in love with now this made the brothers angry and jealous and they began to fight and they destroy and entire town killing many, this broke her heart she went to each brother and asked them to stop but they refused so  with a heavy heart she killed her self by passion, the brothers found her the next morning, she was gone because they were to proud and couldn't see how beautiful a love they all had" "red why are you telling us this?" recce asked she looked at all of them and lowered her head as she continued to talk  " the brothers are Raphael your the past, recce your now and ash your death or the future and your connected by a red string..... by me my blood gave henry the key to making you and ash but he needed Raphael the original" ash got off the bench "wait Rhemiel are you saying that your the mortal? that you love each of us?" "yes" she said looking at recce.

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