Chocolate ✔️

By Darling_Mint

105K 3.2K 967

Before they were Harley Quinn and The Joker, they were Harley (16) and Jerome (18). Two crazy teenage psycho... More

What Did You Do?
She Was Like That When We Found Her
We Are Not Friends, We Are Not Lovers
She Just Kept Pushing
You're Bad
I'm Off Limits
It Ain't Arkham Anyhow
It's Okay J
Now That's A Headline
I'm The Boss
Light Em Up
In The Garden
Do We Kill?
Showtime: Pt. One
I Just Can't Wait

Showtime: Pt. 2

4.6K 158 59
By Darling_Mint


Jim Gordon rushed to the scene of the charity ball, after Lee  are her call to him.  He ran up to cars surrounding the building, lights and people screaming.  

"You!  He called out to a random officer by his car, "what's going on?"  

"Hostage situation,"  the man said, "the magician just killed the deputy mayor,"  he informed.  

"It's Jerome Valeska, the same same who killed commissioner Essen. "  Jim said. "And most likely...where there's Jerome, there's Harley.  And she's just as crazy and clever.  Who's in charge here?"  Jim asked.  

"I guess you are,"  the man told Jim with a snide smirk.  Jim answered the phone as it rang, and answered it immediacy seeing Lees name pop up on the phone.  

"Lee!  Thank god-"

"Sorry, Jimbo, it's just little old me!"  


Harley tied Lee up to the spinning wheel, and duck taped her mouth.  Jerome took her phone and called Jim Gordon wanting to taunt him.  

"Are you outside?"  Jerome asked, with a mocking inhale of breathe.  Harley walked closer to Jerome and stood beside him to hear the conversation over the phone.  "You are aren't you?"  Jerome laughed.  

"Oh, goody!"  He laughed.

"I swear to God, if you've hurt her,"  

"Breathe James.  I haven't touched a hair on your girlfriends pretty head.  See for yourself.  This is live television after all,"  Jerome cackled.  

Harley turned the camera on and there they were, on live television before the city of Gotham.  

Jerome was back on stage onside Harley and a tied up Lee.  He made a noise and put a finger gun to her forehead and pretended to pull an invisible trigger.  Jerome knew Jim was watching, it's how he liked to gain his attention.  

"You son of a--"  

"True, but not the point.  Hey let's talk about what I want, "  Jerome stepped over the dead deputy mayor with an "excuse me,"  while Harley giggled.  

"Hmmm?  47 million dollars, a helicopter, obviously, the dry cleaning I left at Mr. Changs, be careful, the mans a crook, and ouuu,"  Jerome thought for s moment, "I don't know,"  he gasped dramatically, "A PONY!"  He laughed a bit.  

" got 10 minutes before Harley and I start killing people.  Remember, this is a big broadcast to every home in Gotham, so, ya know, don't let people die."  Jerome smiled into the camera.  

"Bye."  Jerome said simply before laughing maniacally into the small phone.  He abruptly stopped turning around to face Harley.  

"I think that went well,"  Jerome said.  

"ENOUGH!"  A man said from across the room.  Harley and Jerome turned around to find the source of the voice.  Harley's eyes narrowed at her greatest enemy she ever made.  Theo Galavan.  

"You need to pack up your pathetic little sideshow and leave,"  Theo said stepping through the crowd.  

Harley put her hands on her hips and gave Theo a fierce glare.  

"Is that right?"  Jerome asked darkly, smiling menacingly at Theo.  

"It may be presumptuous to speak for all the citizens of Gotham, but we are sick of you.  You're a small, vicious man with a pathetic need for attention."  Theo said stepping onto the stage.  

Jerome smiled and did a graceful bow with a smile.  Harley felt something wasn't right, this wasn't in the script.  Theo was up to something, and she would protect her Chocolate at any cost.  

"Enough,"  Theo said again, "For God sakes, enough."  

Jerome stepped forward with a finger in the air. "I'm curious as to what your business is here, Mr...."

"Theo Galavan,"  he said.  

"Well, Mr. Theo Galavan,"  Jerome said putting a hand on the side of his face.  "If you don't sit down, I'm gonna shot you in the face," Jerome said walking away.  Harley kept her eyes on Theo, not knowing his intentions for Jeromes well being.  

"I know you have some human decency left in you,"  Theo said.  

Jerome made a strange face and pointed at himself with a confused smile.  

"If you need to take a hostage, take me."  Harleys eyes became slits.  "But let these people go home."  Harley had enough of this man.  She found a hammer off stage and snuck up behind him.  

Jerome watched Harley with a wide smile on his face as Theo was oblivious to Harley's intentions.  "Let these people go home to their families to their children." Harley smacked the hammer over Theos head with great joy as he crumbled to the floor.  The crowd screamed in Harley's crime.  

"Booorring!"  She groaned.  

"Right!"  Jerome agreed with Harley.  


"Hold very, still."  Jerome said pointing a gun at an old man with an apple on his head.  

He inhaled deeply, sticking his tongue out to wet his lips in a smile.  

"Oh!  I can't look,"  Jerome said, putting his hand over his eyes.  

Jerome lowered the gun level with the mans face, but when he pulled the trigger, it wasn't a bullet that was shot out, but water.

Harley laughed loudly, Jerome opened his eyes and looked at the gun.

"Damn!"  Jerome said turning around to grab the look alike gun laying in the table.

"Turn around!"  Jerome commanded the old man.  

The old man turned around, and Jerome shot the apple off the man head, and the crowd gasped in shock.  Harley shouted in a whoot and the audience was silent.  

"Well clap!"  Jerome commanded.  Uneasily the crowd clapped as he laughed.  

"So, Lee,"  Harley asked, "How's Jim doing?"  

"I hope he's not blaming himself for this whole 'Essen being killed,' thing,"  Harley said smirking.  

"You are one crazy little girl,"  Lee said.  Harley in anger, smacked Lee across the face.  

"Ya know, I'm gonna make a prediction,". Harley started to spin the wheel in which Lee groaned in nauseated discomfort.  

"Within a year, Jim and Babs will be back together.  Wanna know why?"  Harley taunted the woman. Spinning her around until she was upside down 

"Because we're the same!"  Barbara shouted stepping onto stage in her pink show costume.  Harley turned and clapped excited as Babs walked onto stage to stand before the crowd.  

"Babs!  You're just in time for the show!"  Harley cheered.  Babs stood over the upside down Lee and smiled.  

"We both have a dark side,"  Barbara said turning Lee upright again.  

"And one day, we will tell our grandchildren, about how this man-eating harpy almost tore us apart."  Barbara said spinning the wheel faster to bother Lee. 

"But in the end, love conquered all!"  She said spinning.  

"You're.."  Lee struggled not to throw up.  

"I'm sorry what was that?"  Barbara asked.  

Lee was upright and she knee Barbara in the stomach.  Barbara doubled over in pain.  

"Hey!  Play nice!"  Harley shouted at the woman.  Harley raised a fist ready to kill her once and for all, before Jerome grabbed her wrist with an eye roll.  

"It hasn't been 10 minutes, we need to buy you a watch."  Harley huffed and stomped her foot as Jerome walked away.  Harley crossed her arms over her chest and waited for him to not pay any attention.  

Harley swung and Lees neck flew to one side.   Harley shook her hand and helped Barbara up.  Jerome turned around and glared at Harley before shaking his head and continuing on with the show.  

"Well, I think it's time for tonight's first official victim.  You all know and love.  Poor rich boy, parents murdered in an alley, and my favorite volunteer. Where is Bruce Wayne?"  Jerome called out through the microphone.  

"You know I'm an orphan too Bruce.  Harley here is too.  I killed my parents, though.  Where are you hiding?"  Jerome said, walking up and down the stage.  

"BRUCE!"  Jerome barked.  

"Where are you buddy?"  He called out again.  

"Kill his butler!"  Harley cheered.  Jerome smiled, pulling Harley to him again with an arm lazily dropped around her waist.  She giggle pad as he smiled at her.  Barbara rolled her eyes at the display.  

Jerome nodded at his henchmen, as they ushered the butler onto stage.  

Jerome cocked the gun as he held Harley.  

"Alrightttt! Last chance Bruce, but it's about to get very butler-brainy out here."  

"BRUCY!"  Jerome howled into the microphone.  

"I'm bored,"  Jerome lowered his gun and looked at the henchmen.  

"Kill the butler,"  he commanded.  

"Stop!"  Bruce Wayne shouted from the curtains in the back of the room.  He ran up to the stage as Jerome pulled away from Harley with a laugh.  

"What the bloody hell are you doing, Bruce?"  The butler asked the boy as they hugged.  

"There's a gun in my jacket Detective Gordon is behind the curtain."  Bruce explained.  

"Let's get this started huh?"  Jerome said, taking Bruce Wayne in a headlock.  Harley heard the conversation between the two and turned to the henchmen.  

"Go check behind that curtain!  Make sure no ones playing silly bugger!"  Harley commanded the men.  They moved immediately at her command.  

Suddenly the curtain opened and Jim Gordon began to shot the henchmen Harley had sent out.  Jerome held a knife at Bruce Wayne's neck, and Harley held two pistols.  One in the direction on Jim Gordon and the other in the direction of the butler who also had a gun.  

Jerome was laughing and Harley was watching both men.  

"I don't have a clean shot!"  Jim said.  

"Stay calm, Bruce,"  the butler said.  

"If either one of you make any move, my dearest right here will kill you.  She has wonderful aim. Learned from hers truly!"  Jerome cackled.  Harley blushed and smiled, but still had the two men on watch.  

"It seems like we've got ourselves a pickle.  What do ya say, Bruce boy?  Wanna boost our rating, huh?"  Jerome  cackled into the boys ear.  

Jerome made a paper thin cut across Bruce's neck slowly while laughing.  

"I said enough!"  Theo Galavan spoke up.  Jerome turned to him with an eye roll and Harley spun lowering her guns in shock.  It was silent.

Harley watched her heartbreak in front of her.  Everything was ringing in her ears.  The stage lights turned into a pasture, the sun was shining.  She saw her mother, her mother was so pretty to Harley.  She had short blonde hair.  Her mother was handing her a spoon with a dark batter on it. 

"Try it, sweetie!"  Her mother said.  Just as Harley was reaching for it....

Screaming.  A god awful screaming in her ears.  He held her ears as the dreadful sound made her ears cringe.  

"J!"  Harley screamed.  She saw Jeromes body in the floor.  Her ears ringing and her heart beating out of her chest, so much so, she heard it in her ears.  She crawled over to his body and held him closer to her, seeing a smile on his face with blood oozing from his jugular.  

"Jerome!"  She screamed again.  She held her hands over his neck, trying to stop the bleeding.  Trying to undo what has been done to her Chocolate.  

"It's my fault!" She screamed.  She felt hands trying to pull her away, but she screamed louder.  Kicking a screaming trying to hold onto her Jerome; herJoker; her Chocolate.  She was tugged away as she looked down at her hands as she turned her into fists and began to screech and punch and wail and cry.  

"It's all my fault!  All my fault!  He's gone!"  Harley cried.  She hit her captor and tried to crawl back o Jeromes dead body, but she felt even more arms take her.  Both arms and feet.  She was screaming so much her threat hurt, her ears still ringing.  

"Let me go!"  She wailed.  She felt an arm go around her waist lightly trying to pull her away.  She felt goosebumps, like the night the two of them became a couple.  

"C'mere doll,"  Jerome sat sitting on her bed.  Harley huffed and refused to look at the ginger.  

"Aww, you're not still made are ya?"  Jerome asked her.  When Harley said nothing, he rolled his eyes.  

"I'm sorry, huge misunderstanding.  I didn't know that you told Sionis you were off limits.  You told him right anyways.  I should t have gotten mad."  Harley's heart warmed at the apology. She turned around and met Jeromes eyes.  

"C'mere doll,"  he said again outstretching his arms in a smile.  Harley got up and ju,led onto the bed into his arms.  She hugged him and he pulled away kissing her mouth gently.  Nut as they continued it got rougher, until he and Harley were both bare and tired.  

They were under the sheets sleeping in each other's arms.  He was sleeping soundly as he held Harley to his bare chest.  Harley was half asleep in the warmth the two had created.  She was sore, but happy in Jeromes arms.  

"I love you, Harley,"  he mumbled in his sleep.  At that, Harley as no longer sore, or tired.  She was happy, wild, and wide awake.  He may not have been awake, but he said he loved her.  And that's all she could have asked for.  

"He loves me!"  She screamed as the took her away,  the last thing she saw was his body, crumbled on the floor, dead, bleeding out.  And a sheet being thrown over him to be taken to the morgue.  They would burn his ashes, they would get rid of them.  He would be forgotten.  

"He loves  me!"  She wailed.  Tears flowing from her eyes.  

"He loved me,"  she whispered.  They put her in a straight jacket with duct tape over her mouth to silent her screams.  

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