Showtime: Pt. 2

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Jim Gordon rushed to the scene of the charity ball, after Lee  are her call to him.  He ran up to cars surrounding the building, lights and people screaming.  

"You!  He called out to a random officer by his car, "what's going on?"  

"Hostage situation,"  the man said, "the magician just killed the deputy mayor,"  he informed.  

"It's Jerome Valeska, the same same who killed commissioner Essen. "  Jim said. "And most likely...where there's Jerome, there's Harley.  And she's just as crazy and clever.  Who's in charge here?"  Jim asked.  

"I guess you are,"  the man told Jim with a snide smirk.  Jim answered the phone as it rang, and answered it immediacy seeing Lees name pop up on the phone.  

"Lee!  Thank god-"

"Sorry, Jimbo, it's just little old me!"  


Harley tied Lee up to the spinning wheel, and duck taped her mouth.  Jerome took her phone and called Jim Gordon wanting to taunt him.  

"Are you outside?"  Jerome asked, with a mocking inhale of breathe.  Harley walked closer to Jerome and stood beside him to hear the conversation over the phone.  "You are aren't you?"  Jerome laughed.  

"Oh, goody!"  He laughed.

"I swear to God, if you've hurt her,"  

"Breathe James.  I haven't touched a hair on your girlfriends pretty head.  See for yourself.  This is live television after all,"  Jerome cackled.  

Harley turned the camera on and there they were, on live television before the city of Gotham.  

Jerome was back on stage onside Harley and a tied up Lee.  He made a noise and put a finger gun to her forehead and pretended to pull an invisible trigger.  Jerome knew Jim was watching, it's how he liked to gain his attention.  

"You son of a--"  

"True, but not the point.  Hey let's talk about what I want, "  Jerome stepped over the dead deputy mayor with an "excuse me,"  while Harley giggled.  

"Hmmm?  47 million dollars, a helicopter, obviously, the dry cleaning I left at Mr. Changs, be careful, the mans a crook, and ouuu,"  Jerome thought for s moment, "I don't know,"  he gasped dramatically, "A PONY!"  He laughed a bit.  

" got 10 minutes before Harley and I start killing people.  Remember, this is a big broadcast to every home in Gotham, so, ya know, don't let people die."  Jerome smiled into the camera.  

"Bye."  Jerome said simply before laughing maniacally into the small phone.  He abruptly stopped turning around to face Harley.  

"I think that went well,"  Jerome said.  

"ENOUGH!"  A man said from across the room.  Harley and Jerome turned around to find the source of the voice.  Harley's eyes narrowed at her greatest enemy she ever made.  Theo Galavan.  

"You need to pack up your pathetic little sideshow and leave,"  Theo said stepping through the crowd.  

Harley put her hands on her hips and gave Theo a fierce glare.  

"Is that right?"  Jerome asked darkly, smiling menacingly at Theo.  

"It may be presumptuous to speak for all the citizens of Gotham, but we are sick of you.  You're a small, vicious man with a pathetic need for attention."  Theo said stepping onto the stage.  

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