Reincarnation... is getting p...

By FairoNeko

14.7K 630 477

Sometimes, I feel being a genius is underrated in my life. With a family like mine, there is no need for me t... More

1 o'clock: Stars
2 o'clock: Moon
3 o'clock: Dusk
4 o'clock: Dawn
6 o'clock: Sunrise
7 o'clock: Sun
8 o'clock: Day
9 o'clock: Halo
10 o'clock: Noon
11 o'clock: Solstice
12 o'clock: Twilight

5 o'clock: Daybreak

1.1K 59 25
By FairoNeko

"What did you do to get punched?" is not a question I want to hear

They will still ask about that, regardless of my feelings. My parents, that is. Even after I explain I did nothing, they are still sceptical. Okay, I admit I did do something. I offered Corona to Yana for protection. The reward was a punch on my face.

Where is the justice? Where is my justice?

"Well..." humming that while averting their gazes, this matter is dropped

I heave a sigh and watch as Yana reunites with her friends, again. Moving discreetly, I hide behind my parents to Draw a potion to ease the pain. The punch definitely leaves a mark. The potion that can ease the pain and erase the mark...

"Deau, why do you think Yana needs Corona's protection?" without looking at me who is behind him, Dad questions me something normal

"It's because she is in danger zone," not telling the real truth, but something resembling it, is sufficient. All right, bottoms up.

"No matter what we thought, you do understand that Yana is not a family, don't you?" Dad asks something which I am well aware, "And you decide it's fitting to give Corona, ring included, to Yana?"

I pause to think about it. Ideally, we do not give out Corona's gray-coloured ring. We offer protection by asking Corona to haunt that person, out of sight. What I did by giving Yana Corona's gray-coloured ring...

Mom turns her head to me, while grinning giddily, to tease, "Did you just propose to Yana~?"

I am currently clawing at my face, aiming for my brain, for that slight mistake.

"Using Corona as the engagement ring is not a wise decision," Dad replies to Mom, "But, using Corona as a promise ring, on the other hand..."

I hold on my parents' arms, pulling them closer, to whisper gravely, "This. Is not what I intended. Please don't make fun of my desire to protect,"

Understanding the weight of my sincerity, Mom turns her body to hug me, "Thank you for protecting Yana,"

I accept Mom's hug while mumbling I am just doing my mission. On that matter, Father reminds me that the meaning between desire and obligation are different. That's why, I am not allowed to revise the term I used.

Okay, okay. Mission aside, I do want to assist in protecting Yana too.

The students, Yana's friends, don't have afternoon classes. Either because of schedule or because they are exempted from lessons. After someone suggests to change the location to the cafeteria so they can have a late lunch, the reunion is allocated to the cafeteria of Gakuen Magi.

Since we have eaten lunch, this family from Meerschaum Kingdom only follow to watch over Yana. I do take note of the activity by that suspicious person. She idly listens to others talking without doing anything.

Just from the look of it, she never is one of Yana's friends, is she?

Mom and Dad stay around Gakuen Magi until before dinnertime. The sky is turning dark by then, so they decide to get back their luggage from my dorm room and go to the inn when there is still sunset shining upon us.

I am honestly bored, waiting while observing Yana and her friends. They are talking about nonsensical and uninteresting things, so there is nothing for me to do. Usually, I will spend my time working on something. Now, as I need to watch over Yana, what can I do? Leaving for a while to get something from my dorm room is foolish. That's the same as making sure something will happen.

Withholding a yawn, I stay immobile until dinner rolls around.

I follow Yana and queue behind her to get dinner. When waiting in the line, Yana confronts me. She demands me to answer, "Why are you harassing me?!"

"I am not harassing you at all," I reply, blinking in surprise by that accusation

"You keep following me and watching my every move," Yana replies while narrowing her eyebrows at me

"That's the point of watching over you, isn't it?" I return with a shrug

"Don't just literary watch me! It's creepy!" Yana rubs her arms while shuddering to emphasize what my gaze does to her body. It makes her hair stands, it seems.

Her reaction to my gaze is too dramatic, in my humble opinion.

"Since we both know you are near a dangerous person, I gotta make sure to be able to react on time for whatever that might happen. Bear with it, until your confrontation with her later," I whisper, and roll my eyes when Yana loudly hushes me, afraid that people might overhear

"Okay, okay. I understand your reason," shaking her head, Yana then lets out a long sigh, "So... Just... Do what you gotta do,"

I chuckle a little at her easy acceptance of this strange experience. She is just too easy. Seriously.

Dinner is peaceful. After that, once the suspicious person excuses herself, Yana is quick to follow her in going back to her dorm room.

'Protect her properly,' I convey to Corona, even though they probably can't hear me

Now, then.

Within this cafeteria, once Yana is gone, I am subjected to scrutiny. By her friends, that is. Putting my arms on the table, I wait. Soon enough, they open their mouths.

The first inquiry is regarding my relationship with Yana. Why do they think there is anything more going on with us? We friends.

They don't believe me. Honestly.

Is this, "We are two people, a boy and a girl, who are comfortable enough with each other's company to stay in the same room, unsupervised. What kind of relationship do we have, in your opinion?" what they want to hear instead?

Whatever goes through their heads after hearing my words, I am not responsible for it. I am just wording it the way they want to hear, since they do not believe the tame version I give them. I admit, our status as best friends is just a cover. But, at the very least, we are friends. We have passed the stage of strangers and acquaintances.

"That..." Yana's friend, who is originally speechless courtesy of her own imagination, starts mumbling, "You two are very close, aren't you?"

I am suddenly reminded of what Corona did. Let their imaginations run wild, Corona said. They saw me being intimate with Yana, didn't they? Then, "Well, we are close enough that we don't mind sharing some hugs, I guess?"

A couple of them chokes.

The allusion to the hugs is, one: that time when Yana strangled me from behind, twice, at the moment before and after shopping for her necessities in Yin City. And, two: that time when I saved her from eating mud in the rain at the back of my home. Nobody can deny they're considered hugs, despite not done to show affection.

"...You have also done more than that, haven't you?" someone else murmurs, while imagining something

Did something more than hugs? Ah, about that time I hid under her shirt? Wait, I did it in a panic. It's not like I consciously chose to do it to Yana. Something considered as sexual harassment, which is what the people who know of the incident called it, doesn't count as a show of intimacy.

Then again, "There is the case of me feeding her earlier, when waiting for you guys," I put my chin on my left palm, which rests on the table, and continue speaking, "I have also met her parents and gave my promises, among other things,"

The girls and boys react differently to my admission. The girls are delighted for Yana, while the boys are showing complicated and embarrassed expressions. There are selective boys who are also dejected. Because of...?

I see. Yana is a lot more popular with her friends than I originally thought.

If they care so much about her, why did something like that still happened to Yana? I acknowledge that they can't just dedicate their lives to her, and yet. To see them reacting so much just because of some nonsenses I utter, it's unpleasant.

Among them, one finally can speak, "You two...are...really...close..."

"I don't know," I reply while keeping my gaze on them, "Yana said there's nothing between us, after all," somehow, I smile coldly after saying that, "So, don't just believe everything I say. If you want, confirm with her too. She might say I exaggerate things a bit,"

They don't dare to be relieved. Neither do they dare to look at me, for I have caught them guilty of something. They desire to possess, yet they do nothing to protect. With this feeble emotion, they begged for forgiveness, didn't they? Back at the rooftop.

Back then, I had not identified them. Now though, I know who they are.

"Excuse me!"

Yana's best friend, also the one who harmed her, Aikawa Aya. She reaches out and waves her hand to get my attention. The others have become hushed following my silent judgement to these boys. This best friend has a lot of guts to call out to me.

Closing and reopening my eyes, I lift the frigidity on my gaze and question her calmly, "Yes? How can I help you?"

She does not falter, "I want to know whether you are capable of protecting Yana. If you want to take the spot as her best friend from me, then I want to challenge you in a fight!"

Her eyes light up with a passion, which is good. But, is her head working properly? As Yana's best friend, she should have been on her side, not to be the one who hurt her. What is her thought regarding her past action? I heard she felt guilty and responsible for it. She has also apologised to Yana.

While it's true that the real culprit is someone else, it doesn't excuse her for burning her best friend's eyes. Why did she do it? Why would she do it?

And now, she wants to challenge me. What kind of logic is she using?

"Must Yana have only one best friend?" I do not immediately reject her challenge, but I do have to question whether she thinks this through

To my question, she falters.

Is there anyone dependable near Yana? No? Unfortunate.

"Excuse me... Deau-san?" Yana's friend who has a solemn demeanour speaks up, surprising her friends, "May I inquire as to why you are here?"

How should I interpret her question?

"Michi, why would you ask that?!" her friend hisses at her

"I am curious. There is no reason for Deau-san to enrol into Gakuen Magi. Yet, he chose to study here," the one who is expecting my response answers her friend calmly

The reason I am here is to escape from Roseli. Protecting Yana comes after. Study magic comes later. One, two, three. The answer I give them is answer number two and three. No need for them to know about answer number one.

"Where did you learn magic before?" sensing that the tension is calmer now, a boy asks that question following my answer

"I was homeschooled," no harm in telling them this, I assume

"Aah... You will enrol as a second year like us, correct?" somebody else affirms

I just give a nod. They then start a discussion and guessing my class, even though I think it's obvious that I will be in the same class as Yana. Hm, maybe it's not as obvious since all of them are put in different classes.

Oh, they met each other as teammates for monster subjugation field trip. They are all originally from different classes. And now, they are still scattered all over the classes. There is someone who is from other classes, who isn't a former teammate, among Yana's friends too. It's that person who squealed when she saw me on the rooftop.

She is being very silent right now, observing me. As Yana said, it's creepy.

I see. I will be more aware of how I watch over Yana in the future.

The best friend who made a mistake speaks up, quietly, asking with a barely audible voice, "How is...she...?"

I pointedly turn my head to her, noticing her discomfort, and question normally, "Are you asking about Yana's health?"

The tension doesn't raise, but the volume does quieten. Yana's best friend nods.

I compare our knowledge first before filling in the blanks. Yana's health is improving, but she was very unhealthy. Because she was bedridden by curses, they should have some expectation about it already. If they don't know about Yana's Scan result, then it does look like it's a miracle Yana is still alive right now.

To Yana's best friend, while the curses are something concerning, it's not what she intends to ask. I see. She wants to know the result of her action. I tell her without holding back, "As for Yana's eyes, which you burned," she flinches at my words, "They are still present and functional,"

Those who hear me are relieved. Yana's best friend, however, is concerned, "The glasses..." frowning, she looks at me a little apprehensively, "Will it be a fixed feature of Yana's from now on...?"

I take some time to think about this question. Yana's eyes aren't normal anymore. If she intends to hide it forever, "Yes,"

Exhaling, Yana's best friend nods her head, "Her eyesight is damaged, isn't it?"

"It isn't," I rebuke her, without bad intention, "I won't tell you the real reason, but Yana does need the glasses to protect her eyes,"

Let them draw their own conclusions. No one will get it right anyway, until Yana reveals it.

"I don't know what made you hurt her," I tell Yana's best friend of my thought, "But if you honestly wish to do what is the best for Yana, then stay as you are,"

She blinks in astonishment at my words. I lean away from the table and shrug, "What Yana needs is not pity or guilt. What she needs and wants is for her relationship with you to stay the same, or improve,"

I can recall some occasions when Yana thinks about her friends and her concern about her best friend. This is what I can do to help, I guess. Saying something that will make her feel better to improve her mood, and Yana's by association. The happier they are, the harder it is for curses to affect them, I'm guessing.

Hm, despite Yana's success at repelling the attempt earlier, it's still better for the culprit to be taken care of quickly. How is it on their side, Yana and Corona's confrontation with that suspicious person?

After some time, Yana's best friend stands up. Is it the time for us to retreat? I make to stand up too, before pausing when I see her bowing down to me.

"Thank you,"

I honestly do not expect that. She doesn't elaborate as to why she feels grateful. I can think of a lot of reasons. But, by the end of it, I won't know why unless she tells me.

"You are welcome,"

I don't need a show of people bowing down to me, so I immediately tell them to stop when the others make the move to stand up. Using this chance, I warn them to be careful of the danger lurking inside the school, about the real culprit of curses, and ask them to not treat me too differently just because I am a close friend of Yana's.

After that, I end this meeting while paying attention to the subdued boys who are still incapable of facing me.

Our discussion here is sometimes serious and sometimes not. But, how much do they believe me? How much do they understand on what exactly happens between Yana and me? Adding Corona's [Camouflage] and my misdirection, what is the conclusion they reach?

I will know once they check with Yana about it later.

After cleaning up my dinner, I leave the cafeteria to go back to my dorm room.

-vis-à-vis, with one's advice-

Alone in my dorm room, while waiting for Corona to return with the report on Yana's meeting, I prepare a book and a pencil.

I already did nothing when waiting for Yana in the cafeteria. I won't stay not doing anything when waiting again. For that reason, I will improve my drawing skill! That's what I can do inside this room. To practice magic, there are protections in place prohibiting that, aren't there?

Corona's magic is different than humans'. Will they be prohibited from casting spells inside the dormitory? The reason Corona was able to cast the spell earlier, was it because the protections are weak on the rooftop or because it's a Spirit magic?

Let's take note of these questions and try to find out the answers later.

Thinking back on today's events, didn't I think of doing something? Actually, I thought about a lot of things. With so many events happening in one day, for me to remember what I plan to do... It's something regarding what I want to show somebody.

To start, let's warm up by sketching her. After filling several pages, continuing by taking out a smooth piece of paper and starting on the project. Will I finish it first or will Corona come first? Unless it's urgent enough, I will listen to the report tomorrow, with my parents. Sacrificing sleep for this project, even though I am already tired... Wait, it's better that I am not sleepy to avoid making mistakes.

But, since I have already started, let's stop thinking and just keep the image I want to project on this paper in my mind.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen...

More and more people are added to surround someone, the main character, in the scene of reunion. The background is the sky, because these people have already covered the rooftop from view. That's right. I am drawing the event of Yana's reunion with her friends to give to her parents, who are worried about Yana's choice to come back for friends.

To see so many people caring for their Daughter, how happy, touched, or relieved will they be?

On the matter of colouring, I don't have colour pencils with me right now, so it will be a black and white picture. Shading this, here, and that... What else do I need to add? My signature, that is.

Their expressions are visible enough, aren't they? I have also included that suspicious person in the drawing. Not wanting to smear my drawing, I tear a piece of paper from my notebook and write a note, also drawing that suspicious person again so Yana's parents will know how she looks like.

It's a shame, but I will have to fold this paper and damage this masterpiece. Using another piece of paper to be the envelope, I attach the note and the carefully folded picture inside. With this, my present to Akashima Murasaki and Yu is finished.

Wow. How long does it take for Yana to finish her meeting with that suspicious person? I have already finished my project. Stretching, I leave the desk and go to take a look at the moon. It's pretty late now.

When I have the chance, or either through my parents, I will send this present to Akashima woodcraft store using the postal service.

Since it's already this late, I will just go ahead and sleep. Corona's report can wait until tomorrow. Now, go to the bathroom. After that, because I am thirsty, I want to drink something. I have a bottle of drink packed inside my luggage, don't I?

I do. Nice.

That's right. I haven't unpacked yet. Guess I will take out what I need tomorrow before falling asleep.

I am in the middle of drinking when Corona finally appears. I tell them, "You are late,"

Corona, in my appearance, looks grim. The meeting went from bad to worse? I don't hear any explosion though.

"I am very close to smacking her head," Corona announces, letting out a long sigh, "It's hard for me to just watch. She is worse than you,"

Hm~m. If you say so.

Corona gives me a look, before reporting, "Yana has finished dealing with the suspect, however reluctantly. Currently, her room is in a mess from the fight. I won't get more involved, so I am handing her back to you,"

"Oh, they fought?" I am a bit surprised to hear that. Yana, who is meek to her friends, fought with the suspect? Reluctantly fought with the suspect, Corona reminds me. Oh, yeah. That suspicious person is not really her friend, is she? Ending the meeting with a fight shouldn't be surprising, in light of that.

What does Corona mean by saying Yana is worse than me then? In our fighting styles?

"In listening to others," Corona revises

No comment.

"What do I need to do?" Corona says they are handing Yana back to me. In what state? "Injury?"

"Fortunately, she is smart enough to avoid direct hits," Corona changes their appearance to a pigeon, before immediately changing to a bat, "Her room is wrecked, though,"

I put down the water bottle and prepare myself for an exploration, "What about that suspect?"

"Unconscious by magic," Corona replies, landing on top of my head

"You want me to collect them in the girls' dormitory?" I can't go in there. Which is why I am still here. To get the permission, I will have to bother someone. Well, this problem is his too. Once I am ready, I set out, "We will go get Okumura-kōchō to deal with the suspect and gives us the permission to go to Yana's room,"

The faculty members' rooms are on higher floors. Checking their doors' tag, I knock on his door to call for the stand-in principal. It's late, he should be sleeping by now, but who am I to care for his comfort?

To his bleary, "How can I help you?" I drop, "The culprit attacked Yana,"

Drowsiness disappears just like that. After asking me to wait, he closes the door and prepares himself. Once he is done, I remind him that we aren't exactly allowed to go into the girls' dormitory building.

"Ah, yes. This is an emergency, so it's okay," saying that, he makes his way to girls' dormitory building, room number 701. Corona, out of Okumura-kōchō's sight, silently confirms it's Yana's room.

A knock which is responded by Yana opening the door, Okumura-kōchō and I go into the wreckage which is Yana's room. The owner herself, while not physically injured, still looks dead on her feet. I tell her so. I also ask, "Did you torture yourself with useless thinking?"

Shrugging, Yana steps aside while letting Okumura-kōchō takes control of the situation. There is nothing he can do to help, to be honest. He arrives after everything has ended by Yana, after all. Taking the unconscious suspect into custody is something he should do though.

Appropriately, after looking at the state of Yana's room, Okumura-kōchō apologises to her. Yana put herself aside and ask him to help the suspect instead. Since the suspect is detained by magic, Okumura-kōchō requests Yana to release the suspect so he can collect her.

So Yana is able to use magic inside the dormitory. Am I able to use magic too?

After Yana releases the suspect from the magical prison, she falls down. Yana's magical reserve is drained. Fighting and using magic to hold the suspect in place, of course, she is drained. I go to crouch before her and ask how she is feeling.

"I'm tired..." Yana replies weakly, putting an arm on top of her glasses, pressing down the glasses to her face, "Today is tiring,"

I imagine so. Though, now that the suspect is dealt with, Yana won't have to worry about this case anymore. The school will be safer now, with one threat removed. When Yana doesn't react much to what I say, I ask her whether she needs a therapist to help her mental trauma.

Yana swats her arm at me in retaliation. I manage to avoid it in time. When she lifts her arm to glare at me, I wryly recommend, "Mom is good at giving advice. Why don't you try talking to her about it? She is a Witchdoctor, after all,"

Accepting this advice, Yana thanks me. So, she will accept Mom but not a professional therapist. Well, better get some kind of help than get no help at all. I talk about something along the line and get a knock on my forehead by Yana's weapon. I fail to notice she is still clutching that.

Ouch, my face.

"Akashima-chan," Okumura-kōchō calls for her attention, so we turn to look at him. He now has the unconscious suspect in his arms. Okumura-kōchō questions quietly, "Why is she like this?"

"She is under spells," Yana replies, sitting up to face Okumura-kōchō properly, "Lethargy to make her tired and Sleep to keep her asleep. Do you want me to wake her up?"

Okumura-kōchō shakes his head, replying Yana while I take note of the spells. It seems like Yana make full use of her Scan result. Those spells aren't common spells. They could even be considered new spells, if other Kingdoms don't have these spells in their arsenal beforehand.

In fact, by listening to description alone, these spells are quite dangerous. For some reason, if other Kingdoms don't have the restriction on their magic like Mitsugo Kingdom, which is limited to three Elemental Affinities, they can deal a lot of damage to Meerschaum Kingdom, a Kingdom that rarely produces Magicians.

Which means, we will need a countermeasure. Yana used a spell like [Cancel] earlier, didn't she? Before, at the rooftop, I recall she used the spell [Dispel]. How can we make use of those spells? How can we protect those who don't have resistance to magic?

Yana and Okumura-kōchō are discussing Yana's temporary residence, because it's clear this room is uninhabitable anymore. By the end of the discussion, it falls on me to offer my room to her. Only for one night, he says. Yana is safe staying with me, he says.

"From what?" Yana questions the second reason, sending the suspect a sad look, "Nara-san is...already in your care. There are no other threats, are there?"

"Just in case," Okumura-kōchō insists for Yana to listen, "For a peace of mind,"

Yana rudely points at me with a reasonable issue, "Isn't he more dangerous to me than an imaginary threat?"

I can be. I won't be. Although... What makes her think I will be a danger to her? It's a little unpleasant to know that she sees me as someone dangerous to her well-being. I am in charge on protecting her, you know.

Assuring Yana that she doesn't have to worry and that I will protect her, without having any basis, Okumura-kōchō ends this discussion with a note of assigning Yana's new room to her tomorrow. Yana is to take what she needs for the night and come back to collect her belonging tomorrow too.

When talking about reporting to my parents, I assure him that I will do it myself. I have Corona's report to add too. Wrapping things up with this, Okumura-kōchō leaves Yana's room with the suspect after wishing us a good night's rest.

I let out a sigh after the adult leaves. He is not much of a help. Sweeping my gaze through Yana's room, I remind her to take what she needs and follow me to my room so we can sleep. Today is tiring, like she said. Especially since this event happens late at night.

Pushing her to keep her moving, I inform Yana that she will sleep on my bed as I sleep on the floor. Having recovered recently then going through this experience, at the very least, she should have a good night's sleep to face the next day.

Yana fights me on this settlement. But since I have already decided on it, after giving some kind of excuses, I finalise this matter roughly. While still reluctant, by the time Yana hits my bed, she is immediately out cold.

I don't have the luxury to just go unconscious though. Having been using magic for the day, Corona needs replenishment. They will be draining my magic as I rest.

"Speaking of which, where did she keep your ring, Corona?" I yawn while taking my clothes out to be a measly mattress and blanket. Since the effect doesn't last long, it's useless for me to Draw a bed or even futon.

"Look at her finger," Corona responds flatly

I have to closely pick her fingers up one by one to check because I don't understand why I didn't see it before if she wears it on her finger. Like, why do I remember Mom and Dad's teasing instead of the flash of Corona's gray-coloured ring on Yana's finger? Why did she wear it on her finger??

In any case, gray-coloured ring, obtained.

It's not a delightful progress, having my magic drained when I am sleepy and tired.

Sleeping on the floor, which is cold, adding Corona draining my magic, stamina included. With these conditions, I pass the night restlessly.

Before I know it, something punches me, who is on the verge of unconsciousness, in my stomach. I scream myself awake. Willing myself to regain awareness quickly, I catch the culprit laying on top of me. Pushing her away, I growl, "Attacking me so early in the morning, Yana? Just what kind of grudge do you have against me?!"

"It was an accident," Yana defences herself as she nurses the areas which are in pain, having fallen down from the bed without taking notice of her limbs, "I didn't want to hurt myself too!"

"Did you really have to roll down like that?" I hiss, glaring blearily at her

"Someone is knocking," Yana retorts, blinking herself awake as she pushes herself up, "I am going to open the door,"

Whatever. I yawn and turn my back to the door. Since Yana's has no need for the blanket anymore, I will take it. Have I said the floor is cold? Some minute later, the blanket is pulled away from me. As if I will let go of this source of warmth!

A tug of war later, Dad's voice wakes me up completely. Hm? I don't quite catch what he says though. I do hear Mom's soothing voice. Mom is telling Yana to take a nap later because she doesn't look well. When Yana replies she is just tired, I tell them my state too.

My parents take a seat to talk to us. Dad sits with me on the floor while Mom takes a seat beside Yana on the bed. Despite being included, I don't hear their conversation. I am drifting off quietly, slowly, steadily.

Just as I almost fall asleep while sitting, I am nudged awake by Dad. That action shocks my heart into beating quickly, almost makes it jumps out from within my ribcage. Mom's idea that I hear is also to blame though. Something like:

"I am sure there are a lot of people who want you to be their girlfriend," Mom tells Yana with a bright smile, "And yes, of course, you can! In fact, I have a perfect candidate for you!"

Is nothing worth mentioning. If not for the fact that Dad specifically nudges me. They mean me, don't they? Time for damage control, "In my opinion," attention, get, "Instead of the trouble of finding a real boyfriend, why don't you just tell them you have someone you like? They would be discouraged, wouldn't they? If you add that it's neither of them, or it's someone they don't know, or you can just keep silent, keeping them guessing,"

The more I ramble, the more I understand the context. It's about Yana's admirers, yes? What? She doesn't want to choose them or something? Speaking of which, what was the conclusion they reached last night after hearing about our relationship status? Was it enough or did I make things worse for Yana?

"It will be more devastating..." Dad follows my logic, "Hopefully, that alone will stop them from pursuing you..."

"I don't even know if they are pursuing me or not," Yana doesn't seem to be aware of their intentions. Figures, with the way they acted. Hesitantly, Yana continues, "This is just a... an idea. A solution for a probable situation..."

Dad, knowing something I realised, with full confidence, tells Yana that the people she means are interested in her. I sit back and listen as Dad continues, "They seemed more worried than anything..." Dad recalls what he observed at the rooftop yesterday, "If that is the case, it is not too late for you to warn them off. Ask them to like you as a friend and no more than that. Won't that be the best case scenario?"

"Best case scenario is right," Mom agrees with Dad's approach, without I knowing whether she has read last night's history at the cafeteria after they left me alone with Yana's friends, "I think, clearing up any misunderstanding with them is the best. Telling them clearly that you are not interested, so they won't try to pursue you any further..."

Guessing that they don't know anything, it's not like I really did anything either, I also give a suggestion, "If they refuse to listen, I am always ready to have Corona acts as your imaginary boyfriend,"

Corona, who should be resting, sharply calls my nickname threateningly, "O.I."

Hearing nothing special, Yana squints her eyes at me with incredulity, "Corona, acting as my imaginary boyfriend?"

I smile lazily, sleepily, "Who knows, having Corona shows up might scare them off from you,"

Dad looks thoughtful at the notion. Mom looks scandalised. Mom disagrees with me and scolds me for suggesting that.

'I thought you don't mind scaring people?' asking Corona to see it this way, the reply they give by showing up in the form of an Elf lady who was Dad and Mom's magic teacher, Corona replies out loud, "I don't mind it,"

Not to the response but to the character, Dad rolls his eyes at Corona as he swats at them with a complain, "Do you really have to take after Lady Scaria's appearance?"

Turning their form to Uncle Ace's appearance, Corona continues with what he said, "I think it will be fun. I need excitement in my life, to be honest. Yesterday stressed me out very much,"

Having finally accepted to be seen as a ghost by the rest of the population, Corona's favourite past time is to scare people by becoming 'ghost'. Of course, they will see it as something fun. Talking about last night though. Corona sure stressed me out themselves.

"When I suffer, you suffer," Corona floats away from my swatting to hide behind Mom, "It's only fair,"

As if it is!

Changing their appearances to determine who would be Yana's fake, dead, boyfriend, Corona asks for our opinions. I point out using the appearance of a dead person to simplify this matter, but Yana objects, saying it's disrespectful to the dead. Even though Mom finally warms up to my idea, Yana still rejects it.

Having Corona taking up my appearance as the fake boyfriend is simply foolish. With no other idea, Dad rolls his eyes and tells Yana to just stick with telling the boys that she is not interested. Otherwise, it's ghost boyfriend plan.

When Yana shows disagreement again, Corona then disinterestedly proposes for her to pick me. They then continue by complaining about last night, again. Letting out a long-suffering sigh for hearing about Yana's foolish decision, I then tell the girl, "You are an idiot,"

Yana pouts at my words. She also shows a lot of expressions, all that is not necessarily good ones. I get tired just by seeing the negativity oozing out from her. Dragging myself to her side, I drop my head on her lap.

She stops breathing altogether. No, not really. Feeling the drowsiness return, I stay like that for some time. Yana moves her legs to drop my head, but I complain about it and ask her to stop and let me sleep. Having slept on the floor, sleeping on a lap feels nice.

In the background, Corona explains what happened last night to my parents. Lulled by drowsiness and a sense of peace, I drift off to sleep. Night.

-vis-à-vis, with one's concern-

A sensation of being one with the clouds in the sky.

Am I dreaming?

Why would I voluntary be up here?

Why am I floating? I am not flying, but floatin--- I AM FALLIIIIIIIIIING!!

Crashing on something a little soft before landing on the cold hard ground, I tremble in pain as I lie flat on the ground. I am scared...

Hearing laughter, I turn and raise my head to see who is laughing at my terror. It's Yana. She says something about her stomach is off limit and she was being nice by lending me her laps. Her stomach is off limit? What? If she wants to be nice, can't she stay nice until the end?

Shakily pushing myself up from the floor, I look around to deduce what had happened. It seems like... Yana pushed me off the bed. Pulling the blanket off, I sit on the floor and cover a yawn. Yana is still talking about limits. When she points at the bed, I remind her it's my bed.

In fact, we are in my room. Just the two of us, inside a room with a closed door. Of course, I do remember Corona is still here. Watching us from inside their gray-coloured ring.

Yana has something to say about my bed, "Which, you lent to me for the night,"

I have a perfect retort for that, "It's morning now, so it's mine again,"

After patting my body to find broken bones and feel none, I say something about Yana sleeping on my bed, in the morning, when it's my turn. So, it's only natural that I get to sleep on her. Yana immediately calls me out on my nonsense.

We end up fighting about me wanting to continue sleeping and she has slept enough that she wants to get moving. Yana is sceptics of my fatigue and desire to sleep. After explaining what Corona did, Yana becomes more understanding.

Well, I guess it's my own fault that she has no idea about Corona being a leech.

"O.I." the Guardian Spirit is offended

After letting her know that I can wake up, but not stay awake, Yana helps me get back on my bed and put my blanket over me. She is tucking me in and making sure I am lying comfortably on my bed.

The bed is warm. It's nice. I will sleep now.

"I am going to wash up... And maybe get a late breakfast," Yana tells me as she moves around my room, as silently as possible to not disturb me, "Do you want me to get you something?"

Some...thing... "Stamina recovery potions, please,"

Since I no longer have the energy to talk, Corona says it for me. After mentally thanking them, I completely drift off to sleep.

I don't know how much time has passed since I fall asleep again. The next time I wake up, it's to the presence of someone else near my vicinity. There are...candies near my pillow. That person who disturbs my sleep is Yana. She has her back facing me, mumbling about her failure at taking care of people.

When she makes her way out of my room, I call out to her, asking, "Where are you going?" startling her

Yana turns to me and waits for a few seconds before coming over. Taking the candy beside my pillow, Yana unwraps it and hands it to me. I eye the candy as Yana tells me it's the stamina potion I asked for. What? Has someone modified the stamina potion to become a candy?

That's news to me.

I reject it when Yana plans to make me eat the candy. I would like to examine it further before taking it. Feed up with the delay, Yana eats the candy instead, when I reject putting anything in my mouth before brushing my teeth.

We argue a little when Yana demands me to go brush my teeth so I can eat the candy, which she painstakingly gets for me by exposing herself to danger. Well, the reason she is here is for protection, after all. I am very much useless right now to protect her properly though. Which is why, to make myself useful, I have to take stamina recovery potion.

Giving up, I make my way to the bathroom. Once my bed is vacated, Yana jumps on it. My bed is pretty popular, isn't it?

Brushing my teeth, washing my face, and taking a quick shower later, I finish my business inside the bathroom. It is then that I face a dilemma. I actually didn't come in bringing anything to change into. My clothes may be outside the luggage, but they are scattered on the floor. I open the door a little, mentally debating between asking Yana to hand it to me or asking Corona to cover for me, and check at what the other occupant is doing.

She is on my bed, curled up with her eyes closed, seemingly asleep.

Will I risk it?

'Corona, [Camouflage] my presence and sound,' relying upon the Guardian Spirit to keep this peaceful atmosphere undisturbed, I slowly sneak my way out

"I can't believe you are such a pervert," the Guardian Spirit does uses [Camouflage], but not without insulting me

I do not bother to respond. The dripping water leaves marks on the floor, but I don't have the time to erase this evidence. After grabbing the nearest clothes and towel, I sneak my way into the bathroom again. Fuuuh, the air outside is cold.

"Pervert. Pervert. Pervert." chanting that nonstop, Corona is effectively ignored

After wiping myself and changing into a fresh set of a casual outfit, I gallantly step out from the bathroom. Covering my expression by faking a yawn, I check the damp floor and trail the flow of water to the bed. Huh?

"Did you wet my bed?" I ask, full of incredulity at this development. My evidence is practically covered by her doing! Nice going, Yana!

Unaware of her own action, Yana is offended, "There's no way I will do that!"

Calmly, I point it out to her, the state of my bed. Taking the stamina candy Yana got for me, I replenish my stamina and magic, using outside force. Assessing the damage, I am glad my lump of clothes isn't a casualty.

When Yana notices what I mean, she is still adamant in saying it's not her fault. Do I need to remind her of her Elemental Affinity? It's Water, you know. What? You don't want to take responsibility? Really, Yana?

I will take responsibility of the floor, but not the bed. That's why, you gotta be responsible for it.

Yana points out that she is dry. Which means she is not involved. I am dry too, after wiping myself. She doesn't need to know that though. Taking the rest of the candies, I eat two more and prepare myself for action. It means, I make sure to clear things, notably my present to the Akashima couple, out of the way while Drawing an object that will settle this matter.

Yana voices concern over my choice of eating a lot of stamina candies at once. I assure her it's fine, because I will export the magic I import to dry the bed, and discreetly, the floor too. Complaining about Corona while getting into action, in which Yana voices her gratitude to the Guardian Spirit instead, I dry my room using a Drawn giant dryer.

After magically drying my room, I let nature takes effect do its job by opening the windows for ventilation.

"You are so shameless," Corona is not happy with me, for all that I say and do

I do not reply to them and continue with preparation to leave the room. It's about time I get food. Yana plans to return to her room or find Okumura-kōchō for new room arrangement, because she has eaten breakfast. It should be safe for her to walk back to her dorm now, I guess. Just in case, 'Corona, watch over her,'

"You are so demanding. Do you want me to tell her about your pervertedness?" grumbling, Corona leaves their gray-coloured ring to haunt Yana

What a threat. If Corona does tell her, I will then deal with that mess later. Putting aside Corona's grumpiness, I ask Yana to meet up later, to meet my parents, since we did fall asleep on them. When Yana questions, "Where do you think they are?"

I reply, "I can ask Corona to find them for us,"

"You are going to work me to death," dramatically, the immortal Guardian Spirit transmits their complaint to me

'You just need to make sure she arrives safely to her room and then you are free anyway,' I return with a mental roll of my eyes

Making a show of Corona leaving to find my parents with [Projection], we set off together in leaving the boys' dormitory and disperse for the cafeteria and girls' dormitory building respectively.

The journey to the cafeteria is a peaceful one. The school is not quiet, because there are a lot of students in this school having activities in their respective classrooms, but there's definitely no soul in sight. I believe they haven't been let out for lunch yet. That's right. It's time for lunch.

Skipping breakfast is no good, but it can't be helped. I was so sleepy and tired.

Because it's almost lunchtime, the cafeteria has prepared lunch. It's time to eat!

I am thankful for Yana's stamina candy, which should be enough to make me full. But, it only replenishes stamina, not giving nourishment. I have to get the nourishment from real food. That's one of the downsides of potions, honestly.

Despite what everyone thinks, potions aren't the remedy for everything.

Getting my order and then sitting down for lunch, just as I am about to start, it's officially lunch break for the students. The cafeteria is filled quickly enough.

I get to peacefully enjoy my meal without struggling for anything.

The students are observing me, someone who is not wearing their uniform but mingle with them. Even after I have finished eating, I stay in my seat, which is specifically vacated by these wary students, to observe them in turn. Gotta make sure there is no other suspicious person around.

Yana's best friend stops by my table to ask me about Yana. Once she gets the answer that Yana is in her room, she leaves after thanking me. Speaking of Yana's friends. I do see them scattered around the cafeteria. I wonder why none of them sits on this table.

I am not exactly waiting for anyone right now. Regarding the matter of Yana, Corona, and my parents, it's all about timing. Since I am free, I get to do what I want, don't I? Returning to my room is a waste though, because we won't be meeting there. Speaking of which, if I leave, Yana will have to go and find me, won't she? I no longer have the permission to go to her room to find her either.

Without Corona to relay our messages, how will we be able to meet up on time? Guess I will stay here, doing nothing, again. Or maybe not.

I spy a troubled younger boy standing in a corner with his tray of lunch.

Grabbing my own used dining utensils, I make my way to the younger boy who hasn't realised my intention. Before the boy notices me, I catch the attention of two younger girls who are walking in my direction. They have just gotten their lunches, it seems.

After a few seconds of staring, I shrug and use my head to point at the table I vacated. Smiling, they nod their heads at me in gratitude. Passing them, I continue to the boy, who seems to finally notices me.

"Are you looking for a table?" I ask the boy kindly, accurately guessing his dilemma. Turning and confirming the girls have sat on my table, I tell the boy to sit there without reservation.

"Are you sure?" he is still hesitant

"The table is not mine, and everyone is here to eat anyway," I give a laugh, "Go on and enjoy your lunch,"

After bowing his head in gratitude, he hurriedly makes his way there, because lunch break does have a time limit. That's why, for those stragglers who don't have friends to sit with, I will offer the table nobody wants to use.

I am checking the table to see the three people I invited sitting together. Because of my inattentiveness, I almost crash into three students. Fortunately, one of them is quick at stopping the other two from spilling their lunches. I, with no fear of spilt lunch, make sure that one's lunch is not spilt too.

"Sorry about that," I apologise to them

"We are sorry too, for not paying attention!" between the three, there is a girl who responds to me, "What about your lunch?"

I smile as I show them my used utensils, "I am on my way to the collection area,"

Putting these used utensils there shorten the time the staffs will have to collect and wash them. I see the students leaving their trays behind though, so I am not really sure if what I do is considered common or not. At least, in my house, we clean up after ourselves.

"The collection area?" because they ask, I point to them the kitchen trolley near the kitchen's entrance. They are somehow amazed to learn about this. How cute.

"Anyway, shouldn't you hurry up to eat your lunch? You won't have enough time to enjoy your meals otherwise," I remind them of the time limit

They readily return to their task of finding a table. I see. Since that table still has vacant chairs, I direct them to sit there. With gratitude, they decide to listen to my suggestion. I am not doing anything worth their gratitudes, honestly speaking. The tables are for the students. It is theirs to use. I guess it is a bit awkward to just sit down randomly without invitation and probably cause trouble if the tables are claimed beforehand?

People who selfishly claim tables do exist, after all. Despite having no intention of doing so, I am probably considered one of them, because I sat on a table all by myself.

After putting my tray on the kitchen trolley, I chance upon someone who is late for lunch. By now, unless he has friends saving a seat for him, he will also have trouble finding a table, despite being only one person.

I watch as he receives his order and turns around. He doesn't move, so I call out to him, "Looking for a table?"

Blinking in surprise, he replies, "Yes,"

Holding back a grin, I casually ask, "Will you follow me for a place to sit?"

The way I invite him is suspicious, isn't it? He doesn't know me too, so to just following a stranger who isn't even a student, basing on my attire...

"Sure," he nods after watching me for a while

I end up laughing as I guide him to the table which has been anonymously claimed as mine. The others welcome him quite warmly, readily making a space for him to sit. Seeing these students, who are probably strangers to each other, being assembled by me, is so funny.

"Are you starting up a cult or something?" the Guardian Spirit who has returned from their task is always ready for a banter

I take a seat without disturbing them. Continue with my activity of watching the students, I reply to Corona, 'I try to be helpful. Besides, I don't need to start a cult or anything for people to follow me,'

"Delusional. Who would want to follow someone like you?" Corona is shaking their head

'My children,' I reply casually, and then get an epiphany, 'Why don't I adopt them?'

Corona will not comment on it. They choose to give report and retreat instead, "Your parents are with the Principal. I'm out,"

Which means I only need to wait for Yana here before going there. Or has Yana visited them since she is looking for Okumura-kōchō?

"Umm... Senpai?" the lost boy I invited to sit here questions me, "Are we-- Am I disturbing you?"

Is he concerned about that? How cute. All right! Let's start the adoption process! "Not at all. Actually, I have an offer..."

-vis-à-vis, with one's addition-

Going by the order they sit on this table, the two girls are Katagiri Kiri and Katagiri Kanan. Despite having the same last name, they are actually not related by blood. They say their last name comes from their orphanage. The lost boy is Lee Sun-Sin, a child of immigrants. He feels out of place because he is not a local. I don't think he needs to worry. We are ready to welcome him as one of us, after all.

To be honest, I am not a local either.

The team of three are Sakura Miu, the only girl with her two childhood friends, Akane Sousuke and Tsubaki Kichirou. They tell me that they are also from an orphanage, a different one by the name Hanayo. Unlike the Katagiri sisters, these three are allowed to pick their own last names. They end up choosing names that are related to flowers, in honour of their orphanage.

And then the boy who I personally escorted. He is Kaku Rukawa, a serious and smart boy. This one too, is from an orphanage. I am glad that I am able to meet all of them. However, I also feel sad that there are children who have to grow up in an orphanage, for whatever reasons.

After introducing them to Yana in the cafeteria when she comes to eat lunch later, we promise to become a family!

Does that mean I am adopting Yana too?

"You have a serious illness," Corona voices, when Yana parts with me and my new children to go meet my parents at Okumura-kōchō's office, because I end up deciding to be excluded from that gathering

'You are not a doctor,' I retort while rolling my eyes, 'Who is fit to diagnose me,'

"I learnt enough to be a doctor who is fit to diagnose you," Corona, having been with us for a long time, can literally back up their words to counter me

Accumulating knowledge by staying and listening to us when we study and go on journeys to treat patients, Corona, if they want, can get a doctorate certificate and become an official doctor. A Spirit who treats Humans using Humans' medical knowledge... Will Corona be the first among their kind?!

"Nah. I will stay as a Guardian Spirit without changing my occupation," without a second thought, said Guardian Spirit rejects the notion

'Then, Guardian Spirit, go protect Yana,' because the girl is alone, it means she needs an invisible protector

They say nothing as they leave for work, but they clearly transmit their suspicion that I have tricked them. For real. As a Guardian Spirit who can read minds, wouldn't they know whether I intend to trick them or not?

"Nii-san," because I am only one year older than them, it will be weird for them to call me Father. Brother, it is, "What's so funny?"

"Something like an inside joke," I reply, because they don't know about Corona, so this will suffice

"Actually... I saw Nii-san yesterday," Rukawa speaks up, continuing the conversation that was left off when Yana appears

"I just arrived yesterday," I confirm, probably not what Rukawa means though

"Yesterday's Nii-san was serious and..." Rukawa pauses to find the correct term to describe me, "Cold? Today, Nii-san is cheerful and lively,"

Cold? I am reminded of my nickname, the Cold Prince. Either way, "Which I, do you prefer?"

"I don't mind either one," Rukawa replies casually, without needing to think about it

Holding a poll, the result is: they like me more as a cheerful and lively Deau. Okay!

"As your cheerful and lively Nii-san, there is a question I want you to answer truthfully," smiling brightly, I give them a chance to say it, "Is it true that you have a free period right now?"

The answer they give Yana when asked why they are still here with me when they should be in classes, even going as far as saying I will chaperone them. Are they lying?

After sharing guilty looks, Sun-Sin ends up confessing, "I don't know about other classes, but today, there is no teacher coming to my class. We are told to self-study..."

"Same here,"

"My class also doesn't have teachers,"

"That's why, I don't think there is a need for us to return to the classroom," Kiri nervously asks me, "Are you angry?"

"Not at all," I reply truthfully, still smiling, "I am just curious,"

They share a look, and then Sousuke tells me, "A cheerful and lively Nii-san is no less dangerous,"

I laugh out loud. Dangerous? I mean them no harm. There is no need for them to be wary of me.

"We aren't wary," they say, wanting me to believe them

There is no reason for me to not believe them. Smiling, I assure them that it's fine. There is no need for them to try convincing me. More importantly, "What do you plan to do in this free period then?"

They don't actually have a plan. Hmm...

"Then, I will ask you this. Will you follow me?" eyeing them while still smiling, they become too nervous to answer

I patiently wait until they can give a response. No pressure, okay. They all agree to follow me. Okay! "Let's assess your battle strength!"

Allocating to the training ground, going there guided by Kichirou, I ask them to show me what they can do to defend themselves. Without using their chosen weapons which are their medium to cast magic. Because a simple test of self-defence means they don't need to depend on their weapons to fight. Besides, this is just a demonstration, so there is no need for us to go all out.

Once they understand these objectives. In three, two, one. Engage!

"First a cult and now an army?" the busybody Guardian Spirit is back to comment on my daily activity

-vis-à-vis, with one's mettle-

Nearing dinner time, I allow the kids to return to their rooms for baths after a good workout. I, myself, also go back too. It's then I am reminded of the present I want to give to the Akashima. When should I send it? Wondering that, I go to the cafeteria to wait for my children and Yana plus her friends. Today's dinner is a party.

I sit with my children though, between Kanan and Kiri, while Yana sits with her friends. Because I am between them, it's easy for Kanan to whisper, "What do I tell them when they ask about you, Nii-san?"

"Has anyone asked you about me?" I return, rather surprised by how fast people catch on our new relationship

"My neighbour, Takeda...Momoi-san," Kanan has a hard time recalling her neighbour's name, "She asked,"

"Is that so?" I don't want to get involved though, so, "Give them my name and nothing else. If they become persistent, tell them to come to me themselves," I turn to everyone so they will take note of this

"What about Nee-san?" Sun-Sin asks

"What about Yana?" I return, furrowing my eyebrows in question

"You are close to her. People will ask about her too," Rukawa explains

I raise my eyebrows at that, "What do you know about Yana?"

Since they are new students, as first years, they wouldn't know about last year's incident involving Yana. If the people asking about her are also first years, then they are people who know nothing. It will be best to keep them unaware. I still haven't make sure there are no other threats within this school.

Better keep Yana in a low profile for as long as possible.

Me, getting questioned, I can understand. I am a foreigner and a new face in Gakuen Magi. Yana, getting questioned? Hmm... Gotta be careful until safety is guaranteed. I still don't know why the culprit picked Yana, after all.

"Deau-san! Yana here wants to talk to you!"

I look over to them, Yana and her best friend who calls for me. Does Yana know the reason she was targeted? It's worth an ask, "I want to talk to her too! Let's meet up later, Yana. In my room!"

"Why do I have to go to your room?" comes the immediate refusal by the one who wants to talk to me

We end up compromising in going to her new room. I will have to go to the girls' dormitory again. This time, with people knowing that I will be there, in Yana's room. What a way to promote misunderstanding, Yana!

It's hilarious.

'Corona, go get me a permission to enter girls' dormitory building,' of course, I don't forget to ask for this

"You. Really want to go there. Huh..." shaking their head, Corona does as I ask

Turning to Sun-Sin and Rukawa, I wait for their replies.

"Not a lot," Rukawa answers after witnessing our promise to meet in Yana's new room

"Yana-senpai is our Nee-san. Just that," Sun-Sin ends up replying helplessly

I end up chuckling at this absurdness. Kanan, Kiri, and Miu also giggle. Sousuke gossips with Kichirou about a mature relationship between Yana and me. I do not deny or correct them. Rukawa murmurs about wanting to be left out of the details, with Sun-Sin voicing his agreement quickly.

"Sou-kun and Rou-kun's minds are dirty," Miu scolds her childhood friends, shocking them to the core, "Nii-san and Nee-san are just Nii-san and Nee-san!"

"I am not dirty!" Sousuke objects heatedly

Kichirou coughs, "I didn't think anything inappropriate. It was all Sou-kun who said that,"

"You traitor!" even though it was him who gossips about it, Sousuke still claims his childhood friend is traitorous

They are just so cute. Kanan and Kiri are leaning on me as we laugh at this show.

While Sousuke pouts 'till the end of dinner, we all are in a good mood. They decide to return to their rooms early after eating, because today is tiring. No doubt it's because of the after lunch activity. They excuse themselves from me and Yana as they go back together, in a group of seven.

Now that I am not occupied, I lift myself from my seat and approach Yana. Once I arrive behind her, I put my chin on her head. Yana tries to hit my chin with her head, a futile effort.

There is no particular reason for me to be intimate with Yana. I just want to check their reactions. See~? There are still people who don't dare to look at me! Why is that, I wonder, hm~?

A call of my name. I turn my eyes to Yana's best friend. She wants me to help her. Unexpected. What kind of assistance does she require?

"It's a little embarrassing for me to say this... But..." I wait for her to continue, confused as to what is embarrassing about her request, "Please take care of Yana!"

Her pause tells a different story. It doesn't sound like she aims to ask me to take care of Yana. Checking with Yana, she knows what is the real request her best friend fails to convey. Yana is stopped from telling me though.

Deciding to escape, Yana's best friend sprouts out, "You know what? I think there is no need for us to talk about that, after all," and disappears from the cafeteria

Her other friend voices concern about Yana's best friend's weird behaviour. Yana just sighs and gives up on this matter. Well, Yana does wonder whether she should tell me about her best friend's dilemma, but we end up deciding against it. If she doesn't ask, it means she doesn't want us to know.

With dinner finished and nothing urgent to address, Yana and I decide to go to her room for our talk. As an experiment, I hold her hand while we walk out of the cafeteria.

Aside from the squealing of Yana's friends, there is no other extreme reaction. Have they given up on her? Isn't it too soon for them to give up? Or, is it because they aren't serious in the first place? In that case, Yana doesn't need to worry anymore about this.

"What are you doing?" once she can't stay silent, Yana lifts our linked hands to question me

I keep my expression bright as I smile, "Just making sure you won't get lost!"

"Haaah? Are you talking about yourself?" Yana is quick to retort, remembering that I once used this excuse

Granted, I don't know the way to Yana's new room. So, in a sense, she is not wrong. I nod my head because of that.

"Seriously," Yana shakes her head and sighs, without brushing off my hand

Corona returns. Yana doesn't notice them. Corona doesn't mind that. They report, "Permission granted. Your parents aren't there anymore,"

'Thanks. Rest until I need your help again,' I allow Corona to retreat graciously

"I'm draining a portion of your magic now," with Corona saying so, I suddenly feel a little lightheaded

That's a big portion of my magic Corona takes. If I lost all my stamina, will Yana be able to carry me all the way to her room?

"What's wrong with you?" despite my intention to be normal, Yana notices something is wrong

"Hmm... Sleepy, perhaps," swaying a little to left and right, I internally have a fight with that inconsiderate Guardian Spirit

"You are still tired? In that case, you shouldn't have stayed out for so long," worried because she remembers my condition, Yana scolds me

Yana thinks this is the aftereffect of yesterday's drainage? She is wrong. Corona is just being a jerk by draining a large portion of my magic again. But, well. It helps a little that Yana is willing to support me. I am glad we are in a magical school, which means I don't have to climb stairs to go to Yana's room. The dorms have a magic circle to lift us, unlike the school building which uses normal stairs.

These magic circles are exempt from restriction, aren't they? What if a fight happens inside these circles? Speaking of which, how was Yana able to use magic in her room to fight? Was it because the restriction was nullified by the culprit? It's possible.

Room 512. I sit on her bed as Yana tells me that Mom and Dad fought. Corona adds that it's because Dad was being stupid, as usual.

Even if it's something 'as usual', I will never get used to it. Yana explains why they fought and we discuss a little about Dad's habit of getting jealous semi-easily involving Mom. Mom has her responsibility as Witchdoctor. Not to mention, there are moments when Mom knows a History and is unable to leave it alone.

Dad doesn't need to get used to it, but Dad should be more understanding of the hardships Mom faces with her Affinity!

Letting out a big sigh, I lie on my stomach on Yana's new bed, "Ah, I hate this," grabbing Yana's new pillow, I bury my face in it and complaint, "I don't like it when Mom and Dad fight,"

Yana hears my muffled complaint and murmurs her reply, "Neither do I, to see my own parents fighting,"

It sounds like Yana is moving at where I can't see, with my face buried in her pillow. I do feel it when someone tries to pull me off from the bed. It's Yana, who tells me to not hijack her bed. I fight her to claim the bed. I may be tired, but it doesn't mean I don't have the strength to win. How? I pull her to the bed so we can share it, of course!

"...pervert..." Corona's whisper is quiet, but still heard

I banter with Yana for some reason as I drift off slowly. I think I ask her to comfort me? I don't quite remember what else I say or hear. Last night, I did not sleep in a bed. Tonight, I will sleep in a bed, even at the point of sharing it. The floor is cold and uncomfortable. I don't want to sleep on the floor when the bed is available.

My smooth loss of consciousness is disturbed when Corona starts to drain my magic again.

'Let me sleep. Drain my magic tomorrow or later,' I tell the Guardian Spirit off

Corona stops. Comfortably, I fall asleep. Yana is warm. Not. I feel cold. Despite feeling cold, I still insist on going to sleep instead of opening my eyes and check why I am cold.

Sometime later, I am woken up by a call and a mental poke by Corona. It's morning already. Huh?! Time passes by so quickly!

"M.A.G.I.C," Corona is becoming demanding. Probably as an act of revenge on me for working them a lot yesterday.

Closing my eyes to prepare myself, I give them the permission. After greeting Yana and thanking her for letting me sleep in her room, because I didn't have the desire to make a trip to go back to my room, I have a small talk with her and finally excuse myself after making sure I won't stagger or fall for walking.

A good night sleep is really important for a healthy recovery.

Once I leave her room, Yana locks it. I chuckle a little at that move. It's early, there is nobody else in sight. A perfect moment for me to leave this scene undetected. I have invited Yana to eat breakfast with me and my new children, so...

Corona runs after me in the form of a fox ghost. They have just exited Yana's room.

"I thought you are in an urgent need of magic," I quietly question the Guardian Spirit who didn't immediately start the drainage after I gave them thepermission

Corona doesn't reply as they finally start the drainage. Well, okay.

Did I say it's still early? I spy Sousuke near the boys' dormitory building. I greet him while also inquire about this chance meeting.

"Aah, that," scratching the back of his head, Sousuke tells me he has just come back from a morning jog. I only manage to react by raising my eyebrows when Sousuke tries to change the topic, because he is embarrassed, "Um, Nii-san. Where did you come from?"

"Somewhere," I do not give the real answer. I do stir the topic back to his activity, "How is your morning jog?"

Slumping his shoulders, Sousuke mumbles while averting his gaze, "Uuh, about that..."

Smiling gently, I pat his head. Once Sousuke looks at me, I tell him, "There is no reason for you to be impatient. Starting slowly and gradually gaining momentum is acceptable too,"

Sousuke slumps his shoulders again, this time feeling relieved. I do not plan to give him pressure. I also don't have any expectation. There is no need for him to push himself so much just because of yesterday's result.

"Go take a bath and prepare for breakfast," I mess Sousuke's hair while at it, because my hand is still on his head

"O-K," Sousuke replies, while trying to escape from me, "By the way, what do you usually have for breakfast, Nii-san?"

Hm? "I just eat what's served," because I don't have the chance to look at breakfast menu, I don't quite know what's exactly available, "Why don't you pick my breakfast for me?"

"Eh? Me?" Sousuke is at a loss to have his question returns like that

I nod my head while guiding him to the magic circle, "That's right. Order my breakfast for me. I will pay you later,"

"Money is not the problem," Sousuke murmurs, bewildered, but ends up nodding with confidence, "I will make sure Nii-san likes the breakfast I choose!"

"I look forward to it," I smile as we leave to our respective rooms

When I see my bed, I am tempted to lie there. I don't do anything close to it thought. I did promise to have breakfast with my new family, after all.

Going to the cafeteria wearing my school uniform, for the first time, because class starts today for me, is an experience I have been waiting for. How long am I able to stand to stay in this school? I can't wait to find out.

Because I want to avoid Roseli, I will either transfer to another school or going on an adventure. I have a lot of options available to me once I am out of Yin City~

"Deau-san! Good morning!"

I turn around to greet her, Yana's best friend, "Morning,"

"Speaking of which, I haven't introduced myself properly, have I?" stopping me from walking to the cafeteria, Yana's best friend offers her hand, "I am Aikawa Aya,"

I accept the handshake, "Deau,"

Instead of letting go, Aikawa Aya tightens her grip, "I hope Deau-san remembers what I requested yesterday,"

I stay silent, taking time to recall it. 

"It's a little embarrassing for me to say this... But..." I wait for her to continue, confused as to what is embarrassing about her request, "Please take care of Yana!"

Is that what she means?

"I hope you won't trouble Yana too much, in your quest to take care of her," Aikawa gives me a smile, still holding my hand tightly to emphasise, "Yana is still recovering from her ordeal, isn't she?"

It's about how I incidentally chase Yana out from her room, as she takes refuge to Aikawa's room for the night? I do feel sorry for Yana about that.

"I will keep in mind to be careful from now on," I reply while bowing my head a little, aware that she is not the one who I should apologise to

Releasing my hand, Aikawa politely requests, "Please don't get Yana in trouble,"

"I understand," I assure her with a nod, "It is not my intention to trouble Yana either,"

Aikawa nods her head. She still has something to say about this matter thought, "In the future, please don't... Please try to not have meetings in Yana's rooms for you to fall asleep there. Vice versa,"

A specific request. I can't promise that, because dorm rooms are the place where we can be alone without eavesdroppers, like this one eavesdropper who is also Yana's friend. Does Aikawa notice her?

I just nod my head without saying anything. Aikawa frowns at my action, but decides it's enough that I listen to her. After that, we silently walk to the cafeteria together.

"Deau-san," Aikawa calls me again, to question, "May I consult you about relationship problem?"

I don't know. Do you want me to know about your problem? We are practically strangers. Regardless of that, Aikawa tells me that the person she loves...likes Yana. What should she do?

Those boys who don't dare to face me have people loving them? What a...terrible revelation. They are all friends, or at least know each other. If the culprit targeted Yana because of jealousy, because of boys...

I guess Yana, at the very least, is aware of this. She did raise the concern of how to reject boys who might take interest in her, after all. For one of the boys to be someone her best friend fancies, no wonder Yana was attacked by Aikawa.

Maybe Aikawa did not willingly burn Yana's eyes. Maybe Aikawa was hypnotised. Maybe Akashima Yu and Murasaki are right to say Aikawa and Yana will talk about their problems without fighting. Either way, it is a cold hard truth that jealousy blinded Aikawa enough for her to physically aiming to blind Yana.

But. To want my advice on a relationship problem. With my track record, regarding Roseli, am I qualified to give advice?

"Have you asked what Yana thinks about that boy?" I decide to return the problem to her, "After you know Yana's feeling, make the decision yourself,"

"But, he likes Yana!" Aikawa is really hung up on that point

"Is it mutual affection between the two of them?" I reply, giving her a cooling look to calm her down, "If you don't want them to be together, make him fall for you instead. You have already aimed for Yana. Do you want to continue aiming for Yana until he looks at you?"

Aikawa is frightened by this prospect.

"Or you can just give up on him," I continue without giving her a time to think

"Give...up?" Aikawa stares at me blankly

"The choices are in your hand," I tell Aikawa, keeping on going to the cafeteria, "Decide it yourself, what kind of ending you want,"

Aikawa follows me silently while looking down. Entering the cafeteria, I give it a shot, "Who is the boy you love?" that likes Yana?

Aikawa hesitantly raises her head to look inside the cafeteria. I can see from her reaction who that guy is. Coincidentally, we are walking past his table. Yup, he is one of the boys. Noticing us looking at him, he greets us with a simple, "Good morning,"

Aikawa is somehow surprised that the guy she loves would do that. I reply with a smile to his greeting. After that, I leave Aikawa behind to be with her one-sided love. I continue walking to my children and Yana. They haven't started breakfast yet. Are they waiting for me? How nice of them to do that~

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