Reincarnation... is getting p...

By FairoNeko

14.7K 630 477

Sometimes, I feel being a genius is underrated in my life. With a family like mine, there is no need for me t... More

1 o'clock: Stars
3 o'clock: Dusk
4 o'clock: Dawn
5 o'clock: Daybreak
6 o'clock: Sunrise
7 o'clock: Sun
8 o'clock: Day
9 o'clock: Halo
10 o'clock: Noon
11 o'clock: Solstice
12 o'clock: Twilight

2 o'clock: Moon

1.9K 89 63
By FairoNeko

Mom and Dad left in a hurry.

By the time I return to the restaurant after a part-time job, they are already gone. I see Big bro Terra but not his guest. Ah, it really is a call for help, isn't it?

"A little boy was run over by a monster," Big bro Terra informs me without prompting, "I guided his Aunt here with me,"

"Where do they live?" I ask, curious

"Nexon Town, Liaison Kingdom," Big sis Aira is the one who answers me, "A river or two away from Meerschaum Kingdom,"

Hmm... "Is that Kingdom weak? Don't they have Guards or Knights to subjugate the monsters? What about Healer or Doctor?" from my question, it's clear that what I think about that Kingdom, "Are they poor? Can't they hire Adventurers to subjugate the monsters before they become a problem and heal the boy so he won't need to wait for Mom,"

If the boy is seriously injured, he would be in pain when waiting for Mom. To put a child through that pain...

"Don't be too hard on them, Deau," Big bro Terra advises me, "Nobody wishes for this to happen,"

"Yeah. Nobody wants tragedy," Big sis Aira adds, shrugging as she says, "Maybe they don't have enough people to subjugate the monsters?"

For us, free subjugation service is guaranteed. I guess since we are a big family of the Royal bloodline, who is strong too, that we are able to help our people with the pests... I mean, the monster problem. Calling them a pest means taking the monsters too lightly.

"It's rather surprising for Dad to go with Mom," I can't help but comment once I realise it

"Dad goes there to subjugate the monsters," Big sis Fieri answers, popping into the kitchen, where we are chatting, quite suddenly, "If you don't mind, please leave the talk for later and help out serving the customers. We need waiters," then, to Big sis Aira, Big sis Fieri pointedly asks, "Have you have enough rest?"

Smiling brightly, Big sis Aira answers positively. So, Big sis Aira and Big sis Fieri exchange place, with Big sis Aira working as the waitress. Raising an eyebrow at me, I take the hint from Big sis Fieri. All right, I will go and be the waiter while Big sis Fieri takes over kitchen job.

They might not remember, but I have just returned from a job too, you know...

Since it's already evening, I only help out for a couple of hours before Big bro Terra decides to close the restaurant. It doesn't mean we have stopped working though. Big bro Terra prepares our dinner while we clean up the restaurant and kitchen, with Big bro Terra expertly stays out of our ways. Whilst we are seriously working to clean the kitchen, it's kind of fun to find ways to hinder Big bro Terra's job too. At the cost of our dinner, yeah.

After the works are done, finally, we then fully enjoy our dinners! Big bro Terra's cooking skill ranks number two, after Dad who takes the first place, in Yin City. It's guaranteed the meals would be tasty!

"Big bro Terra, what's your estimation of Mom and Dad's return?" Big sis Aira asks, starting a conversation on the table

"Two weeks at most?" Big bro Terra guesses, "Including travelling time. The Warp Gate doesn't reach the town,"

"Would they stay around to shop before coming back?" Big sis Fieri sighs lightly, pointing out something we hope to be incorrect, "We won't have enough rooms for all their purchases,"

"I am not volunteering my room," just in case, I remind them, with Big sis Aira echoing me

Big bro Terra pauses eating by putting down his dining utensils to lean back on his seat and think aloud, "Half of my room has already been used for storing last month's purchases. Who put the shopping bags in there anyway?"

"Me," Big sis Aira and I admit while raising a hand to plead guilty

"You weren't home," Big sis Fieri explains warmly, "And your room was empty. So..."

Big bro Terra gives us dirty look, "We have empty guest rooms,"

"They are guest rooms," I repeat, emphasizing the words while raising an eyebrow, "For guests,"

"Nonexistent guests," Big bro Terra leans in to squint at me

"The guests always come unexpected," Big sis Aira snorts rudely as she joins the fray, "It's easier for us to leave guests rooms empty and ready,"

The guests are mostly our parents' friends or people needing our parents' aids. The latter type of guest is more frequent. So, yes. It is easier to leave their rooms alone.

Big bro Terra sighs and picks up his dining utensils, "Don't we have a storage room?"

"Why do you think we put the shopping bags in your room?" Big sis Aira asks, blinking owlishly to stop herself from rolling her eyes

Big bro Terra smartly chooses to eat rather than continuing the conversation. The next topic is brought up by Big sis Fieri. About me.

"Are you really not going to school, Deau?" being the first to finish her dinner, as she talks less, Big sis Fieri brings her dirty dining utensils to the sink and washes it

"Going to school means leaving everyone behind. So, no," I reply, finishing my dinner second. Since Big sis Fieri is using the sink, I wait for my turn while staying seated.

"Going to school means meeting new people," Big sis Aira points out, definitely not speaking from experience. None of my Older Siblings goes to school. Where does she get the idea then?

Anyway, "Hmm, not interested," I reply plainly, "I am fine here, thank you,"

"Even though you love to travel with Mom..." Big bro Terra raises an eyebrow and casts me a dubious gaze

"Going to school means I have to stay there for a period of time," I clarify my reason for rejecting the notion, "In which I won't be able to meet my children,"

"Your children," Big bro Terra ponders deeply about it, "They are all scattered all over the world, aren't they?"

"Please finish your dinner first," Big sis Fieri reminds Big bro Terra who has stopped eating. Since she is done washing the utensils, Big sis Fieri retakes her seat.

"It's not like you have been seeing them a lot anyway," Big sis Aira retorts, finishing her dinner third

"It's not like I don't want to see them..." I sulk, as I can't deny her words. Standing up, I gather my dirty dining utensils to the sink and wash them.

"That's right," moving his hands and his mouth, Big bro Terra asks what he recalls, "You asked Corona to check on them, right?"

Speaking of Dad's Guardian Spirit! "Do you know where he is right now?" as they have somehow lost contact with me

"I'll 'ave, to c'eck," talking while stuffing his mouth, Big bro Terra receives Big sis Fieri's slap on the back as a reminder to restrain that particular bad habit. We understand Big bro Terra is sometimes so busy that he doesn't have the time to eat, but this is not the right moment to practice this habit! Relax and enjoy your dinner, Big bro Terra! You are at home now~

To what Big bro Terra says, helping me check Corona's whereabouts, I give a smile while drying the utensils I washed, "I'm counting on you,"

As I have finished eating and washing the dishes, I excuse myself to retire for the night. I have accumulated quite a lot of fatigue for the day.

-vis-à-vis, with one's duty-

What is a Prince? A member of the Royalty, born a Son.

What exactly does it mean to be a Prince? That's not something I have figured out.

I am a Prince because I am born to parent(s) who are a part of the Royalties.

In storybooks, Princes are often portrayed as Noble figures. They are little boys who spend their time absorbing everything while growing up, become smart and strong to protect their King, Queen, Princesses, and subjects, and then govern their Kingdoms as the successor King. There are also tales of how some Princes, in their quest to become a Crown Prince, thus a King, destroy their own siblings who are their rival for the throne.

...To become a King? Why exactly do they think it's important to become a King? Why isn't it more important to live with their siblings?

If a Kingdom only has one Prince, by default, that Prince will be Crown Prince, the one to become the new King. If a Kingdom has a lot of Princes, what will happen?

"Everyone either fights for the throne or nobody wants the throne at all," Dad answers, snorting a little derisively

Having returned after two weeks trip, Dad gathers us together to listen to a message from Uncle Rouct, the King of Meerschaum Kingdom. It is, to ask us to decide, who will become the Crown Prince.

"That's not something common or normal," Mom says, explaining to us the fact that Dad and his siblings who never really wanted the throne aren't exactly sane

"The insane ones are the people who choose to fight their own siblings for a burden," Dad shakes his head, disagreeing with Mom's words

"A burden," Mom squints her eyes at Dad, for dubbing the power to rule a Kingdom a 'burden'

I don't understand why Mom thinks it's something bad. Personally, I think it is insane for people, especially siblings, to fight for something like that. Who wants it? They get it. I don't really want it. Neither do my Older Siblings. It seems like my Cousins don't want it either.

Mom rubs her forehead, "Why are you all like this...?"

"Don't stress yourself about it," Dad assures Mom with, "In the end, someone will still get it, involuntarily,"

"That last word is unnecessary," Mom bumps her shoulder with Dad's while giving him a brief glare

"For Uncle Rouct to give this message... It's already the time for us to pick a Crown Prince?" Big bro Terra asks, steering us back to the discussion

"Actually, it's way past the time," Dad responds, sounding thoughtful, "It's supposed to be... Oh,"

Since Dad is looking at me, I question him warily, "What?"

"My guess is, Brother Rouct is waiting for you to turn 15 to include you in the candidate list," Dad smirks, clearly amused by his Second Older Brother's scheme

Big bro Terra glances my way. Big sis Fieri and Big sis Aira share a laugh. Mom heaves a sigh, as she figures out what will happen next.

"Just because I am eligible now, it doesn't mean I want to be a candidate," I reply to Dad, shaking my head strongly to show my disagreement

"I don't want to be a candidate either. I don't want to choose between Yggdrasil and Meerschaum Kingdom," Big bro Terra also speaks out his choice, with rational reason

Way to make me look half-baked, Big bro Terra. As that's not his intention, Big bro Terra chuckles sheepishly in reply.

"Either way, you two will still be listed as candidates until a Crown Prince is chosen. I don't think Terra's chosen rate is high, because we do take Yggdrasil into consideration," Dad tells us, smiling at the obvious relief Big bro Terra shows at his words, "As for Deau, no backing out,"

Really? Really really? Really really really? What if I have a reason to back out? Do I? I am sure something will come up later... Mom? Help?

Mom answers my call, looking briefly enlightened, "Yes, Deau will get a reason to back out from the election later,"

"What kind of reason?" Bis sis Aira asks, without receiving a reply as Mom proceeds to giggle merrily

I guess Mom must have seen something from her ability in knowing History. What kind of reason will I get to make Mom so...happy? Is Mom happy because of the reason or is Mom happy because I won't become the Crown Prince?

Leaving Mom's amusement aside, just in case, Dad reminds his Daughters, "You are not exempted either. If none of the boys wants the position, you will be up next,"

Big sis Fieri and Big sis Aira display the same displeased expression. Mom stops laughing to sigh at her children's reluctance to take up the mantle. Since our whole family, people with en Marshal's blood, are like this, Mom can do nothing but shake her head!

From what I gather as we talk more about this, starting from the King's own children to his nephews and nieces, ending with me as the youngest, no one wants to become the heir. Rather than Mom, the ones who should be shaking their heads are Uncle Rouct, the current King, and our Grandfather, the previous King, Dad says.

Us, the children who are the candidates, can only shrug our shoulders without changing our minds.

"Here," Dad passes a book to Big bro Terra, before dismissing this briefing, "It contains all the material you will need to learn as a Crown Prince or Crown Princess. Take a look at it, no matter your decision,"

Even after knowing our answers, Dad still wants us to read that thick book. Starting from Big bro Terra, we collectively let out a big sigh. Mom also sighs, in exasperation.

-vis-à-vis, with one's image-

We have got a special guest again. I wasn't present, as I worked part-time outside. When I returned in the evening after visiting I.C. and his children, Mom and Dad had left. It's been days since they were gone.

With how frequent things like this happens, I have long since past the stage of resentment of their frequent absences as I grow up. I have accepted that my parents are miracle workers in high demand. Am I being sarcastic? Who knows. Being a modest family who just owns a family restaurant is not our style.

As the core success of their patients' recovery is their own fitness, I will just make sure my parents don't overwork themselves too badly!

"You require people to take care of you, Deau," I.C., who listens to my soliloquy, looks at me doubtfully, "What's that nonsense about taking care of other people?"

I admit, there are a lot of moments where I suppose I have been spoiled as the youngest child. But, do you know? I love being spoiled! The self-reflection passes rather easily since the answer is already clear to me.

I.C. thinks I can't take care of people. I think I can, "I will learn to take care of others,"

As I am growing up, I am trying to learn to take care of others too. It's never too late to do that, you know. Because I have the will to do so, surely, I will be able to do it!

"I guess I should wish you luck..." I.C. doesn't really believe me, though he tries to be nice

Yet, "Can you be specific on what kind of luck you're wishing to me? Unfortunately, I can't carelessly accept random good lucks anymore," in case the luck is placed in the Crown Prince election area. I don't need my luck on that to go up.

The sharpness of the glare I.C. gives me will certainly hurt if he also demonstrates by using needles to stab me. As his children are present, eating lunch, using violence is a big no-no.

I love I.C.'s children, which have grown in numbers! They protect me without knowing it! They are like my personal Guardian Angels!

"Take your lunacy to somewhere else," I.C. resorts to using threats, "Or else it's Roseli for you,"

I will behave, I will behave. No need for you to use the Roseli card. That's a foul play.

"You're so annoying," I.C. mutters while gathering the plates for me to bring back to wash, "Why don't you act like when you're in public instead? No need to be casual with us,"

"What are you saying?" acting like when I am in public? No need to be casual with I.C. and his kids? Why not? We are practically family! I don't want to use public face and treat them as strangers.

When the public knows the election for Crown Prince has started, they also start to treat me differently. Even though the selection for Crown Prince is supposed to be a private matter, how do they know? Either way, as they treat me as a 'Prince', it means I can't carelessly act as I pleased anymore. That's why, I think it's a good idea to reject the nomination as severely as possible so I can be myself, so they won't think of me as just a 'Prince' and not 'Deau'.

It's bothersome, how they expect me to be a 'Prince'. Especially, of all the 'Prince' characters to choose from, I am somehow being dubbed as the 'Cold Prince'. I don't mean to be seen as someone like that though. Me, a cold person...? When in reality, I am just a...

A sarcastic spoiled youngest son who happened to be born in Yggdrasil as a Prince of Meerschaum Kingdom.

I.C. continues with his work without heeding me, "Here are your things," handing over the collected plates, I.C. readily chases me away

Oh, well. I.C. is not someone who would pity me anyway.

After sharing some hugs with the children, I leave their lair. Returning to the restaurant to wash the plates, I think about my life a little. My concern is, the free time I have nowadays.

I am still doing part-time jobs as usual. Only, my help is not really required anymore. It's rather lonely, how they don't need me around anymore. Everything changes when I become a known Crown Prince candidate. My relationship with the people of Yin City...

I let out a big sigh. This whole affair is disheartening.

Sure, I come to realise I am just like my parents because of this. I want to help people and be close to them. With the best of my ability, I want to help them as much as possible. Does that mean we, my family, love people a lot? I guess so. We certainly don't mind sharing affection with strangers whenever they need it. Within limitations, of course.

Realising that only after they don't need my service anymore... I sigh again. 

As my part-time jobs lessen, my idle time increases. What should I do then? Helping out the restaurant? I guess this is another way for me to connect with people, the patrons. If the restaurant is not busy, I will just find something to amuse myself with, among other things...

"Deau? Shouldn't you be busy?" Big sis Fieri notices me around the break room after I finish washing the plates from I.C. and his kids' lunches and inquires with confusion

"I think I will have a lot of free time soon," I will need to check again, but I know I will stop with the part-time jobs. Having a Crown Prince candidate working in trivial jobs isn't good for a 'Prince's reputation, is what I have heard they discuss. For their peace of minds, I will do as they wish. Stop working for them, that is.

Even without my initiative, I have been slowly fired from almost all my part-time jobs anyway. A couple of the jobs I have left... Today probably would be the last day.

"Is that so...?" Big sis Fieri is certainly surprised and worried, over whatever problems I might have with my employer

"I will be helping around the restaurant later," I inform her, as a headstart

"Your help will certainly be appreciated," Big sis Fieri smiles, ceasing her worry to stay positive

I return the smile briefly, "I will leave for some business today. Maybe I will work as the waiter starting tomorrow,"

"Take care," Big sis Fieri nods and leaves the break room

Take care. It is certainly something important to remind me of. Despite the peaceful life we seem to have right now, there are moments when we need to protect ourselves because people make questionable decisions. Well, it has been awhile since anyone has caused any troubles. I suppose the guards are doing a good job keeping everything in order.

Currently, I am on my way to the part-time jobs I have left. I need to make sure to clear up any misunderstands and assumptions with my employers. If they really don't need me to work for them anymore, I will resign.

I have to stop walking when I see her. Oh, I am certain it's not my imagination that Roseli is there, on the street across from me. It's too late to act like I have not seen her because I have stopped moving from the shock of this accidental meeting.

"Deau!" Roseli happily calls out to me, as if she is really delighted that I have stopped for her

She is not really wrong, though I did not stop because I want to meet her. Privately wondering whether we will have a meaningful conversation, I reply politely to her greeting when she comes over for a talk, "Roseli,"

"Are you busy?" Roseli asks expectantly

I still have things to do, "Yes. I am busy with part-time works. Excuse me for leaving first,"

"Wait," Roseli stops me to ask, "You still have them?" after blinking in surprise as I reply with a simple nod, Roseli tilts her head in question and mutters, "I thought you have been dismissed from the jobs?"

Almost been dismissed from all jobs, yes. Though, "How do you know about it?"

The dismissal is a private matter between my employers and me. I don't think my employers would spread words carelessly about that either. Since I haven't even told my family, there's no way Roseli would hear the news from them. That's why I am asking, how do you know, Roseli?

This is just a hunch, as Roseli keeps silent and averts her eyes from meeting mine. The reason she acts like this, is it because of guilt? "Were you the one who instigated everything?"

The rumours of Crown Prince election which is supposed to be a private matter too, the concept of acting as the 'Royalty' I am born to be, and the fact that I am being dismissed from part-time jobs. Are they all Roseli's doing? Why?

Roseli slowly looks at me, answering me truthfully with her belief, "I don't understand what you mean by asking why. Isn't that only natural? You are a Prince," repeating what she used to say before I break our friendship, Roseli smiles slightly, "It will be a matter of time before you are appointed as the Crown Prince. I think, starting to act as our future King from now on is not too late for you, Deau,"

What is she saying? How can she be so certain of what my future will be? Even though I clearly have told her I don't want to rule the Kingdom? Neither do I want to marry her? Just... What is her purpose for doing everything, which she thinks is on my behalf? Is it delusion? Is it belief? Why do you become like this, Roseli?

I cover the lower part of my face to hide the revulsion from being seen clearly. Thinking about what Roseli has become makes me want to throw up. Turning a little away from her, I smother the feeling and shake my head to calm myself. Closing my eyes for a few seconds then open them again, I let out a long breath.

With resolve, I turn to Roseli and smile coldly, "It appears our opinions are still different. As I have told you, we have nothing to talk about anymore. Please leave me alone. You do not need to concern yourself with my matters any longer. Thank you for everything you have done, even if they are not wanted,"

Taking a step to the left, I continue walking to my destination while bypassing Roseli. I am grateful that Roseli doesn't chase after me to explain herself, to argue with me. As long as our views contrast each other's, we won't be able to talk properly.

Somehow, I feel sad, angry, and disappointed. To hide my feelings, I have to be cool while talking to people. This calm, cold, and collected Deau is not like me at all. Even though I questioned it at first, being characterised as a 'Cold Prince' is not a slip of judgement, huh?

After talking about this and that with several people, I am now officially jobless. After going back home, I hide in my room to sleep away the dark mood. When dinner comes around, I tell my siblings of what I told Big sis Fieri. They welcome me with open arms, of course.

Having a salary-free worker, who wouldn't be happy, right~? I will demand other kinds of payment, eventually.

-vis-à-vis, with one's guardian-

Dad and Mom return with souvenirs again.

Big bro Terra has left to do errands for Yggdrasil.

Corona, Dad's Guardian Spirit, has also come back.

Minus Big bro Terra, we almost have a complete family reunion!

The souvenirs Dad and Mom bring back are put in Big bro Terra's room again, since there is nowhere else to store them, causing his room to be a little crowded. Big bro Terra is going to complain again when he returns. Maybe I should suggest closing the restaurant for half a day to sort out everything Dad and Mom have bought?

Now, focusing on Corona, who has been absent for awhile, "How are my children?"

"Growing more mature than you," is the reply they give. How rude.

"That's not an appropriate answer!" I shake a finger at them plus a roll of my eyes, "They are growing up well, I take it?"

"Growing more mature than you," Corona stands corrected. Then, they take the form of Uncle Rouct's Eldest Son, "A message. Want to hear it?"

Corona the Guardian Spirit is formless. They can turn to whoever or whatever they want. Though, from what I understand, Corona prefers to take the form of people and animals. Towards Corona with Older Cousin's appearance and message, I give a wary gaze, "What is it about?"

Taking that as my will to listen, Corona uses Older Cousin's appearance and voice to ask me something I never expect, "What did you do to rank first in the popularity poll?!"

It takes me a few moment to understand what kind of popularity poll Older Cousin means. As I realise it, I screech. Who nominated me?! When did they hold the poll?! Why did they do that?! That's like, asking for disaster to happen! Why I never hear anything about it before?! Didn't I make it clear I don't want to be chosen as the Crown Prince!?

"Why am I ranked first?!" I make to grab Corona to demand an answer, but as expected, my hands pass through them

"I am just a messenger," Corona returns to look like Dad and gives me a look, "Message delivered. I demand my payment now,"

We have a staring contest for one minute before I give up. This Guardian Spirit has no real need to blink. Putting on Corona's gray-coloured ring to let them absorb my magic, I go to find Dad in his study room. After knocking the door and announce my presence, I ask loudly to whoever in there, "Whose stupid idea to have a popularity poll?!"

"Not me," Dad replies, stopping his hand which is writing a letter to smirk at my indignation, seeing as he knows about this poll beforehand. You could have warned me, Dad!

The other person, Big sis Fieri who is reading while standing near the bookshelf, looks at me in disbelief, "There's a poll?!"

"I heard it from Corona who has just come back," I explain, finding a comrade to hold a protest against whoever is responsible for that useless poll

"How can we know the result?" Big sis Fieri returns the book she is reading to the shelf and walks to me to hold up my hand in which Corona's gray-coloured ring resides, "Corona, can you tell us?"

Emerging from the gray-coloured ring, which is his epitome of home, Corona takes the form of Older Cousin again, "This guy,"

"Him," Dad snorts, covering his mouth to contain his laughter, "It means Brother Rouct, the King, is definitely involved,"

"Dad, can you ask Uncle Rouct to not do something unnecessary?" I request politely

"I will ask. It's up for debate whether he would listen," Dad replies while chuckling, having lost to his amusement

From the way Dad says it, the answer is probably negative. Fine. Shall we have a petition to cancel any future polls from being held? Or, shall we have a petition to cancel Uncle Rouct altogether? Where did he get the idea to do something absurd like this...

"Do Big bro Terra or Aira know about this?" Big sis Fieri asks me after thanking Corona who returns to their gray-coloured ring

I shake my head, since I haven't gotten the chance to tell them yet. Besides, Big bro Terra isn't around. Where is he right now?

"Terra will probably hear it from the Spirits, since Corona knows about it," Dad reminds us, picking up his pen to continue writing the letter, "Where is Aira anyway?"

"At I.C.'s place," Big sis Fieri reports to Dad, while glancing at me briefly

Dad raises his eyebrows at us, "What is she doing there?" Dad stops talking and raises a hand to stop us from answering to ask me, "Have you sent the lunches, Deau?"

Speaking of which, "I have forgotten it," I admit sheepishly, with a little grin

"Shame on you," Corona comes out and takes I.C.'s appearance just to tell me that before disappearing again

Dad looks rather amused as I give Corona's gray-coloured ring a glare, "It's pretty rare for you to forget to do that,"

I give a helpless shrug, "I do make mistake from time to time,"

"Were you troubled by something, Deau?" Big sis Fieri suddenly asks while looking quite concerned, "You haven't been energetic for a while,"

Before I can answer, from behind me, I am hugged. Mom tells them the answer for me, "Deau is feeling lonely because nobody has been spoiling him lately~"

Not having part-time jobs mean I don't have any reason to go out. Helping the restaurant only get me to meet several people who come to eat. Besides, now that the people are more reserved with me, I can't leisurely play with them anymore. I.C. and his children have their own business to attend, work and studies, so they can't always give me their time.

In short, yes, I am lonely. Despite having everyone with me, I still feel lonely. I want them to pay attention to me! Not always, for forever, but enough attention that we know we are still close to each other! A simple greeting between strangers is different from a greeting between friends, you know!

Big sis Fieri looks thoughtful, "You haven't been in contact with Roseli, have you?"


I make a face at Big sis Fieri for bringing up my former friend, who still can't be my friend. Mom releases me to take a seat on the sofa inside Dad's study room. I am still standing near the door with Big sis Fieri.

"Well, it was just a suggestion," Big sis Fieri shrugs after a look at my expression

"I guess you really can't stay alone for too long," Dad mutters, tapping his fingers on his desk while in thought, "Why don't you have other activities aside from working in the restaurant?"

"I am lonely, not bored," I inform Dad fairly, reminding him what I need is interaction, not more work

"I am saying," Dad rolls his eyes as I kind of cut him off before he explains, "Put what you learned while working part-time to make something to give to people or for your own use. Didn't you use to do that in the past? Pick up that hobby again to reconnect with the people you have lost contact with,"

"Rather than looking to be spoiled, start spoiling other people too," Mom translates for our easy understanding, "Show them your love and appreciation for them,"

I see. That might work.

"You have been having a full-time shift at the restaurant, right? Change it to part-time," Dad instructs to his children who are present to listen, "Deau, you may do what you like without holding yourself back, you know,"

Doing what I like? Playing with magic, is it okay?

There's no way I can ask that to Dad who doesn't like to rely on magic. From Mom's understanding smile, it seems like she knows what is in my mind. Because it's our little secret. Which might not stay a secret for long, if Mom accidentally reveals it.

Grinning brightly, Mom suggests to us, "Why don't you go hunting with Deau starting tomorrow, Castel?"


For that out of the blue suggestion, we can only gape. Monster hunting is something done when the monster's growing numbers become a problem, not something we do that regularly. For Mom to suggest us to have the hunt every morning... I will lose sleep, won't I?

-vis-à-vis, with one's magic-

It has been a long time since I have practised magic casually. The last time... Before I started working? A long time, indeed.

For Mom's suggestion to go hunting, we wait until Big bro Terra returns so he can participate too. Big sis Fieri and Big sis Aira aren't interested in hunting monsters. They are more interested in hunting the perpetrator for the popularity poll so I leave the job on stopping future polls to them.

To hunt monsters, the first rule is to be stronger than them. That is, aside from using weapons only... We are allowed to use magic too.

My magic is nothing special. Having the same Elemental Affinity as Mom which is Natural, it means I don't have any special offensive spells. What I can do, is manipulate my magic and use my Ability to Draw something out of magic.

For example, I can draw a sword for brief use to cut apart a monster. The good part is, I won't need to clean my weapon afterwards. The bad part is, it takes time to Draw a sword, no matter how simple it is. My Drawing also doesn't last long, so I will get in trouble if I don't get the timing right. This can be the appliance of 'one step forward, two steps back' idiom.

Towards Dad who doesn't like to rely on magic, I wonder what he thinks of my heavy reliance on magic? Big bro Terra too, as the representative of Yggdrasil, must have relied on magic a lot. Yggdrasil's problems are mostly magic-related, I am sure.

What does Dad think of us who depend on magic? It has been on my mind for a long time... Since we were introduced and taught magic for self-defence as a child, if I am not mistaken? Of course, for as long as I remember, after I have a grasp on my magic, I have been stealing moments to practice it... My magic is not something I can take for granted, no matter what I thought in the past.

Learning Mom's Healing Arts is helpful in my education about magic, but what I want is for my own magic to be useful. The way I played with my magic in the past were all wrong! I should have realised it back then~!

As we take a short break after hunting some monsters before returning to Yin City, Dad warns me to, "Focus, Deau,"

"Yes?" I reply, staring at Dad in surprise

"Something on your mind?" Big bro Terra asks, taking a drink from the bottle he brought with him

After he is done, Big bro Terra passes the drink to me and I accept it gratefully. After taking several sips, I give Dad the bottle to drink.

Having calmed down my breath and tension from the scuffle with monsters, I answer them, "I don't understand what you mean? I was pretty focused when hunting earlier, you know,"

"Really? You looked pretty distracted," Big bro Terra replies, widening his own eyes at me in slight disbelief

"I wasn't distracted?" hearing Big bro Terra says that, even I have to question whether I was distracted or not. I only started reminiscing when we take a break. I know the danger of being distracted when fighting, no matter how trivial our opponent is. Dad did make sure to teach us well.

Besides, I can recall earlier fights, how we used a triangle formation to ambush a two-horned wolf monster, consecutive attacks on four-horned eagle monster, and much more. I am quite confident I did pretty well in the fights too.

Dad stares at me as I discuss with Big bro Terra about the hunts. After we are done with the break, Dad announces, "We will continue to hold morning hunting for as long as possible,"

"Okay...?" I reply simply, having known it when Mom suggested this idea

"When I am present too, please," Big bro Terra requests to participate

Dad approves easily, "Of course. I do need your help to experiment on Deau,"

I blink repeatedly at Dad, completely taken aback by his words, "What kind of experiment do you mean?"

"You will know when you experience it," Dad grins at me, absolutely delighted of what to come

Is it because I rely on magic too much? Or is it because of some mistakes I did? What is it? What is it?? Please have mercy on me.

-vis-à-vis, with one's calling-

It has been awhile.

I between this and that, my 16th birthday comes and goes. One day, when we are having dinner, a guest comes for Big bro Terra. Revision. The Holy-type will-o'-wisp from Yggdrasil is actually here for Mom! Who would have thought they don't need Big bro Terra, sometimes.

Big bro Terra gives me a look for wondering out loud.

"We need your help," the Holy-type will-o'-wisp tells Mom while floating slowly in place

"Of course I will help," Mom smiles, pushing herself up from the dining table to go to her room to take her travelling bag. Mom always has a bag ready containing her necessities for random and abrupt calls for help.

"To Yggdrasil?" Dad questions the Holy-type will-o'-wisp

"Not yet," the Holy-type will-o'-wisp replies while swaying left and right, "We need Witchdoctor to stabilise the patient first before transporting her to Yggdrasil,"

"Oh, sounds serious," Big sis Aira comments softly, worried for this patient we do not know

"I can help too if you need it," I offer, since I have learned a lot about Holy Arts from Mom. I am her assistant too, so I am sure I will be able to help instead of getting on the way.

"Should I go too?" Big bro Terra also offers, thinking that he will be able to contribute in other ways

"It's fine," the Holy-type will-o'-wisp assures us, "Witchdoctor will be able to save her,"

Mom comes back to the living room, where we greet the guest, with her bag, "I will be going first. Alone," Mom tells that especially to Dad, who has been planning on following, it seems

After a pause, Dad compromises, "One week,"

After one week, if Mom hasn't returned by then, Dad will go find her. That's their new rule. As we grow up, Dad decides he doesn't need to stay back to look after us anymore. That's why, he has been going with Mom whenever people seek her help the past year.

Mom smiles and goes to kiss Dad. After that, it's the children's turn.

"See you later~!" waving cheerfully, Mom follows the Holy-type will-o'-wisp in leaving the house

Outside, as we watch, there is another Spirit standing by. That Spirit says something and turns into dust which covers Mom. From that dust, a pair of wings is formed. Without looking back at us, Mom flies off with the Holy-type will-o'-wisp.

"Is that your form of transportation?" Big sis Fieri asks Big bro Terra for information after seeing how Spirit works for the first time

"She's a Sylph," Big bro Terra explains, "Her name is Tenma, if I am not mistaken. Anyway, not really. I don't go to places with the Sylphs' help. I can't stand the flying,"

Because Big bro Terra has motion sickness. Nor can I stand the height, because I have acrophobia. Out of everyone in our family, only us two won't be able to enjoy the experience of being in the sky. Not a big loss, in my opinion.

Corona manifests in the form of that Sylph just to point and laughs at me, for having known my line of thought. In retaliation, I take off the gray-coloured ring to stop supplying them with magic and return the ring to Dad.

"Boys," Big sis Aira clicks her tongue and shakes her head, "So pathetic,"

Big bro Terra and I return to the dining table to continue our dinner without responding to Big sis Aira's provocation. No matter what she says, we will always stand by our ground.

"I hope that person gets better soon," Big sis Fieri, being the vocal kind-hearted one, wishes the patient for easy recovery

"It's pretty rare for Humans to need the help of Spirits to heal," Big bro Terra says suddenly, having just realised it, "Is the patient a Human?"

"If it's a Spirit, they won't ask Mom for help, would they?" Big sis Aira points out, since Spirits are Big bro Terra's expertise

"It might be Beast-tribe person too," Big sis Fieri reminds Big sis Aira, of other races in this world

"Whoever they are," Dad starts, taking Mom's unfinished dinner to eat, "Litos will save them,"

"Of course," I reply, smiling a little as I remember the patients Mom had healed when I travelled with her, "If Mom needs my help, I am always available,"

"Of course," my Older Siblings choruses, all knowing how much free time I have again

-vis-à-vis, with one's harmony-

Two months.

Well, one week in, Dad does as he promised. He goes to Yggdrasil to find Mom, if Mom has already moved there with the patient.

I am saying, around two months later, Mom and Dad return with souvenirs, as always whenever they have a trip. Plus a girl in tow.

A girl who is sickly pale and clearly too thin to be healthy. Seems like she is the patient who required Spirits' help. Has she recovered fully? Has she been eating well? She should eat more to make sure she gains back the colour and weight. My instinct as a Healer wants to do anything I can to help with her recovery, but I stop it. She is Mom's patient, not my business. I am sure Mom can take care of her better than me anyway.

Also, despite my instinct as a Healer, I still think her shoulder-length black hair and big black eyes behind a light blue framed glasses... If she steps in a shaded or dark area, she certainly can scare a number of people with her ghostly appearance. Well, it's an idea of a profession, if she is ever interested. Not that I would suggest it to her. Mom or someone else would give me a beating for saying something like that to a patient.

Short observation over, let's listen to what Dad or Mom has to say about her after Dad orders us to line up for a joke which is never going to be funny. Give it a rest already, parents!

Starting with me, Dad introduces his children with names, "Yana, from left to right, from my youngest child to oldest, they are Deau, Aira, Fieri, and Terra respectively..."

Despite Dad's obvious glee, we are not amused. Mom too, is grinning cheerfully as she continues the introduction, "And together, they are..."

"Drum roll, please," Dad cut in, grinning maliciously at his children who are preparing for the worst to happen

Really, what kind of parents are they, for doing this whenever their children are introduced to strangers? We are not just a random family, you know. We should have a reputation to uphold, don't we?! I won't mind using the 'Royalty' card if I can stop them from doing this. Yet, since they aren't stopping even when introducing us to foreign Royalties...

After a brief delay, together, Mom and Dad announce proudly to the guest, "The DAFT Siblings!!"

Silence. Mom and Dad's shout is loud enough to halt the sounds coming from the restaurant. I have a sinking feeling the customers hear that cursed introduction.

The silence is then broken by Mom and Dad's hearty laughter. Big bro Terra covers his face, Big sis Fieri closes her eyes resignedly, and Big sis Aira is reduced to tears from the shame. I am left to stare at the guest dully, waiting for the incoming laughter from her or from the customers. Whichever comes first.

The guest breaks first. Delivering a genuine laughter, she laughs until her body is bent. She thinks it's funny, huh? To laugh so much, be careful to not fall over and hurt herself. Is she strong enough to laugh carefreely like that? I don't want to witness a weak girl like her laughing herself to death, by accident.

After giving the guest an unspoken chance to collect herself, which she fails to take, Big sis Aira reaches her limit for the day. Big sis Aira welcomes Mom and Dad's back home then loudly exclaims about going back to work. Big sis Aira also has the courage to call them evil on their face. It's nothing our parents care about though, since they know it and purposely do this embarrassing introduction because they are just that evil to their children.

No matter how much we complain, they just won't stop, you know. Taking Big sis Aira's cue, without the calling our parents evil, Big sis Fieri also welcomes Dad and Mom back home then excuses herself for work. Between Big bro Terra and me, who will leave next?

"Wait!" Mom controls her laughter and speaks up to stop her Daughters, since her Sons are just standing there without moving, "I haven't introduced Yana yet!"

Hearing that, Big sis Fieri and Big sis Aira return to their position between Big bro Terra and me. No matter how evil our parents are, we are their angelic children~ If only Mom and Dad would come to their sense and discard that type of introduction to complete perfect family template...

Giggling in between the introduction while putting a hand on the guest's shoulder, Mom tells us her name and origin, "This is Yana Akashima, from Mitsugo Kingdom,"

Mitsugo Kingdom? Uncle Ace and Aunt Eiko's Kingdom? I know Mom is popular as Witchdoctor, but doesn't Mitsugo Kingdom have competent Healers who can help this patient? Just how bad was her illness to need Mom too? Plus the Spirits, who were the ones asking for Mom's help...

Masking my puzzlement, in case the guest's mental health is not in good condition to be reminded of her illness, despite how careless her laughter was earlier, I question Mom dully, "Is that all? Now that we are done with introductions, I am going back to work," since we have been introduced beforehand, there's nothing else to do here, right?

On cue.

"Me two," Big sis Aira says, agreeing with me

"Me three," Big sis Fieri says, agreeing with me

"Me four," Big bro Terra says, agreeing with me, while waiting for Dad and Mom to dismiss us

"How impatient," Dad clicks his tongue, acting annoyed while definitely plotting something, judging by the laughter in his eyes, "Of course, that's not all,"

What kind of news is he going to deliver? Will the guest stay with us until she recovers fully? If it's about that, isn't it just the usual business? What else is there to tell? Something that Dad thinks is fun but maybe we would disagree...

Mom beams at the guest she is somehow holding hostage before turning to us to announce, "Yana here, is my patient," as we figured, "She is also a good girl," if Mom says so, "She is also Deau's bride candidate!"


Did Mom just...

I can feel my heartbeat slowing down after hearing that.

Mom and Dad, they know the reason why I cut off my friendship with Roseli. They know my thoughts regarding that topic. Why did they bring this up with me? Introducing a random stranger girl as my bride candidate, nonetheless... Just, why?

Forcing my expression to not twitch, I inform coolly, "I can look for my own bride," in the future, when I am ready. Brushing off Mom's announcement as a bad joke, despite the unrest in my heart, I politely reply, "Thank you for introducing her, but I will have to eliminate her from the list,"

I am done with this topic of conversation. Mom is not. Fine. Let's use reason. If not for me, then for her sake. Mom would care more about her, wouldn't you, Mom? "You decided that without her consent, didn't you? Don't you see how uncomfortable she is?"

I do feel slightly better to know she doesn't want this too, seen clearly from her expression. I will just take this as Mom's usual random whim, which I will ignore. Though, my mood takes a bad turn again when Dad teases me about caring for her. Mom, Dad, seriously!

"Pleaseee, I have to," I drawl to stay calm, or else I will lose my temper, "Since, obviously, you two aren't taking her feelings into consideration," I roll my eyes as I include my feelings in there silently, "Seriously,"

As if reminded of something, Mom mumbles, "Well, Yana did object..."

"Listen to her objection then," I suggest dryly, wishing that Mom and Dad are not the types who readily execute insane ideas without taking our opinions into consideration. There are times I would go along with the flow and there are times I will never accept it. This is the time for latter opinion, "Do her a favour and stop with the weird ideas," or else I will get really angry, I convey using my gaze

"It's not weird," Dad speaks up, eyeing me calculatingly, "It's an idea,"

Are they trying to test my temper? "A bad idea, trying to pair us up," I reply firmly, wishing for them to listen! And! Stop! With this nonsense!

I shake my head to show my strong rejection of this idea they have, a tiny bit of disappointment that they aren't listening and taking my feelings into consideration, and a plea for them to stop with this already. I am tired, mentally, of this conversation, "No playing matchmaking, please,"

"Fine," Mom finally agrees, turning away from me after narrowing her eyes in thought then tells the guest, "I am sorry Yana. You have been rejected by Deau. Cruelly too," Mom makes the motion to wipe her dry eyes for imaginary tears, "I have a cruel, cruel son,"

"Mom!" I groan, frustrated with Mom and what she is doing, "Don't paint me to be the bad guy here!"

I thought both Mom and Dad know I don't want a bride right now. I thought they know I never mean to ask them to find someone for me when I complain about Roseli. I just want someone to listen to me when I have disagreements with Roseli because of this very topic! Then here they come, forcing me into this situation and makes it so I am the one who is wrong? Come on!! What exactly is the point of this farce!?

"Calm down," faintly, I hear Corona's voice, who shouldn't be here with me, since their ring is in Dad's hand

Pressing my lips together tightly, I close my eyes and take deep breathes. To keep me away from truly losing my temper completely, as I can feel the air within this room is faintly simmering with my magic, Big bro Terra requests for Mom and Dad's permission so we can leave since he judges this meeting should not be extended any further.

Dad give permission for them to leave, with a condition, "Deau has to stay," causing us to look at him in disbelief. After I almost cause an explosion, Dad still wants me to stay???

Of course, this shock completely dissipates the simmering magic in the air. Is that his goal for keeping me in the break room? No? Dad seriously wants me to stay? Dad felt the simmering of my magic, right? Mom did too, right? My Older Siblings, as they stand beside me, definitely felt it. Even Corona came out to tell me to 'calm down' because they felt it too. The guest? She doesn't look like she has any idea what occurred.

I express my frown, clearly unhappy. Hesitantly, my Older Siblings leave for work. They give a pat on my back as they purposely walk pass me, whispering for me to stay calm. Of course, after feeling the simmering magic, I also plan to stay calm. I... I don't want to cause any incident.

After finally being left alone with Mom, Dad, Corona, and the guest, I fold my arms and demand while narrowing my eyes, "What do you want me to do now?"

Okay, maybe I am not so calm, after all. I can hear Corona chuckles. Where are they anyway?

Dad rolls his eyes, probably because of Corona's chuckle, as he takes out a bag of money, "I want you to take Yana shopping," instructing me, Dad also explains, "She doesn't have enough luggage for long-term stay,"

"Excuse me, Castel-san," the guest interjects hurriedly, "I don't plan to stay here for long,"

"Yes, I know," Dad nods steadily, honestly knowing it, "But, you still need to buy some necessities,"

Receiving the bag of money means I will take up on the job. Can Dad ask someone else instead? While the guest still looks conflicted about receiving my help, Mom whispers something to her ear. From the frown the guest shows unconsciously, Mom is probably saying unnecessary words again.

I heave a big sigh. My parents, they are...loving. But, can I say they are annoying too?

"I don't want to trouble Deau by borrowing his shirts. He probably won't like that,"

After hearing her reply, I have to stare at Mom who is grinning slightly in return to me. Mom, are you seriously going to force us together...or something? Please, for the good of everyone, stop that already.

"Which is why you are going to buy more clothes for yourself," Dad responses to guest's words, putting the bag of money on my reluctant hand, "Don't worry about paying back. We will claim invoices from Gakuen Magi,"

"I don't think the payment includes this," the guest mutters, visibly unsure of her own answer

"They asked us to take care of you," Mom reminds her with a smile, "We are going to do a good job of it!"

The guest sighs, giving up on arguing. I don't know the details exchanged between involved parties regarding payment to take care of the guest, and I don't particularly care, but if it's a trouble, maybe...don' Borrow Big sis Fieri or Big sis Aira's things instead? She isn't staying for long, is she?

To suddenly involve me with the Mom's patient, when usually Mom or Dad would take care of the matter themselves, is very rare. Usually, the patients or guests aren't introduced like that either, as in related to me... Anyway, I wonder what makes they think to involve me, who almost go ballistic because of their matchmaking whim, in this guest's matter is a good idea.

I shake my head at how much my parents like to trouble us. The more I think about it, the more I feel this guest might experience some repercussion because of my parents' nonsensical whims. Can't they consider the feelings of their victims more? Please give me a break and don't involve me in the mess you are going to create. Stop with whatever you are planning already. Do I need to keep talking about it until you listen?

"Deau," rolling his eyes, Dad orders me to, "Stop talking. Act more and talk less. Go on, be back for lunch," Dad continues by telling the guest, ignoring my obvious disinclination to do as he says, "I will prepare your curry rice,"

Instantly, the guest's whole demeanour changes from reluctance to comply, like me, to pure joy and obedience. What? Is that her magic word or something? Girl, are you seriously going to listen what Dad says just like that? Looks like it. Just for one plate of curry rice??

I thought I may have a comrade who would fight with me against my parents, despite how unreliable she is. For her to change her mind so easily to side with Dad... What do I do? Maybe I can persuade her to change her mind again? I will have to talk to her, won't I? To get her attention, first is calling her name... What is her name...?

Chancing a glance at Mom, I receive the answer. All right, ignoring Mom's amusement at what I am about to do, I go ahead and call her, "Yana," after a pause for her to snap out from a daydream and look over here, I continue with, "He is bribing you. Don't be swayed,"

The guest clearly looks scandalised by my words. I wonder which part she is offended with. That I imply Dad is a swindler or that she only realised she has been tricked?

Dad rolls his eyes as Mom giggles, distracting the guest from responding to send us off, "Go on you two. Remember, be back for lunch!"

Oh, there goes my chance to back out. The guest forgets about my words to cheerfully assure Mom that we would be back for her curry rice.

I won't give up just like that though, "Are you seriously willing to forgive them for the troubles you have to go through just for a plate of curry rice?"

"Ah, well," the guest scratches her cheek shyly, looking at Dad and Mom in a slightly worshipful manner, to my mystification, "They have helped me much more than the troubles they brought me. So, forgiving them is fine!"

Just because Mom and Dad are awesome, it doesn't mean we don't need to question their choices sometimes. Worshipping my parents is fine, agreeing with everything they say is not. I shake my head sadly, deciding, "You are a lost cause,"

"A lost cause," blinking repeatedly, the guest replicates my words with genuine astonishment, "That's new. People usually say I am careless,"

"Careless," I quote, appalled. For people to acknowledge that as her trait, and telling her too, then add what I know about her so far, "Then that means you are also dangerous!"

"I am not dangerous!" naturally, the guest protests, not liking the implication

I mean to say, she is... A hazardous element to her surrounding. In this case, to myself. Besides, her protest is the standard response from people who are the chosen trouble-magnet, "We will see about that,"

The guest glares at me, opening her mouth and ready to argue. I'd like to hear what she has to say so I can refute her. Before she gets the chance though, Mom interrupts, "You two, be good,"

Towards me, Mom hints to one of our house's rules, "No fighting allowed," except for physical self-defence. Even then, stop a verbal argument before it turns physical.

Yes, Mother. Finally admitting a truce, I grudgingly review the mission assigned to me, "I just need to take her shopping, right?"

I understand Mom's intention when she stopped us from fighting. The guest doesn't understand anything. When Mom notices she is going to protest, to pick back the fight, Mom reminds her with a sigh, "If I didn't stop you, you two won't be able to get going. Do you want to be late for lunch? Your curry rice might get cold by the time you come back later,"

Thanks to the magic word, the guest suddenly becomes a pacifist. I can't help but shake my head while clicking my tongue at how easy it is to change her mind. I might have said some of my thoughts aloud too. The guest glares at me. Her pacifist nature has been cancelled.

Despite finding our exchanges to be entertaining, Dad still kicks us out. With the parting words, "Don't be late for lunch~" from Mom, we are pushed out from the building which is used to open the restaurant. There is another building, behind the restaurant, which is where we live.

Having been forced to this point, I guess this is really inevitable. Tucking the bag of money from Dad into my pocket, I ask the guest, "What do you want to buy first?"

After thinking about it briefly, she decides on, "Clothes shopping. Can you take me to a casual cloth store..." she trails off suddenly, seemingly hesitant to continue

"And...?" I question and lift an eyebrow in her direction, talking with a tone that is slightly provoking. We don't have the time to dilly-dally if she wants to be back in time for her...curry rice, right.

Motivated, the guest lifts her head defiantly and tells me, "I need to go to underwear store too. In fact, let's go to an underwear store first before buying clothes. Lastly, we are going grocery shopping,"

Ah. So, that's why she hesitated. Seeing as she is still defiantly looking at me, waiting for me to react, I decide to look unconcerned and reply simply, "Underwear shopping first, got it,"

Shopping for underwear shouldn't be something embarrassing to do. It will be awkward for me though, since it's not like I should accompany her going to the store when we are unrelated. Of course, this is still something I can handle, as I only need to point her to the store. I won't refuse her demand after making her say it myself.

I process to walk away, with one particular store in mind, only to realise she is not following me when I reach the gate. I turn to look at her, who has just dejectedly walked to me. I question her, "What's wrong with you?" even though she wants to hurry for her lunch, she is moving so slowly, "Are you a slowpoke too?"

"I am not," she denies, still emitting dejected atmosphere

Not knowing the cause of her dejection, I just remind her to stay alert, "If you aren't, then follow along quickly,"

The guest nods sullenly, "Start walking then. I will follow after you,"

Better than nothing, I guess. It will be troublesome if she gets lost later. Well, it is already troublesome to escort her. Why am I the one assigned to be her guide? Wouldn't it make sense to assign Big sis Fieri or Big sis Aira instead? What exactly do Mom and Dad hope to achieve?

While checking to see whether she is still following me, I see the guest moving her head all around without paying attention to the road. Is this her first time visiting Yin City of Meerschaum Kingdom? Anyway, she should pay attention to avoid danger. See? She doesn't even realise I have raised a finger to bop her nose.

"Are you in your right mind?" I ask seriously, taking my hand back to clean my finger on my shirt

"Of course I am," the guest rebukes, stepping away from me while rubbing her nose. She is also glaring at what I am obviously doing.

"Good," I nod, turning around and continue walking, "You didn't look like you were paying attention," I inform her pointedly

"Then, couldn't you just ask whether I am paying attention instead of asking whether I am in my right mind?" the guest complains, sounding annoyed as she follows me, "It sounds as if you were implying I am crazy or something,"

An opening from the guest herself! How can I allow that to pass without acknowledging it? "Who said I wasn't implying just that?"

There is no verbal response from the guest. There is, however, an attack. As she is standing directly behind me, I never see it coming.

With a perfect execution of a throttling move, the guest furiously demands me to, "Apologies!"

Letting out a scream of surprise, I immediately fight back, "Stop this!"

"Not until you apologise!" the guest demands, tightening her hold on me

"No way!" I deny her demand, unwrapping her arms around my neck slowly but surely. In reality, her strength is not that great. I can still talk back, after all, "I wasn't wrong! You are crazy!"

"I am very sane!" the guest replies furiously, clearly starting to sound strained as she tries to neutralise my opposition, "You are very rude!"

"I will have you know, I am a perfect gentleman!" I reply with something I haven't shown her, so she doesn't know whether it's a lie or a truth, while successfully prying her arms away from my neck. I wasn't wrong on my first impression of her, "You are weak," keeping a hold on her hands so she won't be able to strangle me again, I turn to her to deliver, "If I wasn't taken off guard, you wouldn't have managed to successfully strangle me,"

From her expression, the guest knows it too.

Good to know she is self-aware about this. Showing a little grin, as I do feel happy to be winning something, I drag her along while holding her wrists. When she tries to rearrange the position of her hands in my hold, I allow it. I don't want her to trip and fall while dragging me along. Using the chance to take back her hands? As if I am not expecting that.

With that attempt becoming futile, the guest whispers something I do not catch. Following the whisper, she frees her hands from my hold easily. As I turn to look at her, she gives me a smug expression.

I stop walking to fully face her, "What did you do?"

"Freeing myself," the guest replies lightly, plus a smug smile, "I am not that weak, you know,"

I lift an eyebrow at her claim. Oh, really? The guest stubbornly turns her head away from me and keeps silent. If she doesn't want to tell, fine. I hold out a hand for her to take, which causes her to look on blankly instead. You know, I didn't hold your hands for no reason.

"Do you want to get lost or not?" I question, using my free hand to point at the next street, "It will get crowded over there. It will be better for us to hold hands. I don't want more trouble,"

Despite her understanding, the guest still hesitates. Despite her hesitation, I still take her hand, "You are really slow,"

"I am not," the guest denies reflexively without opposing on what I am doing

I glance at her to make sure she has no trouble following me as we walk again, "I beg to differ,"

"Methinks you have a grudge against me," the guest says, returning to look at Yin City instead of paying attention to the road and the people

Is she trusting me to guide her to safety? While acutely describe what I feel towards her? I want to laugh. I really want to laugh. She proves herself to be what I am afraid her to be! A dangerous individual!

Yes, I do have a little grudge against her for agreeing to whatever my parents say. I am not going to admit it to her though. Besides, the one I should have a grudge with is supposed to be my parents, not her. Unless... The reason she so easily changes her stance is because she collaborates with my parents in hope to marry a using me.

As if Dad and Mom would allow that... Is not something I can say for sure, because they don't really have a problem with Roseli. Neither do my Older Siblings, to be honest. I am the only one who has a problem with Roseli.

Anyway, "Not really, I don't," I deny her accusation with a false claim, as I do feel a little enmity. Next, I bring up something else, "Besides, who use the word methinks nowadays?"

"Me," the guest answers simply with confidence

"Methinks you are a weird girl," I reply, rolling my eyes

"Methinks you are really rude," the guest returns, growling slightly in annoyance

"Methinks you are crazy," I retort, without denying her words. I am being rude to her, I will admit.

"Methinks you better shut your mouth now if you don't want me to smack you," the guest seriously glares at me, discarding a little formality to prove a point of what she thinks

Smack me? Does she dare to do it? I grin with all teeth as I welcome her, "I'd like to see you try,"

"Challenge accepted," the guest replies formally, using the hand I am holding to smack me

I intercept that obvious attack, which is just a distraction, after all. Using her free hand, the guest smacks my forehead loudly. The sound echoes throughout the road, silencing it briefly. My head flies back a little from the force and the shock.

I am uncertain what kind of expression I am showing, but the guest looks very much satisfied with what she has done. To me. With eyewitness.

Honestly speaking, the attack does hurt. The pain doesn't leave an impression though. What impressed me is her audacity to strike Meerschaum Kingdom's own Crown Prince candidate in broad daylight. Twice.

I wonder if I can use this as an excuse to get out from the election. A Prince who is hit by a weak-looking girl in public certainly is unsuitable to be the next King, no?

Nah, nevermind. That probably will only give them a good laugh. Or worse, they might think she is the perfect Queen to keep me motivated.

"I think you damaged my brain," I mutter while hiding a shudder as I inadvertently forget the crowd because of those thoughts

Hearing what I say without knowing what I think, the guest winces with guilt, "Ah... Sorry about that,"

"Sorry won't restore my brain to its previous good condition," I reply quietly, taking a good look at her reaction. The guilt! The guilt is killing her!

Smothering a smirk at how easy it is to decipher her expression, I try my best to seem hurt by her attack, which isn't something I really need to fake. That dull throbbing is quite distracting.

"Should we go look for a doctor or a healer?" the guest suggests hesitantly, trying to rectify her action

"You think they can treat brain injury?" I ask dryly. Being an assistant Healer myself, I know the ones who can treat something serious like that are Mom, me, and several selective people. The common Doctors or Healers would probably be surprised to see me needing treatment, when I can just Draw an Elixir for myself.

As the guest frets over the answer without gaining a conclusion, I declare, "You are useless," without her refuting it. Okay, that settles it. I continue to drag her along to her destination, the underwear store. When the guest inquires about my injury, I assure her, "I am fine. Let's get your shopping done with and separate in our own ways,"

"Are you really fine?" the guest is hesitant to believe me, "Brain injury is no small matter..."

"I will live," I reply dryly, glancing at her, "Or else, I will just hold you responsible for the rest of my life," by having you pay my bills

The guest expressively conveys her answer. I roll my eyes at her. I had that same feeling too, though I hid it rather than showing it for everyone to see, "No need to look so repulsed," regarding my 'injury', "I will have it checked later, so don't worry about it now,"

The guest still feels guilty. Really, what's the point of striking me if she is just going to regret it later? Is she really worried about my health or is worried about herself of the consequence for attacking me? Rather, about what she said before... Doesn't it apply to her too?

"Don't you hate my guts?" I question out loud as I recall that I don't like her for siding with my parents

"I dislike your guts," the guest answers while making a face. She doesn't sound like she is lying. Our feelings are mutual, I see. She continues with, "I don't hate you... Not really,"

I hum as I return the expression she makes. This time, I will be slightly truthful of what I think instead of what I feel, "Same here. I dislike your bipolar personality,"

Am I wrong? Am I right? Either way, we are not going to get along too well, are we?

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