
By XioAxelrod

17.5K 273 23

What started out as random moments between Isak, Even, and their friends post season 3, morphed into a loose... More

Walk This Way
Fair Play
Little Green Monster
Sleepless in Oslo
Oxygen Starved
Perchance to Dream
Stalking 101
Fast Friends
Squad Plus One
No Small Confession
Even's Hands
Sometimes It Just Rains
Thank Yous
The Hows and the Whys
Gratulerer Med Dag, Even (Happy Birthday, Even)
Valentinsdag (Valentine's Day)
Use Your Words
Earning His Wings
Look Before You Leap
I Spy
Taxicab Confessions
Family Matters
Hvem Er Mikael?
The Waiting Game
I Går, I Dag, I Morgen, Alltid

Proof of Heaven

393 8 0
By XioAxelrod

Author's Note: This chapter came about as the result of a drabble challenge. @Bloonstuff asked for #6 on the list: "I just like proving you wrong." This was a tough one. Hope you like it, sweets!

Summary: Even is just so *extra* and Isak is determined to prove it to him. Scene occurs in Isak's bedroom at the Kollektivet.


ISAK: I hate you.

EVEN: [soft laugh] Okay, what have I done now?

ISAK: [turns his phone around] Look at these.

There are photos of Even, candids that Isak has been taking since the Kosegruppa Christmas party. It started out casually enough, but has become something of an obsession.

Even asleep, burrowed under the duvet with nothing but his head exposed.
Even laughing as he spoons muesli into his mouth.
Even frowning in concentration as he works on a new drawing.
Even smiling the smile that he only ever seems to have for Isak.

EVEN: Taking your stalking to a new level?

ISAK: It's fucking unfair.

EVEN: What is?

ISAK: That you look like that in every flipping photo. I don't think you're capable of taking a bad picture.

EVEN: [smiles] Awww, that was sweet.

ISAK: [miffed] No, I'm not being sweet, I'm serious. It's not right.

Isak swipes through his phone to reach another folder, another carousel of Even.

Even sitting in his window doing homework.
Even playing FIFA with Linn.
Even having a quiet heart-to-heart with Magnus in the corner of the living room. (Isak still wants to know what that was all about.)
Even hugging his mom.

ISAK: Every single one. I could take one right now, and you'd look like a fucking GQ model.

Even snorts, then sniffs and grabs a tissue. He's picked up a winter cold, and feels like utter shit. He hasn't showered in at least two days.

EVEN: Not happening. Besides, you're the only one wearing rose-coloured glasses, Issy. See this? [points at his forehead where a mosaic of blemishes has blossomed] I look like I have the measles.

ISAK: No. You don't. You should, but you don't. You look like some cool, London hipster who's ready to walk down a goddamned runway.

EVEN: [gives him an incredulous look] My hair is oily.

ISAK: And yet still perfect.

EVEN: I'm wearing five different colours.

ISAK: Someone would think it was a fashion statement. If you walked out that door right now, you could pick up anyone you wanted in, like, five minutes.

EVEN: [laughs] Geez, babe. You've got it bad.

ISAK: That's beside the point. [gets up] I'll prove it.

Isak leaves the room.

Even's not sure what's gotten into his boyfriend. He isn't sure whether he should be amused or worried.

When Isak returns, he has Eskild with him.

ESKILD: How is the patient?

EVEN: I'm fine. Just a little groggy and tired. But Isak, here, thinks I hung the moon, so that's a booster.

ESKILD: [swoons] You two are adorbs.

ISAK: [rolls his eyes] If you're done, I need you to help us with something.

ESKILD: [grins wickedly] I thought you'd never ask.

EVEN: [laughing] I knew you were kinky.

ISAK: Will you two stop flirting for five minutes? Eskild, do you have your phone?

ESKILD: [scoffs] Of course. It's permanently attached.

ISAK: Good. Take a photo of Even.

ESKILD: [frowns] Of you and Even?

ISAK: [rolls his eyes, huffing] No, of Even. Just Even.

ESKILD: [wrinkles his nose, pointing] Like...that?

EVEN: Hey!

ESKILD: Sorry, sweets, need a hose down.

EVEN: [looks at Isak] THANK you! I've been trying to tell him.

ISAK: Eskild, just take the goddamned picture.

ESKILD: Geez! Fine, grumpy mcgrumperson. [Fishes his phone out and points the camera at Even] Say østebrød.

Even's face is expressionless when Eskild snaps a few pics.

ESKILD: Okay, now what?

ISAK: Look at them.

ESKILD: [frowning] Look at the pics?

ISAK: Yeah.

Eskild does and his eyes go wide.

ESKILD: Hmm...

ISAK: [eyes narrowing] What?

ESKILD: You don't look half bad in these, Even.


Eskild jumps.
Even coughs.

ISAK: [peers over Eskild's shoulder] I told you.

EVEN: Not half-bad doesn't mean runway-ready, Isak. I'm telling you, you're in lurve.

ISAK: Shut it. Eskild, tell him he is incapable of taking a bad photo.

ESKILD: Is that what this is all about? [still looking at his phone] I have to say, young Isak has a point.

ISAK: See?

Even sneezes, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie. It is thoroughly disgusting.

Eskild snaps a few more pics.

ESKILD: Well, I'll be... You know the true test?

ISAK: What?

ESKILD: Grindr.

EVEN: What?!

ESKILD: [grins while fiddling with his phone] I'll just replace my photo with yours, and....there. Done. We'll see how long it takes for [ping!] Okay, not long.

Hey, sexy, I love your hair. Can't wait to see it on my pillow.

ISAK: [peering over Eskild's shoulder] Do those lines really work?

EVEN: What lines? Did you really...?


ESKILD: Oh! Another one.

You are fuck hot. Wanna meet up for some fun?

ESKILD: Well, I think you've won this one, Isak.


ESKILD: [to Even] Jesus. Is this what it's like to be you? So unfair. I don't get this kind of response, and I'm a redhead. And I shower regularly!

ISAK: See? My point exactly.

ESKILD: I think I hate you now. [makes a dramatic exit]

EVEN: [coughing] You're both delusional. Anyone can look good on a cameraphone.

ISAK: [sits on the edge of the bed] It's not just that,'re really...[sighs]

EVEN: What's wrong?

ISAK: I never had confidence issues until I met you. It's hard dating an actual supermodel.

EVEN: [laughs softly] Baby, I love that you like what you see when you look at me. It's mutual, you have to know that by now.

ISAK: Yeah...I guess.

EVEN: Fuck...I don't feel so great. I need to lie down for a while.

ISAK: [getting up] Sure. [tucks Even in] Need anything? Tea?

EVEN: Nah, just some sleep.

ISAK: Okay, I'll be in the other room.

EVEN: [already dozing] Okay...thanks..

Isak stands in the doorway and watches Even sleep. His hair is a riot on the pillow, his nose is red and swollen, and his mouth looks beestung. He doesn't look bad, but he certainly doesn't look great. Isak can't resist. He snaps a photo.

Even looks like a slumbering angel.

ISAK: [whispering to himself] Goddamnit, so unfair. 

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